What religion was brought to Africa from Arabia?


Answer 1
The religion of Islam
Answer 2


According to Arab oral tradition, Islam first came to Africa with Muslim refugees fleeing persecution in the Arab peninsula. This was followed by a military invasion, some seven years after the death of the prophet Mohammed in 639, under the command of the Muslim Arab General, Amr ibn al-Asi.

from the web


so Islam

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which of these impacts on religion did the ottoman empire have on eastern europe?


Eastern Europe is where the Ottoman Empire had the greatest religious influence. In European and Asian nations, it practically had a monopoly on trade. The Ottoman Empire, which included Christians, Jews, and other religious minorities, was officially a caliphate of Islam under the leadership of a sultan.

The ottoman empire was renowned for its contributions to the arts, sciences, and medical profession. The Turkish empire is another name for the Ottoman Empire. Islam was a major influence on this empire.

The kings of the ottoman empire were able to profit from the deterioration of the Byzantine defense system and the escalation of political and theological strife. Following the Ottoman Empire's defeat in the First World War, it was destroyed.

To learn more about the ottoman empire,


while reading over the help wanted ads in the local newspaper, noam notices that most of the ads list educational requirements for applicants. this emphasis on education in assessing skills and knowledge is called:


A skill is the capacity to accomplish something successfully. We can become specialists in a certain sector through the development of a skill.

What is the main message of skills vs knowledge in education?

The ability to convey knowledge from one person to another or to learn something for oneself through research and observation. But when we talk about skills, we mean the capacity to use knowledge in certain contexts. Through a mix of sensory input and output, skills are acquired through practice.

Thinking critically and solving problems. creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation. self-awareness and self-direction/learning to learn. collaboration.

Knowledge is knowledge, facts, or skill that we learn or gain through experience that is both theoretical and practical. As we get more experience, our wisdom grows.

A skill is the capacity to accomplish something successfully. We can become specialists in a certain sector through the development of a skill.

Therefore, the education in assessing skills and knowledge is called:

a) The Hidden Curriculum

b) Credentialism

c) Human Capital

d) Grade Inflation

To learn more about education refer to:



Which factors leading to the great depression best completes the chain of events?.


1. Vulnerabilities in the Global Economy

2. Financial Speculation

3. Blunders by the Fed

4. The Gold Standard

5. The Smoot-Hawley Act

Combined: A Perfect Economic Storm


Is it more common to be male or female?


As of 2021, there were over 44 million more men than women on the planet. But this discrepancy is anticipated to disappear as a result of several separate demographic trends.

Define Male and Female.

Because a person with XX chromosomes often possesses female reproductive organs and sex, they are typically classified as females biologically. Because a person with XY chromosomes often possesses male sex and reproductive organs, they are typically classified as males biologically.

Gender is the assortment of traits connected to femininity and masculinity and separating them. Depending on the situation, this might also encompass gender identity and sex-based social systems.

To know more about gender, visit:



What is theocracy and its examples?


Theocracy is defined as "a state governed by a government directly deriving its authority from a religion, generally asserting the authority of a religious deity"

What is theocracy?Ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, and ancient and modern Islamic countries are a few examples from antiquity.Theocracies in existence today, theocracies based on religion (Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and/or Islamic), the Central Tibetan Administration, states with dubious legal status, and theocracies in other countries.A theocracy is when the clergy or laity of a specific religion exercises political power, typically, but not always, claiming to be acting primarily on behalf of a divinity and governing in accordance with its morals and regulations.

For more information on theocracy kindly visit to



Who can contribute to a PAC?


Individuals, minors, trusts, Limited liability companies, partnerships, political party committee, authorized committees, and the The candidate can contribute to a PAC.

What is a PAC?

PAC is a Political Action Committee, In the U.S., a political act-ion committee (PAC) is a political comm-ittee that pools campaign contributions from mem-bers and donates those funds to camp-aigns for or against candi-dates, ballot initiatives, or legis-lation. PACs are typically formed to repre-sent business, labor, or ideo-logical inte-rests by individuals who wish to priva-tely raise money to do-nate to a political camp-aign.

The first PAC was form-ed in 1944 in order to raise mo-ney for the re-election of then President Franklin D. Roose-velt.

To know more about PAC click below:



What are the 5 civil rights?


The five basic civil rights are the right to speech, the right to a fair trial, the right to government services, the right to free public education, and the right to use public property.

What are civil rights?

Civil rights are a body of laws that have been established by law to safeguard people's liberties from being unjustly restricted or denied by governments, social organizations, or other private parties. The freedom to work, study, eat, and live wherever one chooses are a few examples of civil rights.

The U.S. Constitution and civil rights statutes guarantee certain fundamental rights to everyone. Civil rights deal with legal safeguards; they are not mentioned in the Bill of Rights. A democracy cannot exist without civil rights. Equal social possibilities are promised to them as also protected under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other characteristics. 

To learn more about civil rights, visit:



What did Wollstonecraft disagree with?


Wollstonecraft's disagreement with Rousseau is most blatant in how he perceives women in general and how he describes Sophie's education in particular.

From an ideological standpoint, Wollstonecraft is opposed to the idea that women's place in society should be restricted to marriage since it stops them from becoming morally upright individuals deserving of achieving their goals. Although she appreciates the concept of marriage, she is immensely upset by the thought of a woman ruining her life by marrying an unworthy guy.

Wollstonecraft believed that genuine friendship, respect for one another, and moral and ethical principles were essential for a happy marriage. She disregarded any appreciation of a person's appearance or other financial possessions.

To know more about Wollstonecraft, click the below link



pls answer will mark brainliest
If the government under the Articles of Confederation was so ineffective, why were there no changes made to improve
• The national military would not allow changes to the Articles.

• There was no method by which changes to the Articles could be made.

• All the states had to agree to in order to pass an amendment to the Articles.

• A court would have to approve any change to the Articles, and there was no court.



The correct answer is (c) or (3rd)


All the states had to agree to in order to pass an amendment to the Articles. Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government was very weak and there were no provisions for amending the document. In order to pass an amendment, all 13 states would have to agree, which was very difficult to achieve. This made it difficult to address the problems with the Articles of Confederation and contributed to the decision to draft a new constitution.


The third one



who is teddy and how does trevor get into mischief with him? what is the outcome of their run-in with the police?


At one point, Trevor removed the magnifying glass from each and every projector in his school. Some other time he exhausted a fire quencher into the school piano.

What is Trevor Noah's relationship with Teddy?

Teddy was one of Trevor Noah's closest friends when he was younger.

What do Trevor and Teddy steal from the shopping center?

They begin stealing chocolates filled with liquor from the mall, but one day a police officer spots them and sends a dozen more to follow them. They return to Trevor's neighborhood, where he is confident that he can get away by squeezing through a gap in the fence at the end of a dead-end street.

To learn more about Trevor Noah's here:



The majority party in the Senate is concerned that the Supreme Court has made a number of ideologically dangerous and controversial rulings. Which of the following actions would the Senate take in their attempt to limit the Supreme Court's power?


The Senate would take action to pass legislation that in their attempt for limiting the powers of the Supreme Court under the decisions that it has made, when the majority party in the Senate is concerned about the ideologically dangerous as well as controversial rulings.

The Senate is a house in the federal government of the United States that is comprised out of different representatives from their individual states. The powers of the Senate House include to take actions in passing legislations that can keep a control even over the powers of the Supreme Court under their decisions and rulings.

Learn more about the Senate here:



Complete question

The majority party in the Senate is concerned that the Supreme Court has made a number of ideologically dangerous and controversial rulings. What action would the Senate take in their attempt to limit the Supreme Court's power?

What are 4 reserved state powers?


Creating marriage laws, issuing driver's licenses, setting educational standards, and conducting elections are a few examples of restricted authorities.

What does the US Tenth Amendment's "reserved power" mean?

All rights not specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Executive, legislative, and judicial branches make up every state government, which is based on the federal system. The three-branch structure is not needed, but the U.S. Constitution requires that all states maintain a "republican form" of government.

Which four powers are not granted to the States?

No State shall conclude any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation, issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal, coin Money, issue Bills of Credit, or manufacture any other things.

To know more about reserved state powers visit:



which combination of different ways of thinking is most conducive to developing learned helplessness


High entity theory of the world; low in ability to exert primary control  of different ways of thinking is most conducive to developing learned helplessness.

When a difficult circumstance is encountered repeatedly, a person eventually develops a condition of learned helplessness. They start to think that they can't influence or alter the situation, therefore they give up even when there are chances for change.

What signs of learned helplessness are there?

Learned helplessness frequently shows itself as a poor sense of self-worth, a lack of drive, a lack of perseverance, the feeling that one is incapable, and eventually failure. People who have repeatedly encountered traumatic experiences, such as marital violence or child abuse and neglect, are more likely to experience it.

Learn more about learned helplessness to visit this link



What disqualifies you from Social Security disability?


If you earn too much income, it disqualifies you from Social Security disability.

There are many different types of disabilities that can qualify someone for Social Security disability benefits. Disabilities can be physical, mental, or a combination of both. To qualify for benefits, a person must have a disability that is expected to last at least one year or result in death.

There are two different programs that provide Social Security disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI is for people who have worked and paid into Social Security, while SSI is for people with limited income and resources.

To know more about disability, click here.



Adolescents are most likely to have conflict with their


Adolescents are most likely to have conflict with their mothers.

Adolescent conflict is frequently a normative extension of conflict in early childhood relationships and a precursor to conflict in intimate relationships in early adulthood.

Conflict arises as your child grows into an independent and responsible young person with their own opinions and preferences. Expect to disagree on issues such as what your child wears, what they do with their free time, and whether they adhere to your cultural traditions.

The story's opposing force, conflict, is classified into four categories: conflict with oneself, conflict with others, conflict with the environment, and conflict with the supernatural.

Learn more about Adolescent to visit this link



which of the following is an advantage of the doubles game? a. service rotation is easier to understand b. players get more exercise playing doubles c. it is less social than the singles game d. none of the above


Players get more exercise playing doubles. doubles is played much faster than singles

What makes a good doubles team in tennis?Because doubles is a team sport, a good doubles team cooperates with one another.  At the net, the players make an effort to stay together while shifting to follow the ball. They understand how to set up their partner to win the point and how to divide the court to cover the majority of shots. They effectively coordinate their efforts to offer support and plan strategies.The serving team can either win the point off of the returner's shot or the returner hits a spectacular shot that the serving team cannot manage. As a result, doubles is played much faster than singles game because points typically end sooner.

To learn more about  doubles  game refer,



How does empathy enable person established?


Because of mutual understanding, empathy allows a person to form true relationships with others. Because they understand one another, their relationship is genuine and long-lasting.

What does it mean to have empathy?

"Empathy is typically characterized as comprehending another person's story by envisioning himself in the other person's circumstances," write Hodges and Myers inside the Encyclopaedia of Social Psychology.

Why is empathy important?

Empathy is essential because it enables us to more fully understand what others are going through and even go through it ourselves. It supports relationship upkeep and affects our ability to have fulfilling personal and professional connections.

To learn more about empathy visit:



What are the rights of everyone living in the united states? check all that apply. The freedom of speechthe freedom of assemblythe right to votethe freedom of worshipthe right to bear arms.



All of the above

How is Thomas Jefferson related to the Declaration of Independence?


The Second Continental Congress and other committee members revised Thomas Jefferson's original draught of the Declaration of Independence, although Jefferson is still credited as being the principal author.

The 13 British colonies in North America proclaimed their independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It described why the Congress had "unanimously" decided on July 2 that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States" (by votes of 12 colonies, with New York abstaining). The actual parchment Declaration of Independence document, together with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, have been on display in the National Archives exhibition hall in Washington, D.C., since 1952. The State Department and the Library of Congress were only two of its previous residences and guardians, among others.

To learn more about Continental click the link below:



the murder of kitty genovese inspired researchers to examine whether


The murder of Kitty Genovese inspired researchers to examine whether. People are less likely to help If other people are present.

Kitty Genovese, an American bar manager who was 28 years old, was stabbed to death in the early hours of March 13, 1964, outside her apartment building in the Kew Gardens area of the Queens borough of New York City. The bystander apathy effect can be explained by one of two theories. Diffusion of duty comes first. This happens when other people feel less accountable because they believe that someone else will step in to help. Pluralistic ignorance is the second theory.

Learn more on Kitty Genovese



What does Henry David Thoreau say about slavery?


Thoreau opposed slavery, but his major strategy was to oppose it in silence rather than by organizing a movement for its eradication.

Thoreau asked, "What do abolitionists want?"

Thoreau believed that abolitionists should cease all financial support for the government & refrain from paying taxes, even though doing so puts them at risk of arrest or worse. The genuine home of a just person is a prison in a society where anyone who is imprisoned unfairly is there.

For what was Thoreau fighting?

He kept writing after leaving Walden Pond, campaigned to end slavery, and travelled across North America to promote the preservation of natural resources. Thoreau passed away on 1862, but his words are still influential today.

To know more about Thoreau visit :



What was the unintended result of the Pendleton Act?


Because they could no longer rely on potential patrons, the Pendleton Act had an unexpected consequence of forcing the parties to rely more heavily on commercial funding.

The Pendleton Act: Was it effective?

Democratic Ohio of Senator George H. Pendleton offered legislation in 1880 to mandate that civil workers be chosen on the basis of merit as judged by an examination, but the proposal was unsuccessful.

What did the Pendleton Act intend to accomplish?

To control and enhance the American civil service, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed. The Pendleton Act was created to remove the Spoils System, which had been adopted by presidential administrations as "custom and practice."

To learn more about Pendleton Act here:



One investigation reported that the tendency to establish a secure base through romantic interactions prior to sexual sharing was?


According to one study, adolescents from Asian, white, Hispanic, and black backgrounds all had a propensity to build a strong foundation through romantic relationships before engaging in sexual activity. During the past two decades, have plateaued and even slightly dropped.

Human sexuality is the way in which people view and engage in sexual activity. This includes biological, psychological, physical, sensory, emotional, social, and spiritual feelings and behaviors. It is a broad expression that has evolved over time in accordance with historical context, hence it lacks a clear meaning.

The way a person sees himself in relation to the persons they find sexually or romantically appealing is known as their sexual identity. Even if a person does not identify as gay or straight, they may still have a sexual identity.

To learn more about sexuality visit:



What means theocratic?


A form of government based on a specific religion or deity: If religion and government are not intentionally kept separate, it follows that the government is somewhat theocratic.

What distinguishes the theocratic from the secular?

The secular state is governed by governments that uphold secularism. However, the theocratic state is governed by a strong religiously motivated government.

What defines a theocratic regime as its key characteristic?

A theocracy is distinguished by the fact that there is no separation of religion and power. Faith is the foundation of law. The senior elected politicians in theocracies are often clergymen or occupy positions of equivalent religious authority.

To know more about theocratic visit :-



What was the original intent of the 2nd Amendment and how is it interpreted now?


As part of the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed in 1791 and served as a legal check on the authority given to Congress by Article I, Section 8 to establish, arm, and control the federal militia.

How has the Second Amendment's interpretation evolved over time?

The Second Amendment states that "the people's right to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." A well-run militia is essential to a free state's security.

When the District of Columbia's handgun ban was overturned by the Supreme Court in the landmark firearms case District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008, the notion that the Second Amendment covers individuals' rights to own guns had just begun to garner widespread support.

According to Siegel, "it was the first Supreme Court decision to knock down a gun-control measure in constitutional history." Even several conservatives at the time thought the court's interpretation of the law was too expansive.

To learn more about the Second Amendment here:



Can the president pro tempore become president?


The president pro tempore and the Speaker of the House would have assumed the roles of president and vice president, respectively, in accordance with the Presidential Succession Act of 1792.

What is president pro tempore?

The vice president of the United States is the highest-ranking senator, followed by the president pro tempore of the Senate (commonly abbreviated as president pro tem).

The vice president of the United States is the president of the Senate under Article One, Section Three of the United States Constitution (despite not being a senator), and the Senate must elect a president pro tempore to serve in the vice president's absence.

In accordance with the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, the president pro tempore and the Speaker of the House would have taken over as president and vice president, respectively, if both positions became empty.

Therefore, the president pro tempore and the Speaker of the House would have assumed the roles of president and vice president, respectively, in accordance with the Presidential Succession Act of 1792.

Know more about the president pro tempore here:



universities are commonly faced with the complicated task of balancing the educational needs of their students and the cost required to provide learning resources to a large number of individuals. as a result of this tension, there has been much debate regarding the optimal size of classes. one side argues that smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, while others argue that t makes no difference, so larger classes should be used to minimize the number of instructors required. discuss your opinion with the examiner.


A university is a center for higher education and research that confers degrees in a variety of academic fields.

Smaller Classes: Because there are fewer pupils who may need assistance, more effective teaching techniques may be used in a smaller class setting. More professors would need to be hired in order to meet the demand for classes, but class discussion might be more focused and personalized with a stronger connection between the teacher and the students (more comfortable speaking, presenting, or learning, depending on the person). could result in higher student fees to support these smaller class sizes. To ensure that every student can complete the prerequisites for their degree, more classes will probably need to be given.Larger classes: Although they don't fill up as quickly, they don't foster the same kind of rapport between students and professors.

To know more about University here



the refractory period in which it is possible to trigger a new action potential, but only with an unusually strong stimulus is the refractory period. multiple choice question. relative absolute


The relative refractory period is the period during which a new action potential can be induced, but only with an exceptionally intense stimulation.

What is the relative refractory period?

The relative refractory period is the time following the absolute refractory period during which a nerve cell or muscle cell is only able to respond to a stimulus if it is strong enough. This period lasts for a few more milliseconds after the absolute refractory period and is caused by the depletion of the cell's energy reserves, which need to be replenished before another action potential can be triggered.

What is the significance of the relative refractory period?

The relative refractory period is an important aspect of the way that nerve cells and muscle cells communicate and coordinate their activity. It helps to ensure that action potentials are not triggered too frequently, which would interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

To know more about Relative Refractory Period visit:



What was the motive behind the Oklahoma City bombing?


The motives behind the Oklahoma City bombing the mastermind of the attack known Timothy McVeigh and his reason for the attack was that he did not like the U.S. relationship with Israel.

Timothy's McVeigh plan for the attack was to a rental truck loaded with a fertilizer-based bomb in front of the building. In the Oklahoma City bombing, several Individuals have gone through innumerable emotional pain that lasted for years after years the event. It was found out that the building in Oklahoma City got destroyed when nearly 5,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, mixed with motor fuel got delivered in a rental truck and detonated in the building's parking lot.

To know more about the Oklahoma City bombing:



how can we know that we arent living after the time of gods completion of the big story of scripture


We can know that we are not living after the time of God’s completion of the big story of scripture because the Bible makes it clear that His work is ongoing.

The Bible is a collection of stories, books, and teachings that have been passed down through generations and serve as a record of our relationship with God over time. The scriptures tell of God’s plan for the world and the ultimate completion of his work. This has led some to wonder, “how can we know that we are not living after the time of God’s completion of the big story of scripture?”

The answer is found in the Bible itself. Throughout scripture, God’s plan for mankind is made clear. He created us in his image and placed us in a garden to live in perfect harmony with Him. He gave us commandments to follow and warned us of the consequences of disobedience. He sent prophets to warn us of impending judgment and promised a Messiah to save us from it. All of these events indicate that the big story of scripture is far from complete.

Learn more about Bible at : https://brainly.com/question/23570286


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