Where is the CEJ in dental?


Answer 1

The cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) is described as the location of union of the cementum and enamel at the cervical region of the tooth and defines the anatomic boundary between the crown and root surface.

All primary teeth had a cementoenemal junction-alveolar bone crest distance of 1.1 mm. 7.7% of the total surfaces evaluated had distances larger than 2mm, suggesting the presence of alveolar bone loss.

The CEJ is generally the junctional epithelium's apical (towards the root) extent. As a result, the presence of the CEJ suggests tooth attachment recession and is extremely important.

Learn more about to CEJ visit here;



Related Questions

What can we learn about the Holocaust by the day-to-day experiences of one victim. What do Anne Frank's diary entries show us about the way individual respond in a time of chaos or danger?



how life can be uncertain and cruel to some people


Through the day-to-day experiences of a Holocaust victim, we learn how life can be uncertain and cruel to some people just because of their ethnicity.

Anne Frank's diary entries show us how she and the other members in the attic were always anxious of what could happen to them at any moment of their lives.

They lived in constant fear of being caught by the Nazi army. They had to remain silent and stealthy throughout the day so that no one knew where they hid.

Which statement best describes a central idea Rosenberg develops about the families
reconciling after Romeo and Juliet take their own lives in "Romeo and Juliet is a Terrible Play, and
David Leveaux Can't Change That"?
A It represents an immature response to contiet
Bit is a realistic response given the seriousness of the events.
C. The characters do not have enough timə to reconcile.
D. Reconciliation can sometimes be achieved through tragedy


To be honest, I'm not sure. You can go over it in class.

How did Lorraine Hansberry engage in the LGBTQ community?​​


In many areas Hansberry was ahead of her time, says Perry. "She was a feminist before the feminist movement. She identified as a lesbian and thought about LGBT organizing before there was a gay rights movement. She was an anti-colonialist before independences had been won in Africa and the Caribbean."2

What do you think is the reason readers have different interpretations of poetry?


As distinct from the understanding of s. words or sentences, it is a complex process of response to all the interrelated. Aspects and characteristics of the language of the poem.

How does the plot support the theme?



The plot is a series of events, characters and the setting. The plot contributes to the mood, conflict, and personality or the characters and story. The events the characters undergo reflect upon the theme and lesson of the story.

Plot is the series of events that happen in the story, such as the hero fighting the villain or the lovers getting married. Theme is the main idea of the story, such as the idea that good always conquers evil or that true love is forever.

Read the following viewpoints and write your answer whether you STRONGLY

AGREE, AGREE, DISAGREE, and STRONGLY DISAGREE, and explain your stand.

1.) I am with the Department of Education when they said that the classes whether

it is online or face to face will start on August. I believe that there are still a lot of

families now that are struggling to find food and money because of the quarantine.

Hence, it is good that we start this school year a little bit later.


2.) As a parent, I decided to enroll my child this school year even though he will not

experience the normal face to face learning. I believe that this new normal will give

new experience to my child with online learning. It will also challenge my child with

regards to focusing with his studies even if his only at home.


3.) The pandemic brought different challenges to all people around the world. The

people also got to experience being quarantined at their own homes for months

because the enemy is not visible. In the Philippines, we have experienced all kinds

of quarantine from Enhanced, Moderate to General Quarantine. We all wish that we

could go back to our normal lives.


4.) I heard that the government will extend the General Community Quarantine, GCQ,

because of the conditions that we are in now. What do you think about it?


5.) If the Government provide PPEs to our front liners, they can work with more

confidence and safety. What do you say?




Q1.Students and professors are less likely to get sick. Sick and quarantined students can attend classes remotely as long as they feel well enough -- and they will be able to

I will mark you brainlist!

Imagine you are reading an email or text message or watching a video on TV or the internet. How can you figure out the writer or speaker's tone?


Answer:how they talk maybe or like how the email sounds teachers usually sound professionall and business people usually like to write there emails in a certain format


I need to k ow the andwer



i cant see it



this is the answer for your question

you are jamil. you are going to observe your birthday on 10th December. you have arranged a tea party. now write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the party. ​


Answer: hey dude im having a tea party for my birthday please come to the tea part at *random time* on december 10th hope to see you there.


Which sentence in this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address conveys that he wanted the US Civil War to end as soon as possible?



Show me the excerpt first then I can answer



"With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."


What is a best practice to follow when sending instant messages at work?
A. Message your coworkers whenever it's convenient for you.
B. Whenever possible, use abbreviations to save time.
Use instant messages for personal conversations, such as making dinner plans.
Keep your messages brief and work-related because the recipients may be busy.



The answer is D


Its because thats the most professional




For 100 points,

research the life of John Wayne Gacy. In 4-pages (no abstract needed but include, title page, headings, subtitles in bold, and references) explain which deviance theory best describes why they became a k1!!er (i.e.…strain theory, labelling theory, differential association, anti-social personality disorder). Give the advantages/disadvantages (limitations) of this research (i.e. can this research be applied to all serial k1!!ers as a whole?).This assignment is due 4/17 by midnight. Paper format should be APA including references (see attachment) and the body of the paper should be 4-pages including:

The introduction should give their life summary.

The body should include the crimes committed.

The conclusion should be the best deviant theory that explains why they committed the crimes.

Summary of the introduction, body, and list the advantages/disadvantages of this research.



Hey, writing essays is something that no one would do for you on Brainly. But here are some pointers:

- Take your time, write an outline first. Outlines really help.

- Ask yourself what do you need to know about Gacy.

- Read things about him, watch things about him, listen to things about him.

- No matter what, I'm sure you'll do great on this essay.

Good luck and I'm sorry I couldn't write you an essay like you want.


Explain the relationship between voice and culture?



The Relationship Between Communication and Culture

First, cultures are created through communication; that is, communication is the means of human interaction through which cultural characteristics— whether customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns—are created and shared.


Which of the following choices is one strategy a students can use to combat test anxiety



No choices, anxiety always wins, that's the life of a student. Also, you provided no choices anyway soooo


Describe Mawi's experience at the Harvard Student Agency that made him reflect on his mother's advice. What did he realize his mother's advice meant


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


When Mawi saw one of his co-workers helping an old woman to type a letter after everyone else had refused, he understood that his mother had meant that we are all part of a human community and therefore we must help each other.


In his speech titled “Of Snakes, Butterflies, and Small Acts of Kindness," Mawi Asgedom explains that it took him some time to understand what his mother had meant when she told him "Always remember where you came from." It was his co-worker´s small act of kindness that allowed him to understand his mother´s intent when giving him that advice.

Which of these is a secondary source?

A I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

B The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

С John Adams by David McCullough

D The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X



C. John Adams by David McCullough.


A secondary source is when a person or event is written from someone who has knowledge of the event, but did not take part in the event itself.

All others are primary sources, specifically autobiography's, in which each of them essentially wrote about themselves.


how do you introduce yourself in a debate as a first speaker?​



1.Start by greeting your judges, teachers and the audience.

2.Say good morning or good evening sir/madam. Never say good night at late hours.

3.Mention the topic you are going to speak for/against.

4.Do say have a nice day or thank you for letting me share my thoughts/opinion on the topic/matter.



Hello everyone

Respected teachers, judges my dear friend and participants. it's me Anuska Neupane standing in front of you from grade eight . Today is the debate competition in our school and I would like to give thanks to all who had choosen me for this debate.

now body of debate

it's importance

it's advantages and disadvantages

at last conclusion

hope it is helpful to you

write this down _ your notebook​


Orange green orange yellow yellow pink yellow orange yellow yellow pink green green yellow yellow pink green yellow yellow blue green green blue
LOL auto type

Rainforest ecosystems are located near the equator. The weather in a rainforest is warm and humid (moisture in the air) all year long; it rains more than any other area. Rainforests produce a majority of Earth’s oxygen supply.
Rainforests are known for having many living things. There are thousands of different species of animals and plants. Creatures thrive in the climates of the rainforest. The rainforest includes a variety of animals: monkeys, tree frogs, jaguars, different species of birds, and an abundance of a variety of insects.
There are three layers of the rainforest. The top layer is the canopy of the rainforest. This layer has mature (grown) trees and branches. The canopy blocks much of the sun. The next layer is called the understory. This layer includes bushes and growing trees. It is home to many different birds, reptiles and small animals. The last layer is the forest floor. This layer includes shrubs, vines, leaf clutter, and is home to insects and other animals including large predators.
Rainforests are important to our earth because they produce oxygen and are the homes to many plants and animals.


Write two facts about rainforests.

What does the word thrive mean in paragraph #2?

What is the main idea of the text?

What is the author’s purpose of this text?

Why is the rainforest important to the earth, and how can we protect it?



1-Rain forests are important because they give us oxygen,and they also provide food for animals and humans.-2 fact

2-Thrive-to try to go for it.

3-To inform you about rainforests and how they are important.

4- To inform you about rainforests.

5-Rainforests are natural air filters. They store and filter excess carbon and other pollutants from the atmosphere and release oxygen through photosynthesis. Without rainforests, our planet is unable to mitigate excess greenhouse gas emissions, which destabilizes the Earth's climate.

Explanation:brainliest plz

what is the cause of tension between jack and ralph? who is right? why?
-chapter 3 , lord the flies
someone help


1. What’s is the tension between jack and Ralph:
Motivated by a fear of Jack's violence as well as a mob mentality, the boys pursue Ralph across the island, even though he poses no actual threat. Even the twins Samneric, initially sympathetic to Ralph, give themselves over to Jack after he tortures them to reveal Ralph's hiding place.

what are some examples in history of the destructive power of conformity​


Some example are WWII, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Hundred Years War and the French Revolution. All these wars changed the people perspectives about certain topics and their point of view about their own government and relationship with the government.

Animal Farm can be considered a "fable" or "parable"—a story, often with animal as characters, meant to teach a moral lesson (A lesson on how to live your life). Why do you think animals are used as characters, instead of humans?


Answer and Explanation:

A possible explanation as to why animals are used in the story instead of humans is because animals are less complex than humans. In "Animal Farm", the characters do represent real humans: Lenin, Stalin, the Russian people. However, their traits and actions are simplified, which makes it easier for readers to grasp what the author is trying to convey. For instance, the Soviet leaders are represented by the pigs which, in the story, are the only animals intelligent enough to know anything about leading and managing. Precisely because they are more intelligent and have access to power, the pigs begin to act as dictators. On the other hand, most of the other animals are incapable or learning anything or understanding the situation. That is to show how the Russian people were kept in the dark concerning reality, and how easy it was to mistreat them precisely because they did not possess the knowledge or means to fight back.

Which of these regulations falls under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency?

prescription safety
automobile emissions
credit card interest rates
power tools used in factories



Automobile emissions


The Environmental Protection Agency is an organisation under the federal government that is charged with protecting the environment from man-made and natural degradation.

Therefore, it makes a lot of sense that automobile emissions will be the regulation that falls under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The regulations falls under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency is automobile emissions. Thus the 2nd option is correct.

What is Jurisdiction?

Jurisdiction refers to the area to which the power and the authority of the specific person or government or any organization can be governed. For example the Jurisdiction of the court is to take the legal decisions of the certain town or city.

Environmental protection agency includes the checking of the automobile emissions which is leading to the environmental pollution. It enforces the environment regulations in order to save the environment.

Thus automobile emissions falls under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency. Thus the 2nd option is correct.

Learn more about Environment here:



In the Neighborhood
Ahn vigorously scrubbed windows, a tedious necessity for her family's new Vietnamese restaurant. They had turned the building from homely to gorgeous, but everything had to be absolutely perfect: unique decorations, skillful employees, and fabulous traditional food. Then customers would adore the place, making the business a success.

Ahn shifted her vision to look outside the restaurant as a girl about her age, with abundant red hair, strolled up the street. Ahn’s family had recently moved to this neighborhood, so she had few friends.

The girl paused to study the sign announcing their opening and then looked directly at Ahn with a friendly smile. Ahn smiled back shyly and lifted a hand, accidentally waving with the cleaning cloth. The girl laughed at her amusement and waved back in acknowledgment.

Ahn hesitated, not accustomed to initiating friendship, but she felt courageous, so on a whim she opened the door. "Hello," she said, adding the first thing that entered her head, "do you like Vietnamese food?"

"I don't know, but I like to try new things,” the girl remarked, and then she introduced herself as Gabriela.

Ahn could not think of additional conversation until she had a sudden idea. "Please wait here," she requested, "and I'll be right back." She ran into the adjoining kitchen and explained her idea to her father. He was sympathetic, so seconds later Ahn presented a small package to Gabriela. "Some Vietnamese candy for you to try,” she explained. “If you enjoy it, I hope you'll return to the restaurant sometime, or even visit after school when I'll be here preparing for the dinner service."

"Excellent, I'll see you around soon.” Gabriela headed down the street, glancing back with a cheerful wave. Ahn spent the remainder of the afternoon hoping Gabriela really would return and not think Ahn’s gift was weird.

The following day, Ahn assembled bouquets of artificial flowers, orchids that would never wilt. She was admiring her accomplishment when she heard unexpected tapping and turned to see Gabriela beckoning to her with a plate covered with transparent plastic wrap. Ahn grinned with enthusiasm and opened the door with a cordial greeting.

Gabriela presented the plate and said, "I brought biscuits made from my grandmother's recipe to thank you for the delicious candy.”

"Come in, and we can have some biscuits right now," Ahn stammered, happy inside.

Gabriela entered and rotated to scan the room with its picturesque landscape mural. "Thanks, they really are wonderful, and I'm fascinated to see your restaurant."

As they snacked on the treats, Ahn fumbled for conversation and considered an offer. "Are you good with vocabulary?” she inquired. "I intend to design a publicity pamphlet for the restaurant, and I could use some assistance."

"Certainly!" Gabriela said, adding, "I'm delighted you moved into the neighborhood and thrilled I have a new friend."

Ahn grinned, now positive that the restaurant would make a wondrous impression on the community, that customers would be plentiful, and that she was going to enjoy life here immensely

Write a brief summary of the passage you just read “In the Neighborhood”. (Use at least 4 sentences).

This story is about two girls beginning a friendship. What do they do to become friends? What are some examples from the text to support your answer? (Use at least 3 sentences).

Why do you think Ahn was nervous to make friends? (Use at least 2 sentences).

Have you ever done anything to make a friend with someone? How did it turn out? (Use at least 3 sentences).

Have you ever moved to a new place or started something new? Were you nervous? Did anyone help you? (Use at least 3 sentences).

no links please



Summary : Ahn is a girl who's family recently opened up a restaurant. Ahn is in a new home. ahn sees a girl name Gabriela. They become fast friends and shar their family recipes with each other.

Ahn was nervous to make friends because she was new to the town. She was shy and did not know anyone, so she was nervous.

There was someone new came to my neighborhood. I made them a welcome basket. They really loved it and we are not close friends.

I have never moved to a new place but if i did, I would be nervous. VERY NERVOUS.

What is the best way to combine sentences 15 and 16?



when people just started studying the Rosetta stone, they thought the hieroglyphics were pictures of objects

What kind of question would you ask if you wanted to know the main character of a story?


Who’s the main character?

Which character appears in this book the most?


What is the main character of the story?


LOL Hope this helps :D

How do Snowball’s plans for the farm affect Napoleon? Check all that apply.

Napoleon supports all of Snowball’s plans.
Napoleon does not listen to Snowball’s ideas.
Napoleon does not make any plans of his own.
Napoleon says that the improvements will never happen.
Napoleon seems to be waiting for Snowball’s plans to fail.









Read this passage from the episode:
I've had a knot in my stomach ever since I got here. I don't know when I stopped liking camp. All I know is, I don't want to be here.

Why does the author use the idiom "a knot in my stomach" in this passage?Immersive Reader
(1 Point)

To help the reader understand how afraid Brian is of getting sick at camp

To help the reader understand that Brian does not like the food at camp

To help the reader understand how nervous Brian is about being at camp

To help the reader understand that Brian does not know anyone at camp



Ylto help the reader understand how nervous Brian is about being at camp


Brainliest plzzzz

I should be creating a research question that?

A. I can gather information about from multiple sources
B. I can just googl and get the answer to in a matter of minutes


ur best choice is probably gonna be A lols

What is the difference between a privilege and a right? Give examples of each.


A privilege is something that you may not deserve but you still have or can get. And a right is something that your supposed to have. For example you may have the privilege to have a phone because you don’t need a phone but you have the right to give your opinion on something.
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