who ever gets this will get a brainlest

Who Ever Gets This Will Get A Brainlest


Answer 1
the answer is: the Bible
Answer 2


Some reformers believed that the only souce of religious authority was the bible, not the Church


Related Questions

True or False
Yellow journalism led many Americans to support the Cuban rebels



Yellow Journalism led many Americans to support the Cuban rebels.

Which of the following was NOT a result of the intense division in Kansas?
Question 1 options:

created the Fugitive Slave Act

two opposing governments formed

violence broke out in Kansas

Senator Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner with his cane
Question 2 (1 point)
How did the Missouri Compromise affect the issue of slavery?
Question 2 options:

it divided the Louisiana purchase into free and slave regions

it outlawed slavery in Louisiana

it abolished slavery

it stated California would enter the Union as a free state
Question 3 (1 point)
Why did many northerners slide the Fugitive Slave Act?
Question 3 options:

too soft on the North



too hard on the South


Question 1 is B and I think Question 2 is C and Question 3 is C


will u be my frd..??

(☉。☉)!→ Answer pls..!

essay Which transition word or phrase would best fit at the beginning of sentence 7? O although O however in conclusion of legislation from ing Rights Act. (2) 1965. (3) It 14th and 15th (4) It made it riminated against e country from ng approval from places that were Dassage of the point in the fight for O specifically​



where is the sentence???


Answer: In conclusion


Just did quiz

Need today! Why did the Siege of Vicksburg affect the balance of power during the Civil War?

A. Several important Confederate generals were killed.

B. Union troops were pushed back across the Ohio River.

C. Severe casualties were inflicted on Union forces.

D. The Confederate territory was divided in half


Answer: D

Explanation:  Cut the South in half.




Take a look a this image.


Vice President
Explanation is right there
the vice president :)

The Greek peninsula is
a. flat.
b. mountains and dry.
c. fertile.
d. often flooded.


I mean the Greek peninsula was also a dry place which had peninsulas and mountains.
But the Greek peninsula was also flooded most of the times too because of its rough climate.
I would say it’s either potion b. Or d.
B is the correct answer

Does the U.S. need tougher gun laws? Include your thoughts on assault weapons bans, ghost guns and red flag laws?


this is debatable. there is so many advantages and disadvantages which makes it hard
This is a answer that is more based upon your opinion and what you believe. Personally I believe that gun laws show still be in place but, there should not be weapon bans. That is taking away your rights as a American citizen. Guns are not just used in harm but, they are used as protection. If gun band were to take place this would cause a huge problem for American because of the strong belief in the second amendment. - this is my opinion may not be yours!!!!

The map shows physical features in and around the Arabian Peninsula.

A Map of the Arabian Peninsula with labels A through G. Locations are in reference to the peninsula. C is a body of water on the west side. D is a larger body of water to the south. F is a body of water on the east side. E is a body of water inland, northeast of the peninsula. A is a body of water inland, east of E. B is a body of water east of A. G is a river on a landmass east of the peninsula.

Which body of water is represented by the letter C on the map?

the Black Sea
the Caspian Sea
the Red Sea
the Arabian Sea



C. The red sea.


The Arabian Peninsula is bounded by the Red Sea on the west and southwest, the Gulf of Aden on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south and southeast, and the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf (also called the Arabian Gulf) on the east.

The body of water is represented by the letter C on the map The red sea.


The Arabian Peninsula is bordered on the west and southwest by the Red Sea, the south by the Gulf of Aden, the southeast by the Arabian Sea, and the east by the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf (also known as the Arabian Gulf).

What distinguishing characteristics of the Arabian Peninsula's physical geography?

Geographically, the Arabian Peninsula's landscape is made up of a sizable central plateau, several deserts, marshy coastlands, and stretches of mountains. The peninsula's centerpiece is the central plateau, which rises to an incredible 2,500 feet in height.

What natural phenomenon dominates the majority of the Arabian Peninsula?

Environment: Desert covers over 75 percent of the Arabian Peninsula. Most of southern Arabia is covered by Rub' al- Khali, often known as the Great Arabian Desert, the biggest sand desert on earth.

To Know more about red sea.



In 200 words describe whether or not you think it is ever okay to kill others for a greater good.



This is a sketchy subject, but to kill is an abomination. One the the ten commandments is to not murder, but,

lets say that you spotted a terrorist, and you have a gun. This man is about to kill thousands of people. Would you shoot? Most people would say yes. How is this any different from a single murder done by a man?

It is actually simple. Defense, you are defending yourself or others, and saving many more souls by killing one. Now, if there is another way to disarm the threat, by all means do so. but if your only option was to kill or let others be killed. The acceptable thing to do, would be, to shoot.

(Warning: This is only 119 words, you may add to it to bump it up to 200)

It’s not good sorryryryry

who ever gets this will get a brainlest


it’s the first one answer






1) we are being put to the test to see whether the country can hold itself together
2) we are at the resting place of many soldiers and this land will be dedicated to their sacrifice
3) we cannot make less if this important landmark because nothing we do will make sure these men know they didnt die in vain
4) no one will remember this speech, but they will remember the war and sacrifices
5) it is up to those who survived that we must lift up and finish what was started
6) we must finish the war so that those who died did not die in vain
7) we are all equal under God and cannot let the people's government fail

What was the most important reason city residents lost their jobs and suffered from the Great Depression?

Manufacturing slowed, so port cities shipped fewer goods.
There was no money to keep the city’s infrastructure in repair.
Though demand was high, the lack of materials brought manufacturing to a halt.
Though demand was high, the lack of materials meant buildings were unfinished.



There was no money to keep the city’s infrastructure in repair.





What was the difference between how the upper class (wealthy) and poor viewed the Bank of the United States? Give detail and specifics.



the difference is that the wealthy viewed them as a great company while the poor viewed it badly


Most countries of the Middle East have only existed for ______________to___________ years because of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

A) 100 to 200

B) 500 to 1,000

C) 50 to 100

D) 10 to 100


100-200 years!!!!!!!

Answer: I believe it's B


can someone plz make at least 1 paraghragh about Why were these figures important to the Civil Rights Movement?
These Civil Rights Leaders were important because.....


Answer: the civil rights movement leaders were important because they impacted the whole world, and it continues today.



These civil rights leaders were important because without  Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, W.E.B. Du Bois and Malcolm X African Americans wouldn't be free now. Without them black and white kids and elders wouldn't be friends or share the same bathroom. But one of the most important facts is without them there wouldn't be a Civil rights movement. (Sorry you gotta figure out the last sentance then your done)  


In which area of Canada is the population?






I think it’s lowlands but I’m not certain

The ______ was over the daimyo and in feudalistic Japanese culture.

a. emperor
b. horseman
c. Shinto
d. samurai
e. Orient
f. camel
g. shogun





i think it shogun sorry if im wrong

How was ancient India society grouped?


There were four different classes, and a separate group called the "Untouchables" below the classes.

There were four main groups, called varnas. The Brahmins (BRAH-muhns) were priests and were the highest ranking varna. The Kshatriyas (KSHA-tree-uhs) were rulers or warriors. The Vaisyas (VYSH-yuhs) were commoners, including farmers, craftspeople, and traders.

Why did the Forty-Niners come to California?



to get to the other side



Missions and indigenous villages are commonly investigated contexts for indigenous responses to Spanish colonialism in the American Southwest. In early colonial New Mexico, colonists’ households were also a venue for interaction and exchange of information between Pueblos and Spanish. Using the concept of hybridity, I explore seventeenth-century Spanish ranches in northern New Mexico for the interactions between Spanish colonists and Pueblo wives, servants, slaves, and laborers. The architecture, foodways, and artifacts show an interplay between Pueblo and Spanish ways of making do suggesting that Pueblo peoples contributed in substantial ways to the nature of these households.

Who proposed the coin system for currency in the 1780s?


Robert Morris

The 1783 Nova Constellantio coins were proposed under a system at a new mint planned by Robert Morris, then the nation's Superintendent of Finances.
Robert Morris
Hope this helps you

Who was the Confederacy’s primary trading partner during the Civil War?


The Confederacy’s primary trading partner was England. They traded cotton bails

Select ALL the correct answers.

What are two ways that the legislative branch provides a check on the judicial branch?

A. The Senate must confirm Supreme Court justices.
B. Congress can decrease the salary of Supreme Court justices.
C. Congress can pass amendments to the Constitution.
D. The Senate can nominate justices as they see fit.





B- that would lead to blackmail and judiciary is not prone to that by it's nature is meant to be objective

D- The president does that

Hey there!
The answers to this are B and A
Hope u have a nice day bye

In 200 words describe whether or not you think it is ever okay to kill others for a greater good.






Think about ways in which the adults you know participate in our government. Write a 75- to 100-word paragraph explaining ways in which US citizens contribute to the well-being of this country.


Answer: Ok so here this is a more longer version of my answer.

Explanation:The Founders believed that the main purpose of government was to protect people's basic rights. Almost all citizens have the right to participate in governing our nation. They may choose among many different ways of doing this.

Ways citizens can participate:

•looking for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials and judging its accuracy

•voting in local, state, and national elections

participating in a political discussion

•trying to persuade someone to vote a certain way

•signing a petition

•wearing a button or putting a sticker on the car

•writing letters to elected representatives

•contributing money to a party or candidate

•attending meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support

•campaigning for a candidate

•lobbying for laws that are of special interest

•demonstrating through marches, boycotts, sit-ins, or other forms of protest

•serving as a juror

•running for office

•holding public office

•serving the country through military or other service

•disobeying laws and taking the consequences to demonstrate that a law or policy is unjust

Should citizens participate?

Many citizens do not participate in our government. They don't vote or participate in most of the other ways you have just discussed. However, some people believe that citizens have a responsibility to participate.

Deciding whether to participate and how much time to spend participating is important.

An alien is a person who is not a citizen. Many aliens can become citizens by following certain rules and procedures.

Many citizens do not participate in our government. They don't vote or participate in most of the other ways you have just discussed. However, some people believe that citizens have a responsibility to participate.

An example may help. Imagine that you have hired a company to repair your bicycle. Before you hired them, you would want to be sure they could repair bicycles. Then you would want to make sure that they did what you had hired them to do. Suppose the company did a good job. Then you would not worry about checking on them if your sister's bicycle needed repairs a few weeks later.

The same is true with the government. We should be sure the people we "hire" (elect) can do the job we are hiring them for. Once they get the job, we should keep an eye on them to make sure they are doing that job. If they do a good job, we may not watch them as closely. If they do a bad job, we may watch them very closely and may even decide to replace them.

Participation in government is in our own self-interest. The amount of time we spend participating will probably depend on how well we think our elected officials are doing. If everything is going well, we will spend less time than if we are concerned that someone is violating our rights. If we are pleased with the government, we may vote and do little else. If we are dissatisfied, however, we will probably take other types of action.

PLEASE HELP and don't put N/A



Hello my name is Chase I hope your having a good day. Here's my Answer

Items that are used as money often have little value in and of themselves. For example, the paper used to print money is not particularly valuable. Money has value because it is an exchange medium that people understand and accept as such. When everyone accepts that a bill or a coin has value, people can use it as a form of payment to purchase goods or services. Before money existed, people used other systems to perform exchanges.

Bartering involves a direct trade for goods and services. Although some aspects of this transaction are similar to the exchange of money, bartering required time as people hammered out the terms of the deal. Utilizing money as the medium for trade simplified transactions significantly. Trade and barter were precursors to the monetary system used in today's society. Although trade and barter may seem almost archaic, they were the business solutions for people who lived before the convenience of credit card processing.



hi, ok so bartering is trading goods for goods. now a day we take money as a form of goods. by trading money for a substance or object, we are bartering w money

can someone lend a hand :D



for one: the proximate cause of the uprising was the murder of two german missionaries of the society of the divine word, richard henle and francis xavier nies,in Shandong in November 1897 by local villagers


I need help with this multiple choice question thing



1. Was found in New England (Massachusetts)

2. Mostly female workers

3. Workers lived and worker in the same general location

4. Strict Moral Codes

5. Lowell System faded from the use beginning in the 1830s


She is correct!!! Yes

giving me this answer will prevent me from getting hit. sooo YEAH ILL GIVE u brainiest too


Answer:A or b


The Emancipation Proclamation

True or False. Martial Arts were originally used for survival and warfare.





The techniques were created out of the need for survival between humanity and animals, and between different tribes of humans. Even over the years, the martial techniques developed became a part of Asian culture.

True!!! Hope this helps!!! Trust me i do martial arts!!!
Other Questions
The work done is a vector quantity and SI base unit is J The points (0, 3), (4, 0), (9, 0), (0, 11), and (14, 0) are plotted on the graph. On a coordinate plane, points (0, 3), (4, 0), (9, 0), (0, 11), and (14, 0) are plotted. Which points are located on the y-axis? Check all that apply. (0, 3) (4, 0) (9, 0) (0, 11) (14, 0) Jayden went to the shop and bought and orange juice for $150 and a bun for $90 . He told the shopkeeper he didnt want any coins below $10.00 nor did he want any one hundred dollar notes. Jaydens Change included? The Soviet structure of power is committed to the perfection of the dictatorship and to maintaining the concept that Russia is in a state of siege, with an enemy that lies just beyond the walls. This mentality has profound implications for Russias international conduct. Moscow assumes that the aims of the capitalist world are antagonistic to the Soviet regime. However, the Kremlin is under no compulsion to accomplish its goal of spreading its influence in a hurry. If it finds unassailable barriers in its path, it accepts them and accommodates itself to them. There is no trace of any feeling in Soviet psychology that that goal must be reached at any given time.In these circumstances it is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of patient and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Soviet economic development, while it can list certain formidable achievements, has been precariously spotty and uneven. It is difficult to see how the deficiencies of the Soviet economic system can be corrected by a tired and dispirited population working largely under the shadow of fear and compulsion. And as long as they are not overcome, Russia will remain an economically vulnerable and impotent nation, capable of exporting its ideological enthusiasm but unable to export real evidence of material power and prosperity. Indeed, it is the strong belief of this writer that Soviet power bears within it the seeds of its own decay, and that the sprouting of these seeds is well advanced.George F. Kennan, United States diplomat to the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1946, article submitted anonymously to an academic journal devoted to the conduct of foreign policy, published in Washington, D.C., 1947Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage?A. To influence Soviet government officials to adopt economic policies that would harm the Soviet UnionB. To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major warC. To convince world leaders to unite in order to stop the evils of communismD. To convince Soviet citizens that the United States meant them no harm in the hopes of creating a sustainable peace Find an expression in its simplest form for the perimeter of this shape fill in the blank. El viernes por la noche micaela y yo ____ una pelcula Can you edit this before I turn it in, pleaseThere are only three of us left. The only three left alive in the world that has been robbed of its beauty by the people it supports. Is there even a reason to live anymore? Three small kids can't save an entire planet that has been stripped of all that is necessary for life. I will just lie here and die. Select the correct answer.Which statement expresses why the author most likely includes the last sentence in the passage?.To characterize Clarence as an extremely shy person who avoids most interaction..To foreshadow that Clarence will in fact run into one of the women in the house..To show that Clarence is relieved that he will not have to confront Don Mariano.ODTo slow down the pace of the narrative by revealing Clarence's internal monologue. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is under the following Department: _____. A. Department of Commerce B. Department of Treasury C. Department of State D. Department of the Interior PLEASE HELP !! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST *EXTRA 40 POINTS* DONT SKIP :(( .! What is the measure of ABC? David Pharma and Albritton Electronics have invested together to create a new (third) organization with 50%/50% ownership, to focus on developing diagnostic devices in Flagstaff, AZ. Through this new firm, both companies are attempting to combine their core competencies to innovate and reduce their risks associated with transaction-specific investments. The new firm operates independent of David Pharma and Albritton Electronics. Which of the following market entry (i.e., growth) strategies does this scenario best illustrate?A. a joint venture B. a franchiseeC. a licensing contract D. a corporate acquisition Newsela article Butterflies use jet propulsion for quick getaways "Poetry and music are very good friends. Like peanut butter and jelly, strawberries, and cream. They go together."What do you think the quote means in your own words? PLS HELP!!! Find x M 13 P 18 R .02 40 42.07 4.22 Do juvenile killers deserve life behind bars Part b:which phrase from the text best supports the answer to part a:Aas a moral matter Ba possibility that someone will rehabilitate themselves Cthen they just deserve a very severe sentence Donly 18 states have imposed life without parole on a 14 What is the purpose of a body paragraphs topic sentence? A.To let the reader know what the entire essay will be aboutB.To hook the readerC.To clearly state the main idea of the paragraphD.To answer the "so what" question Hi I just need the sum for this :) (Sum is the answer)4(2x + 3) 5y = ? Storm Tools has formed a new business unit to produce battery-powered drills. The business unit was formed by the transfer of selected assets and obligations from the parent company. The unit's initial balance sheet on January 1 contained cash ($500,000), plant and equipment ($2,500,000), notes payable to the parent ($1,000,000), and residual equity ($2,000,000).The business unit is expected to repay the note at $50,000 per month, plus all accrued interest at 1/2% per month. Payments are made on the last day of each month.The unit is scheduled to produce 25,000 drills during January, with an increase of 2,500 units per month for the next three months. Each drill requires $40 of raw materials. Raw materials are purchased on account, and paid in the month following the month of purchase. The plant manager has established a goal to end each month with raw materials on hand, sufficient to meet 25% of the following month's planned production.The unit expects to sell 20,000 drills in January; 25,000 in February, 25,000 in March, and 30,000 per month thereafter. The selling price is $100 per drill. Half of the drills will be sold for cash through a website. The others will be sold to retailers on account, who pay 40% in the month of purchase, and 60% in the following month. Uncollectible accounts are not material. Each drill requires 20 minutes of direct labor to assemble. Labor rates are $24 per hour. Variable factory overhead is applied at $9 per direct labor hour. The fixed factory overhead is $25,000 per month; 60% of this amount is related to depreciation of plant and equipment. With the exception of depreciation, all overhead is funded as incurred.Selling, general, and administrative costs are funded in cash as incurred, and consist of fixed components (salaries, $100,000; office, $40,000; and advertising, $75,000) and variable components (15% of sales). Prepare a monthly comprehensive budget plan for Storm's new business unit for January through March. The plan should include the (a) sales and cash collections budget, (b) production budget, (c) direct materials purchases and payments budget, (d) direct labor budget, (e) factory overhead budget, (f) ending finished goods budget (assume total factory overhead is applied to production at the rate of $11.73 per direct labor hour), (g) SG&A budget, and (h) cash budget.STORM TOOLSSales BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchExpected Cash Collections From SalesSTORM TOOLSProduction BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchSTORM TOOLSDirect Materials BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchExpected Cash Payments for Materials PurchasesSTORM TOOLSDirect Labor BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchSTORM TOOLSFactory Overhead BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchSTORM TOOLSEnding Finished Goods Inventory31-MarUnitsPer Unit CostPer Unit TotalSTORM TOOLSSelling, General, and Administrative BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchSTORM TOOLSCash BudgetFor the Three Months January to MarchJanuaryFebruaryMarchBeginning cash balancePlus: Customer receiptsAvailable cashLess disbursements: Direct materials Direct labor Factory overhead SG&ATotal disbursementsCash surplus/(deficit)Financing: Planned repayment Interest on note (1/2% of unpaid balance)Ending cash balance Please solve the question in the picture below.