Why was fascism opposed to socialism? To democracy? To liberalism? What was the fascist alternative, according to Mussolini? What were the principles and goals of a fascist state?


Answer 1


fascism is a left wing party while socialism is a right wing party and they usually never agree on one thing and from history, they mostly fought it out in wars/street battles. the fascist alternative according with Mussolini was meant to make the nation a strong place while reforming the greatness of said country and Mussolini's Fascism was Imperialistic to go along with reforming the greatness of Italy seen by the annexation of Ethiopia.

Answer 2

Fascism attacked socialism in large part because it disagreed with its emphasis on class conflict and wealth redistribution.

Democracy was rejected by fascism because it was seen as a feeble and ineffectual form of government. Fascist philosophy opposed political pluralism and individual liberties and placed a high emphasis on centralized leadership.

Liberalism's emphasis on individual rights, minimal government intrusion, and free markets was opposed by fascism. Fascists held the opinion that such ideals promoted individualism at the expense of societal cohesion and popular will.

The formation of a totalitarian state that combined authoritarian leadership with corporatist economic principles, according to Benito Mussolini, was the fascist alternative.

The principles and goals of a fascist state included: Authoritarian Leadership; Nationalism; Totalitarianism; Corporatism, Militarism and Expansionism.

Extreme nationalism was encouraged by fascism, which also aimed to preserve and elevate the country's past and culture. The importance of the nation and its unity over personal interests was highlighted.

Learn more about Fascism here:



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Name the organization that was created after World War II to "reaffirm faith in
fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the
equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small"?


The u.n charter is the name of the organization that was created after World War II to "reaffirm faith in
fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the
equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small"?

What caused Russia to withdraw from the war in 1917? *
The entrance of the United States into the war. They made plans to join the Central powers. Civil war and revolution led by the Bolsheviks. The terrorist attacks of the Black Hand.​



they lost


PLEASE HELP!! 2 questions .



1. The Hausa economy has rested on the intensive cultivation of sorghum, corn ,millet, and many other crops grown on rotation principles and utilizing the manure of Fulani cattle. -

you can explain how is it similar..

2. Hausa is the most widely spoken language in west Africa. It is spoken by an estimated 22 million people. Another 17 million people speak Hausa as a second language. The Hausa people are found mainly in northwestern Nigeria

Place the events in the correct order 1,2,3,4, and 5 (I really need help ;-;)



(1) 1860 South Carolina secedes

(2) 1861 Fort Sumter falls

(3) 1863   Emancipation proclamation issued  

(4) April 9, 1865 Robert E. Lee surrenders

(5) April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln assassinated


I think thats it

What is the BEST definition for nullify?
O to make legal
O to make legally void/to cancel
to approve/to ratify
to make equal





it is to make something legally

Hope this helped ;)


Was John Brown a martyr (hero) or a murderer (villain)? Why?



John Brown was a martyr


John Brown became a martyr who seeks to end slavery in America. He was a radical abolitionist. Brown set a group to stop the capture of escaped slaves after the Fugitive Act was passed. Brown found proslavery supporters to make Kansas a free state, he went west to join the cause. He became obsessed with the idea of taking action to help bring justice for enslaved Black people.

can someone pls help me answer one of these questions or two in a 4-5 sentence

if you went to answer one 50 brainly
if you went to answer two 130 brainly

look in the picture because it dosent let me to type it here


I uplоadеd the answеr to a filе hоsting. Herе's link:


Jacks mom is a US citizen and his dad is in the US millitary. His parents are living in Russia when Jack is
born. How does Jack get his citizenship?

A. Through Law of Soil

B. Through a Test

C. Through the Naturalization Process

D. Through Law of Blood



Answer D


In 1901, the economy of Texas changed dramatically because of the

A. Dust Bowl
B. Galveston Hurricane
C. Great Depression
D. Spindletop Gusher


The correct answer is
Galveston Hurricane

what did the 14th amendment do?


this amendment lifted slavery

Brainliest n 20 points to whoever answers this!! Any link or spamm stufff u getting banned and more consequences.. don't mess wit me >:(

Consider the following portion of a Short Answer Question:

Identify and describe an example of 20th century military conflicts on a global scale.

Choose ONE global military conflict and write a 2-3 sentence response that includes at least 3 specific key terms in the explanation/description.



The 20th century was dominated by war and conflict that continually shifted the balance of power around the globe. This pivotal time period saw the emergence of "total wars" like World War I and World War II in which militaries used any means necessary to win—these wars were so massive they encompassed nearly the entire world. Other wars like the Chinese Civil War remained local but still caused the death of millions.

Motives for these wars ranged from expansion disputes to government upsets, even the intentional murder of an entire people. But they all shared one thing: an extraordinary number of deaths. You will notice that in many cases, soldiers were not the only ones dying.nation: The three wars of the 1900s with the highest number of civilian and soldier fatalities were World War II, World War I, and the Russian Civil War, respectively.

World War II

The largest and bloodiest war of the 20th century (and of all time) was World War II. The conflict, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, involved most of the planet. When it was finally over, between 62 and 78 million are estimated to have died.1  Of that enormous group, which represents about 3 percent of the entire world population at the time, the huge majority (over 50 million) were civilians.2  

World War I

World War I was also catastrophic but total casualties are much harder to calculate as deaths were not well documented. Some sources estimate that there were over 10 million military deaths plus civilian casualties, of which there are thought to be even more (so in total, the number of deaths is estimated at 20 million or more).3  Factoring in the deaths caused by the 1918 influenza epidemic, spread by returning soldiers at the end of World War I, this war's death total is much higher. The epidemic alone was responsible for at least 50 million deaths.4  

Russian Civil War

The third bloodiest war of the 20th century was the Russian Civil War. This war caused the death of an estimated 13.5 million people, almost 10% of the population—12 million civilians and 1.5 million soldiers.5  Unlike the two world wars, however, the Russian Civil War did not spread across Europe or beyond. Rather, it was a struggle for power following the Russian Revolution, and it pitted the Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin, against a coalition called the White Army.

Interestingly, the Russian Civil War was over 14 times deadlier than the American Civil War. By comparison, the latter was a much smaller war that resulted in 642,427 Union casualties and 483,026 Confederate casualties.6  However, the American Civil War, which began in 1861 and ended in 1865, was by far the deadliest war in history for the United States. The second deadliest in terms of American soldier fatality was World War II with a grand total of 416,800 military deaths.7  

Other Major Wars and Conflicts of the 20th Century

Many wars, conflicts, revolutions, and genocides shaped the 20th century outside of these top three largest. Take a look at this chronological list of other major wars of the 20th century to see just how much this century was impacted by battle.


First part:

The three wars of the 1900s with the highest number of civilian and soldier fatalities were World War II, World War I, and the Russian Civil War, respectively. These were all armed conflicts between nations or factions within a nation and warfare. Also a state or period of active military operations.

The 20th century was dominated by war and conflict that continually shifted the balance of power around the globe. This pivotal time period saw the emergence of "total wars" like World War I and World War II in which militaries used any means necessary to win—these wars were so massive they encompassed nearly the entire world. Other wars like the Chinese Civil War remained local but still caused the death of millions.

Motives for these wars ranged from expansion disputes to government upsets, even the intentional murder of an entire people. But they all shared one thing: an extraordinary number of deaths. You will notice that in many cases, soldiers were not the only ones dying.nation: The three wars of the 1900s with the highest number of civilian and soldier fatalities were World War II, World War I, and the Russian Civil War, respectively.

!!!!!!need help asp brainliest reward!!!!!

Are the credentials of expert witnesses important? Explain your reasoning.
Does it matter if they have ever given testimony in previous cases? Why or why not


Expert witnesses are important to many cases. They help juniors understand complex and nuanced information, they provide a sense of objectivity and credibility, and they integrate with the legal team to enhance the strength of the entire case.

When did prince Shotoku die


Answer: April 8, 622 AD

Explanation: Hope this helps! :)

how do you say love in latin??



The Latin word for love is "amare"

What was the pattern of population in America between 1820 and 1850?

A.The population on farms increased.

B.The population of both cities and farms increased.

C.The population of cities increased.

D.The population stayed the same, but more people moved to the west.

for 10 points


There are different kinds of patterns. The pattern of Americans between 1820 and 1850 is that the population of cities increased.

In Between 1820 and 1840, the American population was said to have  increased  from 10 million to 17 million.

As the American industry did developed, the quality of American's life was said to have also improved also:

There was high population growth, some small communities were expanded to bigger cities.

Learn more pattern of population  from


Choose all of the events that were part of the European Theatre of battle in World War II.
es )
Battle of Midway
Normandy Invasion
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of El Alamein



Normandy Invasion

Battle of the Bulge



The Normandy Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge all took place in the European Theatre of War. The battles at Midway and Iwo Jima took place in the Pacific, while El Alamein was part of the North African Campaign.


Select the correct answer.
Which type of bank contributes to the national economy by managing accounts and credit lines for both individuals and businesses?
commercial banks
savings banks
credit unions
savings and loan associations



i think that it is A


Does the spread of nuclear weapons make the world safer, or more dangerous?



In my opinion, More dangerous.


I think this because, Yes they very well could stop enemies from attacking the U.S or any Country, But what about the damage it could cause. Just don't start a war -.-  . We already have enough problems like Disease and Global warming.




Because nuclear weapons are so destructive they can be hazardous but because almost every developed country has them the term M.A.D. or Mutally Assured Destruction no country will fire a nuclear missile at the other because they know it would only destroy  each other, but if every country would agree to dismantle all nuclear weapons then it would make the world safer. Nuclear Energy though is a good clean source of energy that should be further explored in more countries.

Identify three reasons why a golden age took place during the mAbbasid Caliphate.



The Abbasid Caliphate is considered the Golden Age of Islam because it was a long period of stability in which centers of trade became wealthy centers of learning and innovation. It had an unbroken line of caliphs for over three centuries, consolidating Islamic rule and cultivating great intellectual and cultural developments in the Middle East in the Golden Age of Islam


positive and negative impacts of the anti-war movement



The anti-war movement is a movement of group or individual usually in opposition or against a particular country or government decision to start a war or being involved in an armed conflicts

The Major positive impact of anti-war movement is that

1) The movement work through protest or other available means either by matching or placard waving to make efforts in making the government to put an end to a particular war or conflicts. This is turn leads to avoidance of casualty which would or maybe recorded in the conflict or war.

2) it makes the government accountable to it citizens

3) it leads to curbing of resources wastage

Some of the negative impart of anti-war is

1) Such movement might be highjacked by the opposition there using the movement for personal ambition or motives which is contrary to the main motive the movement was formed.

2) The protest may leads to violence there causing harm to people and property.


The anti-war movement is an organization or individual that typically opposes or is opposed to a certain nation's or government's choice to start a war or to participate in an armed conflict.

What is the anti-war movement?

By January 1973, U.S. combat operations in Vietnam had come to an end, and the draft had been suspended due to anti-war actions, including widespread resistance to military conscription.

A small but mighty antiwar movement forced American authorities to reevaluate their involvement in the conflict. Leaders of the peace movement opposed the war for ethical and financial reasons. They claimed that the North Vietnamese were engaged in a patriotic conflict to defend their country from outside aggressors.

The Tet Offensive, launched by North Vietnamese communist forces in January 1968 and successful against American and South Vietnamese forces, ignited a most intense phase of antiwar demonstrations and sent shockwaves across the home front.

Thus, The anti-war movement is an organization or individual that typically opposes

For more information about  anti-war movement , click here:



hello i'm new :)





15 percent of Congress member Seaborn’s constituents have reached out to him urging him to support a new bill expanding Medicaid coverage to people who make $20,000 a year. Even though he disagrees with this position on the bill, he does as his constituents wish. He tries to follow his constituents' wishes on every bill, regardless of how many calls he gets.
Which model of representation do his actions embody?

(Choice A)The delegate model

(Choice B) The trustee model

(Choice C) The politico model

(Choice D) The majoritarian model


Answer- A the delegate model

Where was Equiano’s first experience with being enslaved? How did it come about?

2. Summarize: What events led to Equiano’s becoming a part of the antislavery movement?

3. Identifying Central Issues: Why might there have been a stronger antislavery movement in Britain than in the United States in the 1790s?



1. Equiano was kidnapped and sold to slave traders headed to the West Indies.

2. He eventually was able to buy his freedom and make a name for himself.

3. British anti-slavery was one of the most important reform movements of the 19th.


8. How did Texas pay off its debt?
sold land for $0.50 per
started colleges, public
schools, and universities
designated lands for roads,
harbors, and railroads
gave up its claim to 67
million acres of land



I hope that this helps you :)


To do this, Texas became the only state in the Union to retain control of her public lands. ... Texas relinquished 67 million acres in the Compromise of 1850 in exchange for a cash payment that wiped out the debt. Future land sales were earmarked to fund Texas education.

Which excerpt from “The Telephone: A Truer Tale” best supports the purpose of the text?

After all, it has a terrific happy ending in which the hero, Alexander Graham Bell, uses his astonishing new device to transmit the words “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.”
Meucci would not allow himself to become discouraged, however. Instead, he returned to his lab determined to make his talking machine even better. He worked for many more years and did just that.
In 1871, Meucci still lacked investors and was unable to pay the $250 patent fee, so he filed a patent caveat instead. A patent caveat cost only $10 and would not allow anyone else to patent the same idea for one full year.
On June 11, 2002, one hundred and twenty-six years after Bell’s patent was issued, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution recognizing Antonio Meucci as the true inventor of the telephone.



were is the questions bro



Its C


In 1948, where did the United Nations first use peacekeeping forces?
in the Arab-Israeli War
in a rebellion in Haiti
in a civil war in Libya
in the Nazi occupation of France



"in the arab-israeli war"

- Jose <3


arab isreal war


just took test

Please read and answer! Ty



D) The French and Indian War.


The second paragraph starts out with the "Native Americans [playing] an important role... between French and the British in the Northeast [of the Americas]." It then goes on to talk about with individual tribes allied to with European Power. Hence, it is a description of D, the French and Indian War.


What is the difference between change and continuity?


Not all things change over time, some things remain the same for long periods of time, 'Continuity' refers to things that stay the same, relatively unchanged

Could Franklin D. Roosevelt propose a different resolution or was declaring war the best choice?



Well.. ↓↓↓


Franklin only saught war because of Japan. Japan destroyed many of America's naval and battleships. They did this because they had the element of surprise and wanted to conquer territories that could provide important natural resources. He could have chosen another option because of the whole, "violence is not the answer" stuff. Since he choose war, many inoccent people died. More died than if there wasn't gonna be a war in the first place.

I hope this helped.

What effects does drought have on people and the land in East Africa?


Answer I crops:


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