The ? was soon caught when he used the wrong indentitication cards


Answer 1

Identity theft was soon caught when he used the wrong identification card.

What Are Identity Theft and Identity Fraud?

When someone illegally gets and utilises another person's personal information in some way that involves fraud or deception, usually for financial advantage, it is referred to as identity theft or identity fraud.

Criminals may "shoulder surf" in public settings, watching you enter your credit card number or phone number while they are standing close, or they may overhear your discussion if you give your credit card number over the phone.Applications for "pre-approved" credit cards may arrive in the mail; if you throw them away without destroying the contents within, thieves may find them and try to activate the cards without your knowledge. Additionally, if your mail is sent to an area where others can easily access it, thieves could easily intercept it and reroute it to a different location.Many people respond to "spam," or unsolicited email, that asks for their identifying information but promises them some advantage, not realising that frequently the requester has no intention of honouring his promise. There are reports of criminals using computer technology to steal significant amounts of personal data.

to learn more about identity theft refer to


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How does this poem differ from a composition? (4mks)​



Explanation:oems allow for a lot more creative freedom and can include a wide range of possible structures and techniques. An essay makes logical points that should be clear to anyone who reads it. Even the best poems, however, sometimes make sense to no one other than their authors.


poems allow for a lot more creative freedom and can include a wide range of possible structures and techniques. A composition makes logical points that should be clear to anyone who reads it.

A composition is the craft, the arrangement of the text whereas an essay has a strong nonfiction characteristic to it. While essays can be creative, there are more academic expectations for its prose form and realistic content. A composition can more readily dance on the line between fiction and nonfiction, whereas an essay must be more subtle it its subversion of nonfiction status.

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L mans


*emotes on you*

How is the windmill destroyed Why does Napoleon blame Snowball in Chapter 6?


It is destroyed by a strong storm in November. Napoleon accuses Snowball of blowing the windmill up rather than acknowledging that now the windmill's walls were too sturdy to maintain it against a strong wind.

Napoleon blame for the destruction of the windmill-Over almost a year, the worms had been destroying the windmill.The rodents had been destroying the windmill for over a year. In any case, the windmill is destroyed one night by a tremendous storm. Snowball is to blame in Napoleon's eyes. In any case, it was determined to construct the walls this time with a thickness of three feet rather than eighteen crawls as in the past, which necessitated procuring a lot more stone. The animals concur with Napoleon that Snowball's injury, not a lack of development, is to blame for the windmill's failure. Napoleon blames Snowball for the windmill's collapse, which was brought on by the powerful storm. In November, a strong storm destroys it. Snowball receives criticism from Napoleon for refusing to concede that the windmill's barriers weren't robust enough to shield it from a stiff wind.

To learn more about Napoleon blame here:


How do I start an informative essay?


To start an informative essay, begin by introducing the topic and providing a brief overview of the information that will be presented.

This should be followed by some background information or key facts that will help the reader better understand the subject. From there, present specific evidence to support the argument and explain why it is important.

Be sure to clearly explain any concepts, terms, or ideas that the reader may not be familiar with. Finally, provide a conclusion that summarises the information presented and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the topic.

For more questions like Informative essay click the link below:


What does the pig head symbolize in chapter 8?


The Lord of the Flies, who is a direct allusion to Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils and the Lord of Flies and Dungeon, is represented by a horrifying pig's head, which is a sign of wickedness.

What does pig head tell Simon in chapter eight?

The head, speaking to Simon in the tone of "Lord of the Flies," forebodingly claims that Simon will never be able to escape him since he is a part of everyone. Additionally, he guarantees that they will "enjoy" together.

"Sharpen a staff at both ends," Jack instructs Roger. Then, while stooping over the pig, he uses his knife to remove her head. The pig's head is cut, and the other end of a pointed rod is jammed into a rock crevice. They take the pig's remains and leave the head as a present for the beast.

Simon has dubbed the pig's head, which is still at the summit of the mountain, the "Lord of the Flies." Simon thinks the pig's head is speaking to him and calling him a simpleton. The Lord of the Flies advises Simon that he should leave and go play with the other kids because they believe he is crazy.

To know more about in chapter 8 of Animal Farm visit:


which two animals seem to disagree about everything


Answer: snowball and napoleon


What is the Cyclops a metaphor for?


The Cyclops is used as a metaphor by ensured that it was rather a shaggy mountain reared in solitude.This determined that the Cyclops was hairy, huge and lives alone.

Polyphemus said to Odysseus that because of his strength power he fears no man or god because he underestimates the Odysseus, he was tricked and blinded by Odysseus and his men.

The message in Cyclops was to treat others the way you want to be treated or that you get what you give. Cyclops means in Odyssey referred to Round EyeCyclops of legends in Greek and literature. The reader learns that the Cyclops personality was extraordinarily strong, loudly, inhospitable.

Learn more about Cyclops click the link here:


What is a belief filter?


Think of your belief system as a “filter” that filters incoming information.

Attitude is the entity that characterizes a person. Do what we see, observe, and live to shape our attitudes towards these things? In other words, it shapes our outlook. This attitude determines our thoughts and actions. Attitude formation occurs through the process of learning what we experience. Therefore, unlike personality, attitudes can change when new experiences arise.

Just like a red filter in a camera lens turns everything you shoot reddish. Our belief systems alter information to match the "shades" of what we have come to know as absolute truths.

To learn more about filters here


What are the 3 rhetorical appeals and examples?


These three appeals and examples can be used in tweets, scholarly papers, and advertisements. An automobile commercial could use humor to entice you to purchase the vehicle while also highlighting the vehicle's safety record, brand history, and reputation (pathos).

The characteristics of an argument that make it truly persuasive are rhetorical appeals. A writer must appeal to the reader in a number of ways in order to produce a compelling argument. Logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos are the four distinct categories of persuasion. A description of the text, the author, the audience, the purpose(s), and the setting—the five main components of a rhetorical situation.

The goal of ethos is to establish your credibility as an authority on the issue. Logos is your logical defense of your position, while pathos is your attempt to influence an audience emotionally. By constructing logical arguments, Logos appeals to the audience's reason. The audience is more likely to trust a speaker whose ethos appeals to their position or authority. Pathos plays on the audience's feelings by attempting to elicit anger or sympathy, for example.

To learn more about rhetorical Visit :


How empathy can be used to build positive relationships?


The first rule of creating a successful relationship is empathy. I define empathy as my capacity to comprehend, value, and even respect another person for what they are and how they are. I could use a variety of terms to define this idea, including respect, nonjudgment, caring, compassion, acceptance, and love.

Growing Empathy:

As you connect with your friends' and loved ones' thoughts and feelings and they do the same, you can improve your relationships. Empathy can also be extended to strangers. For instance, if you noticed someone sitting alone at a gathering, you could sympathize with them and strike up a conversation.

How can I make this word, "empathy," more meaningful? Intuition is:

letting go of the notion that for someone to make you happy, they must be unique.letting go of what you think someone "should" be in order to start accepting them for who they are.Respecting someone else means "to exhibit honor, admiration, and consideration toward," according to the dictionary.Being in the now with someone so that you can fully see, hear, and connect with them (rather than from stereotyped expectations).putting aside your own agenda in order to pay close attention to what others are saying. Putting an end to your internal monologue so that you may hear and grasp their experience more deeply.

For more such question empathy in a relationship:


What five 5 factors must a compliance plan include?


A compliance plan is a set of policies, procedures, and processes that an organization puts in place to ensure that it is complying with relevant laws, regulations, and other requirements. Here are five key factors that a compliance plan should typically include:

A clear statement of the organization's compliance policies and values: The compliance plan should include a clear statement of the organization's commitment to compliance and its expectations for employee conduct.

A detailed description of the organization's compliance obligations: The plan should include a thorough description of the specific laws, regulations, and other requirements that apply to the organization, as well as any industry-specific standards or guidelines.

Policies and procedures to support compliance: The plan should include specific policies and procedures that outline how the organization will meet its compliance obligations, such as policies related to financial reporting, data privacy, and health and safety.

A process for training and educating employees: The plan should include a process for educating employees about the organization's compliance policies and obligations, as well as providing ongoing training to ensure that employees are aware of any changes or updates to those policies.

A process for monitoring and enforcing compliance: The plan should include a process for monitoring compliance and enforcing the organization's policies, as well as a process for responding to and addressing any compliance violations that may occur.

Find out more about Compliance plan


How many sonnets did Shakespeare write give 2 examples?



Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets published in his 'quarto' in 1609, covering themes such as the passage of time, mortality, love, beauty, infidelity, and jealousy. The first 126 of Shakespeare's sonnets are addressed to a young man, and the last 28 addressed to a woman – a mysterious 'dark lady'.

How do you write an argumentative essay example?


In the first paragraph of an argument essay, students should set the context by reviewing the topic in a general way.

How do you start an argument in a paragraph?The author should then discuss the topic's importance (exigence) or the reasons why readers should be concerned about it. The thesis statement should then be presented by the pupils. Along with using facts and evidence to back up its claims, a successful argumentative essay also incorporates the author's thoughts and opinions. For instance, you might have wished to write an argumentative essay arguing that your group of friends would like travelling to New York. An introduction is where an argumentative essay starts, just like other academic essays. Your thesis statement is presented in the introduction, which also serves to pique the reader's interest and, in longer essays, to outline the organisation of the body.

To learn more about argument  refer to:


this excerpt from act scene VI, of Macbeth, Duncan praises the atmosphere in the castle and the hospitality of his hostess. Identify two reasons
that these comments are ironic.
This castle hath a pleasant seat: the air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle sense.
(Enter Lady Macbeth.)
See, see, our honour'd hostess!-
The love that follows us sometime is our trouble,
Which still we thank as love. Herein I teach you
How you shall bid God ild us for your pains,
And thank us for your trouble.
He will meet his death in the castle, which he considers a pleasant place
His praise for inverness and his hostess, Lady Macbeth, is deceptive.
- Duncan secretty plans to give Macbeth's title to Donalbain
The hostess he praises is actually plotting his murder.



1. Duncan's comment that the castle has a "pleasant seat" is ironic because he is unaware that he will soon be murdered there.

2. His praise for Lady Macbeth as a gracious hostess is ironic because she is actually plotting to kill him.


Which sentence from banneker's letter to thomas jefferson most clearly implies that jefferson's views on freedom are different under different circumstances?.


The correct sentence is: Until all of its residents are free and equal, a country cannot claim to be free and equal.

Indeed, Banneker was speaking to Jefferson, who had written the United States' Declaration of Independence and was at the time the Secretary of State in George Washington's administration. He is addressing a US government official who holds a highly esteemed public office, not a private citizen, by doing this. The opening words of the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal (equal and impartial distribution), that they are endowed by their Creator (Father of mankind) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," are exactly what he is paraphrasing.

Then he draws attention to the stark inconsistency between Jefferson's values expressed in his statement and his role as a slave owner and secretary of state of a nation that permitted the enslavement of African people. Because of his prominent position in the government, Jefferson symbolizes the country, and his acceptance of slavery and his acts run against to the moral and legal values of the country.

Learn more about Banneker's Visit:


Correct Question:

Read this sentence from Benjamin Banneker's letter to Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Banneker was a free man descended from African slaves. In his letter to Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State, Banneker condemned slavery and attempted to persuade Jefferson to end the practice of slavery in the United States. “…but Sir how pitiable is it to reflect, that altho you were so fully convinced of the benevolence of the Father of mankind, and of his equal and impartial distribution of those rights and privileges which he had conferred upon them, that you should at the Same time counteract his mercies, in detaining by fraud and violence so numerous a part of my brethren under groaning captivity and cruel oppression, that you should at the Same time be found guilty of that most criminal act, which you professedly detested in others, with respect to yourselves.” Which statement most accurately describes a theme developed in this sentence? Some are deserving of freedom, and others are not. A nation cannot call itself free and equal until all of its citizens are free and equal. Equality is a blessing that is earned, not inherited. Discrimination and injustice cannot exist where the rights of the individual come first.

How many sounds are in a haiku?


Three phrases of five sounds, seven sounds, and five sounds make up the traditional Japanese haiku's 17 on, or sounds. On was treated as a syllabic unit by English poets.

Unrhymed haiku is a kind of poetry with three lines of five, seven, and seven syllables each, for a total of seventeen syllables. Although it wasn't given the term haiku until the 19th century, the haiku initially appeared in Japanese literature around the 17th century as a direct response to ornate literary traditions. The traditional criteria for a haiku are as follows: Three lines comprise it. Each of the first and third lines have five syllables.

Many individuals have learned in school that haiku is a type of poetry with 5-7-5 syllables. The idea that haiku should have 5-7-5 syllables in English is a common misconception since people in Japan don't actually count syllables at all; instead, they count sounds. Haiku poems don't have to rhyme, in contrast to many other types. However, some haiku poets will attempt to rhyme the first and third lines as a challenge. Investigating the distinctive haiku form is a wonderful approach to expose aspiring poets to the world of poetry.

To learn more about haiku Visit :


What are the main elements of Elizabethan tragedy?


The Senecan style of tragedy had the biggest influence on the Elizabethan tragedy. Seneca's plays were not performed on stage, so rhetorical methods and figurative language were used to fill the void.

Also prevalent in Elizabethan plays were extended speeches, descriptive language, and precise descriptions. Shakespeare used Seneca's concept of a revenge tragedy in his plays. The wrong and injustice done to the play's protagonis.

The play's spirit or other supernatural character introduces the concept of revenge, which drives the plot forward. So Art Thou to Retaliate" is the first mention of retaliation in the play.These motifs were borrowed from Senecan tragedies and adopted in Elizabethan tragedies

. The main character of the play "Hamlet" is Hamlet, whose father was murdered by his own uncle. He discovers this reality after his father's ghost instructs him to exact revenge on his uncle. The ghost addresses Hamlet by saying, "Ghost, I am thy father's spirit."

To know more about Elizabethan tragedy visit:


Replace the long form of the verb with the hort form. 1. I wa not riding a hore at thi time lat Sunday. 2. You (TUI) were not cycling at 5 pm yeterday. 3. He wa not norkelling at 8 am thi morning. 4. She wa not water-kiing at 11 am yeterday. 5. It wa not wimming here at thi time a week ago. 6. We were not fihing at 4 am thi morning. 7. You (Tu) were not urfing at 2 pm. 8. They were not ailing at thi time a month ago


After replacing the long form of the verb to short form the sentences are as follows.

1. I didn’t ride a horse at this time last Sunday.

2. You didn't cycle at 5 pm yesterday.

3. He hadn't gone to snorkel at 8 am this morning.

4. She wasn't at the water-sky at 11 am yesterday.

5. I didn’t go to swim here at this time a week ago.

6. We didn’t fish at 4am this morning.

7. You didn't go to the turf at 2pm.

8. They didn’t aim at this time a month ago

To learn more about verbs here:


What are the act of God perils?


Act of God perils, also known as AOG, include storms, typhoons, floods, land slides, subsidence, rockslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters that are uncontrollable by humans.

Any uncontrollable, unforeseen, and unpreventable incident is typically referred to as an act of God. Such occurrences often include natural catastrophes like hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and storms.

A natural disaster, accident, or other occurrence that could not have been avoided by prudent planning or diligence is referred to as a "act of God." For instance,

hurricanes are frequently viewed as an Act of God by insurance companies. If fire begins as a result of lightning strikes, it may also be an act of God.

Learn more about to God perilous visit here;


What is the definition of the term public assistance a government program that provides income food or housing?


A government initiative that provide housing, food, or income. Public assistance is a programme set up by the state and federal governments to give disadvantaged groups of individuals.

Who are unable to meet their basic needs for themselves and their family financial support, such as money, food, or housing. The program's beneficiaries include those who are underprivileged, old, jobless, disabled, or ill.

The phrase "public assistance" is best defined as "a government programme that provides cash, food, or lodging."These are the programmes and services that the government may choose to start in order to assist the citizens of the nation.Such aid would be provided in order to lessen the people's struggle and provide assistance where it was required.

To know more about Public assistant visit:


What is a credit score used for?


Answer - Companies use credit scores to make decisions on whether to offer you a mortgage, credit card, auto loan, and other credit products, as well as for tenant screening and insurance. They are also used to determine the interest rate and credit limit you receive

Read the following excerpt and then complete the writing exercise.

Based on your book selection and outside research, describe and analyze a current human rights issue. You will illustrate how this real-life issue affects people within the United States and one other country.

In complete sentences, paraphrase the above prompt.


In the given excerpt "analyze a human rights issue" means to find out the details of the issue.

Analyzing a human rights issue entails learning about the current situation, the problems that are causing it (for example, natural disasters), and the current efforts to address the problem.

Does the US have human rights?

The protection of basic human rights was a cornerstone of the United States' founding over 200 years ago. Since then, promoting respect for human rights, as personified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has been a central goal of US foreign policy.

Is human rights a law?

Human rights have permeated binding national law. International human rights standards have inspired states to incorporate such norms into their constitutional provisions and other governing documents. These may also include avenues for reparation for national human rights violations.

Learn more about norms from


what is your primary reason for using the internet


Popular uses for the internet:

newsentertainment communication research work/school/assignmentsorganization
A primary use for the internet could be updates such as news like what’s going on in the world or simple updates on your family and friends, maybe even figures you look up too

Why is nature important to human essay?



The most important contribution of nature to human life is, of course, food. It would be impossible to continue to survive on the planet if we did not get nutrition from the planet itself. Imagine if there was no nature around us. That would mean no crops would grow, no animals would roam, and no trees would be there to bear fruits and flowers.


Nature is important to humans for a variety of reasons. It provides us with the resources we need to survive, such as food, water, and shelter. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and the health of the planet.

One of the most important benefits of nature to humans is the sense of peace and relaxation it can provide. Spending time in natural environments has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and creativity for those who appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

In addition to the mental health benefits, nature also has important physical health benefits. Spending time outdoors has been linked to improved physical fitness, and exposure to natural light has been shown to have a positive effect on sleep patterns.

Nature is also important for cultural and spiritual reasons. Many people find a sense of connection and meaning in their relationship with the natural world, and it plays a central role in the traditions and rituals of many cultures around the world.

Overall, nature is an integral part of human life and has the power to enrich and enhance our daily experiences in countless ways. Protecting and preserving the natural world should be a top priority for all of us.

more about nature:

Why was time zones necessary during the Industrial Revolution?


The Industrial Revolution lays the foundations of our current productive system and, largely, of social and economic organization, hence its great relevance and historical importance.

What is meant by Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution, which saw dramatic shifts in culture, economics, politics, and technology, was also marked by a shift in how time was perceived. Time became synonymous with profit as a concept as a result of the needs of industry.

The Industrial Revolution was the most significant change since the Neolithic Revolution, when man began to cultivate the land, transforming goods production. It represented the transition from an agrarian economy to an economy dominated by industry, in which goods production was mechanised. This, in turn, increased commercial activity, with further commercial expansion aided by transportation improvements.

The new industry was founded on mechanisation of production and the application of technological advances.

To learn more about Industrial Revolution refer to:


What does the windmill represent to the pigs?


The great windmill symbolizes the pigs' manipulation of the other animals for their own gain.

What does the windmill represent to the animals?In Animal Farm, the windmill is a representation of Soviet-era industry and technology. Like Leon Trotsky, Snowball offers bold, innovative ideas for boosting output and improving the lot of animals. The animals concur, and Napoleon attributes Snowball's sabotage of the windmill's construction rather than its poor design as the cause of its collapse. As a result of the pigs' psychological manipulation of the other animals, the windmill now represents the gaslighting that has occurred.In particular, Joseph Stalin's Five-Year Plans are represented by the windmill, which stands for the extensive infrastructure development and modernization programmes that the Soviet Union's leaders implemented right after the Russian Revolution.

To learn more about windmill represent refer to:


What are parallel words?


Parallel means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal importance. Words and phrases within a sentence should not only match in structure, but also in tense.

Writers use parallel to add clarity to their writing, make it easier to understand and show that their writing is structurally and grammatically correct. Explore parallel examples to better understand the concept.In medias res is the plot device.

That enables authors to "come late" to their own story. It is a Latin expression that essentially means "in the thick of things." Sometimes writers prefer to start their novels in the middle rather than bothering to give their characters a past. An illustration would be Neil Gaiman's "American Gods," as we don't learn about each god's history right away.

To know more about parallel visit:


jot down “Difficult situation you faced and what did you do to resolve it.”


Last year, I dealt with a pretty challenging issue. It was quite challenging for me to move from my freshman year to my sophomore year of high school as I was starting my second year.

What do you mean by Situation?

Situation is the collection of events and circumstances that exist at a specific moment and location.

I felt as though my leisure time was being eaten up by the mountains of homework. In addition, I experienced rejection from a school program, felt cut off from my friends, and put on some weight, all of which had a negative impact on my self-esteem. I ended up having a mental breakdown and taking it out on my mother. After that, I felt terrible about it and wanted to make amends, but I had no idea how to do it.

Therefore, I had to deal with a fairly difficult situation last year. As I was beginning my second year of high school, the transition from my freshman year to my sophomore year was pretty difficult for me.

Learn more about Situation, here;


What is the author's purpose in Enrique's Journey?


The author's purpose in Enrique Journey was to help bring more humanity and nuance to this migrant crisis for Americans.

Author Sonia Nazario’s inspiration for creating “Enrique’s Journey” came with wanting to learn more about the “small army” of youngsters fleeing Central America and journeying through Mexico in search of parents living in the United States.

She located Enrique, whose mother had abandoned him in Honduras when he was 5 years old so she could work in the US. At age 16, armed solely with her phone number, he went out to locate her. In order to avoid crooked police, bandits, and criminals, he and the other immigrant youngsters rode on the sides and tops of freight trains.

Nazario spent three months retracing his steps after talking to Enrique about his eight attempts to enter the country. He rode trains and interacted with migrants and others who assisted them along the route.

To know more about Enrique's journey:


Which details develop the central idea that the leaders believe?


In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the central idea that the leaders (the pigs) believe is that they are justified in using their intelligence and organizational skills to take on the roles of leaders and planners on the farm.

They believe that they are the most intelligent animals on the farm and that they are best suited to make decisions for the good of the animal community.There are several details in the novel that develop this central idea. For example:The pigs propose that they should be in charge of managing the farm's affairs at a meeting in Chapter 4. They argue that they are the most intelligent animals and that they are best qualified to lead the others.

The pigs rewrite the Seven Commandments of Animalism to suit their own needs and to give themselves more privileges. They change the commandment "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," which allows them to justify their own privileges and to claim that they are more deserving of certain rights and privileges than the other animals.

The pigs use propaganda and manipulation to control the other animals and maintain their own power. They use slogans, songs, and other forms of propaganda to promote their own ideas and to distract the other animals from the problems on the farm.

Overall, these details demonstrate the pigs' belief that they are justified in using their intelligence and organizational skills to take on the roles of leaders and planners on the farm, and that they are entitled to certain privileges as a result.

Find out more about leaders belief


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