Which of the following was a result of World War I in Russia?
A. Food shortage
B. Population increase
C. Abundance of food


Answer 1

I won't give the answer because I think its too much responsibility for me but I can help

first population increase won't really be the answer its a war people are getting killed how would the population increase so B isn't the answer

for C. Abundance of food the word Abundance is very large quantity in this choice they're saying that they have soo much food which is incorrect there were probably bombs a and stuff

so A should be the correct answer

I explained everything so u should know which choice to pick especially since u know ur lessons better than I do

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What is one natural resource that all southern European countries produce in large amounts?

Precious metals

Oil and natural gas

Hydroelectric energy



One natural resource that all southern European countries produce in large amounts is hydroelectric energy. This is best represented by option C.

Southern European countries include Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and many other countries. Because of their proximity to mountainous locations and the Mediterranean Sea, an abundance of water is offered which influences the potential of hydroelectric energy generation.

What is the meaning of Natal Day?


In the context of the day of birth, 'natal day' is a synonym for 'birthday'. The terms 'natal day' and 'birthday' are used interchangeably. The date of a person's birth.

Birthday can refer to both the particular day of a baby's birth and the yearly commemoration of that day in the years that follow. Sometimes people remark about the birthday of a country, an organization, or even a building: "Next year marks the art museum's fiftieth anniversary." The Old English byrddaeg initially referred to the celebration of the birth of a monarch or saint, but it was later expanded to encompass everyone. Your birthday is the day you were born! It's the yearly commemoration of the day you were born. Although not everyone celebrates, a birthday is an excellent occasion to have a party and eat cake.

learn more about Birthday  here:



Who killed Piggy in Lord of the Flies?


Piggy, the character least able to understand the savage impulse, is killed by Roger, the character least able to understand the civilizing impulse, as he releases the boulder and crushes the conch shell.

Who is piggy in the files?

After killing a sow, Jack and his hunters decide to leave the beast a sacrifice. Once the pig's head has been amputated, Jack instructs Roger to "sharpen a stick at both ends." Jack declares, "This head is for the beast," as he mounts the head on a pole. It's a present,' The pig's head, which Simon has called the "Lord of the Flies," is still at the summit of the mountain. Simon is certain that the pig's head is speaking to him and referring to him as a simpleton. Simon is advised by The Lord of the Flies to leave and play with the other kids because they think he is insane.

To know more about piggy visit:



How did Gran Britain get control of India from the French?


As a result of the Indian French War, Great Britain seized sovereignty of India from the French.

What is Indian French War?

The  Indian and French War, also referred to as the 7 Years' War, was a larger colonial struggle between Great Britain and France that took place in North America.

Furthermore the Treaty of Paris brought everything to an end in 1763 after beginning in 1754. As a result of the war, Great Britain gained a sizable amount of territory in North America, but conflicts about implementing frontier policies and how to pay for the war's expenses ultimately fueled colonial rebellion and ignited the American Revolution.

Finally the French and Indian War began as border disputes in North America when French and British imperial officials and colonists sought to enlarge their respective spheres of influence in frontier regions.

Thus France loses control of India to Britain as a result.

Learn more about Indian French War refer:



In which era did large mammals first appear?


Jurassic Era, there is debate about whether the first mammals actually emerged in the late Triassic period, a few million years earlier than the Jurassic, which began around 199 million years ago.

The reality, however, is rather different. During the Mesozoic Era, the first mammals coexisted with dinosaurs after evolving from a group of vertebrates known as therapsids, or "mammal-like reptiles," toward the end of the Triassic Period. However, there is a kernel of truth in this folktale. Some therapsids had developed proto-mammalian characteristics by the time they became extinct in the middle of the Jurassic period, which were further developed by their offspring in the later Mesozoic Era.

To learn more about first mammals please click on below link



In the early 1980s, corporate executives earned $42 for every $1 earned by the average production worker. by 2017, that figure had increased to?


Answer:his report looks at trends in chief executive officer (CEO) compensation, using two different measures. The first measure includes stock options realized (in addition to salary, bonuses, restricted stock grants, and long-term incentive payouts). By this measure, in 2017 the average CEO of the 350 largest firms in the U.S. received $18.9 million in compensation, a 17.6 percent increase over 2016. The typical worker’s compensation remained flat, rising a mere 0.3 percent. The 2017 CEO-to-worker compensation ratio of 312-to-1 was far greater than the 20-to-1 ratio in 1965 and more than five times greater than the 58-to-1 ratio in 1989 (although it was lower than the peak ratio of 344-to-1, reached in 2000). The gap between the compensation of CEOs and other very-high-wage earners is also substantial, with the CEOs in large firms earning 5.5 times as much as the average earner in the top 0.1 percent.

The surge in CEO compensation measured with realized stock options was driven by the stock-related components of CEO compensation (stock awards and cashed-in stock options), not by changes in salaries or cash bonuses.

Because the decision to realize, or cash in, stock options tends to fluctuate with current and potential stock market trends (as people tend to cash in their stock options when it is most advantageous to do so), we also look at another measure of CEO compensation, to get a more complete picture of trends in CEO compensation. This measure tracks the value of stock options at the time they are granted. By this measure, CEO compensation rose to $13.3 million in 2017, up from $13.0 million in 2016.

By either measure, CEO compensation is very high relative to the compensation of a typical worker—and an earner in the top 0.1 percent.

CEO compensation has grown far faster than stock prices or corporate profits. CEO compensation rose by 979 percent (based on stock options granted) or 1,070 percent (based on stock options realized) between 1978 and 2017. The corresponding 637 percent growth in the stock market (S & P Index) was far lower. Both measures of compensation are substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.2 percent growth in the typical worker’s compensation over the same period and at least three times as fast as the 308 percent growth of wages for the very highest earners, those in the top 0.1 percent.

Why it matters: Regardless of how it is measured, CEO pay continues to be very, very high and has grown far faster in recent decades than typical worker pay. Higher CEO pay does not reflect correspondingly higher output or better firm performance. Exorbitant CEO pay therefore means that the fruits of economic growth are not going to ordinary workers. The growth of CEO and executive compensation overall was a major factor driving the doubling of the income shares of the top 1 percent and top 0.1 percent of U.S. households from 1979 to 2007. Since then, income growth has remained unbalanced. Profits and stock market prices have reached record highs while the wages of most workers have continued to stagnate.

Over the last several decades, CEO pay has grown much faster than profits, the pay of the top 0.1 percent of wage earners, and the wages of college graduates. CEOs are getting more because of their power to set pay, not because they are more productive or have special talents or more education. If CEOs earned less or were taxed more, there would be no adverse impact on output or employment.


In the early 1980s, corporate executives earned $42 for every $1 earned by the average production worker. by 2017, that figure had increased to $ 373.

What do you mean by the corporate executives?

An official of a corporation or other individuals with access to confidential data regarding the activities of the corporation. An executive officer of a company or corporation is the president. executive, executive director, etc. a person who is in charge of running a company.

The managers and executives in charge of the many departments and executive roles inside the organization make up corporate management.

The structure may differ from business to business, and depending on the requirements of the organization, this corporate management structure may be multi-leveled or largely flat.

Therefore, in  the early 1980s, corporate executives earned $42 for every $1 earned by the average production worker. by 2017, that figure had increased to $ 373.

To know more about the corporate executives, visit:



What were 2 main beliefs of the Anti-Federalists?


Since they associated British oppression with strong governments, many Anti-Federalists favored a limited central government.

What were 2 main beliefs of the Anti-Federalists?

Others wished to promote democracy and feared that the wealthy would control a powerful government. They believed that the new federal government was receiving an excessive amount of power from the states.

The Anti-Federalists opposed the passage of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they believed that, in the lack of a bill of rights, the new national government would be overly powerful and harm individual liberty.

Their opposition played a significant role in the First Amendment's and the other nine amendments that make up the Bill of Rights' adoption.

Learn more about Anti-Federalists here



What did the 14 points call for?


The Fourteen Points called for the just peace for all parties involved in the World War I, the termination of secret agreements between nations, free trade between nations, freedom of the seas, self-determination of colonial peoples, and League of Nations Addresses Global Security Agreements.

Article 14 was a statement of peace principles used in peace negotiations to end World War I. The United States Congress was created by President Woodrow Wilson. In his speech, Wilson identified his 14 strategies for ensuring national security and world peace. While some points dealt with specific territorial issues in Europe, the most important section was the postwar diplomacy of the United States and its It set out the ideal direction that would form the backbone of its foreign policy. The main features of the 14 are as follows:

No secret treatiesFreedom of navigation at seaNo economic barriers between nationsNational disarmamentImpartial decision on colonies

To learn more about Fourteen points , refer:



Think about the qualitie of the leader you’ve read about. Then anwer the following quetion in 75 to 125 word:

What do you think make a peron a good leader?

Your repone hould include thi information:

at leat three important qualitie that make a good leader
an explanation for why you choe each quality


A leader must possess three qualities: the ability to make decisions quickly; accountability for the job performed by his or her team; and organizational skills.

Accountability: This is another key attribute of the company that will make the organization's leader accountable for the job done by his or her team and liable for any repercussions that result.

A leader who is organized and prepared to adapt to changing circumstances will always have a Plan B, thus all the resources must be arranged. A leader needs to be able to make decisions quickly, thus he should have a good working relationship with his team in order to come to a consensus on the best course of action for the business.

To learn more about leaders



What was the original purpose of Social Security ?



Social insurance, as conceived by President Roosevelt, would address the permanent problem of economic security for the elderly by creating a work-related, contributory system in which workers would provide for their own future economic security through taxes paid while employed.


How are Federalists and Anti-Federalists similar?


The preservation of liberty was a concern shared by both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, but they disagreed on whether a strong national government would ultimately protect or undermine the freedom of the American people.

The anti-federalists agreed to back ratification on the condition that, should the agreement become law, they would submit suggestions for changes. The Federalists concurred that the proposed modifications, particularly a bill of rights, should be supported.

There were many parallels between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Both favored this young nation and understood that it required a government. Both of them favored giving the Congress the authority to declare war and draft treaties.

Learn more about Federalists here



The number of—-
during WWI is the total number of people who were killed, injured, or went missing.


The number of—-
during WWI is the total number of people who were killed, injured, or went missing.

At the opening session of the united states supreme court, each justice shakes hands with all the others. There are nine justices that sit on the supreme court. How many handshakes do they make during the opening session? a. 32 handshakes b. 36 handshakes c. 45 handshakes d. 81 handshakes.


Each justice shakes hands with the others at the opening session of the US Supreme Court. On the Supreme Court, there are nine justices. Therefore, 36 handshakes were exchanged between them during the opening session. The correct answer is B.

Given the information that there are 9 justices and each justice shakes hands with all the others. Hence, each justice shakes hands with 8 people, which is calculated as 8 x 9 = 72. However, a handshake is between two justices, so the total number of handshakes between the justices is 72/2 = 36.

What is the Supreme Court, and how does it function?

Most legal systems have a supreme court that sits at the top of the judicial system. These courts have additional names like "court of last resort," "apex court", and "high court of appeal." In the U.S., the Court serves as both a protector and an interpreter of the Constitution since it is the ultimate arbitrator of law and is responsible for ensuring that the American people get the promise of equal justice under the law. 

Learn more about US Supreme Court here: brainly.com/question/18228641


Explain the establishment of Russian Empire in Central Asia and the response of indigenous people.


The Russian Empire was established in Central Asia in the late 18th century. The indigenous people of Central Asia responded to the Russian presence with a mixture of cooperation and resistance.

The Russian Empire was established in Central Asia through a process of conquest and colonization that began in the late 18th century.when the Russian Empire began expanding its influence into the region.

The response of the indigenous people to the Russian Empire varied. Some groups welcomed the Russian presence, while others resisted it.

Some indigenous Central Asians were able to benefit from the new opportunities and opportunities for social mobility that the Russian Empire offered, while others experienced displacement, exploitation, and cultural loss.

Check about imperialism here


Which outcome is a product of the Harlem Renaissance ?


The concept of The New Negro was born during the Harlem Renaissance. The New Negro movement was an attempt by African Americans to define what it meant to be African-American,

rather than allowing demeaning stereotypes and caricatures seen in black face minstrelsy practices to do so.

The movement spawned fresh artistic talent and left a significant legacy for black Americans.

The Harlem Renaissance sparked a surge of self-esteem and social action among African Americans across the country. Black music, art, and literature were celebrated as essential components of the American identity.

The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic blooming of the "New Negro" movement, as its members welcomed their African roots and embraced self-expression, rejecting long-standing (and sometimes derogatory) stereotypes.

Learn more about to Harlem Renaissance visit here;



what are the implications of john lock’s claim for the development of human society that people are solely the products of their environment? How are those implications bound up with criticism of existing social structures?


The idea of social change, which examines the causes affecting how society is organized and its social structure, is frequently discussed in conjunction with social structure.

What is a social structure?

A social structure is a group of regular social structures in a society that are both a product of and have an impact on human behavior, according to the social sciences. In a manner similar to this, it is believed that society is split into structurally related groups or sets of roles, each with a unique purpose, meaning, or objective. Some examples of social systems are families, religions, laws, economics, and classes. The term "social system," which designates the parent structure in which these many systems are intertwined, contrasts with this. Larger systems, such as those of the economics, law, politics, culture, etc., are therefore highly influenced by social structures. Social structure is another name for the framework that supports society. It creates guidelines and channels for communication among various social institutions.

To learn more about society, visit:



How did westerners view their culture compared to the rest of the world.



People in the west are more open-minded than those in the east. The westerns are more open and forthright.


How did the Seven Years' War affect British-colonial relations? (5 points)

It enabled a period of cooperation as the colonists were grateful for the continued protection of royal soldiers.

It bred resentment among the British officials, who felt the colonists were disloyal, ungrateful, and undeserving of further help.

It reopened colonial trade with distant nations, bringing greater wealth not only to the British trade officials but also to the colonists.

It generated colonial frustration at new official policies designed to reduce the royal war debt and exert more control.



Explanation:The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.

Causes and Effects of Iranian Revolution


Hundreds of thousands of Islamic revolutionaries demonstrated, ultimately ousting the Shah from power. Iran had severed ties with every western nation, including the US. Women's rights have been severely limited. Religious leaders overthrew the monarchy and seized long-term power in the nation.

What do you mean by monarchy?

The monarch is the head of state of a monarchy for life or until he or she abdicates.

The monarch's political legitimacy and power can range from limited and primarily symbolic to wholly dictatorial, and it can extend to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

A king or queen is the head of state in a monarchy. Constitutional monarchies include the British Monarchy.

This indicates that, even though The Sovereign is Head of State, it is up to an elected Parliament to draft and adopt laws.

There are more than 40 independent nations with monarchy as their heads of state as of 2022.

Learn more about monarchy, here



Why Taj Mahal 22 rooms are locked?


Up to a flood in 1978, the beneath rooms were open to visitors, according to historian Rana Safvi, who now lives in Delhi and hails from Agra. The tunnels were cracked and filled with filth.

What makes the Taj Mahal so unique?

The Masjid is regarded as the outstanding example of combining Eastern and Western architectural styles. Its renowned architectural beauty is defined by both straight and curved surfaces, light shadow, as well as a rhythmic grouping of masses and perforations. Additional ornamental elements like domes or arches enhance the aesthetic appeal.

How large is the inside of the Taj Mahal?

Inside the Taj Mahal, in a six-chamber structure with prominent example dura (a semi-precious stone inlay) or a marble honeycomb screen, are the can provide dedicated to Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. But the magnificent monuments are just for show: The genuine sarcophagi are located in a serene chamber at garden level.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:



Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences. Under , the ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into. The ottoman empire created a complex and efficient system. Ottoman sultans also promoted religious. One effect of ottoman expansion was that almost all goods traded between merchants from passed through ottoman hands.


The Ottomans made significant advancements in the humanities, architecture, and law under SULEYMAN. He extended the empire to include Europe. A sophisticated and effective GOVERNMENT AND LEGAL system were developed by the Ottoman Empire. Also encouraging religious FREEDOM AND TOLERANCE were the Ottoman sultans.

Following the passing of his father, Selim I, Suleyman I took the throne in 1520. He added Belgrade, Rhodes, Moldavia, and the majority of Hungary to the imperial possessions in the west. He besieged Vienna in 1529, but for a variety of reasons, this siege was unsuccessful. After the conflicts with the Safavids, he expanded the Ottoman borders into Iran by capturing Iraq in the east. The Ottoman Navy, on the other hand, acquired supremacy in the waters from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, while the frontiers of the empire in the Maghreb extended to Morocco.

Suleyman advocated for the Ottoman Empire's cultural and economic advancement as well as geographical expansion, urging it to become the dominant force in the eastern Mediterranean and changing its legal system to conform to the political climate of the day.

To learn more about The Ottoman Empire here:




Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.


✔ Suleyman

, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into

. The Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient

✔ government

system. Ottoman sultans also promoted religious

✔ tolerance


One effect of Ottoman expansion was that almost all goods traded between merchants from

passed through Ottoman hands.


What is the tone of the poem sea fever?


The poem has a serene, sensitive, yet urgent tone. The phrase "I must down to the waves again" is repeated in each stanza, which conveys a sense of urgency.

What kind of mood does the poem Sea Fever have?

The poem's tone seems to be both frantic and nostalgic or romantic. The speaker is thinking back on all of their previous experiences out at sea and daydreaming about the past. The narrator's tone is made more frantic by the repeated phrase "I must go down to the waves again."

What is the poem Sea Fever's central theme?

This poem's main themes include journeys, recollections, and adventures. The speaker claims to always hear a call from the water is inescapable. He longs to end the current circumstance and resume his adventurous life so that he can relive his carefree days at sea.

To know more about poem sea fever visit:-



What universal themes are expressed in the works of Romantic writers , artists, and musicians?


Romanticism was a cultural movement that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and was characterized by a focus on emotion, imagination, and individualism. Romantic writers, artists, and musicians often expressed several universal themes in their works, including:

   Nature: Romantic artists often celebrated the beauty and power of nature, and saw it as a source of inspiration and spiritual renewal. Many Romantic works depicted the natural world in grand, sweeping terms, and sought to capture its majesty and grandeur.

Emotion: Romantic artists placed a strong emphasis on emotion, and sought to capture the depth and complexity of human feeling in their works. They believed that emotion was a key aspect of the human experience and that it should be celebrated and explored in art.

Imagination: Romantic artists saw the imagination as a powerful force, and believed that it should be used to explore new ideas and perspectives. Many Romantic works were characterized by a sense of wonder and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

   Individualism: Romantic artists often celebrated the individual and the unique experiences and perspectives of the self. They believed in the power of the individual to shape the world and to make a difference.Freedom: Romantic artists often celebrated the idea of freedom, and saw it as a fundamental human right. Many Romantic works were inspired by the idea of breaking free from the constraints of society and living a life of personal expression and autonomy.

   Love: Romantic artists often celebrated the emotion of love, and saw it as a powerful force that could transform and enrich the lives of those who experienced it. Many Romantic works were inspired by how and how it can bring people together and change the world.

To learn more about romantic writers, check out https://brainly.com/question/972136

Does Buddhism believe in war?


Buddhism does not believe in war

BUDDHISM is usually referred to as the world's most peaceful religion, and for good reason. It emphasizes the concept of ahimsa, or the "non-injury" of other living species, more than other south Asian religions do. Its teachings also emphasize that violence is detrimental to both the victim's and the offender's spiritual well-being.

Nothing in the writings of the Buddha supports the use of force to settle disputes. Buddhist doctrine holds that resorting to violence to resolve a dispute is less likely to be successful. This is due to the Buddhist doctrine's assertion that violence creates hatred.

To learn more about Buddhism refer here



What was the result of the Northwest Indian War?



The United States lost several battles. Eventually, the Americans won and defeated the Native Americans. This depiction of the Treaty of Greenville negotiations may have been painted by one of Anthony Wayne's officers. The United States got the land of the Northwest Territory from Great Britain.


What were three of the outcomes of the Spanish American War?



Representatives of Spain and the United States signed a peace treaty in Paris on December 10, 1898, which established the independence of Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and allowed the victorious power to purchase the Philippines Islands from Spain for $20 million.


(at least that's what i found online)

Does Natal mean birthday?


In terms of the day of birth, "natal day" is another word for "birthday." "Natal day" and "birthday" are synonymous terms. Have a happy birthday on August 7 in celebration of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

Everyone enjoys celebrating birthdays. Natal Day is a holiday that was established in 1895 to honor the heritage of Nova Scotia. In case you were wondering, the term "natal" comes from the Latin meaning "birth." Prepare to rejoice, partake in several outdoor gatherings, and consume copious amounts of cake since this holiday's celebrations generally stretch the whole weekend before Natal Day (which occurs on a Monday).  After all, it is a birthday. Popular municipal holiday Natal Day is observed in the Halifax-Dartmouth area.

learn more about Natal here:



What is NOT a terrorist method of surveillance? (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 3)Technical surveillanceStationary surveillanceBreaking and entering to steal valuablesCasual questioning


Breaking to steal valuables is not a terrorist method of surveillance. Also called Counter Terrorism.

Counter-terrorism is additionally called anti terrorism that incorporates practice, procedures and techniques that administration and military used to battle and forestall psychological warfare. The public authority utilize their ability to kill the psychological oppressors and its association, organizations. The render them unable to force the public authority and impart dread which is the fundamental psychological militant's objective. In the US they utilized the military to stifle the revolt and utilize the term for inside guard. As indicated by the counter psychological warfare Situation preparing, the best rooms need not be straightforwardly close to the crisis exits. We want to figure out the dangers by the fear monger and furthermore bring down the weakness. There need to perceive the reactions to the danger activities. We should be ready of the danger, mindful of our environmental factors.

All residents should report the dubious action to the police. We should know about the psychological militant objective. Keep away from the objective regions. A portion of the objective regions are transport stops, clubs, lodgings. A portion of the security measures are ID checks, vehicle review, watches,. We should be a cooperative person and do preparing and hence keep our profile low.

There should be an random vehicle checking and increment the wrongdoing counteraction endeavors, recognize the possible fear monger. Individuals ought to partake in the mindfulness preparing projects of the public authority. We really want to comprehend the essential safety efforts. Observation, trial of safety and conveying resources are a portion of the actions which can be taken on.

Know more on Counter-terrorism - https://brainly.com/question/4247126


During the hundred years’ war, what two kingdoms competed over territory and national unity?



The name the Hundred Years' War has been used by historians since the beginning of the nineteenth century to describe the long conflict that pitted the kings and kingdoms of France and England against each other from 1337 to 1453.

Why is the history of texas suburbs marked by racial segregation?


As federal government implemented policies like redlining & urban renewal in the discriminatory way, the history of Texas suburbs is characterised by racial segregation.

Racial isolation has distinguished Texas' rural communities historically as a result of the state and local governments' involvement in discriminatory tactics like racial pledges and restrictive zoning. Customers of a few banks and real estate salespeople were led to remote communities. In an oppressive manner, the government used strategies like redlining as well as urban restoration.

After the Board outlawed segregation, White people left South Dallas. Dallas started segregating schools formally in 1876, and it did so until the Brown v. Board of Education ruling in Topeka, Kansas, on May 17, 1954.

To know more about racial segregation:



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