Who is responsible for maintaining diplomatic relation with foreign countries?


Answer 1

The United States has consular and diplomatic missions all over the world. The Secretary of State is in charge of overseeing and coordinating all aspects of American foreign policy, acting at the President's direction.

What is an illustration of diplomatic behavior?

For instance, assist people in listening to all perspectives in an issue and cooperating to develop a workable solution. This not only exhibits your diplomatic skills, but also your capacity to inspire a group of people to collaborate in order to solve an issue.

Why are some individuals so diplomatic?

A kind and approachable individual is more likely to establish a strong social network built on mutual respect and trust. It's among the most important qualities for anyone who wishes to serve as a diplomat.

To know more about diplomatic visit:



Related Questions

What happens if the accused is absent?


It is considered an injustice against natural justice to be found guilty in a trial if the defendant is not present to respond to the charges.

A defendant is who?

In legal proceedings, a defendant is a person or thing that is either the subject of a civil lawsuit seeking some sort of civil redress or the subject of a criminal prosecution for a crime.

Criminal defendants are frequently detained by police, who then utilize an arrest warrant to bring them before a judge. Terminology varies from one Judiciary system to another. Instead, Scots law uses "accused" or "panel" in criminal trials and "defender" in civil processes. Additionally, the word "respondent" is used.

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How many types of courts are there in Pakistan?


According to the stated assertion, There are two types of courts in Pakistan.

Quizlet: What do courts do?

a court's capacity to consider appeals from subordinate courts and either reverse or sustain the judgment. the power of such a court to take up a matter initially, as in the Superior Court's power to consider cases involving two states first. It may designate a lower court to hear such a matter and is not always exclusive.

What are Australia's three courts?

There are three tiers of general jurisdiction courts in every state (apart from Tasmania): the state's Supreme Court, and District Court (referred to as County Court in Victoria), and the Local Court. There is no capital in Tasmania, the Northern Territory, or the Australian Capital Territory.

To know more about courts visit:



What are the 3 main goals of America's foreign policy?


National security is the main focus of American foreign policy. International trade is another significant objective. Promoting world peace is a third objective.

By foreign policy, what do you mean?

Member states utilize their foreign policy to direct their interactions and diplomatic relations with select other nations. While achieving its political and economic objectives on a global scale, a nation's foreign policies serve as a reflection of its ideas and aspirations.

What does foreign policy aim to achieve?

The basic goal of foreign affairs is to employ diplomacy to resolve global issues by talking, meeting, and reaching agreements. They make an effort to avoid confrontations that must be resolved by the use of force.

To know more about foreign policy visit:



Who is considered the most powerful member of the Senate ?


The majority leader is thought to be the party's most powerful senator since he or she represents the party's interests in the Senate as its top representative.

Who is considered to be the senator with the most influence?

The most powerful member of the Senate is the president pro tempore. Senate committee chairs are currently chosen firmly based on seniority and then elected by secret ballot. The Senate limits discussion through practices like the filibuster.

Who has more authority, a senator or a vice president?

The Senate President acts as the chamber's chief presider as well as the leader of the majority party. He or she is often regarded as the most significant member in the legislature. The Senate President follows the President and Vice President in the Constitution's order of precedence.

Learn more about president pro tempore: https://brainly.com/question/8139508


What are the two types of deductibles?


Individual and family deductibles are the two different categories of health insurance deductibles. A health insurance plan may include both of them or only one of them. The family deductible is more complicated than the individual deductible.

What is a Health Insurance deductible?

A health insurance deductible is the sum of money you are responsible for paying out-of-pocket before your insurance provider begins to cover some of your medical costs.

Deductibles are often adjusted at the start of each year because they are normally established annually. Depending on the health plan, if you have family coverage, you can have family deductibles or both individual and family deductibles.

A health plan's coinsurance typically kicks in once you've met your deductible, and the insurance provider begins to contribute to a percentage of your medical expenses.

Learn more about a Health Insurance deductible, from:



What three main strategies does the president have to effectively govern?


Party leadership, rallying public opinion, & administrative techniques are the President's three key toolkits.

What are the president's three options?

If the measure is signed and passed, it becomes a law.

veto the bill, in which case it is returned to an United State House of Representatives together with the president's justifications.

When Congress is not in session, the legislation immediately becomes law within 10 days if nothing is done (pocket veto).

What are the president's four main responsibilities?

The United States has only one President. This one individual must simultaneously perform a variety of roles. The chief of state, chief executive, chief administrator, and chief diplomat are among these roles.

To know more about president visit:



What are the 3 types of cases the Supreme Court hears?


Matters that the Supreme Court hears include the following The Court handles cases when lower courts disregard Supreme Court precedent, when there is a conflict of laws, when there is a matter of significant public concern, and when there is a question of law that needs to be resolved.

Exactly what cases does the Supreme Court hear?The Court typically hears matters that have been determined in either an appropriate U.S. Court of Appeals or the highest Court in a particular state (if the state court decided a Constitutional issue). Its own set of norms are followed by the Supreme Court. In accordance with these regulations, a case must receive the votes of four out of the nine Justices.Matters that the Supreme Court hears include the following The Court handles cases when lower courts disregard Supreme Court precedent, when there is a conflict of laws, when there is a matter of significant public concern, and when there is a question of law that needs to be resolved.        

To learn more about Supreme Court hears refer to:



What was the purpose and function of the Bill of Rights at the time it was included in the Constitution?


Individuals are guaranteed civil rights and privileges under the Bill of Rights, including freedom of speech, of the press, and of religion. All of the powers not granted to the Federal Government are reserved for the people or the States, and it establishes guidelines for due process of law.

Why are bills of rights important?

There are numerous reasons why the Bill of Rights is crucial, but our American freedom is one of the most significant. It defends our rights to free expression, religion, assembly, and the administration of justice. The Bill of Rights is the initial amendment to the Constitution that "We the People" made "in order to build a more perfect union." The original, unamend Constitution established a government with authority in the hands of the people, which was an amazing accomplishment. On top of it, the Bill of Rights was constructed, safeguarding the most prized American freedom. The Bill of Rights gives us the freedom to think what we want, say what we want to say, care about and stand by the people we love, but most importantly, to be ourselves.

To know more about Bills of right visit:



Why does voter turnout matter quizlet?


Voter turnout reflects political power, influence, and involvement. Voting allows people to select their leaders and express their views on problems. While voter turnout may be used to assess political involvement among people, it can also be used to determine if residents are US citizens, registered to vote, or are unable to vote owing to criminal status

It is obvious that who votes and who does not vote has an impact on public policy. The United States must take efforts to ensure inclusive voting in order to have a really thriving democracy. These methods include lowering voting barriers, positive actions to organize potential voters, and enacting greater voting rights laws. The notion that voter participation usually influences elections is not the only one being discreetly debunked by experts in the field.

Voter turnout can be defined as the percentage of people who vote in a given election.This can be a proportion of registered voters, eligible voters, or persons who have reached the age to vote.

We can learn more about voter turnout here:



What is the structure of the Senate?



Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. The number of districts in each state is determined by a state's population. Each state has a minimum of one representative in Congress. The House and Senate have evolved into very different bodies.


How can gerrymandering lead to wasted votes?



This ability to mobilize forces stems from gerrymandering, the long-standing tactic of redrawing voting districts for political advantage, in the fight of politics. Politicians may sway the outcome in their favor and win the war before it ever starts by figuring out who will vote where.


Brainliest pls

What are 4 types of local government structures?


There are four primary kinds of local government- counties, municipalities (cities and town), extraordinary districts, and college districts. Counties are the largest devices of local government, numbering about 8,000 nationwide.

They furnish many of the same offerings furnished by way of cities.

What is the shape of neighborhood government?

Local governments usually consist of two tiers: counties, additionally regarded as boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. In some States, counties are divided into townships.

Units of nearby authorities means counties, municipalities, townships, one-of-a-kind districts, and units, specified as gadgets of local government by means of law, which workout limited governmental powers or powers in admire to restrained governmental subjects, however does not consist of college districts.

Learn more about  local government here:


Are you automatically registered for Selective Service when you turn 18?


According to law, a man must register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. Selective Service accepts late registrations up until a man reaches his 26th birthday.

Exists a requirement for Selective Service?

Selective Service registration is required by law as the first step toward a fair and equitable system that, if approved by the President and Congress, would quickly supply personnel to the Department of Defense while also providing an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors.

How long will you have to serve in the Selective Service?

As a result, the minimum age for the draft was lowered from 19 to 18+12 years and the required military service time was increased to a minimum of eight years. Also, the duration was increased from 21 to 24 months. As long as the candidate was enrolled full-time in a training program or college, the exemption was increased.

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How many judges make a full bench?


A full court consists of 3 or more judges for a court that is typically served over by 1 judge; for a court that typically consists of a bench of 3 judges, such as many appellate courts, a full court consists of a bench of 5 judges.

Who is a judge, exactly?

A judge is a person who is chosen or appointed to preside over court cases. Judges must be fair and make an effort to interpret the law's intent, relevance, and ramifications correctly.

What is the name of the supreme court judge?

The title of a supreme court's presiding judge is Chief Justice. Although it can be used to refer to federal or state chief justices, the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court is most frequently used. Regardless of how long they have been on the bench, chief justice is the court's most senior justice.

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What is wrong with gerrymandering ?


Redrawing congressional district boundaries to give any political party an electoral edge over another is known as gerrymandering, and it is divisive.

How does gerrymandering operate exactly?

The manipulations may involve "cracking," which dilutes the supporters of the opposing party throughout multiple districts, or "packing," which concentrates the followers of the opposing party in one district in order to weaken their support in other districts. Additionally, incumbents can be safeguarded through gerrymandering.

In what ways does gerrymandering squander votes?

The effectiveness gap measurement of gerrymandering, which involves placing voters into electoral boundaries in a way that increases the wasted votes with one political group and decreases it votes cast of the other, is based on wasted votes.

To learn more about gerrymandering visit:



What was the Warren Court most concerned about?


During the Warren Court's tenure, important decisions included declaring segregation policies in public schools Brown v. Board of Education and anti miscegenation laws unconstitutional Loving v. Virginia ruling.

the Constitution protects a general right to privacy Griswold v. Connecticut  and declaring that states are bound by Supreme Court decisions and cannot ignore them. that public schools cannot have official prayer Engel v. Vitale or mandatory Bible readings Abington School District v. Schempp dramatically expanding the scope of the doctrine of incorporation Mapp v. Ohio, Miranda v. Arizona reading an equal protection clause into the Fifth Amendment Bolling v. Sharpr and holding that states may not apportion a chamber of their legislatures in the manner that the United States Senate is apportioned Reynolds Warren was appointed to the Senate on a recess appointment by President Eisenhower , and was confirmed six weeks later by the Senate. Despite his lack of judicial experience, his years as a district attorney in Alameda County and as state attorney general provided him with far more practical knowledge of the law than most other members of the Court. Warren's most valuable asset, which earned him the title "Super Chief" in the eyes of many of his admirers.

To learn more about Warren Court's concerned here:



Why is the role of the president of the country important according to the Constitution?


The critical accountability of the president is to preserve, protect and guard the constitution and the legislation of India as made phase of their oath (Article 60 of Indian constitution).

The president is the typical head of all impartial constitutional entities.

Why is the feature of President so essential for our country?

The President is each the head of nation and head of authorities of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is guilty for the execution and enforcement of the legal guidelines created with the resource of Congress.

Which position of the president is most important?

The most quintessential position of the presi- dent is carrying out the felony suggestions exceeded through Congress. To do this, the president is in charge of 15 cabinet departments and the approximately three million civilians who work for the federal government.

Learn more about role of the president here:


What is the Patriot Act in simple terms?


United States statute known as the Patriot Act gives law enforcement more authority to stop terrorist acts.

What is the Patriot Act in simple terms?

The Us statute known as the Patriot Act gives law enforcement more authority to stop terrorist acts. "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" is the abbreviation for the act, USA PATRIOT.

What does the Patriot Act really do?

The Act made it possible for investigators to gather data when looking into a variety of terrorist-related crimes, including the use of chemical weapons, WMD usage, executing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing.

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What was America's greatest contribution to World War II?


In addition to launching surface and submarine assaults against all of the Axis states, the United States launched two simultaneous bombing campaigns against Germany and Japan.

What did America contribute to World War II that was most notable?

America was the world's leading producer of weapons by 1944, producing more than enough to meet its military requirements. At the same time, the US was delivering desperately needed supplies to its allies in the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Many citizens offered their services to protect the country against invasion or bombing by the enemy.

What did America accomplish best during World War II?

The world's most extraordinary mobilization of an idle economy ever occurred as a result of America's response to World War II. 17 million new civilian jobs were generated during the war, industrial productivity rose by 96%, and corporation profits after taxes more than doubled.

To know more about mobilization, visit:



How did God prove himself to Gideon?


Gideon was then instructed by God to gather some meat and unleavened cakes, which he accomplished and then laid on a rock before God devoured them with fire.

Was Gideon denied a lawyer?

Because counsel could only be provided for a poor person accused with a deadly offense under Florida law, the trial judge rejected Gideon's application for a court-appointed attorney. All relief was rejected by the Florida Supreme Court, which sided with the lower court.

Why is Gideon's choice so crucial?

The right to legal representation for defendants at state and federal courts was established by the Supreme Court's majority decision in favor of Gideon in 1963. After the judgment, Gideon was given a second chance to defend himself and was found not guilty.

To know more about Gideon visit:



What was the purpose of the commission form of government ?


Born out of the U.S. modern reform motion at the turn of the 20th century, the Commission / City Manager system used to be designed to fight corruption and unethical pastime in neighborhood authorities via promoting wonderful management within a transparent, responsive, and accountable structure.

What is the reason of a authorities commission?

In the United States most commissions are charged with the execution or enforcement of statutes. The most important commissions are vested with regulatory powers and are regarded as regulatory businesses (see regulatory agency).

A shape of governance where government and legislative powers live with an elected commission, which hires a professional government to control the day to day operations of government.

Learn more about commission form of government here:


Which entity within the federal government is responsible for managing the military a the National Security Council B?


The responsibility for providing the military forces necessary to maintain national security and prevent violence falls on the Defense Department.

Is Federal ammunition trustworthy?

Federal Premium is a dependable brand of mid-range rifle ammunition. Their unconventional soft lead ammunition for deer hunting results in superior wound openings at a fair price. They are perhaps the main manufacturer of shotgun shells.

What kind of weapon is in Federal Fusion?

According to Federal Premium, this ammunition is classified as "mid-range" and sits between normal and "premium" ammunition. Almost every hunter can benefit from fusion, which is most typically seen in Federal's.223 to 7mm Rem. Mag. calibers.

To know more about federal visit:


What impact did the New Deal have on the role of the federal government ?


It established a huge spectrum of federal government initiatives designed to expand the economy, control the free market, and provide financial aid to the poor. The "Three Rs" are frequently used to sum it up: relief.

The federal government consists of what?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, for President, as well as the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the legislative, executive, the judicial departments of the federal government.

What is the federal government's primary authority?

The authority to levy taxes, control commerce, establish a uniform naturalization law, establish federal judiciary build and sustain a military, and declare war are only a few of the enumerated powers.

To know more about federal government visit:



What is an executive order Why have presidents liked to use this action?


The President, within the position of the head of executive branch, has the authority to issue executive orders that instruct government employees or administrative organizations to do certain actions.

What does the President make?

The Government appropriations bill was amended on May 14 by the House Means Committee on Treasuries, Postal Service, and General Government to include a clause raising the President's pay to $400,000 beginning on January 20, 2001.

How old ought to be the President?

Since the time when Washington was elected president, the legal prerequisites for presidential contenders have remained the same. A candidate for president must be a natural-born citizen, have lived in the country for at least 14 years, and be 35 or older.

To know more about president visit:



What did Wilson want Congress to do in the first years of the war?


On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to send U.S. troops into battle against Germany in World War I. In his address to Congress that day, Wilson lamented it is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war. Four days later, Congress obliged and declared war on Germany.

Wilson want Congress to do in the first years of the war. One hundred years ago, President Woodrow Wilson advised Congress to declare battle on Germany, bringing America into the messy, tragic fighting it had lengthy resisted.

The speech he gave serves as a model of presidential integrity. On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare combat on Germany.

What did President Wilson favor to do about the war?

In the speech, Wilson directly addressed what he perceived as the motives for the world war by using calling for the abolition of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the hobbies of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas.

What did President Wilson favor to achieve with a treaty to stop the war?

Wilson favored to create a gadget that would keep future wars from happening, as nicely as promoting a U.S. imaginative and prescient of democracy and peace. He believed that the fine way to accomplish this purpose was once through the creation of an international corporation called the League of Nations.

Learn more about Wilson's war here:


What are the 3 basic kinds of power?


The ability to enact laws through the legislative branch, implement them through the executive branch, and have them upheld through the judicial branch.

What is the role of the executive?

An executive is often in charge of creating policies and strategies to accomplish organizational goals and oversees operational activities for their business or organization. Executives frequently travel to conferences, meetings, and local, regional, national, and worldwide offices.

What does the term "legislative" in the law mean?

The term "legislation" refers to the process by which a legislative body creates and enacts laws. The words used in the bill to communicate the values, judgments, and intentions of the proposal are important to consider during the legislative process, which involves assessing, modifying, and voting on proposed laws.

To know more about executives visit:



Does Claudius feel guilty Act 3 Scene 1?



Claudius kneels before his private alter and confesses to God that he murdered his brother. He admits that this act is unforgivable but he is unwilling to relinquish his new found power and position. Instead he asks for some divine intervention to soften him so that he can seek forgiveness.


hope this helps :)

mark me brainliest

Why do you think federal judges are appointed to their position for life rather than a specific term like most politicians?


Lifetime appointments are designed to ensure that the justice system is free from political interference and that the court can operate independently of the government.

The point of giving justices a seat on the bench for the rest of their lives (or, more often these days, until they decide to retire) is to protect the nation's high court most from those involved in the Chase impeachment examplified.

Article III states that judges (of the Supreme Court and lower national courts) "shall maintain their duties while behaving in good manners." So technically, a judge can be removed if they do not follow the "good behavior" of the language, but there is no limit to their time. In practice, this means they have their seats for life, unless they are impeached and removed by Congress.

Justices cannot be fired if they make bad decisions, in theory allowing them to focus on policy rather than politics. Justices may be appointed because the president sees them as political or religious, but once they are on the bench, they cannot return, even if their views change. Some data, for example, show that many justices have moved to the left as they age.

For more such questions on Federal Justice:



For what purpose does the government use the taxes it collects from the public?


Collecting taxes from public is fundamental way to generate public revenue allowing country to fund government activities such as public works and services (roads and schools), programs (Social Security and Medicare).

Why is it important to collect taxes from the public?

Taxes are mandatory contributions collected by government agencies (whether local, regional, or national) from individuals or businesses. Tax payments are not just for public goods and services. It is also an important part of the social contract between citizens and businesses. How taxes are collected and how they are spent determines the legitimacy of government.

What happens if taxes are not paid?

HMRC can take further enforcement action if you have not paid your income tax and have not agreed to pay it. Although tax evasion is rarely prosecuted or imprisoned, HMRC can: Auction your belongings, including your car (so-called "confiscation")

To learn more about tariff act visit:



What was one effect of the open door policy quizlet?


A rise in anti-foreign and anti-colonial feelings occurred in China as a result of the Open Door Policy's expansion of foreign influence there.

Describe the Open Door Policy.

The Open Door policy is a set of guiding principles that were established by the United States in 1899 and 1900 to promote Chinese territorial and administrative integrity and to safeguard equitable trading privileges among all nations.

John Hay, the secretary of state for the United States, sent circular notes containing the declaration to Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, and other countries in those countries. For more than 40 years, the Open Door policy served as the cornerstone of American foreign policy in East Asia. It was accepted with virtually unanimous favor in the United States.

Learn more about the Open Door Policy with the help of the given link:



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