What is the main theme or message?


Answer 1



The main idea is what the book is mostly about. The theme is the message, lesson, or moral of a book. By asking crucial questions at before you read, while you read, and after you read a book, you can determine the main idea and theme of any book you are reading!

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Why was Munna not happy with the time?


Bhaiya is five years older than Munna, a small kid. They shared a room in the hostel. The lack of play time in the schedule that Bhaiya created for Munna made him unhappy.

Bhaiya read constantly and believed that he had trouble remembering English. Munna didn't read much and preferred to play marbles or fly kites instead. He was reprimanded by Bhaiya and persuaded to focus on his studies. Munna was three classes behind Bhaiya. When Bhaiya reprimanded Munna one day, she began to cry. He desired to return home. It was lovingly explained to him by Bhaiya. He gave Munna a schedule and told him to stick to it. The playing time was not noted on the time table, Munna observed. Munna used to spend the most of his time playing, but on the final exam, he came in first place. Due to Bhaiya's two failures, there was just one class separating the two brothers. Munna believed it was simple for her to pass and was pleased with her accomplishment. He began to focus less on his studies and more on kite flying, volleyball, and kabaddi. Bhaiya finally loses patience with Munna one day. He explains to Munna that although he enjoys playing, he is unable to do so because Munna is under his care. He claimed that because he was five years older and had more experience than Munna. He has every right to direct Munna in the appropriate direction. Munna is informed by Bhaiya that although his parents lack formal education, he is more experienced than the two of them. They can thus explain a lot to both parties. Munna was taken aback to understand how crucial experience is. Munna recognized the issue, and Bhaiya gave him a hug as well.

To learn more about Munna please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/30089551


What is a cause-and-effect essay for this prompt "In 1884, author Edmond Warre said, "The truth is, that the craving for exercise is a part of healthy human nature." Despite its health benefits, some school districts are cutting funding for physical education and decreasing time for recess. Write an essay in which you use research from credible sources to explain the cause for removing P.E. or recess from schools and the effects of this action."


An essay in that you use studies from credible re assets to provide an explanation for the reason for getting rid of P.E. or recess from colleges and the consequences of this action."

The causes and effects of this prompt is as follows:

Some school districts have had to reduce funding for physical education (P.E.) and recess in recent years due to budgetary difficulties. This has spurred discussion over the effectiveness of these programs and their impact on students' academic performance and health. The increased focus on standardized testing and academic achievement is one possible reason why P.E. and recess are being eliminated from schools. Some schools have cut back on or removed P.E. and recess in favor of greater class time in the fundamental academic areas in an effort to raise test performance and adhere to accountability requirements. This action may have serious results. According to research, children's physical, mental, and cognitive health can all be enhanced by frequent physical activity. P.E. and recess can also offer chances for socialization and the development of abilities like problem-solving and collaboration. Children may be at danger for obesity, chronic illnesses, and mental health problems without these interventions. Removing P.E. and recess may also have a negative impact on academic performance. According to studies, regular physical activity can enhance cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities, as well as academic success. Schools may be impeding their pupils' capacity to study and excel in the classroom by eliminating P.E. and recess.

In conclusion, eliminating physical education and recess from schools may have a negative impact on both academic performance and student health. While financial limitations might be a factor in these selections, it is crucial for schools to give physical activity and outdoor play a high priority in their curricula. Schools can assist their kids' healthy growth and increase their prospects of academic and extracurricular success by funding physical education and recess.

To find causes and effects , use the given link:



Select the best example of a universal theme.
If you cheat on an exam, you're going to get caught.
The purpose of having a family is to make you crazy.
The friends you make in kindergarten are the ones you have for life.
There is no
age where you don't consistently question what you want out of life.


Answer: There is no

age where you don't consistently question what you want out of life.


What do Napoleon and Snowball represent in Animal Farm?


A good analogy for the 1917 Russian Revolution is Animal Farm. All Russian laborers and workers are represented by Boxer, while Old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon represent Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky.

What does Snowball stand for in Animal Farm?

Snowball is a fictitious character and one of the rebel leaders in Animal Farm (1945), a fable about the early history of Soviet Russia. Most opponents agree that Snowball is a representative of Leon Trotsky.

Napoleon the pig is a dark-colored creature. In place of Stalin, Napoleon is used. Napoleon Bonaparte of France was analogous to Stalin. Napoleon Bonaparte, who was hailed as a revolutionary hero during the French Revolution, rose to power fast. Napoleon was a despot who, like Stalin.

To know more about Animal farm visit:



How do you write in parallel?


A line that is parallel to a given line with slope m is described by a form of linear equation known as the parallel slope intercept form. Y = mx + b+c, where c is any constant.

The equation for a line that is parallel to the line with the equation y= mx + b.

1. Begin with the slope-intercept form of the original line's equation, y = mx + b.

2. To create a parallel line, increase the y-intercept by a constant c, making the equation y = mx + b + c.

3. I'm done now! You now have a slope-intercept form equation for a parallel line.

First of all, the slope and y-intercept of parallel equations should be the same when we are given the coordinates (x,y), we construct our equation in the form y = mx + b, replace (xy) with the supplied coordinate, and then solve for B however, to determine the perpendicular's slope.

To know more about parallel visit:



Why is the night an important part of the poem Tonight I can write?


Night is important part of the poem Tonight I can write he remembers his ladylove from the night, and his soul is troubled by her passing.

Chilean author Pablo Neruda is well-known throughout the world. The English translation of this 1924 Spanish poetry was completed in 1969. This poem is praised for using symbols and images to convey the hurt of a betrayed lover. It is about the sadness that comes from remembering a lost love. The speaker remembers specifics of his now-broken love throughout the poem. He frequently compares his current loneliness to the past when he had his ladylove. To emphasize his anguish, the phrase "Tonight I can write the saddest lines" is repeated three times in the monologue-style writing.

That evening, the author believes that he can write the saddest lines because he is aware that she is no longer by his side. The night seems incredibly lonely without her. But like dew drops to a grassland, his writing restores his soul. He is disappointed that despite all, his love was unable to have her and that without her, he would have lost his soul. She is not with him, and the night is traumatizing. The fact that he can hear someone singing in the distance further proves that he is by himself. He now expresses his desire to be reunited with his ladylove, saying that his heart yearns for her and that his sight seeks for her.

To know more about Night click here,



This paragraph helps develop the central idea of persevering through failure to achieve successful new inventions by

indicating that solutions are often discovered by chance.
revealing the seriousness of the situation Drew faced.
presenting Drew's capability and determination.
showing why people are never truly satisfied.


This passage from "The Evolution of Useful Things"  helps develop the central idea of persevering through failure to achieve successful new inventions by-

presenting Drew's capability and determination.

In this passage, it is mentioned that Drew learned that the two-tone painting and masking present some difficulties.

The body shop employee was given a promise from Drew that he would fix the issues.He feels confident in his ability to create solutions to issues thanks to his engineering course.His research and perseverance enable him to find a solution to this issue.

Therefore, the appropriate response would be to demonstrate Drew's aptitude and tenacity.

What is aptitude?

Aptitude denotes a natural affinity for a particular activity and a likelihood of success. It is the innate capacity to pick up information or abilities.

Learn more about tenacity from



Answer:   C

Explanation: Edge 2023

True or false. A reliable source is always accurate.


A trustworthy source is accurate at all times. False.

Reliable sources are necessary for reliable information. A trustworthy source will offer a "complete, well-reasoned hypothesis, argument, etc. based on substantial evidence," according to UGA Libraries. Several highly reliable sources are: peer-reviewed academic books and papers. trade publications, professional books, etc.

A knowledgeable author or a reputable publisher (such as the NY Times or Wall Street Journal).

references to sources used

current knowledge in your subject.

unbiased evaluation of the subject (i.e. author examines more than one perspective on the issue).

To learn more about trustworthy  please click on below link



How can we tell the difference between prose and blank verse in the play?


Prose is a normal writing, where the writer needs to worry only about the best words for conveying the meaning. In blank verse, words have to follow a pattern/ rhythm with the same number of syllables in each line.

What is the difference between prose and blank verse in the play?

If you can discern the regular rhythmic pattern of iambic pentameter then it is in blank verse. Blank verse is a poetry written with regular metrical but unrhymed lines which is almost always in iambic pentameter.

Characteristics of Prose poetry are : alliteration, repetition, implied metrical structure or rhythmic structure, rhyming language and literary devices like metaphor, apostrophe, and figures of speech.

To know more about prose and free verse, refer



What age do you have to file taxes?


There is no specific age for which the person may file an income tax, however if a child is earning through some means then it is necessary that they must file income tax.

Income taxes are the taxes levied on the income sources and income earned by a person in a financial year which are used for he public facilities for the citizens only. Age is not a barrier in filing income tax. Many people who are unemployed are exempted from filing because they do not earn money, while some child earn money through some sources such as young entrepreneurs, acting etc. and so they are liable to pay income tax through their parents. There are some basic requisites for claiming a child on a parent’s tax return. Generally studying students are considered as dependents on parents and their taxes are counted under parent's income tax.

Learn more about income taxes at:



What is an example of satire in Huckleberry Finn?


Answer: Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it. She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it.”

What is storage area meaning?


Any place, building, or vehicle used to keep radiographic exposure equipment, radiation equipment, or storage containers safe when not in use for radiographic procedures is referred to as a storage area.

To avoid unintentional exposure, tampering, or unauthorized removal of the equipment, machine, or container, storage locations are secured with locks or a physical barrier. A storage area network, or SAN, is a specialized, fast network that gives storage devices network access. Hosts, switches, storage components, and storage devices make up standard SAN configurations. These components are connected to one another via a range of technologies, topologies, and protocols. SANs may connect various locations.

Hot, warm, and cold are common terms used to describe the classes. Warm data is stored on slightly slower storage and is accessed less frequently than hot data, whereas cold data is rarely accessed and kept on even slower storage. One of the major advantages of employing a cold storage is that the low temperature helps to slow down chemical changes and the growth of microbial enzymes in food. In other words, the rate of food spoilage has significantly decreased.

To learn more about storage Visit : brainly.com/question/24227720


What is elicitation and analysis?


Elicitation, though, doesn't involve any magic or cunning in business research. It describes an organized method intended to "pull out" facts and create agreement among Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) regarding the needs of application/software development.

With the help of the elicitation process, stakeholders are actively involved, collaboration is encouraged, and divergent viewpoints can be reconciled. For instance, SMEs are required to execute specified activities on their own, respond to questionnaires, and provide thorough justifications for their responses. Each SME's arguments reveal unique presumptions, which are investigated and discussed in order to identify inconsistencies in concepts.

This aids in uncovering tacit knowledge, spotting differences, comprehending contradictions, and lowering the reliance on a single expert or stakeholder. Elicitation is the foundation of every project because it is crucial in bringing the project's requirements to light. Elicitation mistakes are among the most frequent reasons for project failures and abandonment, which have a detrimental effect on the bottom line, according to scientists and engineers. The elicitation process therefore requires appropriate study and planning in order to prevent the likelihood of fatal errors impeding a project.

Learn more about elicitation Visit: brainly.com/question/28832190


What happens at the end of Chapter 9 in Frankenstein?


After Justine's trial, Victor Frankenstein is left feeling helpless. He is unable to rest or sleep because of the way he destroyed so many lives. He falls into a severe depression from which he is unable to recover.

What's Frankenstein's main plot?

Victor Frankenstein, a talented scientist, successfully gives life to a creature he created in the novel Frankenstein. But this is not the ideal specimen he anticipates; rather, it is a repulsive creature that Victor and all of mankind despise.

Victor's mood darkens as a result of Justine's execution. Thoughts of Elizabeth and his father prevent him from taking his own life when he is contemplating it. In an effort to cheer up his son, Alphonse takes his kids on a field trip to the Bellerive family home.


To learn more about Frankenstein from the given link



What satire is Orwell showing in Chapter 5?


The satire that Orwell shows in Chapter 5 is about equality during the Russian revolution.

What satire is Orwell showing in Chapter 5?

Satire is loosely described as art that makes fun of a certain subject in an effort to influence readers to change their viewpoints about it.Satirists typically suggest their own beliefs about how the topic under assault may be fixed by criticizing what they perceive as human foolishness.This fifth chapter of 'Animal Farm', sheds light on Napoleon's crooked and power-hungry motives.He blatantly and shamelessly usurps power for himself, exiles Snowball without cause, and displays a bald-faced readiness to alter history to suit his own purposes.Similarly to this, after Lenin's death, Stalin drove Trotsky out of Russia and took over the government.The satire that George Orwell shows in Chapter 5 is equality.

To learn more about 'Animal Farm', refer to:



What is an example of situational irony in this excerpt her great tragedy?


This is the situational irony in excerpt her great tragedy She continued talking happily about the hunting, the lack of birds, and the prospects for duck in the winter. To Framton, everything was utterly terrible.

What is situational irony?

Situational irony simply refers to an instance in which the expectations and results disagree.

Situational irony allows writers to contrast characters' intents and results, appearance and reality, using figurative language. Situational irony also reveals particular persons and their characteristics in interesting ways.

Situational irony is "She chatted on gleefully about the shooting and the shortage of birds, and the possibilities for duck in the winter," in this scenario. Everything was utterly dreadful to Framton. The result was different from what was anticipated.

To learn more about her great tragedy refer here:



What is Zinn's thesis in chapter 5?


According to Zinn, the war provided "a platform for Blacks to start making demands of White Society." North American free blacks asked their leaders to revoke racist legislation.

Why may Zinn have selected a revolution as the chapter's heading?

The chapter in this week's reading was titled "A Kind of Revolution" by Howard Zinn because it was a revolution with a diverse class structure. While impoverished people and white people fought side by side in battle, the destitute were looking for various economic chances to gain their freedom and some measure of authority.

According to Zinn, the goal of the revolution was to direct the resentment of the colonial class toward the British government rather than the colonial assemblies in the 1760s. The revolutionary elite was able to take over and dominate a portion of the British Empire in this way.

To know more about Zinn’s historical narrative visit:



How many lines are in the poem Mending Wall?


Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" contains 45 lines. It is a poetry with a story. Its lines and verses do not terminate in rhymes and adhere to the iambic pentameter.

The Mending Wall poem has how many stanzas?

"Mending Wall" somehow doesn't adhere to any specific poetic structure. For instance, it isn't a sonnet or a villanelle.

What are Mending Wall's two main themes?

Themes in "Mending Wall" include the inevitableness of social transformation, the shifting of borders, the complexity of interpersonal interactions, and change itself.

Is Mending Wall a poetry about nature?

The strength of nature is the central theme of "Mending Wall." The same might be said of "Fire and Fury."

To know more about Mending Wall, visit:



What is the first amino acid in translation?


Methionine first translates an amino acid. Methionine is thus the first amino acid in the ribosome during the production of proteins.

To ensure that methionine is the first amino acid at the N-terminal end of each newly generated protein, which is where a protein is initially formed, this initiator tRNA always carries methionine (in bacteria, a modified form of methionine called formylmethionine is used).

Methionine, which is the first amino acid in a polypeptide chain, is always connected to the initiator tRNAfMet when it reaches the ribosome. The internal methionine incorporation of the polypeptide is linked to the elongation factor tRNAMet and carried to the ribosome by the elongation factor EF1A.

To learn more about amino acid here:



Do you really believe that Rizal underwent retraction justify your answer?


Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, is known to have allegedly recanted his views on the Spanish rule in the Philippines prior to his execution in 1896. This has been a source of controversy among Filipinos, with some believing that Rizal did indeed recant, while others argue that he did not.

Rizal’s retraction has been a source of debate due to the lack of concrete evidence to prove that he actually wrote the retraction letter. The original letter has never been found and the only copy of the letter is an unsigned copy that was found after his death. This has led some to argue that the letter is a forgery created by the Spanish authorities in order to discredit Jose Rizal.

Despite the lack of evidence, it is quite possible that Rizal did write a retraction letter, at least in some form. He was a very religious man and was known to read the Bible and pray daily. It is possible that, feeling that his death was near, he decided to recant his views and make his peace with the Church.

The evidence, however, is inconclusive and it is impossible to know for sure if Rizal truly recanted his views. The only thing that can be said for certain is that Rizal was a man of courage and conviction who was willing to stand up for what he believed in, even to the point of death. Whether he wrote a retraction letter or not, his legacy as a hero of the Filipino people is undeniable.

Learn more about Filipino at :https://brainly.com/question/29784016


Why would the old man witness have said he could hear the boy even though a train was passing outside his window? Question 4 options: His window was soundproof and he could have heard his neighbors but not the outside noise. The boy was yelling loud enough so that he could disregard the train noise. He believed he heard the boy and wanted to feel important and help. He wanted to put blame onto the boy so he could get away with murder.


the boy was yelling loud enough

How do you know if he has changed?


Instead of glancing down and avoiding eye contact, they eagerly listen to you. Alternatively, people reply in a more relaxed manner rather than stiffening up at every phrase.

Daily talks and acts are excellent markers of whether or not someone has improved. Men change as a result of their life experiences. The firsthand experience of something either nice or very awful causes people to shift abruptly. These modifications are very discernible.

Experience transforms men in ways that are difficult to fathom. Change does not generally occur overnight. Human personalities and characteristics are frequently the consequence of years of unique experiences.

Learn more about to  glancing  visit here;



What are the two types of compliance risks?


There are two main types of compliance risks: strategic and operational.

Strategic compliance risks are risks that arise from the organization's overall compliance strategy and may have long-term consequences for the organization. These risks may be related to the organization's business model, its competitive position, or its reputation. Examples of strategic compliance risks include risks related to regulatory changes, reputational risks associated with non-compliance, and risks related to the organization's compliance culture.

Operational compliance risks are risks that arise from the day-to-day operations of the organization and may have more immediate consequences. These risks may be related to specific processes or activities within the organization and may be the result of human error, inadequate controls, or other factors. Examples of operational compliance risks include risks related to data privacy, financial reporting, and environmental regulations.

Both types of compliance risks can have significant negative impacts on an organization, and it is important for organizations to address both strategic and operational compliance risks as part of their overall compliance program.

Find out more about Compliance risks



What is the z-score of any standard deviation?


The amount of standard deviations a given data point is above or below the mean is represented by the Z-score, also known as the standard score.

Does the z-score match the standardized value?

A score is said to be "standardized" when it has been transformed from its original scale or metric into standard deviation units, also referred to as a Z score. In order to make things simpler for us, we'll use the Z score, which is likely the most popular kind of standardized score.

The mean is the sum of the averages of all the values in a group divided by the total number of items.


To learn more about Z-score from the given link



Do you think that dealing with big data demand on high ethical regulation, accountability and reponibility of the peron a well a company?why?


Data should improve mental health, or at the absolute least, should not negatively impact their lives. If there are security vulnerabilities that affect people's lives, individuals and businesses should be held accountable.

What happened in 2022?

In 2022, 96% of businesses will either certainly anticipate hiring new personnel with the necessary abilities or are very likely to prepare to do so.

What are the demands of big data?

Big data initiatives require a lot of storage and processing power. Combining the benefits of agility and flexibility, big data technologies and cloud - based services offer a practical solution for managing all types of data at low cost.

What do companies use big data for?

Big data is used by businesses to enhance operations, deliver better customer service, develop individualised marketing campaigns, and carry out various tasks that contribute to enhancing sales and profits.

To know more about big data visit:



Write an essay about agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water. Include ways that they can conserve water during these practices. Make sure you have an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences long.


The agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water can be seen in the way it is been used to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestockthrough irrigation, as well as usingt it industrially to to heat or cool equipment, produce steamand it can be used personally for drinking.

The ways to conserve water are:

Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank.Take shorter showers.Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors.

What is the agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water ?

The use of agricultural water  can be seen in the way the ffarmer do use it to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, however Agricultural water is used for irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer applications .

It should be noted that the Water in chemical industry is used to heat or cool equipment, produce steam, create vacuum, since no chemical production plant can function without water.

Learn more about water at:



What is ironic about Mending Wall?


The reader of the poem "Heal Wall" continues to take part in construction efforts despite realizing he opposes the wall's existence, perhaps being the poem's greatest tragedy.

What exactly does tragedy mean?

Anegative situation Calamity, catastrophe, a severe drama often depicting a confrontation here between protagonist and a greater power (such as destiny), and having a sombre or catastrophic denouement that evokes sympathy or horror. Tragic tragedies are a type of literature.

Which of these four tragedies are they?

(5) There are four different types of tragedy, and indeed the writer should try to highlight every significant aspect of the type he picks. There are four types of tragedies: the tragedy of pain, the tragedy of characterization, the tragedy of spectacle, and the complex tragedy, which consists of foreshadowing and symbolism.

To know more about tragedy visit:



What are the first 4 lines of a sonnet called?


Quatrains are the four pieces that make up a sonnet. The first three quatrains have alternating rhyme schemes and each have four lines.

One sonnet The sonnet, which literally translates as "small song," typically reflects on a single sentiment and then clarifies or "turns" the notion in its last lines. Iambic pentameter is used to write 10 syllable lines in the Shakespearean or English sonnet. Three quatrains (four-line stanzas) and a final rhyming couplet make up the structure (two-line stanza).

A sonnet is a 14-line poetry that focuses on one particular problem or notion. Around eight lines in, it typically takes a turn, or "volta," before the problem is solved. Iambic pentameter and an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme are both used in Shakespearean sonnets

To learn more about sonnets: https://brainly.com/question/1892944


Who is the real author of Animal Farm?


In this line, Orwell employs satire to accomplish his goal, which was to make fun of political propaganda's blatant lies in C. Squealer's speech.

A satire is simply the use of irony, humor, exaggeration, or mockery to reveal a person's vices or to criticize them. In this paragraph of Animal Farm, Orwell's use of satire was crucial to achieving his goals since Squealer's statement exposes the blatant fallacies of political propaganda. Satire was employed in this instance to mock. A fable is a story in which animals are depicted as having human traits and features in order to express a viewpoint, typically one that is moral in nature. In Animal Farm, Orwell uses a few animal characters to illustrate the circumstances that led to the 1917 Russian Revolution and later to Stalinist. Orwell was a severe opponent of all forms of authoritarianism, and he thought that under Stalin, Russia had fallen into this category.

Learn more about A satire here:



Write a letter to your friend describing two ways in which you prepared for your father's birthday.


We are asked to write a letter to our friend describing our father's birthday celebrations. The letter to our friend describing the celebrations will be as under:

Hi Priya,

Yesterday we celebrated my father's birthday. Remember all the things I told you that I am going to try to do to make the birthday a memorable one. Most of them got canceled as my father remained at home the entire day as it was raining. At least these two ways I made his birthday memorable. I was able to call him all his old school friends and whoever was staying in the city or was able to travel came for the party. So seeing his old friends my father was really touched.

The second surprise to make my father remember this birthday was the arrival of my brother. We did not tell him that he was arriving. In fact whenever he spoke to my father it hold him that there were no plans of coming down. So my father was really pleased to see his son after so many months.

Let me know how you are going to plan to celebrate your parent's anniversary which is next month.

Lots of love

To learn more about letter check the link below:




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