What social issue is Khan working on improving in
What is considered to be the leading reason for the
spread of the issue?


Answer 1



A lack of knowledge about the issue

Explanation: Just did it on Edge

Answer 2



-a lack of knowledge about the issue


edge 2021 <3

Related Questions

What is the main purpose of the passage?

A) to compare public water system in different cities

B) to entertain readers with an interesting story about a famous dog trip

C) to explain the process reader a doctor use to identify the cause of a disease would

D) to describe the treatments of different diseases



the answer is C. to explain the process a doctor would use


process of elimination

Help! Will mark brainliest thanks



Explanation : Last year 500 people  attendes the final basekatball game

Is period a sentence or fragment



The end of a complete sentence should be marked by a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point. If a sentence is not complete and it is terminated by a period, we have a sentence fragment as in the sentence below.


Green Sea Turtles are very sensitive to temperature changes. The gender of baby turtles is determined by the temperature of the sand the eggs are laid in. How can Green Sea Turtles adapt to survive with increasing global temperatures?



The temperature of the developing eggs is what decides whether the offspring will be male or female. This is called temperature-dependent sex determination, or TSD. Research shows that if a turtle's eggs incubate below 81.86 Fahrenheit , the turtle hatchlings will be male.

Read this paragraph from "What I Hope to Leave
Which answer choice best paraphrases this paragraph?
The conditions which are governing the world today are
obliging many women to set up a new set of values, and
in this country they will, on the whole, be rather a good
In today's world, women are reassessing their
values, which is a good thing for the country.
O Those who govern the world are pushing women to
develop new values to help the country.
In today's world, many women are required to set up
new ways of thinking so they can have new job
O The conditions existing today are asking women to
create new values to live their lives by, which is bad



A. Those who govern the rodl are pushing women to develop new valuwes to help the country



Explained in Explanation Section


A. Those who govern the rodl are pushing women to develop new values to help the country, The reason being that it is the most explanatory. I also got it right on Edge 2021

Create a script using long shot, eye level shot, high angle shot, zoom camera shot, two shot, and extreme close up.


Covers types of camera shots by shot size, camera angle, ... You can use an extreme long shot to make your subject feel ... Or maybe it's just a traditional two shot on sticks?

Can someone tell me if this is correct



It looks right based on the text


yep it is


What type of events might a city host?


Some events that a city might host our council meetings, comedy nights, concerts, music or movies in the park, holiday celebrations, and city clean up days.

Write tthree compound sentences



This house is too expensive and that house is too small.

I need to make money but I don't feel like working today.

They went to a concert late ,but still got really good seats


Compound sentence has more than one subject or predicate

Decide whether each sentence needs a positive or negative word. Drag a word to complete the sentence. Answers may be used once or not at all.




Elizabeth didn’t know  anyone  at her new school.

Josie says that she will  never  like broccoli because it tastes horrible to her.

His mother said he isn’t going  anywhere  until he cleans his room.


The answers are in Bold Letters.

I'm not really sure if my words make sense to you
But I can't really find
Any other way to form these feelings into cubes
And sort them in my mind

The negative thoughts go on the left
And the happy things on the right
And there's a little corner saved just for you

Please let me know if you change your mind
Cause inside I'm falling
And I need you to pull me out of this decline
I realise how hard on you this must seem
But trust me
When I say its far, far worse for me

Please, please be here for me dear
Cause I've never needed a friend more
And I cant stress enough how much it means to me that you're trying
And I don't mind if you can't hold me like you used to
Cause I've never hated myself more
But this is just a bump in the road and I promise I'm trying

Give me a moment to get my cards in line
Cause I'm still trying to figure out
In what kind of order I should set them out
If there was a way to explain everything without a word
I'd have a full house right now without a doubt

I'm trying to tear the wool from your eyes
But a part of me wants to let you be
Cause then you wouldn't see what I've become
I'm trying to shout but no sound comes out
It's like we're in a dream state
But I should've woken up, woken up by now

Please, please be here for me dear
Cause I've never needed a friend more
And I cant stress enough how much it means to me that you're trying
And I don't mind if you can't hold me like you used to
Cause I've never hated myself more
But this is just a bump in the road and I promise I'm trying


U got this don’t give up I know life is hard enough your loved

Look Brainly people I need help this app need to help me

Chapter 12 the outsiders



"Go o gle it like you did for mine"


1. If I had known, I things differently. (do) 2. If I could be any animal, I a giraffe. (be) 3. I to the police if someone stole my car. (go) 4. If he is on time, I my hat. (eat) 5. If I the promotion, I'll have a celebration dinner. (get) 6. What would you do if you a million euros? (win) 7. If you don't clean your room right now, I you for a week. (ground) 8. If I have some free time tonight, I for a walk. (go) 9. If I had missed my bus this morning, I that nice guy. (meet/not) 10. I shopping tomorrow if I have time. (go) porfavor es una tarea seria no salgan con que no se ingles jajaj no eso no de verdad necesito ayuda



1. If I had known, I'd have done things differently.

2. If I could be any animal, I'd be a giraffe.

3. I'd go to the police if someone stole my car.

4. If he is on time, I'll eat my hat.

5. If I get the promotion, I'll have a celebration.

6. What would you do if you'd won a million euros?

7. If you don't clean your room right now, I'll have you grounded for a week.

8. If I have some free time tonight, I'll go for a walk.

9. If I had missed my bus this morning, I'd not have met that nice guy.

10. I'll go shopping tomorrow if I have time.


In the given sentences, the changes needed are on the tenses if the different forms of the verb required. Such changes depend again on the nature of the sentences individually.

The sentences after the necessary changes are as follows-

1. If I had known, I'd have done things differently.

Here, "had known" is a perfect tense, therefore the use of "had done/'d done".

2. If I could be any animal, I'd be a giraffe.

Using "I'd be" for the "could be".

3. I'd go to the police if someone stole my car.

This sentence presents an assumption, so we use "I'd go".

4. If he is on time, I'll eat my hat.

Here, the first part of the sentence is in the present tense so we use the future tense "will" to talk of the next sentence.

5. If I get the promotion, I'll have a celebration.

Same as sentence 4.

6. What would you do if you'd won a million euros?

Here, the sentence is talking about a conditional mood of winning money. So, we use changed the verb accordingly.

7. If you don't clean your room right now, I'll have you grounded for a week.

The first part is in the present tense, and so the next part presents a future possible scenario/ consequence.

8. If I have some free time tonight, I'll go for a walk.

Same as sentence 7.

9. If I had missed my bus this morning, I'd not have met that nice guy.

Here, the first part of the sentence talks of a past event in the perfect tense form. So the next part of the sentence is also in its perfect tense form but in the negative form.

10. I'll go shopping tomorrow if I have time.

Same as sentence 7.  

Read the excerpt from "The Lottery."

The children assembled first, of course. School was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands.

What information from the excerpt is ironic?

The children are still thinking about school now that is summer.
The children gathered quietly together.
The children arrived first for the lottery.
The feeling of freedom from school is an uneasy one.



The children arrived first for the lottery


The addition of the phrase "of course" at the end of the first sentence implies that this is information that the reader should already be familiar with. However, since we are mere readers who are not actually a part of this fictional world, this is not something that we should already be familiar with.


The children arrived first for the lottery


There is definitely a party tomorrow evening at my house.



for what did you got 99.99 percent in exams..




Describe Beneatha's attitude as she models the Nigerian robes that Asagai
brought her. Story: A raisin in the sun- Pleas help Asap


Beneatha's attitude is to provoke assimilation with black culture and its aesthetics.

Why does Beneatha have this attitude?Because Asagai is an African very connected to his origins.Because Beneatha feels a need to assimilate into the black culture to which she belongs.Because Beneatha feels conflicted between black culture and white culture.

Beneatha has a conflict with her racial identity because while she wants to get closer to black culture and her roots, she tries to move away from it and get more involved with white culture, which she recognizes she doesn't belong.

When she models the robes she got from Asagai, she feels that assimilation to black culture is right and that's what she should do.

More information about "A raisin in the sun" at the link:


The writer wants the tone of sentence 13 (reproduced below) to convey the emotional turmoil experienced by people who participated in the experiment.

Many subjects did not turn Nao off or were unsure whether to do so.

Which of the following versions of the underlined text best accomplishes this goal?

A. (as it is now)

B. thought turning Nao off might be wrong, and some did not do it

C. found the question of whether to turn Nao off a bit troubling

D. considered not turning Nao off or even failed to do it

E. refused to turn Nao off or struggled with the decision



E. refused to turn Nao off or struggled with the decision


Answer E

Correct. This choice uses the emotionally expressive words “refused” and “struggled” to give the audience a sense of the turmoil experienced by participants in the study. Of the choices provided, this one is most effective at using word choice to establish a tone that conveys the emotional difficulty of the situation.


E. refused to turn Nao off or struggled with the decision


right according to college board

Imagine that you were given the choice to live in a town like the one shown in the first slide or the one shown in the second slide. Which one would you choose? Explain your answer .



You have shown No pictures so its kinda hard but i would choose number one Because You need to treat life like its number 1.


Whoever tells me the correct answer will get brainliest plsss help


Answer is passionate and logical


i feel like its c or d. thats the closest


Read the following sentence. Which word does “having finished the test” modify?
Having finished the test, Kenez turned his paper over and fell asleep.



A Kenez


The sentence modifies the subject Kenez

Write a compare-and-contrast essay comparing a scene from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and a video adaptation of the same scene. In class, we will write about Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 80 – 103, starting on p. 73 in the book (Link for Video Adaptation: https://video.link/w/AlThc). You may choose a different scene if you are working on your own. Examine and discuss the similarities and differences between the two versions. Your goal is to explain how the video performance enhances Shakespeare’s words.
The essay should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs, 5 – 9 sentences each. Remember:
• Include an introduction with a thesis statement, a body with supporting evidence, and a conclusion.
• Use textual evidence from the text to support your points.
• Use transitions to link sections, paragraphs, sentences, ideas, and details.
• Use formal language and an objective tone.
• Choose either block structure or point-by-point structure and use it consistently.
• Proofread your essay for standard grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
• Include the act, scene, and line numbers for the scene that you choose.



You seriously tried to get us to write you a whole essay for 5 points?


Dream on

What is the prefix of millimeter?


The prefix is milli , hope this helped

The prefix in "millimeter" is milli. Milligram, millisecond, millimeter, etc.

Helpp for brainlest and extra points!!



Part 1. Personification  Part 2. "he does smell sort of bad" that is something only humans can do.


WHat to substitute ¨this article¨ with



Im kinda confused on what you're saying but I would say "this paper"



The provided material is a good one



Type the "be" verbs.


List of Be verbs are:

amare iswaswerebeen being

Note: Only use be as to be.

Types of Verbs:

1) Finite verbs (principal, linking, auxiliaury)

2) Non-Finite verbs  (infinitive, gerund, participle)

Based on information presented in the selection, what can the reader conclude about the black-backed woodpecker?????????????



im pretty sure its "it is better protected from danger when living in a burned forest than when living in an unburned forest."


It had something to do with his blackness, I think—he was very black—with his blackness and his beauty, and with the fact that he knew that he was black but did not know that he was beautiful. He claimed to be proud of his blackness but it had also been the cause of much humiliation and it had fixed bleak boundaries to his life. What does the excerpt tell readers about racial prejudice in early 20th-century America?


This question is missing the answer choices. I have found the complete question online. Since the excerpt is the same, I will omit it.

What does the excerpt tell readers about racial prejudice in early 20th-century America?  

A. Racial prejudice had negative psychological effects on those who discriminated against others.

B. Racial prejudice had negative psychological effects on those who suffered its injustices.

C. People who experienced racial prejudice did not show evidence of any psychological effects.

D. People who experienced racial prejudice were fully aware of how they were affected psychologically.


What the excerpt says is that:

B. Racial prejudice had negative psychological effects on those who suffered its injustices.


The speaker in the excerpt is talking of someone who is both black and beautiful. However, that person does not understand his own beauty. He has suffered so much injustice, prejudice, and discrimination because of his skin color that he is not able to see his own appearance as beautiful. That is a dire effect of suffering racial discrimination: being led to believe oneself to be ugly. Clearly, racial prejudice has negative psychological effects on those who suffer it, and that is, unfortunately, something that still occurs today.

Answer: B

Explanation: got 100% on edge 2023

Question 3
(Suggested time—40 minutes. This question counts as one-third of the total essay section score.)
Many works of literature deal with political or social issues. Choose a novel or play that focuses on a political or
social issue. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the author uses literary elements to explore this issue and
explain how the issue contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.
You may choose a work from the list below or another novel or play of similar literary merit.
All the King's Men
American Pastoral
Angels in America
Anna Karenina
The Awakening
The Bluest Eye
Brave New World
Broken for You
The Crucible
Cry, the Beloved Country
A Doll House
Julius Caesar
The Jungle
Main Street
Major Barbara
"Master Harold" and the Boys
Moll Flanders
Mrs. Warren's Profession
Native Son
Never Let Me Go
The Octopus
Oliver Twist
A Passage to India
A Raisin in the Sun



i don't know


how tall is Fredrich Müller? (all quiet on the western front)



I looked it up and nothing said his height but tbh honest he gives 5"5'' to 6 ft energy why tho

Refer to the Newsela article “Opinion: From Embarrassed about Bicultural Identity to Celebrating It."

Which statements convey an accurate assessment of the author's argument that people who are bicultural should use their experiences to educate others.

Select two correct answers.

The argument fails because the author only provides examples from her own cultural experiences for support.

The author could have included statistics about how learning about different cultures benefits communities to strengthen the argument.

The argument is adequately supported with examples from Indian culture that the author and her daughter have shared with others.

If the author had provided more information about what the government is doing to expand bicultural education, the argument would be more relevant.



The arguments is adequately supported with examples from Indian culture that the author and her daighter have shared with others


The author could have included statistics about how learning about different cultures benefits communities to strengthen the argument.

Other Questions
Can someone please help me! im confused! Which of the following is a good way to look for jobs today?1.Networking on LinkedIn2.Checking the bulletin board at the local grocery store3.Putting a rsum on a job hunting website4.Searching the help wanted section in the newspaper Solve for x using the diagram of circle C.B .(3x+49)(5x-7) Find the (a) mean, (b) variance, and (c) standard deviation of the binomial distribution for the given random variable, and (d) interpret the results. Sixty-three percent of U.S. mothers with school-age children choose fast food as a dining option for their families one to three times a week. You randomly select five U.S. mothers with school-age children and ask whether they choose fast food as a dining option for their families one to three times a week. The random variable represents the number of U.S. mothers who choose fast food as a dining option for their families one to three times a week. Which of the following transfer rates is the FASTEST?1,282 KbpsO 1,480 Mbps1.24 Gbps181 Mbps Use r = 2 When r + 4(2 + r) 12 = If you owned a trade secret, what methods would you employ to protect it? Elizabeth bought snacks for her team's practice. She bought a bag of apples for $3.41and a 10-pack of juice bottles. The total cost before tax was $13.21. Write and solve anequation which can be used to determine j, how much each bottle of juice costs? Xander needs to collect at least 120 cans for a food drive to earn community service credit. He has already collected 64 items.Part AChoose the inequality and solution to represent the number of cans, x, that Xander must still collect.a x + 64 120; x 56b x + 120 64; x 56c x + 64 120; x 56d x + 120 64; x 56 what special needs do teachers assistant haves? Please 5 sentences Need help with this question, thanks :) what happens when a species is moved from its natural environment? What is the length of X to Yanswers r Overflow during a heavy rainstorm from a wastewater treatment plant would result inA. polluted runoff into nearby ponds.B. flooding in the local aquifer.C. weakened housing foundations.D. over-treated drinking water. What percent of 315 is 63? What kind of figurative language do the sentence below use:I looked like Ronald McDonald. My nose and mouth were swollen, my upper lip cut.A.SimileB.MetaphorC.PersonificationD.Hyperbole Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee North Dakota is just south of ___________. What can be done to fight deforestation? Choose ALL that apply. There are multiple answers here. aDemand forest products from sustainable sources bReduce use of products made from wood fiber including paper and cardboard cLeave forests standing and plant more trees dstrengthen plans in communities to remove large and small native trees Question 7 of 35When white settlers moved into American Indian territory:A. it increased the political power of American Indians.O B. it led to violent conflicts with American Indians.O c. it made relations more peaceful between the two groups.D. it gave American Indians access to better land for farming.SUBMIT