What are the advantages of traditional classroom?


Answer 1

The traditional classroom setting fosters student interaction and offers a comfortable setting for learning.

What is student interaction?It is when students engage in conversation, debate, or self-reflection in the context of a classroom setting. They collaborate to complete the task at hand, listening to their colleagues' viewpoints. The foundation of any future social connections pupils will have is their interactions with other students. They aid children in comprehending the value of friendships, leadership, and group work as well as the value of differing viewpoints and respect in a group. The basis of learning is still social contact. You acquire knowledge when you engage with others more. There are several viewpoints from which you can learn, and you can provide and receive feedback that aids in your growth and increased self-awareness. In order to learn, people need to engage with other other.

To learn more about student interaction refer to:



Related Questions

In what ways does Roger seem cruel in chapter 4?


In chapter 4 of the scarlet letter, By toppling the castles, burying the flowers, and hurling the stones, Roger showed his cruelty.

Roger is drawn to Jack's method of doing things because of his excessive cruelty and sadistic inclination. Roger is a reclusive, moody, and secretive loner who favours using his position of authority as a tool for evil.

Roger's Character

Roger has black hair with a fringe that covers much of his forehead, giving him a menacing appearance. He is drawn to Jack's method of doing things because of his excessive cruelty and sadistic inclination. Roger is a reclusive, moody, and secretive loner who favours using his position of authority as a tool for evil. Despite the fact that all the lads were engaged in Simon's death, only Roger killed Piggy. Roger loses sight of society's enlightening effects and turns completely nasty and barbaric. He kills Piggy, tortures Samneric, and impales a pig through the anus so Jack can kill it.

To learn more about Roger's Character here:



amoritzation table gives you information about what


The information that is contained in an amortization table is the amount of money that would be paid monthly on a mortgage.

What is an Amortization Table?

This refers to the table that is used to show the periodic payments that is done on a loan that helps the loanee to calculate what he would make in payments each month.

Hence, it can be seen that a table produced by an amortization calculator that lists each periodic payment on an amortizing debt is called an amortization schedule. Amortization is the practice of repaying a debt over time by making consistent payments.

Read more about amortization tables here:


What is Hamlet's Act 2 Scene 2 soliloquy about?


Claudius and Gertrude set Rosencrantz and Guildenstern two boyhood friends of Hamlet to spy on him.When Hamlet himself enters he is confronted first by Polonius and then by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern whom he quickly identifies as Claudius’s spies.

How do you use the 5 senses in a sentence?


Writing about odours, writer is merely reporting them. Writing about tastes, actual or imagined, gives a broader insight. Writer will accentuate what character perceives. Sensation can performed exceptionally well in building an atmosphere.

What are the five senses and examples?

We can observe and comprehend the world everyday world thanks to our senses. The five primary senses are sight (eyes), touch (fingers), smell (nose), taste (mouth), and hearing (ears).

How do you describe the five senses?

The reflexes are the primary means by which people perceive their environment. They are touch, taste, hearing, smell, and sight. We use our eyes to see, our noses to smell, our ears to listen, our tongues to taste, and our skin to touch.

To know more about senses visit:



Why is it important to validate resources before using them in professional writing?


The important to validate resources before using them in professional writing the must critically examine a source while looking for materials pertinent to your topic in order to spot any potential political or other forms of bias,

Another aspect to take into account is the age of the source, whose significance will vary depending on the subject.

Take into account whatever prejudices the author may have.

Unlike books, websites are not always published. As a result, you need to pay attention to the people who run the websites you visit.

Key Research Terms: diligent investigation or analysis to discover or update facts, guidelines, theories, applications, etc.; arduous or ongoing pursuit of the truth.

source: Citing sources in research papers helps you support your own opinions and points of view, but in order to do so well, you must comprehend your sources and determine their validity.

To learn more about professional writing from the given link:



What is Zinn's major claim or thesis?


According to Zinn, Colombus was not a genuine hero as many history texts portray him to be. Instead, he lied to those who helped finance his travels.

What is one of Zinn's most crucial assertions?

Wineburg's criticism centres on the section of Zinn's story that spans from the mid-1930s through the Cold War. Zinn's claim that African Americans were generally unconcerned with the result of World War II is one of the topics it explores.

He stated that choosing what to present is a decision-making process when writing history. He asserted that every historian makes choices in their work, and that these choices are biassed. There is no such thing as objective history, according to Zinn. Every historical account "serves some present interest," he insisted.

To know more about mobility in colonial America visit:



What does the sea represent in this poem What is the difference between the sea and the poet?


The sea is an element of nature where time has little or almost no influence. The poet finds the sea to be just as it was in the photograph of her mother's sea holiday with her cousins.

What does the sea represent in the poem?

In both Whitman's poetry and prose, the sea functions as a symbol of the divine source of humanity and the rest of creation. (This level of meaning is often implicit and must be inferred, as noted above, from its recurring usage.)

The sea has been mentioned in the poem to draw a comparison between the sea and human life. how the sea is immortal and human life is mortal. the sea is still there but not the poet's mother.

The reference to the sea, in the poem A Photograph is important because the poet is trying to compare and contrast the immortality of the sea with the mortality of humans. Throughout the years, the sea has not changed, but the poet's mother grew up then died and became a memory.

'On the Sea' by John Keats conforms to the pattern of a traditional, fourteen-line, Petrarchan sonnet. The text is contained within one block but can be separated into two sections. One containing eight lines, known as an octet, and one with six, a sestet.

To learn more about the sea and the poet refers to:



What are homophones give 10 examples with suitable explanation?


Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and spellings. Here are twenty examples of homophones with explanations:

Bear (noun): a large, carnivorous animal with thick fur, sharp claws, and a strong body.
Bear (verb): to carry or hold something, often with difficulty.
Brake (noun): a device used to slow or stop a vehicle or machine.
Break (verb): to cause something to separate into pieces as a result of being hit, dropped, or otherwise damaged.
Their (possessive pronoun): belonging to or associated with them.
There (adverb): in, at, or to that place.
They're (contraction): a shortened form of "they are."
Tail (noun): the appendage at the back end of an animal's body.
Tale (noun): a story, often one that is fictitious or exaggerated.
Two (number): the number 2.
Hole (noun): an opening or cavity in something.
Whole (adjective): complete or entire.
Knight (noun): a mounted soldier in the Middle Ages.
Night (noun): the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
Right (adjective): correct, proper, or true.
Write (verb): to mark or inscribe (letters, words, etc.) on a surface.
Sea (noun): a large body of saltwater.
See (verb): to perceive with the eyes or understand.
Son (noun): a male offspring.
Sun (noun): the star around which the Earth and other planets revolve, from which they receive light and heat.

Pls award brainliest!

How does Orwell poke fun at the new system of bureaucracy?


George Orwell mocks bureaucracy in Animal Farm by portraying bureaucratic structures as pointless.

How does Orwell explore leadership in Animal Farm?Orwell examines political power through Mr. Jones, who controls the farm and the animals with the help of his soldiers and whips. Orwell demonstrates how the animals might oppose Mr. Jones' authority and take over the farm by utilizing power constructively.Animal Farm's overarching topic is the ability of common people to maintain faith in a revolution that has been completely betrayed. Napoleon and his fellow pigs, who are in charge, try to undermine the democratic promise of the revolution, according to Orwell.

To learn more about Animal Farm refer,



What are the characteristics of blank verse?


Unrhymed but metric poetry with almost always iambic pentameter is known in literature as "blank verse."

What is blank verse and what makes it unique?

Poetry composed in blank verse does not rhyme but is written in standard cadences. A stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable in most cases when it is written with 10 syllables per line. Five times each line, this pattern is repeated. Un-rhymed iambic pentameter is another name for this form.

The term "blank verse" refers to poetry that doesn't rhyme but does adhere to a particular metre, which is nearly often iambic pentameter. Between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, blank verse was particularly common in English poetry, including Shakespeare's plays.

To know more about iambic pentameter visit:



Did Chillingworth cheat on Hester?



Chillingworth didc cheat on Hester


What are the 5 types of compound words?


The three types of compound words are Open compound words: gaps between the words, Closed compound words: no gaps between the terms and Hyphenated compound words: hyphens between the words.

What exactly is a compound word?

Compound words are made up of two or more words working together to form a single word (or a phrase that functions as a single word). The majority of the grammatical categories, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and even prepositions like inside, outside, within, and without, can be used to describe them.

How do compound words function?

Compound words function as independent words in grammar. This indicates that you only need to apply the grammatical adjustments once when conjugating compound verbs or pluralizing compound nouns. For instance, if you wish to refer to multiple living rooms, you might use living rooms rather than livings rooms.

To know more about compound words, visit:



You are waiting for the bus to arrive at the top of the hill on Artesian in a snowstorm. When
should you board the bus?
A. Immediately after the bus stops away from the snowdrifts
B. After the bus door opens
C. After stepping back from the curb but before carefully walking across the street
D. After checking for traffic but before heading to the back of the bus
E. After heading to the back of the bus





After stepping back from the curb but before carefully walking across the street

What is the importance of knowing and understanding the author's purpose in a certain type of text?


Readers can better understand a text's subject matter if they are aware of the author's intent. As readers, it directs the position we take.

Why is it important to know the purpose of a certain text?

Simply said, a text's purpose is what motivated the author to create it. Many texts serve multiple purposes, but typically one will stand out as being the main one. The task of understanding a book's purpose or purposes, the writer's motivation for creating it, and what the author intends for the reader to do with the text falls to the reader.

Knowing the author's intention before you start reading will help you assess how successfully they accomplished it and determine whether you want to follow them in the direction they are trying to guide you. The reader who reads actively does not just read words or even concepts; the reader also takes in what the writer is doing.

To learn more about author's purpose refer to :



What are muzzleloaders used for?


The activity of shooting muzzleloading weapons is known as muzzleloading. Target shooting, hunting, historical re-enactment, and historical research all include muzzleloading firearms, whether they are vintage or replicas.

In the 1930s, when the last original users and manufacturers of muzzleloading weapons were passing away, the sport was invented in the United States. The 1960s and 1970s saw a huge growth in the sport.

The word "muzzleloader" refers to a wide range of firearms that are loaded through the muzzle of the barrel, including shotguns, rifles, revolvers, and single-shot handguns.

A projectile is forced out of the barrel of a muzzleloader when the propellant is ignited and expanded by the shooter.

Learn more about to  muzzleloaders  visit here;



Which best analyzes how place and time influence the message about chasing a dream?.


The answer is C)The darkness adds to Rainsford's fear because sight is limited; the dense vegetation, swamp, and quicksand all add to his fear of being trapped.

What does it mean to "chase a dream"?

As might be expected, there is a fair amount of agreement that chase dreams are associated with increased worry in the waking world and that the whole situation shows that the dreamer is avoiding confronting the source of that fear.

According to studies, among other advantages, living as your real self might help you discover greater purpose in life. People who put their aspirations on hold out of concern for what other people may think are missing out on life. According to research, people are much more likely to regret what they chose not to do than what they really did. 6

Learn more about chasing a dream to visit this link



Full Question: Which BEST analyzes how place and time affect the theme of fear in this passage?

A) Rainsford is paralyzed by his own fear because he is desperate and hopeless; he can only imagine the horrors of the quicksand.

B) Rainsford feels powerful and prepared when he takes flight under cover of darkness; he no longer feels fear because of his quick action.

C) The darkness adds to Rainsford's fear because sight is limited; the dense vegetation, swamp, and quicksand all add to his fear of being trapped.

D) The darkness adds to Rainford's feeling of power over his fear because he can move without being seen; his moccasins and the abundance of vegetation make him feel protected.

How do you manage regulatory compliance?


There are three approaches to handle changes in compliance and regulations.1. Have a meeting with the company's business units.2.Create a framework;3. Map your apps.

Include your legal and regulatory compliance groups when meeting with business divisions across the organisation. The goal of these sessions is to create an internal business requirements document that lists the crucial compliance concerns that your organisation cares about and that IT must keep up with. Once the requirements for compliance are known, you may put in place a framework for compliance that will facilitate updating modifications. The next stage is to map your software and hardware to a framework for compliance that will facilitate the implementation of compliance improvements. Much of the manual labour that was previously necessary to determine which apps and systems would be impacted by a new regulatory change is now automated by the mapping.

learn more about stage Refer:brainly.com/question/28415459


What is the main idea of the passage answer?


The main idea is the most important or noteworthy idea in a paragraph or passage.

- It clarifies the purpose and establishes the section's flow. The following sentence may directly or indirectly express the central idea.

- The phrase that will serve as the conversation's core theme is known as the topic sentence. It frequently comes with a list of details. If you can identify what the supporting details have in common, you can locate the main idea.

- According to the main idea, what does the author want me to understand about the subject? or What message is the author trying to get through to me? ? The author typically states their main point in just one sentence. The topic sentence is the phrase that summarises the primary concept in a paragraph.

To know more about main idea, kindly click on the link below :



How did immigration affect America in the 1920s?


In 1920's immigration affected America positively, it fueled the economy. Immigrants who join the labor force boost GDP through boosting the economy's productivity. Their salaries increase, but so does native's.

The Immigration Act of 1924 placed a limit on the number of immigrants who might enter the country through a national origins quota. According to the quota, two percent of each nationality's entire American population as of the 1890 census qualified for immigration visas.

In America, unemployment was high following World War One. The degradation of living and working circumstances as well as the breaking of strikes were blamed on new immigrants.

To know more about immigration, click here.



Who says teaching is not everybody's cup of tea?


Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad(C.E.M. Joad), an English philosopher of the 20th century said that teaching is not everybody’s cup of tea.

He wanted to emphasize that not just people with mediocre aptitude, but even the generally intelligent or exceptional ones may find teaching an  overly demanding, tedious, and unpleasant job. There are many different careers/jobs that require tremendous hard work and teaching may seem easy compared to them, but that ain't the truth. Teaching goes beyond learning books, examinations or being able to give instructions; a teacher shall possess certain qualities (physical, intellectual, emotional and social) for being successful. A teacher's job is not just to pass on information, a teacher's job is to be emotionally be present for their student. In a way, a teacher is the one who leads the nation towards prosperity and glory, but sharing his/her/their knowledge (instead of just information) to the next generation.

To know more about emphasize click here:-



In the text, dr. Mortimer withholds information pertaining to the death of sir charles baskerville from the coroner. Based on the information within the text, why does he withhold this information?.


The information that he hold is B. Because he knew the details would not help in figuring out the cause of Sir Charles Baskerville's death.

This essay could be watching how rationalism, good judgment, and clinical reality be triumphant in opposition to old fashioned superstitions. Also, it's going to speak how the heritage of the writer himself helped form the person of Sherlock Holmes, and the way the political state of affairs in England become reflecting withinside the advent of such mastermind. Holmes is a person who does now no longer agree with in antique fairy stories which include the life of a hellish canine and a curse over the Baskervilles family. When Holmes is at the scene, good judgment is continually present.

Thus, option B is the correct choice.

To learn more about essay  check the link below:



Complete question:

In the text, Dr. Mortimer withholds information pertaining to the death of Sir Charles Baskerville from the coroner. Based on the information within the text, why does he withhold this information?

A. Because he does not want Mr. Holmes to know the full details surrounding the death of Sir Charles Baskerville.

B. Because he knew the details would not help in figuring out the cause of Sir Charles Baskerville's death.

C. Because he was worried about his own reputation and did not want to tarnish the reputation of Baskerville Hall. his most telling that man of

D.  Because he knew that Sir Charles Baskerville would not want the details surrounding his death to become known.

How to write your own less serious version



Simply put, paraphrasing means that when sharing someone else's ideas and information, you do so using your own words. The golden rule of paraphrasing is that you must fully understand the source information before attempting to rewrite it.


Essay on Himalayan tourism in Nepal



Furthermore, Nepal’s traditional cultural values can also be used for the poverty alleviation thorough eco-tourism, religious tourism and destination tourism and this has been included in the tourism marketing strategy of NTB.

Nepal is one of the most desired tourist destination of all time. Due to these cultural norms and values, Nepal is a most profitable destination for tourism industry.

The Himalayan range is made up of three parallel ranges often referred to as the Greater Himalayas, the Lesser Himalayas, and the Outer Himalayas. This range is home to nine of the ten highest peaks on Earth, including the highest above sea level, Mount Everest at 8,848 meters (29,035feet).


People always look for change in their lives. They desire a brief respite from their regular jobs.

What is Himalayan Tourism?

Tourism can be used to describe this kind of transient movement of people for amusement and the wide range of services catered to them. The tourism industry has emerged in recent years as a crucial one that attracts significant investment and generates millions of employment globally.

In terms of history and natural beauty, Nepal is a popular tourist destination.

Both local and foreign tourists are drawn to Nepal by its diverse geography, pleasant climate, linguistic diversity, and tolerance of other religions.

Therefore, People always look for change in their lives. They desire a brief respite from their regular jobs.

To learn more about Nepal, refer to the link:



Can a blank verse poem rhyme?


Yes. A blank verse poem is a poem composed of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. The term was first used in the 16th century to describe the works of William Shakespeare and other English dramatists of the time.

Blank verse is the most common form of poetry in English, and is a fundamental form of expression for poets writing in the English language.  While a traditional blank verse poem does not contain any rhyme, there are variations of the form that do include rhyme. In these variations, the poet typically employs an end-rhyme pattern in which the last word of each line rhymes. This is a change from the standard blank verse, which usually relies on sound patterns and meter to create a sense of unity and connection between lines, rather than the use of rhyme.

One example of a rhymed blank verse poem is “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. While Frost’s poem is often identified as a blank verse poem, it does employ a rhyme scheme of ABAB, with the last word of each line rhyming. In this poem, Frost uses the rhyme to emphasize the idea of choice and the importance of making decisions that will have lasting consequences.

Another example of a rhymed blank verse poem is Walt Whitman’s “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking.” In this poem, Whitman uses an AABBCCDD rhyme scheme, with the last word of each line rhyming. The rhyme serves to create a sense of nostalgia and longing, and helps to further illustrate the idea of life as a journey of discovery.

Learn more about Robert Frost at :https://brainly.com/question/29784365


How do you define a blank verse?



its a literary term that refers to poetry written in unrhymed but metered lines, almost always iambic pentameter.

Did Napoleon say all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?



yes that was napoleon


Please help! It’s due tonight


Answer: The clock chimes ominously throughout the evening of dancing


In the sentence "While dancing, the clock chimes ominously," the modifier "while dancing" is modifying the subject "the clock" instead of the subject of the sentence, "the revelers." This creates a dangling modifier, because the modifier is not logically connected to the subject it is modifying.

Option A corrects the dangling modifier by moving it to the beginning of the sentence and making it modify the subject "the revelers." This creates a logical connection between the modifier and the subject it is modifying.

Option B does not correct the dangling modifier because it does not change the position or the subject of the modifier.

Option C corrects the dangling modifier by moving it to the beginning of the sentence and using a different introductory word, "as." This creates a logical connection between the modifier and the subject it is modifying.

Option D does not correct the dangling modifier in the original sentence because it does not change the position or the subject of the modifier. The modifier "while dancing ominously" is still modifying the subject "the clock" instead of the subject of the sentence, "the revelers." This creates a dangling modifier, because the modifier is not logically connected to the subject it is modifying.


The clock chimes while dancing ominously.


A dangling modifier is a phrase that modifes a word not stated in the sentence. In this sentence, it is not stated who or what is dancing ominously, therefore it is a dangling modifier.

Paul has joined a law firm as an apprentice. Along with two coworkers, he attends a weekly meeting with a judicial team. Which statement shows that
Paul is aware of the appropriate body language and voice to use in meetings?
О в.
O C.
He yawns and closes his eyes every now and then.
He sits up and maintains eye contact with the speakers.
He announces his name in a soft, low voice.
He chews gum and taps his fingers on the table.
He looks down to check the notifications on his cell phone.


Answer: B. He sits up and maintains eye contact with the speakers.

Explanation: This statement that shows Paul is aware of the appropriate body language and voice to use in meeting. In a professional meeting, it is important to exhibit appropriate body language and maintain eye contact with the speakers. This demonstrates attentiveness, respect, and engagement in the conversation. By sitting up and maintaining eye contact, Paul is showing that he is actively listening and interested in what is being said.

How can kids make $150?


Work on household duties and odd jobs in the neighborhood. Kids who are old enough to assist with housework and yardwork can get paid for their labor. Families may, for instance, give chores like cleaning the house, vacuuming, folding laundry, and removing weeds a monetary value. Make certain you work long enough to get $150.

There is always plenty of yard and garden work to be done, and the seasonal changes will affect the tasks you can do. Offer to rake a yard of leaves for $20 to $25 in the fall, or in the winter, ask neighbors if they will pay you $20 to $25 to shovel their driveway. By Pet Sitting: Children can let neighbors know that they are willing to look after pets if necessary, whether it is by feeding, walking, or attending to other requirements of the animal.

Lemonade Sale: The age-old way of kids earning money through a lemonade stand is still practiced today. Inquire as to if your parents would be willing to compensate you for performing more challenging household tasks like cleaning the bathroom, mowing the grass, and doing the laundry. Make a list of the tasks you could complete for the week and attach a price to each one. If you enjoy working outside, perform seasonal yard work in your community.

To learn more about dollars ($) Visit : brainly.com/question/24278371


What were John Dewey's 4 main principles of progressive education?


Modern education is a reaction to conventional and teaching strategies. John dewey's some progressives believed that teaching children work skills was important, while later others thought teaching them literature and music was important. The correct response is A. William James.

Most people agreed that girls should be taught in different ways than boys. The best way for pupils to experience real-world and currency solutions scenarios is through progressive education.It is described as a scholarly movement that values knowledge formal education. It is based more on practical experience and focuses child's aptitude development.

According to Dewey, the curriculum should be relevant to the lives of the pupils. He believed that learning by doing and acquiring practical life skills were essential parts of a child's education. According to some Dewey detractors, students would not develop fundamental academic knowledge and skills under his approach.

complete question:

What were John Dewey's 4 main principles of progressive education?

A. William James

B. Robert La Follette

C. social Darwinism

D. the Gided Age

To know more about John Dewey's visit:



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