What was the main reason that most Mississippi landowners resisted the nation’s move to outlaw slavery?


Answer 1


the main reason for Mississippi resisting outlawing slavery is during that time cotton was a major source of income for Mississippi they remove slavery well then they remove the total of helping hands that harvest the cotton the don't have the hands to help well then Mississippi falls into economic disaster


Related Questions

Identify four results of the Louisiana Purchase.

U.S. access to natural resources like lumber and animal furs
The spread of slavery into the western territories
U.S. expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
Spain losing control over all lands in North America
Conflicts with American Indians over land use
U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the New Orleans seaport



B. The spread of slavery into the western territories

C. U.S. expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

E. Conflicts with American Indians over land use

F. U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the New Orleans seaport


The Soviet people initially supported the idea of a communist society because they:
had good experiences with previous authoritarian rulers.
liked the idea of a new world order that promised equality and social justice.
disliked Vladimir Lenin and didn’t want him to be president.
None of these choices are correct.


The Soviet people initially supported the idea of a communist society because they liked the idea of a new world order that promised equality and social justice. Thus option B is correct.

What is a communist society?

The primary goal of the particular philosophy of communism is to create a communist culture or regime, which is the kind of economy and social structure that is predicted to result from advancements in technology in the forces of production.

Though their ruler sat on a magnificent throne, the Russian people were living on very little money. They were angered by this and desired a society in which no one might possess greater wealth than others.

The unwavering devotion of the Soviet Union to the realization of communism would include the establishment of socialism inside one nation and social harmony with capitalist nations. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about communist society, Here:



Minors must only be induced, as those under age 18 cannot legally consent to sex. By that definition, anyone being sold by a pimp who controls their comings and goings, and cash supply is being considered as being


Since minors under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to sex, they must only be induced. According to that description, anyone being sold by a pimp who has control over their movements and financial resources is being trafficked.

Human trafficking: What is it?

Force, deceit, or other forms of coercion are used in human trafficking to obtain work or sex acts for a fee. Each year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked throughout the world, even in our own country. Victims might be of any age, ethnicity, gender, or nationality, and it can occur in any society. The following techniques could be used by traffickers to entice victims into circumstances of trafficking:


False claims of high-paying positions

Romantic connections

To know more about Violence, visit:



Was alexander able to fullfill his plans of conquest? Explain



He had some victories before reaching the ganges river, which is intended to cross in order to conquer more of india. However, his exhausted troops mutinied and refused to go farther. Shortly afterwards troops headed back to home . Alexander died because of a disease

Do you think the cival ear was the most significant even covered in our class why or why not (yes it was the most significant topic covered in the class) please provide multiple paragraphs about it.



May 18-July 4, 1863: Confederate President Jefferson Davis saw Vicksburg, Mississippi, a fortress port and railroad hub along the Mississippi River, as “the nail head that holds the South’s two halves together.” That made it imperative for the Union to take what was known as the Gibraltar of the Confederacy.

In mid-May, Grant sent his forces to attack the city several times, but they were unable to penetrate the Confederates’ defenses. That forced him to settle into a long siege, in which he bombarded Vicksburg with artillery and fire from Union gunboats, and forced Confederate defenders and the civilian population to endure hunger and illness. Many hid in man-made caves dug under the city.

In June, Grant tried one last assault, deploying miners to tunnel under the Confederate fortifications and plant explosives that carved out a 12-foot-deep crater. But the Union forces were unable to advance out of it and had to retreat. By July, Confederate Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton and his 29,000 men couldn’t hold out any longer, and had to surrender to Grant.

The victory gave the Union control of the critical supply line of the entire Mississippi River. And the Confederacy was split.


8. What is ‘moksha’—explain it, do not just copy the definition. According to this diagram, who were the only people who could achieve moksha in their lifetime? How might this impact the culture?

(4 sentence minimum)

9. Overall, please write one paragraph that illustrates your answer to the essential question of How does religion impact culture? You may choose one specific religion/culture to highlight from this document, or can mention several.
Please give at least 2 examples, and write this in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.


Moksha,  can be described as the mukti, in Indian philosophy  as well as  religion, which can be considered as the liberation from the cycle of death as well as rebirth (samsara) and this was coined from the Sanskrit word muc (“to free”),  howeer the moksha  implies freedom from samsara.

The religion can  impact culture in the sense that Religion shapes culture  considering how people who subscribe to religion participate in the enactment of the culture where they were living  because they came from a particular place  howevr the religions and religious communities operate within a given culture.

How can ‘moksha be explained?

It should be noted that Moksha,  can be rgarded as the vimoksha,  which is been used in Hinduism, as well as Buddhism, Jainism when considering the forms of emancipation, as well as enlightenment, liberation, however the soteriological as well as the eschatological senses imp,lies the freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.

Learn more about Moksha



"We, therefore, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain... that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commodities...are unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State...."
South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, 1832
Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following?
A. The entry into the Mexican-American War
B. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
C. The secession of most Southern states
D. The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment


Similar justifications like those in the remark were eventually used to justify the start of the Mexican-American War. The right response in this case is option A.

The Nueces Strip boundary dispute between Texas and the United States was the direct cause of the Mexican-American War. Texas's accession to the United States infuriated Mexican leaders and residents since Mexico did not acknowledge Texas as an actual American territory.

In 1836, Texas achieved independence. America's conflicts are sometimes quite divisive. Three key factors made the United States' decision to invade Mexico justified: Americans were slaughtered, Texas had already been acquired, and Manifest Destiny permits it.

To learn more about Mexican-American War



show how the character's relationship to the past contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole gatsby


Characters in The Great Gatsby seek dreams of the future that are shaped by their pasts, which, in the book's final, unforgettable line, turns us all into tiny boats paddling against the river.

In what way does Gatsby view the past?

Gatsby is more preoccupied with regaining the past than he is with repeating it. He desires to both relive the stunning, ideal moment when he wed Daisy, the object of all his aspirations and dreams, in Louisville, and to turn that moment into the present. Gatsby's past influences his present. From dating Daisy to attempting to reignite their past romance, from serving in the war to having rumors about his past life spread, and from being poor to being rich, each event seemed to change his life for the worse because he used his past to assess his present.

To know more about Gatsby visit:



The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program ____.


The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program New Federalism Program.

Forty years ago, President Richard Nixon left office in disgrace. But five years prior to his resignation, he made a landmark contribution to our perpetual debate over the division of power in our federalist system. Taking to national television six months into his first term, Nixon presented a bold vision of what he called “the New Federalism,” detailing his overarching domestic affairs agenda centered on a new vision of how power should be shared between the federal government and the states.

The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program New Federalism Program. New Federalism under President Reagan allowed block grants to be given to the states, which could be used for programs like public health, law enforcement, community development, and community first responders. The federal government would then monitor how the money was used, the outcome of programs, and discretion for how and what social programs are implemented.

To know more about New Federalism Program visit:



outside of the ottoman empire, sufis contributed most directly to which of the following during the period before 1750?


Sufis made the biggest direct contributions outside of the Ottoman Empire to the expansion of Islam into new areas on the periphery of the Muslim world, such southeast Asia.

Who are Sufis?

There is disagreement over the term's derivation. The most likely explanation is that it refers to the so-called "dress of piety" referenced in the surah of the Battlements, the woolen clothing (sf) traditionally worn by the first Muslim ascetics as a sign of poverty and dread of God.

Consequently, a Sufi is a traveler whose life's ultimate goal is to seek out God. Sufism, as a movement, emerged in the ninth century and set itself apart from the asceticism (zuhd) that came before it.

Learn more about sufism, from:



Analyze the extent to which TWO of the following influenced the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840
Jacksonian Economic Policy
Changes in electoral politics
Second Great Awakening Westward movement


The 1820s and 1840s Jacksonian economic policies and the Second Great Awakening influenced the growth of democracy in the Westward. Jacksonian Economic Policy is the "Force Bill," which lowered the tariff while also militarily threatening South Carolina, which was passed by Congress in 1833.

Jackson vetoed the reauthorization of the 2nd National Bank because South Carolina claimed that it was null and void there. White men without land ownership were given the ability to vote during the Jacksonian Era, which gave them considerable political clout.

Economically, American dependence on commerce with Europe started to decrease in favor of domestic manufacturing and agricultural growth. The revivals of the Second Great Awakening are bringing many different religions together.

Jackson won the popular vote in the 1824 election, but he lacked a majority in the electoral college. JQA won the House of Representatives vote thanks to a "corrupt bargain," though. The first election to be determined by the general public rather than state politicians was in 1828. increasing the number of people who vote.

To learn more about Economic Policy



"The Treaty of New Echota was
invalid, and the National Party was correct to oppose it." Cite at least three historical
facts that support your position.


Treaty of Echota was an agreement proposed by US officials to displace Cherekee form their location to the west of Indian territory. This treaty was considered as invalid due to Cherokee National Council considered the treaty as a fraud, but it got ratified in the year 1836, with a single vote by US Senate Still. When the signing was taking place, only a small amount of Cherokee was involved, even the principal chief John Ross did not attend the meet.Tribal elections were canceled by John Ross, in 1832.

which of the following civilizations was the primary influence on etruscan tomb architecture? ancient egypt ancient india ancient rome ancient greece


The civilization that was the primary influence on Etruscan tomb architecture was D. Ancient Greece.

How much did Greece affect the Etruscans ?

At around 630 BC, Greek architecture, which was also evolving at the time, had a significant impact on Etruscan architecture. Roman architecture, which in its early decades can be viewed as essentially a regional variation of Etruscan architecture, was in turn inspired by it.

The Etruscans were skilled builders of temples, homes, tombs, city walls, bridges, and highways out of stone, wood, and other building materials. Only a small number of buildings still exist that are close to their original state, such as tombs and walls, but because to archaeology and other sources, we know a lot about what was formerly there.

Find out more on the Etruscans at https://brainly.com/question/8942353


Read the fable "The Astrologer." Then, answer the question that follows.

A man who lived a long time ago believed that he could read the future in the stars. He called himself an Astrologer and spent his time at night gazing at the sky.
One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village. His eyes were fixed on the stars. He thought he saw there that the end of the world was at hand, when all at once, down he went into a hole full of mud and water.
There he stood up to his ears, in the muddy water, and madly clawing at the slippery sides of the hole in his effort to climb out.
His cries for help soon brought the villagers running. As they pulled him out of the mud, one of them said:
"You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you fail to see what is at your feet! This may teach you to pay more attention to what is right in front of you and let the future take care of itself."
"What use is it," said another, "to read the stars, when you can't see what's right here on the earth?"

Which two of the following themes are present in the fable?

Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.
The only way to predict the future is by asking for advice.
We often disregard good things because we are looking for something greater.
If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.
A and B
A and C
B and C
C and D



ngl i think A and C



A and C


Why did Europeans take these different approaches?



They intended to locate fresh supplies of gold, silver, and other precious metals in addition to new trading routes. Additionally, Europeans believed that discovery was a means of introducing Christianity to non-European civilizations.


Explain how the United States used various different types of diplomacy and proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus of panama



The United States used a combination of diplomacy and proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus of Panama.

One of the main diplomatic efforts undertaken by the United States was the negotiation of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty with Panama in 1903. This treaty granted the United States the right to build and operate a canal across the isthmus, as well as to maintain a zone of influence around the canal.

In addition to diplomatic efforts, the United States also used proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus. This included supporting and arming rebels in Panama who were seeking independence from Colombia, which at the time controlled the isthmus.

These diplomatic and proxy efforts ultimately allowed the United States to gain control over the isthmus and to build the Panama Canal, which significantly improved its ability to trade and project power in the region.

PART A: What does the word "truncate" most likely mean as used in paragraph 2?

enthusiastically gifted
cut or reduced


Enthusiastically gifted is the does the word "truncate" most likely mean as used in paragraph 2. Hence, option A is correct.

What is meant by truncate?

verb, abbreviated, abbreviating used with object. to reduce in length by cutting out a section; shorten: remove detailed justifications. mathematics and computers. to eliminate one or more digits from (a number):

Both 1.4142 and 1.4987 can be broken down into roots, which are words with various endings. Sun is a synonym for sunlight, suns, and sunshine. similar-sounding but differently spelled terms Say, for instance, color.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about truncate, click here



What were the responsibilities of a patriarchs



The term patriarch typically refers to the male head of a family or tribe in ancient times. As such, the responsibilities of a patriarch would have included providing for and protecting the members of the family or tribe, making important decisions for the group, and representing the family or tribe in external affairs. In some cases, the patriarch may also have been responsible for religious leadership and guidance within the community.


the political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. in the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. the king had all the political powers. anyone who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial. louis xvi was king at the time of the french revolution10 . he was more interested in hunting than governing france. he and his austrian queen, marie antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the palace of versailles. they did not really care about the state of their country. the excerpt fr


Option (b) is correct. The political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. In the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. Louis XVI was king at the time of the french revolution.

Louis XVI 23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He was referred to as Citizen Louis Capet during the four months just before he was executed by guillotine. He was the son of Louis, Dauphin of France, son and heir-apparent of King Louis XV, and Maria Josepha of Saxony. When his father died in 1765, he became the new Dauphin.

The French Revolution (French: Révolution française was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy, while phrases like liberté, égalité, fraternité reappeared in other revolts, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution, and inspired campaigns for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage. The values and institutions it created dominate French politics to this day.

To know more about Louis XVI visit:



Complete question: The political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. in the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. Choose the correct option.

A. The king had all the political powers. anyone who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial.

B. Louis XVI was king at the time of the french revolution 10.

C. He was more interested in hunting than governing france. he and his austrian queen, marie antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the palace of versailles.

D. They did not really care about the state of their country. the excerpt fr

Cristina asked José, "Did you watch television last night?" is this a statistical question



Explanation: No this is not a statistical question.

Because it is asking about only one person whereas statistics work for to find data related to bulk . As in this question it asked for only "you". Which is singular.

I think my answer is yes

All the carbon emission since the
history year_____ equals all the carbon emission before that year in all of human


I think it might be 1970 that’s what I found online

In 1979, egypt and israel signed ____at camp david, maryland. the first treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the second treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the last treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the only treaty between an arab country and the jewish state


In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed Camp David Accord at camp david, Maryland. The first treaty...Jewish state the only treaty between an Arab country and the Jewish state.

Give a brief account on Camp David Accords.

The agreements known as the Camp David Accords, which were signed on September 17, 1978, between Israel and Egypt, eventually resulted in the first peace treaty between Israel and any of its Arab neighbours the following year.Jimmy Carter, the president of the United States, mediated the "Framework for Peace in the Middle East" between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, became known as the Camp David Accords because the talks took place at Camp David, Maryland, the retreat of the U.S. president. For their contributions to the agreements, Sadat and Begin were given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.

Anwar Sadat, the president of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, the prime minister of Israel, signed the Camp David Accords on September 17, 1978, after a period of twelve days of private negotiations at Camp David, the president's country retreat in Maryland. The two framework agreements were signed in front of President Jimmy Carter at the White House. A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel, the second of these frameworks, served as the direct precursor to the Egypt-Israel peace treaty of 1979.

To know more about,  Camp David Accords, visit :



Who was a contentious objector during WWI but later joined the war effort?


Answer: Mr Thomas

I took the test

The answer is Mr Thomas

france had conquered mexico while the u.s. was busy fighting the civil war. which of the following doctrines/treaties was this a violation of


Answer: it was a violation of the monroe doctrine.

Which of the following is the best example of a main belief of the Hindu religion?

Cycle of rebirth
Monotheistic belief system
Nine purposes of life
System of farming practices


One of the major tenets of the Hindu religion is the cycle of rebirth. As a result, option (A) is the preferable one.

What is the cycle of birth?

Sansara, in Hinduism, refers to the never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Hinduism places a high value on reincarnation.

All life experiences birth, life, death, and rebirth; this is known as the cycle of samsara in Hinduism. This idea holds that every living thing possesses an atman, a component of Brahman, as well as a spirit or soul.

In the Bhagavad Gita's verses, 8.17 to 8.19, the periodic emergence, dissolution, and reemergence of all existences are discussed.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about the cycle of birth, from:






pretest: ancient civilizations and world religions when historians want to evaluate a primary source in the form of human remains


When historians seek to assess a primary source, they should include ancient civilizations and global faiths. These sources give an inside look at a certain event since they were present during the experience or time period they are discussing.

Historical personalities' comprehension or internalisation of their experiences, their place or significance in history, and their viewpoints can all be understood through the study of primary materials, which are invaluable to historians.

Primary sources are authentic documents produced at the time of a historical event (or maybe later) and are closely linked to the author who wrote them (or user). A primary source is essentially a witness's personal account of an event.

Read more about ancient civilizations at



Caribbean sugar production anticipated many of the features of industrial capitalism. Which of the below options fits best with industrial capitalism?


Many aspects of industrial capitalism were foreshadowed by the production of sugar in the Caribbean. It entails a series of well-planned and coordinated manufacturing processes that are most appropriate for industrial capitalism. The right response in this case is option C.

The factory system of production, which has already been mentioned, quickly developed under industrial capitalism and is characterized by considerably more strict, complicated, and complex divisions of labor inside and between production processes.

According to Marx, industrial capitalism first appeared in the latter half of the 18th century. This resulted in the development of the factory system of production since it was characterized by the routinization of work tasks and a sophisticated division of labor across and within work processes.

Complete question:

Caribbean sugar production anticipated many of the features of industrial capitalism. Which of the below options fits best with industrial capitalism?

A - Chikmagalur is well-known for sugar production.

B - Mandya is well-known as a coffee-producing region.

C - It involved a set of carefully organized and synchronized production steps

D - None of these

To learn more about industrial capitalism



how does the queen feel about the treaty that will allow the u.s. to annex the hawaiian islands



Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Two Hawaiian groups, Hui Aloha 'Aina and Hui Kulai'aina, one group for men and one for women, organized a mass petition drive.


Please help create notes and summaries to help with an open note final


The first nation to declare independence was Colombia in 1810, while Haiti became the first nation in the Caribbean to do so in 1804.

What events led to the rise of realism?

As a response to and a rejection of Romanticism, with its focus on sentiment, imagination, and the individual, American Realism emerged. Although the movement had its beginnings as early as the 1830s, it rose to prominence and remained dominant until roughly the end of the nineteenth century.

In the Austrian Empire, most uprisings took place.

As immigrants and refugees integrate into their new country, they should uphold the principles that inhabitants hold the values of  justice, freedom, equality, democracy, and compassion.

The history and the present day of the country in its colors and design are depicted on a country's flag.

To learn more about American Realism, visit:



the structure of america foreign policy in line with their policy formulation and implementation


It is worth noting that the United States has three types of foreign policy instruments: economic tools, military tools, and humanitarian tools.

Each of these enables us to influence nations in distinct ways. Given the policy formulation methods of the US, it is correct to state that the structure of America's foreign policy in line with their policy formulation and implementation.

How does the US Formulate policy?

The United States government follows a certain process for formulating and implementing policy. The policy-making process typically begins with the identification of a problem or need.

Next, a policy is proposed and evaluated to determine its potential effectiveness and impact. If the proposed policy is deemed to be viable, it is then presented to the relevant decision-making bodies, such as Congress or the President, for consideration and approval.

Once a policy is approved, it is then implemented by the appropriate government agencies or departments. The implementation process may involve the creation of new programs or regulations, the allocation of resources, or other actions to carry out the policy.

Learn more about America's Foreign Policy:

Full Question:

Is the structure of America foreign policy in line with their policy formulation and implementation?

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