What are the three cases of English pronouns?


Answer 1

In English, there are three pronoun cases: subjective, objective, and possessive. The pronoun serves a distinct purpose in each instance.

When a pronoun serves as the sentence's subject, it is written in the subjective case. I, you, he, she, it, us, and they are examples of subjective pronouns.When the pronoun is the sentence's object, it is in the objective case (i.e., it is being acted upon by the verb). Me, you, him, she, it, us, and them are the objective pronouns. The teacher, for instance, observed me in the hallway. The subject of the word "seen" is the pronoun "me."One of three pronoun cases, the other two being subjective and objective, is the possessive case.

learn more about  possessive case Refer:brainly.com/question/20392076


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Who did the Sherman Antitrust Act affect?


The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was voted into law by the American government in 1890. This law, which was an anti-trust measure, gave the federal government the power to dissolve any corporations that prevented competition. John Sherman, an Ohio-based senator, wrote the article. Throughout the late 1800s and the early 1900s, the federal government used this legislation to dismantle monopolies, including the Standard Oil Company's in 1911. Many Americans' rising discontent led to the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Many Americans worried the increasing number of businesses, such as Standards Oil, that controlled the market and prevented rivals from banding together. These same folks frequently objected to how these various businesses treated their employees unfairly.Many people in America thought that businesspeople had built practically monopolies based on the toil of their employees.

While the businesses prospered, the workers battled to make ends meet because of unfavorable working conditions and low pay. It's interesting to note that the federal government used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against unions in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Unions were institutions established to support workers against their bosses. Federal courts determined that unions basically operated as trusts, reducing internal competition.

By fostering competition, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was designed to benefit employees and small business owners. While it did help these two groups, the act ultimately made it more difficult for employees to obtain better working conditions.

To learn more about Sherman Antitrust Act affect -



How does lobbying affect the government?


A crucial instrument for efficient government is lobbying. Without it, it would be challenging for governments to balance the many, divergent interests of their constituents.

Fortunately, lobbying allows people to communicate with lawmakers, acts as a means of spreading knowledge, and strengthens the influence of small-group interests.

Legislative staffers have access to research and information on important subjects thanks to lobbyists. Legislators lack the time and money to conduct research, so lobbyists can help sort through the results and deliver the material that is most relevant to lobbyists.

Although lobbying has the potential to improve democracy, it can also be a tool used by influential groups to sway legislation against the interests of the general people.

To learn more about lobbying here:



Which two characters are the ideal of christian charity and humility? the prioress and the knight the plowman and the knight the parson and the plowman the parson and the monk


Chaucer's two examples of humble Christians were (c) the parson and the plowman.

When it comes to the parson's story, it talks about the many ways you can go to heaven and meet God after your death.

The plowman's man is a sermon about his views on the church.

What principle underpins Christian charity?

A Model of Christian Charity emphasizes the moral principles that should govern interactions among community members and exhorts followers to love their neighbors as themselves. According to Winthrop, this commandment was imparted to humans at the time of creation.

The three theological qualities of faith, hope, and charity are upheld by Christian theology as being in order of importance. Moral theology holds that charity is a divinely endowed virtue that allows us to concentrate our will on loving God above all else for his own sake and loving mankind for the love of God.

Learn more about christian charity to visit this link



How do details from the excerpts support the author's purpose?


While the author includes facts to persuade in the second excerpt, the first excerpt employs narrative techniques and figurative language.

The motivation or reason behind the author's writing is their purpose. Both text analysis and information retention, two important aspects of reading comprehension, are predicated on a clear comprehension of the author's intention when writing a particular text.

An author may want to satirise a condition, inform readers, persuade readers, or amuse readers. The goal of an author is evident in the way he approaches a subject in his writing. He might, for instance, include jokes or anecdotes in his writing if his goal is to amuse. Titles, prefaces, and the author's background can all give away an author's intentions.

To know more about Author’s purpose, refer to this link:



Which words have positive connotations luxurious?


The terms "luxury," "elegant," as well as "fashionable" all hold favourable associations. Both being haughty and being arrogant have negative connotations.

Every phrase and word has an implicit meaning in addition towards its literal and explicit meaning, which is represented by its symbol. A universally acknowledged cultural as well as emotional connection is called a connotation. Depending on whether an interpretation has a pleasant emotional link, it is typically categorized as either favorable or negative.

There are numerous interpretations of the meanings, all of which are distinct from one another. One of those is to compare the literal and authentic meanings of words as well as phrases. Many different meanings can be attached to a word as well as phrase.

To know more about Connotations here-



What is the 5 steps to achieve goals?


Answer: Set a Measurable Goal. Success, by definition, is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose,” so it makes sense to figure out what you're chasing. ...
Be Strategic. ...
Stay Organized and Better Manage Your Time. ...
Remain Focused. ...
Rejoice … or Revise.

How many days off do you get in police?



48 hrs


Is solar or wind power more cost effective?


Calculations show that installing solar energy costs about $2.19 per watt, while installing wind energy only costs $1.50 per watt. Currently, it takes two to three generations to reach the state of "free electricity."

Is solar or wind energy more effective?

Efficiency. On average, wind turbines capture 60% of the energy that travels through them, compared to solar panels' 18%–22% efficiency. The fact that a household wind turbine can generate more electricity than many solar panels is therefore undeniable.

Which energy is the most economical?

It is well known that gas costs less than using electricity, even if more gas is needed to power the same number of items.

To know more about wind and solar energy visit:



What is the probability of 2 heterozygous parents having offspring with a recessive genotype?


The probability that both heterozygous parents will contribute a recessive allele for any given trait is 25% of the time.

Who are heterozygous individuals?

In genetics, heterozygous means having inherited different versions (alleles) of a genomic marker from each biological parent. As a result, a person who is heterozygous for a genomic marker has two distinct versions of that marker.

The Punnett square shows that there is a 25% chance of having a normal homozygous (AA) child, a 50% chance of having a healthy heterozygous (Aa) carrier child like you and your mate, and a 25% chance of having a homozygous recessive (aa) child who will most likely die from this condition.

Therefore, the probability of 2 heterozygous parents having offspring with a recessive genotype is 25%.

To learn more about heterozygous individuals, click here:



What is the main event in Chapter 7 Lord of the Flies?


I believe Ralph becomes homesick and is alert to the amount mayhem that is going on around him when he’s supposed to be guiding.

What are some examples of realistic fiction?


Some examples of realistic fiction despite substantial deviations from the genre, the dystopian novel 1984 is a significant exemplar.

In that it imagines a future when society is in decline, tyranny has produced enormous disparities, and basic faults of human nature keep the protagonists in a state of conflict and unhappiness, George Orwell's 1984 is a defining example of dystopian fiction. Dystopian novels like 1984 suggest.

That if man's hunger for power and ability for cruelty go unchecked, the human race will only get worse, in contrast to utopian novels that hold out hope for the perfectibility of man and the prospect of a just society.Following World War II and the advent of fascism in Germany and the Soviet Union, Orwell authored the book.

To know more about Realistic fiction visit:



Why is it important to use standardized recipe in foodservice?


Standardized recipes aid in ensuring that the greatest food products are consistently produced. Every time the dish is made, the same components and amounts are used, therefore the price per serving stays the same.

Based on the information supplied on the recipe, the quantity of ingredients required for manufacture may be simply estimated.

It's easy. By establishing standards, your company may operate more effectively and deliver customer service that goes above and beyond. Managers and staff may receive extensive training rapidly by having a written training plan for each role, for instance.

The purpose of standardization is to guarantee consistency among certain business procedures. Standardization concentrates on the production of products, corporate operations, technology in use.

Learn more about to  foodservice visit here;



What is a conditioned response quizlet?


Conditioned response defines as a responses of learning into a stimulus that was  neutral extinction previously.It occured when the stimulus conditioned was disconnected from the unconditioned stimulus.

A conditioned response was triggered by a conditioned stimulus after conditioned. Other side it is before conditioning where a CS is a neutral stimulus that cannot be elicited the target response.

After repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus then neutral stimulus becomes a CS that can be triggerred a CR. Some examples of conditioned behaviours are fear of dogs ,Praises to encourage a children to feel happy about their good behavior, Parent convert homework into a game skill & Festival music.

Learn more about conditioned behaviours click on the link here:



What actually happened to Farquhar?


Farquhar was found to have never actually escaped; instead, he had made up the entire third act in the moments before he plunged from the bridge and was strangled by the noose.

What happens to Farquhar at the end of the story?

Peyton Farquhar is ready to be hanged in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," but manages to escape by falling into the stream below. At the very conclusion of the story, he is hanged on the bridge after it is discovered that his account of his escape was all in his mind.

What is really happening is revealed by the final cue, a hard strike to his neck. Farquhar never managed to get away from the soldiers; his body is hanging from Owl Creek Bridge.

The final chapter of the story is shown to have been all made up by Farquhar, who did not actually escape at all. Instead, he did dream it while hanging from a rope after falling through a bridge.

To learn more about Farquhar refer to:



What are the six main reasons for Swift's proposal?


To persuade the Irish Parliament to better the living conditions of the underprivileged, he produced "A Modest Proposal."

What is the purpose of Swift's proposal?

He published "A Modest Proposal" in an effort to persuade the Irish Parliament to better the lives of the underprivileged. Swift used the metaphor of eating children to alludes to what he perceived as the exploitation of the underprivileged, such as the exorbitant rents demanded by landlords.

The speaker asserted that his proposal would do the following things: reduce the number of Catholics; provide the poor with a material good; boost the economy and popularize a new food; shorten the period of time "breeders" must spend raising their offspring; increase tavern business; and promote marriage.

Swift's parody is titled "A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and For Making them Beneficial" originally printed in 1729 under an alias, "To the Publick".

To learn more about Swift's proposal refer to:



What are 3 words with a positive connotation?


Three words with positive connotations are “success,” “contentment,” and “fulfillment.”

The word “success” is often associated with ambition and achievement, and can evoke feelings of pride, joy and satisfaction. It can be defined as the accomplishment of a desired aim or goal, or the attainment of a desired outcome. Success can also refer to a feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.

The word “contentment” has a positive connotation and is often associated with being content, pleased, and satisfied. It can refer to a feeling of peacefulness, comfort, and acceptance. Contentment implies that one is happy with the current situation and does not desire anything more.

The word “fulfillment” also has a positive connotation and implies the accomplishment of a purpose or goal. It suggests a sense of satisfaction and joy, and can refer to the attainment of a desired aim or the realization of a dream.

These three words have positive connotations and can be used to describe various positive experiences and outcomes. They can be used to describe the feeling of accomplishment, contentment, and fulfillment that comes with achieving success.

Learn more about positive connotations at :https://brainly.com/question/19850285


What language did Robert Burns write in?


Robert Burns wrote in Scottish English, often incorporating elements of Scottish Gaelic and Lowland Scots into his poetry and songs. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated for his contributions to Scottish culture.

Robert Burns was a poet who lived a long life. He was born in Scotland in 1759 to William and Agnes Brown Burnes. In his poetry, he captured and praised several facets of rural life, regional culture, traditional culture, class culture, and religious practice. He is regarded as Scotland's national poet. His desire to be known as a Scots bard and to praise his native country in poetry and song, as he does in "The Answer," was not something he intentionally set out to do. He stated this repeatedly.

"A wish, that to my latest hour Shall strongly heave my breast;

That I for poor auld Scotland's sake Some useful plan,

or book could make,

Or sing a sang at least."

To know more about Robert Burns visit :



5 Which choice is the most reasonable analysis of the way dramatic elements in the
passage interact to advance the plot?

A Hamlet's internal conflict, in which he struggles with his own hesitation
to act, establishes his tragic flaw and leads him to devise a new plan,
contributing to the rising action.
Hamlet's internal conflict, in which he struggles with his jealousy,
establishes his tragic flaw and leads him to devise a new plan,
contributing to the rising action.

B. Hamlet's conflict with Claudius, in which he strives to respect Claudius
even while suspecting him of murder, sets in motion a chain of events
that will reveal Hamlet's tragic flaw.

C.Hamlet's conflict with Claudius, in which Hamlet seeks to avenge his
father's death and take the throne for himself, sets in motion a chain of
events that will reveal Hamlet's tragic flaw.

D. hamlets conflict with claudius in which hamlet seeks to avenge his fathers desth and take the throne for himself sets in motion a chain of events that will reveal hamlets tragic flaw


The way in which dramatic elements are established in the passage to advance the plot can be seen in the sentence "Hamlet's internal conflict, in which he struggles with his own hesitation to act, establishes his tragic flaw and leads him to devise a new plan, contributing to the rising action," as option A shows.

What is internal conflict?It is the conflict that the character has with himself.It is the conflict that provokes confusion in thoughts.It is the conflict that leaves the character confused with himself and what he wants to do.

Hamlet's inner conflict is the element that adds the most drama to the story. This is because Hamlet cannot act according to his wishes and this leaves him confused, distressed, and even upset with himself.

As part of the attempt to resolve this conflict, Hamlet reflects on his contradictions, discusses with himself, analyzes what he can do, thinks about his own identity, and questions who he is and the people around him.

This indecisiveness and psychological tension are what promote Hamlet's actions at the same time that it inhibits him. This moves the story forward and the reader becomes curious about how Hamlet will solve the problems he has with himself.

You have not shown the passage your question refers to. The passage can be seen below:

"Now I am alone.

O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!

Is it not monstrous that this player here,

But in a fiction, in a dream of passion,

Could force his soul so to his own conceit

That from her working all his visage wann'd,

Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect,

A broken voice, and his whole function suiting

With forms to his conceit? and all for nothing!

For Hecuba!"

Learn more about Hamlet:



I desire you would remember the ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. based on "ain't i a woman?," how would truth most likely feel about adams’s statement?
a. truth would disagree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve equality in the eyes of society.
b. truth would agree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve to be represented in the constitution.
c. truth would feel that adams is not qualified to comment on issues relating to women’s rights.
d. truth would support adams’s sentiment that women should not be involved in politics.


The reality would concur with Adams' assertion that women merit representation in the Constitution.The correct response is A. truth would disagree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve equality in the eyes of society.

In her speech "ain't I a woman," sojourner truth discussed the logical, moral, and religious justifications for women deserving the same rights as men as a result of their natural equality. She would undoubtedly concur with Adams' call for more gender equality in the Constitution.

The implication is that A is how Truth will feel. Adams' belief that women should be represented in the Constitution is one with which Truth would concur.A simple definition of an inference is the conclusion that can be drawn from the information provided in a literary work.

To know more about constitution visit:



Natural beauty is sure to surpass any man-made creation



Natural things are pure. It's God-gifted and humans can't make nature like mountain animals and flowers.

in act iv of the crucible, why does parris urge elizabeth to go to her husband, who is being taken off to execution?
a. so that she can show that she believes the death sentence is just
b. so that she can try once more to persuade him to confess
c. so that she can make a last appeal to the mercy of the judges
d. so that she can comfort him in his final moments


Option (2) is Correct. Parris urges Elizabeth to visit her husband in Act IV of the Crucible so that she can try to convince him to confess once more.

Proctor says it is sufficient that the guys saw him confess to his claimed misdeeds, but he is hesitant to sign the confession. He signs his name under duress but takes the sheet away from Danforth. Danforth demands the confession in order to demonstrate Proctor's witchcraft to the community. After debating with the authorities, Proctor forbids him from nailing the document bearing his name to the church door, tears the confession in two, and renounces it.

Calling for the marshal is Danforth. Proctor is among the seven condemned inmates who are led to the hangman by Herrick. Elizabeth is urged by Hale and Parris to argue with Proctor, but she declines to persuade him to do what he feels is right. Proctor finally decides to confess after a protracted struggle with his conscience. Cheever takes out a piece of paper, a pen, and ink to write the confession as Hathorne and Danforth are overjoyed. Proctor queries the need for writing. It will be hung on the church door, says Danforth.

Learn more about Elizabeth visit: brainly.com/question/26271315


moses and the hebrews’ most significant contribution to democratic-republican government ______.


Moses and the most significant contribution to democratic-republican government Contribution of moses .

Moses made two contributions jews were held as slaves in egypt. moses was a prophet who served as their leader. The jews were slaves in egypt until moses led them out. Moses made a significant contribution to various religions, benefited the Jews, and freed the egyptian slaves.

The ten plagues that demonstrate the strength of Hebrew gold, the flight from Egypt, the ten commandments, the mosaic law, and several other beliefs that are essential to Judaism are all part of the significance of Moses' contribution to Judaism.

To know more about Contribution of moses visit:



What is a discussion site example?


Reddit is affectionately referred to be the internet's home page. Reddit is essentially just a traditional discussion forum at its most basic.

Millions of people use this site every day to talk about politics, post memes, and share any bizarre ideas that have ever crossed their minds while they were in the shower.

Online discussion forums may be used for a variety of things, including helping students review information before an assignment or exam, getting them involved in course discussion before class, and getting them to think about reading or working with content outside of class.

In an online discussion, you plan and lead the conversation while the students absorb information from one another and develop their own perspectives on the subject.

Learn more about to site visit here;



Many cultures have a myth about:


All cultures have their creation myths—the origin stories that tell us how the earth was formed, how we came to be here, and what we are meant to do with our existence. As with the heroic cycle, there are endless variations of the creation story, but there are common elements throughout.

(DUE TO TODAY, Will give brainliest and 50 points) Read the following sentence:

By the time I return, I ________ three loops around the park.

Which of the following completes this sentence using the perfect tense? (2 points)
had run
has run
have run
will have run


Answer: tssssss had run


The answer is 'will have run'. This is because the phrase "will have" is used when looking back from a point in time in the future.

What is the role of a standard recipe and standard purchase specification in the food industry?


Specifications to the last detail can: Lower purchasing expenses by removing the requirement to accept items of better caliber.

Maintain a high standard for menu items. Encourage suppliers to quote accurately and competitively to cut expenses.

Standardized recipes aid in ensuring that the greatest food products are consistently produced. Every time the dish is made, the same components and amounts are used, therefore the price per serving stays the same.

Based on the information supplied on the recipe, the quantity of ingredients required for manufacture may be simply estimated.

Governments use sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures as "essential to safeguard human, animal, or plant life or health"1 from the dangers connected with the spread of pests, illnesses, or disease-carrying and producing organisms, or from additives, toxins, etc.

Learn more about to food industry visit here;



how does laertes's character develop between act i and act iv of the play?how does laertes's character develop between act i and act iv of the play?


Laertes is a significant character in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and his character develops a great deal over the course of the play. In Act I, Laertes is introduced as a young man of high status who is passionate and protective of his sister, Ophelia.

He is also very loyal to his father, Polonius, and is eager to seek revenge against Hamlet for supposedly causing Ophelia’s heartbreak. Laertes is depicted as a hot-headed young man who is easily swayed by his emotions.

By the time we reach Act IV, Laertes has undergone a great deal of transformation. He has become more mature, level-headed, and understanding. He is no longer seeking revenge against Hamlet but is instead concerned with protecting his family.

He is also more aware of the consequences of his actions and is willing to put his own feelings aside for the sake of what is right. He is willing to forgive Hamlet for his past mistakes and is even willing to go as far as to help him out in his fight against Claudius.

Learn more about Hamlet at : https://brainly.com/question/3386851


How do you write a claim statement for an argumentative essay?


The opening sentence should contain a "claim," which is the main point of your paragraph or essay.

What is an example of an argumentative claim?

It is a claim that "a liberal arts education best prepares pupils," not that "I didn't enjoy the book." Although the rest of the world can debate whether or not I enjoyed the book, they may debate the advantages of liberal arts.

What are the 3 parts of a claim statement?

The three main components of an argument are a strong claim (also known as a strong statement), explanations or justifications for the claim, and evidence in support of those justifications. All three criteria must be met for an argument to be persuasive.

Hence above given is a correct answer.

To know more about  claim statement follow link



How many sentences should it take to summarize a main idea?


As the name implies, a brief summary is shorter than a standard summary and may take the form of an abstract or epitome. These should not be longer than one page and can range in length from a few sentences to a few paragraphs.

Most frequently, they are between 200 and 400 words. A summary is a condensed version of the original text; it is not a rewrite. A summary paragraph typically consists of five to eight sentences.

Be brief and to the point. The next step is to succinctly summarize those concepts in a paragraph or a few lines. Simply repeating a sentence in your own words is considered a paraphrase.

To learn more about summary here:



What did Justice Harlan warn against?


In his most famous and eloquent dissent, Harlan stated that "our Constitution is colorblind," that "there is no superior, dominant ruling class of citizens in this country," .

And that it is unconstitutional to allow states to "regulate the enjoyment of citizens' civil rights solely on the basis of race." Harlan had foreseen...

Justice Harlan argued against the Supreme Court's majority rule because he felt segregation was immoral and unconstitutional. He felt the Constitution was "colour blind" and opposed the principle of "separate but equal."

Despite his impassioned arguments for a "colorblind" reading of the Constitution, Harlan, like Brown, did not favour social equality among races.

Learn more about to  Harlan  visit here;



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