What are the stages of public policy?


Answer 1

When broken down, the four stages of the public policy process are agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

What exactly does public policy entail?

Public policy is a set of guidelines, directives, plans of action, and budgetary priorities affecting a certain topic that have been developed by a governmental entity or its representatives.

What four categories of public policy exist?

The four distinct types of policies are public policy, organizational policy, functional policy, and particular policy. A path of action advocated by a group or individual is referred to as a policy.

To know more about public policy visit:



Related Questions

Which of the following types of liens is automatically superior to any other lien?
A. Property tax and assessment lien
B. Mortgage lien
C. Lien arising from a court judgment unrelated to ownership of the property
D. Mechanics' lien


Property tax and assessment liens are always preferred over other liens.

Tax compliance refers to both governmental activities and individual behaviour in order to guarantee that taxpayers are paying the appropriate amount of tax at the appropriate time and receiving the appropriate tax allowances and tax reliefs. A tax is an obligatory financial charge or other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer by a governmental entity to cover specific administrative and public obligations. Between 3000 and 2800 BC, the first documented taxation was enacted in ancient Egypt. Both paying taxes late and evading or resisting taxation are illegal actions. Taxes can be paid in cash or in the equivalent in labour and can be direct or indirect. The majority of nations have a taxation system in place,

Learn more about  tax from



Who does Polonius spy on in Act 2?


Summary and Analysis Act II: Scene 1. Polonius meets with his sly servant Reynaldo and tells him to go to Paris and spy on Laertes. He charges the servant to find any Danes living in Paris and to question them as to Laertes' whereabouts and reputation.

Under which jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does the case involving?


Under the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does the case involve.

What was Supreme Court?

As the highest court, the Supreme Court assesses whether or not the laws are being followed effectively. It is beneficial to keep a watch out for and punish severely those national activities that violate the constitution.

The ability of a higher court to examine a decision made by a lower court is known as appellate jurisdiction. The supreme court typically exercises this power.

Most any other dispute involving a constitutional or federal ruling may be heard on appeal before the Court because it has appellate jurisdiction over it.

Learn more about  Supreme Court, here:



Why does Hamlet decline to take action against Claudius A 3 S 3 )?


First, he claims that Queen Gertrude is still smitten with her child and that the lord was required to cheer up his monarch. Second, he asserts that Danes adore Hamlet and are prepared to overlook his flaws or transgressions.

Claudius claims that he skipped Hamlet for two reasons: first, since his mother loves him so much, and second, because Hamlet is a popular play in Denmark.

In order to persuade Laertes, the King first explains to the boy that Claudius was prevented from rejecting Hamlet because he loves Gertrude unconditionally (regardless of whether this is fortunate or unfortunate), and she adores her son so much that he cannot do anything that would make her unhappy.

The second justification Claudius offers for not rejecting Hamlet is the popularity of the Danes. He claims that because of the widespread respect for Hamlet, the people would overlook his flaws and would forgive actions that the majority would decide are wrong if it meant that Hamlet would be better off. Right now, people who aren't usually Claudius supporters would blame the King while Hamlet would get away with murder.

To know more about Hamlet, click the below link



What were the main programs of FDR's second hundred days?


The National Labor Relations Act (also known as the "Wagner Act"), the Banking Act of 1935, rural electrification, and dissolution of utility holding firms were among the most significant initiatives.

What were the key initiatives during the 100 days of the New Deal?

The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), and the Social Security Administration were among the major government programming agencies (SSA).

What were the three main objectives of the programs throughout the course of the 100 days?

Because he pledged a "new deal for the American people" in a campaign address, these initiatives came to be known as the "New Deal." Three broad objectives dominated the New Deal: comfort for the poor, a strengthening economy, and financial reform.

To know more about FDR's second hundred days visit:-



What are the rhetorical appeals of ethos logos and pathos used for?


Understanding rhetorical appeals can help you write more persuadingly and create stronger arguments. By detecting rhetorical appeals, writers can start to understand when it is preferable to use one style over another.

What are the objectives of the three rhetorical appeals?

The ability of a speaker to connect with an audience on the basis of the three distinct levels of logos, ethos, and pathos determines their ability to persuade that audience, in Aristotle's view. Together, these appeals form the rhetorical triangle, as it has come to be known by later rhetoricians.

In order to appeal to the rational half of the audience, Logos creates logical arguments. It increases the likelihood that the audience will believe the speaker when they make an appeal to their status or authority (ethos). Pathos employs emotional appeals to arouse specific emotions in the audience, such as rage or sympathy.

How do persuasive speeches employ pathos, ethos, and logos?

Use ethos at the onset to build credibility and enable readers or listeners to relate to you. Use logic, or logos, to establish your arguments and claims. Since you eventually want people to act in accordance with their emotions, pathos, or the emotional appeal, should come last.

Learn more about rhetorical appeals: https://brainly.com/question/19264317


edith windsor filed suit in a federal court, and the case ultimately reached the u.s. supreme court in 2013. the supreme court ruled doma unconstitutional in united states v. windsor (2013).


The Defense of Marriage Act's (DOMA) Section 3 — which forbade federal recognition of same-sex unions — was ruled to have violated the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause.

What was the US v. Windsor dissenting opinion?

In a dissenting opinion, Chief Justice Roberts stated that DOMA was constitutional and that the Court lacked the authority to hear the issue. He mainly contended that the background of DOMA does not demonstrate the minimal intention to injure that the majority extrapolates from the legislative history of the Act.

In United States v. Windsor (2013), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of DOMA violated the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The law that forbade openly homosexual and lesbian service in the military has been formally abolished.

To know more about US v. Windsor, refer:



Compared with Western Europe, the United States has a __________ turnout in elections.
a. higher
b. lower
c. roughly equivalent
d. non-comparable





Answer: The answer is B Lower

Explanation: Compared with Western Europe, the United States has a lower turnout in elections.

This disengagement between potential voters and the people running and the policies they are pushing is one of the reasons why the United States has a lower turnout in elections

Hope this was helpful

What is the role of a campaign manager in the modern campaign?


A campaign manager, marketing campaign chairman, or campaign director is a paid or volunteer individual whose function is to coordinate a political campaign's operations such as fundraising, advertising, polling, getting out the vote (with direct contact to the public), and other things to do aiding the effort, directly.

What is campaign administration and why is it important?

Marketing campaign management is the planning, executing, tracking and evaluation of direct advertising and marketing campaigns. These tasks span the complete lifecycle of a marketing campaign, from inception to launch to contrast of result.

A Campaign Manager's important responsibility is to ensure advertising and marketing campaigns obtain their objectives. They work with the Marketing Manager to create, execute and screen the overall performance of campaigns and supply all the assets required to meet income targets.

Learn more about campaign manager here:


in the u.s., public opinion most strongly favors which of the following in dealing with delinquent juveniles?


kinder and more rehabilitative. Children who violate the law in a way that would be considered criminal if they were adults are said to be delinquent.

What does a young offender look like?

Juvenile criminal. a person, typically under the age of 18, who has been found guilty of breaking the law or committing a status violation in a state where a minor is considered to be incapable of handling their own affairs and who is not eligible for an adult penalty.

What are the primary factors that lead to juvenile crime?

Psychological problems of all kinds can affect children and adolescents for a variety of reasons, including low socioeconomic position, parents' lack of concern, feelings of inadequacy, lack of attention, and many more. For instance, anxiety, fear, complexes, excessive anger, etc.

To know more about  Delinquent juveniles visit:



What are the three national security agencies?


the American Security Service (NSA), the National Geographic Agency (NGA), the Defense Intelligence Apparatus (DIA), and the Survey To obtain Office (NRO),

What number of national security organizations exist?

The ODNI is one of 18 agencies and organizations that make up the U.S. Intelligence Community. The IC agencies, which are part of the Executive Branch, cooperate and operate independently to collect and process the intelligence required for conducting foreign policy and national security operations.

What are the duties of national security agencies?

The military and policy-making branches of our government get foreign signals intelligence (SIGINT) from NSA. By giving American leaders the key intelligence they require to defend our nation, save lives, and advance U.S. objectives and partnerships around the world, SIGINT plays a crucial role in ensuring our national security.

To know more about national security agency visit:



What recent Supreme Court decision overturned lower court decisions and allowed the federal government to fully implement the executive order?


Again enjoining the new proclamation were the district court and court of appeals. The Supreme Court approved the ban's full implementation on December 4 while allowing for judicial challenges.

What other decisions has the Supreme Court overturned?

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990), Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918), Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), Betts v. Brady (1942), Bowers v. Hardwick (1986), Baker v. Nelson (1972), Roe v. Wade (1973), and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992)

Roe v. Wade (1973), which established a constitutional right to abortion, was reversed by the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022). However, some state constitutions proactively defend the right to an abortion.

The Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, which established the separate but equal policy in 1896, was reversed in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. The Brown decision resulted in the desegregation of schools.

To learn more about Supreme court refer to :



is when the house rules committee determines that no amendments will be allowed to a piece of legislation when it reaches the chamber floor.


Closed Rule is when the house rules committee determines that no amendments will be allowed to a piece of legislation when it reaches the chamber floor.

What is the difference between a closed rule and an open rule on the house floor?

Open rules allow changes to be made from the floor of the house, while closed rules prohibit amendments and establish time limitations on the debate. These rules, which are established by the House Rules Committee, govern how legislation in the US Congress is passed through the House of Representatives.

Rules can limit amendments in a variety of ways, from the closed rule, which forbids all amendments, to the open rule, which permits all amendments. A closed rule, meanwhile, is a procedural device that forbids modifications to bills put to a vote on the House floor unless they are suggested by the committee reporting the bill.

To learn more about legislation, visit:



All of the following are ways to deal with conflict EXCEPT:
A. Prioritize
B. Compete
C. Compromise


Compete doesn't deal with conflict.

What is the best way to resolve conflict?

Whether a disagreement arises at work or at home, we commonly resort to the propensity to try to change the other person's or group's perceptions by lecturing them about why we're right—and they're wrong. We all know that this method of dispute resolution frequently fails to end the problem and frequently simply makes it worse.

Recognize that we all have distorted views of fairness.

Avert inciting conflict by not using threats and inflammatory actions.

Get above the "we vs them" mindset. Group ties foster loyalty and solid relationships, but they may also foster mistrust and animosity against those who belong to other groups.

To find more serious problems, go deeper.

Distinguish between true and false religious topics.

to learn more about conflict click:



What is a 3 judge bench called?


A bench with two or three judges is called a division bench. Each case must be heard by the Divisional bench.

What court has only three judges?

The Court of Appeal has only three judges and does not use a jury. The Court of Appeal hears appeals from decisions made by the district courts of the courts located in its districts, as well as decisions on appeals made by federal executive agencies.

What happens in 3rd judge case?

The Third Judge Case of 1998 is not a case, but an opinion of the Supreme Court of India on a legal question concerning the university system posed in July 1998 by the President of India, K.R. Narayanan, within the exercise of his constitutional powers.

To learn more about bench of judges visit:



How are differences between House and Senate versions of a bill resolved ?


Finally, any discrepancies between the House and Senate versions of the bill are resolved by a conference committee made up of representatives from both chambers. The resultant bill is sent back to the House and Senate for final approval.

How are disputes between bills from the House and the Senate resolved?

There are situations when a conference committee can be used to resolve disagreements between the House and Senate plans. A conference committee is a short-term committee established in connection with a particular bill, and its job is to negotiate a solution that may be accepted by both chambers.

What significant distinction exists between the House of Representatives and the Senate?

Senators represent their entire state, whereas House members represent specific districts. The population of a state affects how many districts are located there. In Congress, each state is guaranteed a minimum one representative.

To know more about bill  visit:



Who has the power to remove an impeached official?


The government that has the power to remove an impeached official is the Congress.

What is impeachment practice about?

The practice of impeachment started in England and was later used by many of the American colonial and state governments. As adopted by the framers of the Constitution, this power is a fundamental component of the system of “checks and balances.”

Through impeachment process, the Congress charges and then tries an official of the federal government for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. In impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives charges an official of the federal government by approving, by simple majority vote.

Read more about impeachment



What is the purpose and function of PACs?


ANSWER: PACS breaks down the physical and time barriers associated with traditional film-based image retrieval, distribution, and display. Moreover, it can handle images from various medical imaging instruments, including ultrasound, MR, positron emission tomography, CT, etc.

What was the age voting reduced from 21 to 18?


The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in July 1971, reduced the voting age for citizens of the United States from 21 to 18.

What do you voting for?

Voting is a procedure that a group, such as an electorate or gathering, can utilize to come to an agreement or express a viewpoint, usually following discussions, debates, or election campaigns. Democracies choose their high-level officials through the electoral process.

Which right is called right to voting?

Each citizen's right to participate in the management of public affairs, the right to vote and be elected, and the right to access public service are all recognized and upheld by Article 25 of the Covenant.

To know more about voting visit:



What are the 4 most common reasons for appeal?


Evidence exclusion, insufficient evidence, ineffective representation by counsel, and prosecutorial misconduct are the 4 most common reason for appeal.

What is the strongest type of ground for appeal?

The strongest type of ground for appeal is a legal error, because the appellate court does not have to give any weight to what the trial court judge did. The appellate court will examine the law that was supposed to be applied and determine whether or not the trial court judge erred.

A "legal error" occurs when the judge in your case applies the incorrect rule or "legal standard" to the facts of your case. This can happen if a trial court in your state did not follow the statute or case law that was supposed to apply in your case's circumstances.

In custody cases, for example, a judge must determine what is best for the child. Most states have laws requiring certain factors to be considered, which are commonly referred to as "best interests factors." If one of those factors is whether or not a parent has committed domestic violence, but the trial judge disregards domestic violence evidence in making the custody decision, you may have grounds to appeal based on a legal error.

Hence, Evidence exclusion, insufficient evidence, ineffective representation by counsel, and prosecutorial misconduct are the 4 most common reason for appeal.

To learn more about appeal refer to:



What is Enterprise PACS and how does it work?


PACS has 4 important components: hardware imaging machines; a invulnerable network for the distribution and change of affected person images; a workstation or mobile gadget for viewing, processing and decoding images; and electronic archives for storing and retrieving snap shots and associated documentation and reports.

What is an agency PACS?

When discussing enterprise imaging, we ought to first outline PACS, a integral piece of the healthcare technological know-how evolution. PACS are picture archiving and conversation systems that enable healthcare carriers to keep and ship digital photographs and scientific reports.

How does the PACS machine work?

Simply put, PACS is a photograph archiving and communications system. This gadget electronically stores pics and reports, alternatively of using the historic method of manually filing, retrieving and transporting film jackets, which are used for storing X-ray film.

Learn more about enterprise PACS here:


Why is it important to have gender equality in the workplace?


Achieving gender equality at work is essential for a country's overall economic performance in addition to becoming "fair" and "a right thing to do."

How would you define gender equality?

Individuals of all ages should have equal chances, rights, and responsibilities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality, especially men, women, transgender & sexual genderqueer people, children, and families. Individuals of all ages & ethnicities are affected.

What purpose does gender equality serve?

Violence towards women and girls is avoided by gender equality. One of the main causes of violence towards women is gender inequity. The following are the top four causes of violence against women: approving of female violence. constraints on women's independence and the predominance of men in decision-making.

To learn more about gender equality visit:



How are both state and federal appellate courts similar?


can request a higher court to hear the case, and both hear cases from subordinate courts. State courts handle disputes involving residents of the same state, whereas federal courts handle disputes between states.

There are how many federal courts?

The three primary types of federal courts within the federal system are the 94 District Courts (trial courts), 13 Courts of Appeals (intermediate appellate courts), and the United States Supreme Court (the court of final review).

How are the federal courts run?

Only federal courts are qualified to interpret laws, determine their constitutionality, and apply them in particular circumstances. The courts' use of subpoenas to compel the production of evidence and testimony is comparable to Congress' use of them.

To know more about federal court visit:



Democrats such as Lewis Cass and Stephen Douglas supported the annexation of Texas on the grounds that it would
A) expand the institution of slavery.
B) spread the benefits of American civilization.
C) secure the reelection of John Tyler.
D) ease sectional tensions within the United States


Democrats such as Lewis Cass and Stephen Douglas supported the annexation of Texas on the grounds that it would B) spread the benefits of American civilization.

Between thirty thousand and fifteen thousand years ago, the first humans entered the Western Hemisphere, marking the beginning of the Americas' Early Civilizations. These early inhabitants were nomadic hunters who traveled from Asia to North America perhaps in pursuit of large animals.

New marketplaces and trade connections were made possible by the Revolution. The American triumph also allowed for invasion and settlement of the western regions, opening up new home markets. Instead of relying solely on British manufacturers, Americans started to establish their own.

To know more about Democrats, refer:



What are the 7 types of hazards?


The seven types of hazards are safety hazards, biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, work organization hazards, environmental hazards and ergonomic hazards.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) defines a hazard as any source of possible harm, damage, or adverse health consequences on something or someone in the context of workplace health and safety. They continue by stating that a hazard can have the potential to cause harm or an unfavourable consequence to the environment, companies, or people themselves. Workplace dangers may be divided into seven categories, regardless of where you work or what industry you are in, making it simpler to minimise them and keep organised when dealing with them.

Learn more about hazards here:



What is called rural local government?


The third level of Indian federalism is the rural local authority, or Panchayati Raj. It receives its authority and resources from the corresponding states. Gram Panchayat is the village-level government.

What do local governments in rural and urban areas do?

Local bodies that are established for local planning, development, and administration in urban areas are known as Urban Local Bodies, whereas local bodies established for local planning, development, and administration in rural regions are known as Rural Municipal Bodies (Panchayats).

What is the name for rural self-government?

On October 2, 1959, the Panchayati system was first established at Nagaur, Rajasthan. On April 24, 1993, the Constitutional (73rd Amendment) Act of 1992 went into effect, marking a significant advancement.

To know more about rural local government visit :



What are the three types of policy analysis?


The formal cost-benefit analysis, qualitative cost-benefit analysis, and modified cost-benefit analysis are the three main methods used in policy analysis.

What does policy analysis mean?

Finding viable policy solutions to your problem through policy analysis involves first comparing those solutions to determine which is the most practical, cost-effective, and effective choice.

What purpose does studying policies serve?

Understanding how social, economic, and political situations vary and how public policies must adapt to suit the evolving requirements of a changing society is a skill that policy analysis gives public servants.

To know more about policy analysis visit:



What did abolitionists do to end slavery?


Slavery, according to the abolitionists, was an abomination and a blight on the United States. They distributed a large amount of anti-slavery material among Southerners, petitioned Congress, ran for office, and spread it extensively.

What methods did abolitionists use to end slavery?

Following the start of the Civil War in 1861, abolitionists allied themselves with the Union. They celebrated when President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which was published on January 1, 1863, announced that slaves in many parts of the South were free. In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal in the United States.

How was it possible to end slavery?

Tens of thousands of people signed petitions that these groups submitted to Congress, they held conferences and meetings to debate abolition, they refused to purchase products made with slave labor, they printed heaps of materials, and they made innumerable speeches in favor of abolition.

Learn more about President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: https://brainly.com/question/29517115


What is ethos pathos logos and kairos?


Logos: Focuses attention on the message. Often called a logical appeal or an “appeal to a reason”. Frequently uses data to support its claim.

In other words Logos is logic

Ethos: Focuses attention on the writers or speakers trustworthiness. Takes one of two forms “ appeal to character” or “appeal to credibility

In other words Ethos is Credibility

Pathos: Appeal to emotion, which is empathy, which also pertains to the experience of or sensitivity toward emotion

Kairos: Appeal to Timeless, which is also a type of persuasion.

What are 3 enumerated powers?


To impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, pay debts, and provide for the general welfare and common defense are among the thirty enumerated powers.

What are examples of enumerated powers?

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which pertains to the legislative branch, serves as an illustration of enumerated powers. This includes the authority to enact laws governing the creation of money, the construction of post offices and highways, the control of intrastate and international trade, and the raising and financing of armies.

What are the president's two listed powers?

Powers Listed in the US Constitution

The laws and resolutions passed by Congress may be approved or vetoed by the President. according to appropriation legislation, the power to approve checks through the Treasury Department.

To know more about 3 enumerated powers visit:-



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