how does immigration and farming/ranching relate to U.S. westward expansion?


Answer 1

The way that immigration and farming/ranching relate to U.S. westward expansion is that it tells us of the reason why the whites had to move west, they wanted more lands that would cover their economic activities and they also wanted to be able to have more resources.

What is meant by westward expansion?

Towards the 1810s, a considerable push was made in the direction of North America's west coast. The notion in manifest destiny, government enacted Indian Removal Acts, and economic promise all contributed to its escalation. Pioneers used a system of paths that led west to reach Oregon and California.

The Louisiana Purchase was the beginning of the 19th-century movement of settlers into the American West, which was spurred by the Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail, and the notion of "manifest destiny."

The concept of "Manifest Destiny," first used by journalist John O'Sullivan in 1845, served as the impetus for America's westward expansion during the 19th century; this period is frequently referred to as the "Age of Manifest Destiny."

Read more on westward expansion here:


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Why did newspapers report that the USS Maine might have been sunk by the Spanish?


Newspapers report that the USS Maine might have been sunk by the Spanish to increase the circulation and readership.

The Maine, a U.S. Navy ship, sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, sparking the start of the Spanish-American War the following month. American media asserted that the Spanish were to blame for the ship's destruction in an effort to increase circulation.

While the Spanish-American War dominated the media, it also sparked the first media battles in the United States during the golden age of yellow journalism.

Newspaper reports was partly responsible for Americans supporting the war by providing exaggerated news and visuals.

To learn more about Spanish-American War refer here


who participated as a major player in the translantic slave trade



Some of the major players in the slave trade included European nations such as Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Britain, as well as African kingdoms and tribes that captured and sold slaves to European traders. In the Americas, the slave trade was carried out by European colonies, particularly in the Caribbean and South America, as well as the British North American colonies that would eventually become the United States.

What is Thoreau's main message or main idea in other words state Thoreau's purpose for writing this essay?


Henry David Thoreau was a perfectionist when it came to writing. Although he reveled in his intuitive, creative genius, he was a disciplined craftsman who worked hard to revise and refine his material throughout his life.

He drew strength as a writer from an understanding of the inseparability of his life and his art. Thoreau described this unity in his Nothing in composition happens by chance The best you can write will be the best you are. Each sentence is the result of a lengthy probation period. The author's character is read from start to finish." Thoreau hoped that his writing would be a fitting expression of a life lived in accordance with high ideals and aspirations. Spending time in pursuit of spiritual development, of the universal truth that lies behind the particular and the personal, guided by integrity and morality. He worked hard to convey transcendent meaning, the "oracular and fateful," in everything he wrote. closely examined personal experience, broad and deep reading, imagination, originality, a strong vocabulary and a facility for manipulating words and even coining new words to suit his purposes, a sensitivity to symbolic correspondences, and a talent for the figurative simile, metaphor, allegory. He dedicated himself to putting his observations of nature and humanity into words.

To learn more about thoreau's purpose writing here:


what were the delegates differing views of a strong state government


Representatives of the powerful central government believed that a strong central government would endanger the rights of the states.Representatives of the more powerful state governments believed that a powerful central government threatened individual liberty.A common belief among these two classes of delegates was the fear that they would threaten the rights of the people.What is Federalism?

Federalism is a system of government in which her two layers of government rule the same territory. Generally, the overarching central government is responsible for broader administration of the larger region, while smaller subdivisions, states, and cities manage local concerns.

A strong central government can represent its country to other countries. You can also control individual states that do not cooperate with other countries. Federalists also believed that a strong central government could best protect the rights and liberties of individual citizens.

To know more about Federalism, visit:


The complete question is as follows:

The delegates had differing views on how powerful the national government should be.

a. What did delegates for a strong national government believe?

b. What did delegates for stronger state governments (weaker national government) believe?

c. List one belief that these two types of delegates shared.

What type of rhetorical appeal does Jefferson rely on in this passage logos How does he make this appeal by listing facts to prove his case?


Jefferson made use of rhetorical devices like repetition and parallelism to make the reasons why the colonies wanted to break connections with the King and Britain clear. In order to make his statement to the King more understandable, Jefferson used parallelism.

What style of reasoning did Jefferson use in his rhetoric?

By highlighting the earnestness and intellectual rigor of the American cause in the statement, Jefferson gives the impression that it is significant, well-thought-out, and appealing. He uses pathos to draw attention to the shared lineage and blood ties between the British and Americans.

Jefferson employs pathos and logos to provide support. Here are a few illustrations to aid you in making this choice:

1) "He has torched our towns, desecrated our coasts, and taken the lives of our citizens."

2) "Let facts be put before an honest world to prove this."

He supports this claim with a number of facts (those that Britain has accomplished).

Learn more about rhetorical devices:


What is the theme of Animal Farm Chapter 1?


There are three main themes in "Animal Farm" chapter one : Language as power, corruption and revolution and class warfare.

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a political allegory about the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union. The novel centers around a group of animals who live on a farm and overthrow their human farmer in order to create a society based on their own rules.

As the animals strive to create their utopia, they soon realize that some are more equal than others. The themes of Animal Farm include power, corruption, and control. This is a very famous book.

To know more about animal, click here.


why did the spanish monarchs ferdinand and isabella support christopher columbus’s voyage in 1492?



In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabell, the joint monarchs of Spain, agreed to finance Columbus's voyage in return for the gold, spices, and riches that he might find.


Are Anti-Federalists and Democratic-Republicans the same?


The Republicans later evolved from the Antifederalists to become the Democratic-Republicans. The Constitution and the role of government in establishing America were the key points of contention.

What are the Anti-Federalists and Democratic-Republicans ?

Republicans supported close interaction between government and the people, in contrast to federalists who felt that government should have little touch with or influence over the populace. Republicans backed France throughout its war with Britain, whereas Federalists passionately supported the Jay Treaty and gave Britain the advantage in commerce.

The Federalists, who are today's Democrats, favor a more powerful federal government, while the Anti-Federalists, who are quite similar to today's Republicans, favor expanding the powers of the states.

Learn more about Democratic-Republicans here


Identify the description below with the correct term or person from the module


Mass transit - Public transportation built to move many people and ease traffic in crowded cities.

What are the correct terms ?

correct term or person from the module are as follow

Jane Addams - Founded hull house with Ellen gates Starr in 1889

Benevolent societies

Organizations created by immigrants to help each other in times of sickness unemployment, or other troubles

Chinese exclusion Act - Law banning Chinese people from moving to the U.S.

Settlement houses

Neighborhood centers in poor urban areas that affected education, recreation, and social activities

Fredrick law olmstead

Landscape architect who designed New York city's Central Park


Small ships or mills where immigrants worked for long hours in hot, unhealthy conditions .

Learn more about Jane Adams  here


How did the US feel about the Latin American independence movements?


It was acknowledged that Latin American countries were independent. Any attempt by European countries to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a danger to the United States' own peace and safety.

American public opinion tended to support the southern revolutionary movements enthusiastically from the start. Even if there were always doubters, there were also many indications of support.

The campaign of Bolivar was successful. The country proclaimed its independence in 1821, and any last vestiges of Spanish resistance were finally crushed by the decisive victory in the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824.

The United States benefits from virtually duty-free trade with Mexico thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was signed with Canada and Mexico in 1994. Other notable free-trade agreements that the US has ratified since 1994 include those with Chile in 2004, Peru in 2007, and most recently Colombia and Panama in 2011.

To know more about Latin America after independence:


Write a paragraph to analyze the events that shifted US policy on entering the war


The Congress will declare war on Germany Citing specifically the increased submarine policy of Germany as "a war against mankind. It is a fight against every country. He also discussed the Zimmermann Telegram's deceit and German spies operating inside the United States.

What do you mean by the U.S policy?

All measures made by the US federal government are considered to be part of the country's policies. The executive branch is the main body responsible for enacting policies, although those policies are in turn based on a variety of laws, executive orders, and legal precedents.

The battle of the Atlantic, the Atlantic Charter, and the sinking of US ships by German U-boats all pushed the US closer to war.

Protecting the United States, its residents, and allies, ensuring ongoing access to international markets and resources, maintaining a balance of power in the world, and defending democracy and human rights are the four basic goals of American foreign policy.

Therefore, the Congress will declare war on Germany Citing specifically the increased submarine policy of Germany as "a war against mankind. It is a fight against every country. He also discussed the Zimmermann Telegram's deceit and German spies operating inside the United States.

To know more about the U.S policy, visit:


Explain, in detail, one thing that you learned about D-day landing.



The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944 brought together the land, air and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest invasion force in human history. The operation, given the codename overlord, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France.



What type of forces is acting on an object that prevents the object from moving?


Answer: Static friction


Brainliest pls

Have a nice day

Why did Gatsby go to the Plaza Hotel?


Gatsby claims he was keeping watch there to make sure Tom didn't harm Daisy. He admits that Daisy was at the wheel when the automobile hit Myrtle, but he will bear responsibility.

Gatsby sends Nick to check on Daisy since he is still concerned about her.

The Plaza Hotel is located in New York City's Midtown Manhattan district at 768 Fifth Avenue and One Central Park South.

Because of this, it's possible that Fitzgerald chose the Plaza Hotel as the setting for the novel's climactic climax.

However, the Plaza Hotel's significance in the Roaring 20s and how the extravagant lifestyle it portrayed then still remain true now are highlighted by its literary presence in The Great Gatsby.

Learn more about to Great Gatsby visit here;


What were the two causes of the Great crash?



Among the suggested causes of the Great Depression are: the stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.


when a king granted a fief to a vassal, what did the vassal owe the king in return?


In return for providing a fief from a king, a vassal "gave the king a supply of knights in time of war". The correct answer is C.

In England, feudalism shaped how connections between landowners and tenants—referred to as fiefs—were organized in society. The monarch was at the top of the English feudal pyramid, followed by the nobles, knights, and vassals. A tenant would need to be made into a vassal in a formal ceremony before a king could award him land. The ruler and vassal were legally bound by this rite. In return for the fief, the vassals served in the armed forces; in exchange for protection, the peasants worked hard, obtaining some advantage despite their restricted freedom.

This question should be provided with options, which are:

A. He worked the king's lands to produce food for him.B. He provided a number of peasants to work for the king.C. He gave the king a supply of knights in time of war.D. He owed the king nothing but his gratitude.

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about vassal promise here:


What character does Old Major represent?


The character Old Major represents either Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin, while Snowball the pig stands in for the political philosopher Leon Trotsky.

political philosopher, often known as political theory, is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature, authority, and interrelationships of public institutions and agents. It is sometimes referred to as political philosophy. Politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority are some of the topics it covers. It also discusses what laws are, whether they are necessary, what constitutes a legitimate government, what rights and freedoms it should protect, what form it should take, what constitutes the law, and whether or not citizens have any obligations to a legitimate government as well as when a legitimate government may be overthrown, if at all. Although the term political science, or the scientific study of politics, is typically used in the singular, French and Spanish use the plural, which may be a reflection of the eclectic character of the subject.

learn more about political philosopher here


Why was the sinking of the Lusitania so controversial?


Answer: Germany’s response

Explanation: Another reason the sinking of the Lusitania was controversial could be attributed to Germany’s response. After the events of May 7, 1915, the U.S. government expected Germany to admit guilt. Yet this did not happen. Germany, instead, tried to validate its actions.

What is the Roaring 20s known for?


Answer: the Roaring Twenties, a surging economy created an era of mass consumerism, as Jazz-Age flappers flouted Prohibition laws and the Harlem Renaissance redefined arts and culture.

The top country of nationality for refugees seeking entrance to the united states from 2004 to 2006 was __________. A. Italy b. Brazil c. Somalia d. China.





I found the answer on the internet.

Who was the most loyal to Odysseus?


Loyalty is another character quality that the epic emphasizes heavily. Of all, Penelope, who waits devotedly for her husband's homecoming for 20 years, is the most remarkable example of fidelity in the epic.

Particularly, Penelope and Odysseus personify the idea of tenacity. They complement each other well in part because they are both survivors. Odysseus had been gone for twenty years—ten during the Trojan War and ten more while traveling home. Penelope has reportedly resisted the invaders for about four years (2.96), playing one against the other and fending them off with ingenuity, most famously demonstrated by her deceit of weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes, according to Antinous, the most aggressive of the suitors.

Particularly in the section of the epic that describes his wanderings, Odysseus' tenacity is legendary (Books 9-12). He perseveres by using cunning, bravery, strength, and determination. The seven years he spends as Calypso's captive—a predicament he can neither fool nor escape—may be the most trying test of his tenacity and commitment. Odysseus longs for home despite the goddess-allure nymph's of immortality.

To know more about Penelope:


What was Tammany Hall simple definition?


A political group that sought to use bossism and corruption to gain political authority in New York City in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Robert Plunkitt. a corrupt politician who served as the head of Tammany Hall, a corrupt political apparatus in New York City.

Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a political group based in New York City that was established in 1786 and officially organized as the Tammany Society on May 12, 1789.

From the 1790s through the 1960s, it served as the Democratic Party's primary local political machine, heavily influencing politics in New York City and New York State as well as assisting immigrants—most notably the Irish—in ascending to political power.

Learn more about Tammany Hall to visit this link


Humanism was a system of thought that focused on human values, interests, and wellare. It discouraged superstition and promoted rational thinking
Which statement best shows the role of humanism during the Scientific Revolution?
OA Humanism encouraged intellectuals to focus on human accomplishment and potential
OB Humanism encouraged intellectuals to study the role of God in the universe.
OC. Humanism encouraged intellectuals to study the behavior and thoughts of ancient church scholars
OD. Humanism encouraged intellectuals to highlight the needs of the church



A) Humanism encouraged intellectuals to focus on human accomplishment and potential

What happened in Latin America after independence?


High levels of violence, political unpredictability, economic balkanization, and anti-trade policies all hampered economic progress in post-colonial Latin America and Africa and brought state capacity down to levels much lower than those exhibited by colonial regimes.

Latin American nations struggle with the loss of people, property, and cattle. Inadequate infrastructure and the influence of land elites in society were other problems. Even though these countries' constitutions guaranteed equality before the law, there were nevertheless disparities. Regionalism made the new countries weaker. The Catholic Church, powerful military figures, and large landowners dominated Mexican politics.

The campaign of Bolivar was successful. The country proclaimed its independence in 1821, and any last vestiges of Spanish resistance were finally crushed by the decisive victory in the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824.

To know more about Latin America after independence:


How did the term radio originate?
from the electromagnetic rays that the device transmits
from the material used to create the device
from the radial manner in which the signals transmit
from the name of the person who invented the device




euphonious name originates from a type of electromagnetic radiation discovered by the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. Originally, scientists used the prefix radio to indicate radiant or radiation—hence the designation of "radio-activity" for the alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays emitted by decaying atoms.

What really sank the Lusitania?


Answer : On May 7, 1915, the German submarine (U-boat) U-20 torpedoed and sank the Lusitania, a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England. Of the 1,959 men, women, and children on board, 1,195 perished, including 123 Americans.

Which of the following resulted in the doubling of the size of the United States?

a. the Kansas-Nebraska Act
b. the Gadsden Purchase
c. the Louisiana Purchase
d. the Mexican War


Option C is correct. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 resulted in the doubling of the size of the United States.

About Louisiana Purchase

The United States purchased Louisiana from French First Republic in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. The United States supposedly bought the total of 828,000 sq mi (2,140,000 km2), or 530,000,000 acres, in Middle America for fifteen million dollars, or around eighteen dollars per square mile. Towards the exclusion of many other colonial powers, the United States essentially purchased the "preemptive" right to acquire "Indian" territories by treaties or invasion for the bulk of this region, which was mostly under Native American authority.

From 1699 until Spain seized possession of Louisiana in 1762, the area was governed by the Kingdom of France.

To know more about Louisiana Purchase:


Which element of the korean war would most likely suggest that the conflict was a proxy war?.


Answer: The US and Soviet troops in the war engaging in battle

The Korean War's element that would most strongly indicate that the war was a proxy war is "many battles were fought by Chinese and U.S. troops rather than Korean forces." The correct answer is B.

Proxy wars are what are referred to as the Korean War (1950–1953) and the Vietnam War (1955–1975). In a proxy war, rival powers, such as the United States and the Soviet Union, utilize other nations as fronts for their own conflicts. The fact that the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a "proxy war" in a third nation for the first time during the Korean War marked a turning point in the Cold War.

This question should be presented with the options, which are:

A. The South Korean capital of Seoul was repeatedly captured by North and South Korean forces.B. Many battles were fought by Chinese and U.S. troops rather than Korean forces.C. The war resulted in virtually no territory being gained or lost by either side.D. The United Nations became involved in the conflict to protect South Korean territory.

The correct answer is B.

Learn more about Korean War here:


what is anachronism ​


Answer: Anachronism ​is a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned. It is also something or someone not belonging to the correct time period

Explanation: Anachronism ​ is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of people, events, objects, language terms and customs from different time periods.

Why do workers join labor unions?



Workers could advocate for better pay and benefits and better working conditions by banding together in unions. In America, there are millions of union members from various socioeconomic backgrounds. These people are aware that speaking up in unison may help you accomplish more than speaking up alone could.


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