Which of the following would be an example of a tariff?​

Which Of The Following Would Be An Example Of A Tariff?


Answer 1

Parts of mass produced products became interchangeable was true about American Industrial Revolution. Hence option (D) is the answer.

How significant was the American Industrial Revolution?

Beginning in the 1870s and lasting through World War II, the American Industrial Revolution, sometimes known as the Second Industrial Revolution, was a global phenomenon. During this time, new forms of transportation including steamships, the automobile, and airplanes were developed. Agriculture and manufacturing were also mechanized.

The cities provided the working class with new jobs. The United States shift from a rural to an urban society was thus sparked by the Industrial Revolution. Many immigrants from Europe, as well as young people raised on farms, relocated to the cities because they perceived larger opportunities there.

A tariff is a tax that the government imposes on the goods and services that are imported from other nations. The telephone would be replaced by the telegraph is an example of a tariff.

To learn more about American Industrial Revolution, visit:



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Explain Guerilla Warfare and how it was important to the battle for independence.



the British out numbered the u.s. by alot. during this time during battle people would Line fire but we didn't have enough people to do that so we used the element of surprise to win



Fighting as a guerrilla was attractive: it would allow men more freedom than they would enjoy in the regular army, and most importantly, would allow them to remain at home to defend their families and communities. Several different kinds of guerrillas emerged during the Civil War.

Which of Reagan's Supreme Court nominccs was rejected?
a. Robert Bork
b. Sandra Day O'Connor
William Rehnquist
d. Antonin Scalia


The senate rejected Robert Bork
A is correct Because

How could the abolition movements have caused the civil war?



the north and south were divided over slavery and the abolition movement further separated them

How did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles?

He sent troops into the Rhineland
He created the Anschluss (Austria and Germany united)
He built up the military
He started building war materials
All of the Above



He sent troops into the Rhineland


Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles by moving 22,000 troops into the Rhineland demilitarised zone.

Hope it helps have an wonderful rest of the day!

Which event contributed most directly to the information
presented above?

O the terrorist attacks of 9/11
O the fall of the Berlin Wall
O the invasion of Iraq
O Israel's withdrawal from Gaza



The terrorist attacks of 9/11 as it was conducted by a group present in Afghanistan

The correct answer option is A . Event contributed most directly to the information the graph shows US involvement in Afganisthan from 2001 to 2011 after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

What did Osama do?

Usama bin Laden, another name for Osama bin Laden, was a murderous mass killer and ruthless terrorist who utilized bombings and others to further his extremist objectives.

Over 6,000 individuals were hurt during the September 11 attacks, which resulted in 2,977 fatalities and 19 murder by extremists. 2,753 of the 2,977 fatal fatalities died in the World Trade Center and its surroundings, 184 died at the Pentagon, and 40 died in Pennsylvania.

Learn more about Terrorist attacks here:



John James Audubon published the volumes of Birds of America over an 11 year period, beginning in 1827.
Audubon's Birds of America was popular because it reflected the era's -



The birds of America.



Summarize the independence movement in 5 words or less​



coup d'état to form an anti-communist, single-party state.


What are the results of the fall of the soviet union?



Gorbachev’s loosening of governmental power created a domino effect in which Eastern European alliances began to crumble, inspiring countries such as Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia to declare their independence.


hope this helps :)

Which means almost the same as equality?



'=' (equal to). This sign is the same as equality

Can you identify the name of the treaty the officially ended World War 1?
a) The Treaty of Germany
b) The Treaty of Versailles
c) The Treaty of the League of Nations
d) The Treaty that ended World War



B. The Treaty of Versailles


Hope this helped you!!

(p.s. I'm sorry if wrong, but I'm like 98% sure it's right)

i’m pretty sure it’s B

The WTO is an international organization that settles tariff (trade tax) disputes among
O True
O False





Andrew Jackson demonstrated a disregard for the Constitution when he?



When he usurped Congress' power to declare war by declaring war on the Cherokee Indians.


When people are free to work wherever they wish and to buy, sell, and produce whatever they want, it is known as ___________ __________.



Free enterprise.


An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Hence, a region's or country's economy is largely dependent on how resources are being allocated and utilized, how many goods and services are to be produced, what should be produced, for whom they are to be produced for and how much money are to be spent by the consumers to acquire these goods and services.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Command economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Free market economy (enterprise).

A free-enterprise system also referred to as capitalism or free market can be defined as a type of economy in which prices, products and services are being determined by the market rather than the government. Thus, a free-enterprise system is devoid (free) of government regulations, interference or control because the market (enterprises) are the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of determining the market forces.

Simply stated, a free-enterprise system is a type of economy that is completely driven by demand and supply of goods and services.

The four (4) main elements or characteristics of a free enterprise system includes the following;

a. Profit: businesses are all out to generate revenue and profit through the sales of finished goods.

b. Economic freedom: means of production of goods and services are controlled by the people rather than the government. Thus, the producers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on how much is to be charged on a product.

c. Private ownership of properties: the various factors of production are owned and allocated by the people. Thus, citizens have rights to the ownership and use of private property.

d. Competition: there are many buyers and sellers of homogeneous products, as well as free entry and exit in the market. Thus, consumers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on which product to buy, which goods interest them, where to shop for goods, etc.

Explain two ways democracy was redefined and expanded under Andrew Jackson’s administration.



Expanded suffrage – The Jacksonians believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage and by 1856 all requirements to own property and nearly all requirements to pay taxes had been dropped.


What Country was Changed by World War 2?



Germany was changed by world War r

Germany. The country had over 3 million military deaths.

Which of the following best completes the diagram above?
A. Warren Commission Report
B. Wisconsin v. Yoder
C. Alcatraz Occupation
D. Twenty-sixth Amendment


Answer: D. Twenty-sixth Amendment


The Vietnam war brought with it the military draft where young men between the ages of 18 and 21 were conscripted into the U.S. Army.

Proponents of lowering the voting age from 21 to 18, seized on this requirement by the army to say that if a person could go to war at the age of 18, they should be able to vote at the same age.

Congress therefore passed a Bill that lowered the federal voting age to 18 and proposed the Twenty-Sixth Amendment when the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not force States to abide by the federal voting age.

What was the importance of the Supreme Court case of Wisconsin v. Yoder ?



Yoder, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 15, 1972, ruled (7–0) that Wisconsin's compulsory school attendance law was unconstitutional as applied to the Amish (primarily members of the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church), because it violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.


Yoder, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 15, 1972, ruled (7–0) that Wisconsin's compulsory school attendance law was unconstitutional as applied to the Amish (primarily members of the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church), because it violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.

how would the killing of the kulaks help promote Lenin's revolution?



Lenin’s hanging order against the kulaks was sent to commissars in Penza, about 300 miles south-east of Moscow, in August 1918: “(Send this to Penza – to Comrades Kuraev, Bosh, Minkin and other Penza communists.) Comrades!


The Antifederalists supported the Constitution and felt that the U.S. needed a strong central government.





the answer to your question is false

The answer to the question is false

How did population density and disease contribute to European colonization in the Americas?



I searched it up, I hope it helps.

The introduction of illness was perhaps the single most significant effect of European colonization on the ecosystem in North America. Deaths were caused by microbes to which the native population lacked immunity.

What do you mean by ecosystem?

An ecosystem can be divided into its biotic constituents, which include all of its living members, and its abiotic constituents, which include minerals, the environment, soil, water, sunshine, and all other nonliving elements.

The movement of energy through the ecosystem and the cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem are the two main forces that bind these components together.

Ecosystems come in a variety of sizes; some can fit inside a single water droplet, while others can cover entire landscapes and countries. Radiant energy from the Sun is the primary source of energy in practically all ecosystems.

The ecosystem's autotrophic, or self-sustaining, creatures utilise the energy of sunshine. These organisms, which are primarily made up of green vegetation, are able to perform photosynthesis, or the use of sunlight's energy to change carbon dioxide and water into simple, energizing carbohydrates.

Learn more about ecosystem, here



The victims of holocaust included
A. European jews
B. Homosexuals
C. Political prisoner against the Nazis
D. All of the above


I say d all of the above

Develop an argument that explains the extent to which the ways the United States and the
Soviet Union sought to maintain influence over the course of the Cold War were similar or





We could see the US and the USSR being quite the opposite of each other, one was a democracy and the other was a totalitarian regime, and mainly one was communist and the other was capitalist. The US had NATO and the Soviet Union had the Warsaw Pact, and the members of each of these alliances were nothing more than puppet states, and that's one way they exerted influence over the whole European continent. Another was also through proxy wars, a proxy war is when two great powers indirectly fight in a foreign nation's war (usually a civil war). Let's use the Korean was as an example of a proxy war, the North Koreans were supported by the Soviets and Chinse, and South Korea was supported by the whole of the league of nations (mainly Americans). Thus, we could see how the post world war 2 era separated the two worlds from Communist and Capitalism, and obviously both sides tried to spread their ideology as much as they can during the whole of the Cold War.

Why is junk food bad for us and should have it tax


Junk food is bad for us because it is not healthy. Foods that are healthy are like fruits and vegetables.


you want have that long to live my guy and yes you should have tax thing want be right i hope this helps


Whose responsibility is it to "interpret
and verify" that new laws are
A)Legislative branch
B)Executive Branch
C)Judicial Branch
D)The People



C) Judicial Branch.


Regardless if it is a new law or an old law, the Judicial Branch interprets the law based on the current environment to decipher whether or not the law should be applied. If the Judicial Branch deems that the law actually is illegitimate and unconstitutional, it can then be thrown out.


In which area(s) did American Indians use bison hides to create art?

the southeast
the northeast
the Great Plains
all areas



the great plains :)


the great plains


In the House of Representatives, will the number of
Representatives be based on population (larger states get more
representatives) or will it be an equal number for all states?


Article I, Section II of the Constitution says that each state shall have at least one U.S. Representative, while the total size of a state's delegation to the House depends on its population.

How does President Truman propose we should help those countries?



In his 1949 State of the Union address to Congress on January 5, 1949, Truman stated that "Every segment of our population, and every individual, has a right to expect from his government a fair deal." Amongst the proposed measures included federal aid to education, a large tax cut for low-income earners.

Do you think it is important for businesses and the government to work to protect the environment? Why or why not?



yes because otherwise{ the earth would polluated with trashw


1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statements best
describe the central ideas of the text?
A Nicholas II was not a man suited to become the czar,
nor did he want this power.
B While the people thought of the czar almost like a
god, Nicholas Il considered himself more like an
instrument of the people's will.
O C Had the Japanese not attacked Port Arthur, Russia
would have likely won the Russo-Japanese War
quickly and easily.
D The strange holy man Rasputin single-handedly
proved to the be the fall of the House of the
E The Romanovs' obliviousness to Russian poverty
and suffering, combined with a number of bloody
tragedies, contributed to their unpopularity.
F The Bolsheviks were reluctant to permanently
remove the Romanovs, considering their very new
grasp on power and the people's love for the royals.


E, O would be the answer I think