The question is in the pic please helppppp

The Question Is In The Pic Please Helppppp


Answer 1
B,C, E


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the textbook discusses two basic, general approaches that can be used to treat clients with mental health disorders. these approaches are select one: a. cognitive therapy and group therapy. b. dream analysis and electroconvulsive therapy. c. psychotherapy and biomedical therapy. d. psychoanalysis and behavior modification.


Two fundamental, all-encompassing approaches to treating patients with mental health disorder are covered in the textbook. These methods include biological therapy and psychotherapy.

What causes mental health disorder?

The majority of mental diseases have several causes. Instead, they have a number of risk variables as causes. You are more likely to acquire a mental health disorder if you have more risk factors. Mental disease can occasionally come on gradually. Sometimes it doesn't show up until a stressful situation causes it. negative ideas. You can become mired in a cycle of despair or anxiety if you are constantly critical of yourself or assume the worst. unhealthy behaviors, such as not eating or sleeping enough. Alcohol and drug abuse can be detrimental to your mental health. It may also make recovering from mental illness more difficult. Mind chemistry. Unbalanced levels of natural substances in your body and brain are a common component of mental disease.

To know more about mental health disorder visit:


What actions does the FCC take?


Investigates and takes or recommends enforcement action, where appropriate, against broadcast licensees in cases involving violations of technical rules such as unauthorized construction and operation, EAS, tower lighting and marking, radio frequency interference, and excessive power.

What does it mean that you have to be a Citizen for at least 7 years to be a member of the House of Representatives?


The founders sought to find a balance between keeping the House of Representatives near to the people and avoiding foreign intervention in domestic politics by requiring that a person be a citizen for at least 7 years.

How are members of House of Representatives appointed?

According to Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the distribution of House of Representatives seats among the states is based on population, as measured by the census that is taken every ten years. Regardless of how few people live there, every state has a right to at least one representative. Up until it fixed the number of voting House members at 435 in 1911, Congress frequently adjusted the membership of the House to reflect population growth. Following the entrance of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959, the population temporarily rose to 437; four years later, following the reapportionment as a result of the 1960 Census, the population fell back to 435. Territories and the District of Columbia are not given representation under the Constitution.

The District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and some others are represented by a single non-voting delegate. The duty of the resident commissioner from Puerto Rico is the same as that of the delegates from the other territories, with the exception that they are elected for a four-year term. The five delegates and resident commissioner are permitted to take part in debates; prior to 2011, they were additionally permitted to cast votes in committees and the Committee of the Whole when their votes would not be significant.

To know more about, House of Representatives, visit :


Did Schenck win or lose his case?


He was convicted of each and every charge. On Schenck's appeal, the United States Supreme Court looked at the conviction.

In a groundbreaking opinion written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, the Supreme Court confirmed Schenck's conviction and determined that the Espionage Act did not infringe the First Amendment.

What did Schenck's decision mean?

United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919) The speaker is not protected by the First Amendment from government action if speech is intended to result in a crime and there is a clear and present danger that it will.

Did Schenck or U.S. win?

The Supreme Court upheld the convictions of Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer for violating the Espionage Act of 1917 by obstructing the "recruiting or enlistment service" during World War I in the landmark Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919).

To learn more about Schenck's appeal here:


What is the basis for classification?


Every classification scheme has a foundation upon which it is built. Some people are more organized and methodical than others. The basis for classification is determined by the classification's purpose.

The geologic elements critical to finding similar traps serve as the foundation for this scheme. Several classification schemes were examined and, where appropriate, used as the foundation for developing the proposed trap classification scheme. The biological classification scheme used to catalog and describe plants and animals was of particular interest. This system, first proposed by Aristotle and then expanded and improved by Linnaeus, has stood the test of time. Despite the fact that competing schemes have been proposed and that modifications to the scheme are the subject of ongoing debate, the scheme has proven to be a valuable method of organizing and studying organisms.

To learn more about basis for classification here:


Which of the following represents a protection guaranteed under the First Amendment?


Freedom of choice regarding religious worship is a protection guaranteed under the First Amendment. Option B

What is meant by the first amendment?

Religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition are all protected under the First Amendment. It prohibits Congress from endorsing one religion above others and from limiting a person's ability to practice their religion.

Religion, speech, the press, the right to petition and the freedom to assemble are five important social values that are protected by the First Amendment of our Constitution. Our unshakeable adherence to these ideals has endured challenging conflicts throughout our history and has remained a pillar of our democracy.

Read more on the first amendment here:


All death-row inmates are held in ________ prisons.


All death-row inmates are held in Maximum-security prisons.

Prisoners serving lengthy sentences are typically housed in maximum security facilities. These inmates are guilty of treason, murder, robbery, kidnapping, and other heinous crimes. Most maximum security jails are surrounded by high stone walls or sturdy chain fences. Death row offenders reside in the same facilities as all other inmates who need the highest level of protection.

Learn more on prisons.


What was the ruling of Santa Fe Independent School District v Doe?


The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was found to be violated by a policy that permits student-led, student-initiated prayer at high school football games.

when the Santa Fe, New Mexico, lawsuit involving the school prayer was heard by federal courts What was evaluated by the judges?

Kurtzman [1971], which held that a statute was illegal if it lacked a secular legislative purpose; in actuality, the court concluded that the policy's main objective was to support student-led prayer.

What guarantees is there under the First Amendment?

The Constitution forbids Congress from passing laws that restrict free speech, the press, or the right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances. It also forbids Congress from establishing a state religion or outlawing its free practice.

To know more about First Amendment visit :-


What are the 5 elements of globalization?


The benefits of globalization are monetary expansion , Global Collaboration is Growing, a rise in cross-border investment ,Enhanced Competition, Unbalanced Development, environmental issues.

In simple terms, what is globalization?

The process by which commodities and people can travel freely across borders is known as globalization. The integration of markets, commerce, and investments with few obstacles to the movement of goods and services between states is the concept's economic underpinning. In order to gain access to more products, services, and consumers as well as to a more competitive market position with reduced operational costs, enterprises must go global.

To know more about globalization visit:


What was written to clarify and reaffirm many of the key doctrines of the Christian faith?



The Nicene Creed is a statement of faith written to clarify and reaffirm many of the critical doctrines of the Christian faith. It was initially composed in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea and has since been modified and accepted by most prominent branches of Christianity. The Creed is written in three parts: the doctrine of God, the principle of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.


Proctor tells elizabeth he is considering confessing. why is he considering this? find a quote to support your answer.


Proctor tells Elizabeth he is considering confessing because he is not a good person and he doesn't want to die like a saint.

"I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that man...My honesty is broke...I am no good man. Nothing's spoiled by giving them this lie that were rotten long before." is the quote that best supports my answer.

John Proctor was a middle-age hard working family man. He was sentenced to hang. He died on 19 August 1692.

The given question is from the crucible act, by playwright Arthur Miller.

To learn more about ‘The crucible act’ here:


How powerful is the president pro tempore?


The president pro tempore, who also has the authority to sign legislation and give new senators their oath of office, is in charge of leading the Senate.

What do we mean by president pro tempore?

According to the Constitution, the Senate must elect a president pro tempore to lead it when the vice president is not present.

The phrase "pro tempore" (Latin for "for the time being") indicates that the position was initially intended to be a temporary replacement.

After the vice president, the president pro tempore of the United States Senate is the body's second-highest elected official.

The Senate is presided over by the president pro tempore, who can also sign bills and administer the oath of office to new senators.

For many years, the vice president presided over the Senate on a regular basis, and presidents pro tempore were chosen to lead the chamber only when the vice president was not present.

Therefore, the president pro tempore, who also has the authority to sign legislation and give new senators their oath of office, is in charge of leading the Senate.

Know more about the president pro tempore here:


What happens in the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter?


The entrance to a prison in seventeenth-century Boston is surrounded by a group of gloomy, gloomy-looking people. The prison appears to have been built to house seriously violent offenders.

A prison is also referred to as a jail, gaol (dated, standard English, Australia, and historically in Canada), penitentiary (American English, and historically in Canada), detention center (or detention center outside of the US), correction center, correctional facility, lock-up, hoosegow, or remand center, is a place where inmates (or prisoners) are imprisoned against their will and typically denied a variety of freedoms by the state as punishment for Prisons are most frequently used in a criminal justice system: those accused of crimes may be detained before trial, and those who plead guilty or are found guilty at trial may get a sentence that includes a certain amount of time in jail. A jail can be characterized as a structure in the simplest terms.

Learn more about prison here:


What was Justice Harlan's main point for disagreeing with the majority opinion?


The "separate but equal" theory was created in the Plessy v. Ferguson judgment, which Justice Harlan dissented from. A Louisiana legislation requiring railroad firms to offer "separate but equal" facilities for white and black passengers was affirmed in this case by the majority judgment.

The "separate but equal" theory, according to Justice Harlan, is inherently discriminatory and violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. He thus disagreed with the verdict reached by the majority.

He said that the law could not be justified since it applied equally to both white and black residents because it was intended to maintain the inferiority of black individuals.

Justice Harlan's dissenting opinion is regarded as a powerful defense of the idea of color-blind justice and has influenced the development of American civil rights legislation.

To learn more about Justice Harlan's


What does the Constitution say with regard to equality do you think it is important for all people to be equal?


According to our Constitution, the state is prohibited from discriminating against any citizen on the grounds of their religion, race, caste, sex, or area. All people must be treated equally because only then will our society grow in the truest sense. We have a right to equitable treatment.

What is Constitution?

The legal foundation of a nation, organisation, or another form of institution, a constitution is a collection of fundamental principles or recognised precedents that generally specify how that body is to be governed.

Everyone should be treated equally in society in order for them to express themselves equally, and everyone should have equal rights. People will discriminate against one another and develop a dislike for one another if they are not treated fairly and given equal opportunities.

To learn more about Constitution here:


What was the purpose of the Equal Rights Amendment and what happened to it?


The Equal Rights Amendment was created to demand that the Constitution be amended. With the intention of being incorporated into the US Constitution, this amendment was created. The amendment's primary goal is to guarantee that all citizens of North America have the same rights, regardless of gender.

What happened to Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was first put out in Congress in 1923, three years after the 19th amendment was ratified, in an effort to guarantee complete equality for women. It aims to eliminate the disparities in the law that exist between men and women with regard to divorce, property, employment, and other issues.

The Equal Rights Amendment aims to prohibit discrimination against women and men in a number of areas, including employment, legal property, divorce, etc. However, a few states chose not to ratify this amendment.

To learn more about The Equal Rights Amendment here:


one of the principles stated in the declaration of independence is that government should


The Declaration of Independence states three basic ideas:  God made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

That governments are created among men in order to guarantee these rights is stated in the second sentence of the second section of the Declaration. The Declaration states that people establish governments to ensure that their rights are secured and protected; this is government's primary function.All men have the constitutional right to pursue "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property," according to Locke. Thomas Jefferson changes this phrase in the Declaration of Independence to read, "All men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Integrating "individualism," John Locke.

To know more about Declaration of Independence here


What is the top leadership position in the Senate?


The roles of Senate leadership that are specifically stated in the Constitution are those of the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate.

What do we mean by the Senate?

A bicameral legislature's upper house or chamber is normally a deliberative assembly known as the senate.

The expression is derived from the name of an assembly of the Roman Senate that was composed of senior, or seen as more knowledgeable and experienced, members of the community or ruling class.

The President pro tempore, traditionally the most senior member of the majority, theoretically presides in the Vice President's absence, and the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate, are the two roles of Senate leadership that are explicitly stated in the Constitution.

Therefore, the roles of Senate leadership that are specifically stated in the Constitution are those of the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate.

Know more about the Senate here:


It is estimated that over _____ of school bullying goes unreported.


It is estimated that over 40% of school bullying goes unreported.

Similar to bullying outside of the school setting, bullying at school refers to one or more offenders acting violently toward a victim on a regular basis who is weaker physically or more powerful socially than the perpetrators. Bullying can take the form of verbal abuse or physical harm.

Anti-bullying legislation is legislation enacted to assist in the reduction and elimination of bullying. Bullying can cause bodily harm, social and emotional distress, self-harm, and even death. It also raises the likelihood of depression, anxiety, sleep problems, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school.

To know more about School bullying, click here.


3. What difficulties did the U.S. face in preparing for war with Britain? Select all that apply.
France backed out after offering to help the U.S.
Britain had a much larger navy than the U.S.
Enslaved African Americans refused to help fight.
The U.S. had a small army compared to Britain.



Britain had a much larger navy than the U.S.

The U.S. had a small army compared to Britain.

miss prism. [drawing herself up.] your guardian enjoys the best of health, and his gravity of demeanor is especially to be commended in one so comparatively young as he is. i know no one who has a higher sense of duty and responsibility. what does demeanor mean in the line? a outlook b interests c behavior d beliefs


Answer: c. Behavior


What are the 5 claims of globalization?


Core truth of the globalization ideology include the following: (1) Liberalization and global integration  (2) Globalization is inevitable and irreversible; (3) Nobody is in control of Globalization; (4) Globalization benefits Everyone; (5) Globalization Advance.

In simple terms, what is globalization?

The process by which commodities and people can travel freely across borders is known as globalization. The integration of markets, commerce, and investments with few obstacles to the movement of goods and services between states is the concept's economic underpinning.

In order to gain access to more products, services, and consumers as well as to a more competitive market position with reduced operational costs, enterprises must go global.

To know more about globalization visit:


A mental health disorder is most likely to emerge ______.



Damage in spinal cord or medulla oblongata

What are the most important challenges to women's rights?


There are still issues to be resolved, such as ensuring equitable access to economic and educational opportunities and ending gender-based violence.

Why are individuals opposed to women's rights?

Most women, according to anti-suffragists, did not desire the right to vote. They said that women did not have time to vote or follow politics since they had to take care of the house and the kids. Some claimed that women lacked the knowledge or the capacity to think critically about political matters.

What difficulties did the women's movement confront after becoming independent?

The women's movement has focused on a wide range of issues in the post-independence era, including dowry, women's employment, rising costs, land rights, political participation of women, Dalit women and other marginalized women's rights, spreading fundamentalism, women's representation in the media, etc.

To know more about  challenges women's rights visit:-


What savings account type would best meet your future needs?


People who need to save money for the short or long term and aren't as concerned with earning the greatest interest rate, indicated as the yearly percentage return, might consider this option (APY).

These accounts, sometimes known as passbook savings accounts, are an excellent beginning to earning interest and saving money. Transactions on a basic savings account are either updated in a passbook when the consumer visits their financial institution or on a statement that is sent on a regular basis (often monthly). The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures funds put in a basic savings account up to $250,000, making it a solid alternative for investors looking for a low-risk, easy-to-access savings account.

1.The National Credit Union Administration insures money maintained in a credit union basic savings account (NCUA).

2. Because of the flexibility in depositing and withdrawing cash, these accounts often provide lower interest rates than other forms of savings accounts.

To know more about return:


what is the Main source of Income in Industry


Answer: Main source of income is something that provides a regular supply of money, such as employment, investments, a pension.

Explanation: The main source of income in an industry is Revenue from goods sales or service fees: This is the core operating revenue account for most industries, and it is usually given a specific name, such as sales revenue or service revenue. Interest revenue: This account records the interest earned on investments such as debt securities.

These are the four sources of income

Earned Income – This is your day job and most people’s primary source of income.Business Income – You own a business.Interest Income – This is income you make from lending your money out.Dividend Income – This is money that’s distributed as a result of owning shares of a company.

Hope this was helpful

India is one of the fast-growing economy in the world since last 20 years. There are three major sectors in India that are agriculture, industry and retail.

As a result of many political changes in 1990s, the industrial potential of the economy has increased since 1991, autonomy in production, marketing and distribution, reduce red-tapism ,  transfer of technology and benefits of reseach and development to the advantage of the economy.

India also mines a large number of gems and common minerals including iron ore, bauxite, and gold along with asbestos, uranium, limestone, and marble. From 2019 to 2020, for example, India mined 729 million tons of coal.

What are the 8 characteristics of effective teams?


Collective values, A strong rapport, A shared purpose, Measurable objectives, Celebrated success, A desire for growth and development Effective communication, and Diverse perspectives are the 8 characteristics of an effective team and this also provides one of the most important things known as Team effectiveness.

What is Team effectiveness?

The ability of a team to achieve the aims or objectives set forth by a designated individual or by the organization is referred to as team effectiveness.

The ability of a collection of individuals typically with complementary talents, to collaborate to achieve objectives set by a higher authority, teammates, or team leaders is known as team effectiveness. Highly productive teams can motivate one another and collaborate to develop solutions, which leads to improved results.

A team needs its members to share the same vision and then be driven to realize that vision to be genuinely effective. They must have mutually understood, quantifiable objectives and be dedicated to each contributing to the success of the team as a whole.

Learn more about Team Effectiveness here:


What are the three qualities of information?


Validity, accuracy, and completeness are the three most significant aspects that makeup information quality. The other three include uniqueness, consistency, and timeliness.

Information concerning genuine occasions and things has validity. Accuracy is the agreement or concordance between the information and the real events or things it portrays. The extent to which information contains details about every pertinent thing or event required to make a choice is referred to as completeness. Relevant refers to all items or occasions that we planned to include.For information to be accurate and valuable, it must be of high quality. A data base's entries are assumed to have accurate and faultless information.

To know more about accuracy click on the link below:


​All of the following are hormonally influenced pubertal changes EXCEPT:

a. thickening of the vaginal walls.
-b. shifting of the vaginal pH from acidic to alkaline.
c.enlarging of the uterus.
d. ​increase in cervical secretions.


Correct  option A - the vaginal walls becoming thicker.

The number of women reporting negative genito-urinary symptoms following menopause, such as vaginal dryness and sexual pain (genitourinary syndrome of menopause; GSM), will rise as life expectancy rises.

There are currently no minimally invasive methods for measuring vaginal atrophy objectively; the only methods that need vaginal swabs are maturation index measures.

This study sought to determine whether total vaginal wall thickness (TVT) and total vaginal mucosa thickness (TMT), both as determined by transabdominal ultrasound, may be considered as new objective measures of vaginal wall thinning that might be connected to menopausal status.

Transabdominal ultrasound scans were done on women who were scheduled for pelvic ultrasounds in order to measure TVT and TMT at the level of the bladder trigone. Additionally, the thickness of the transvaginal endometrial lining was determined.

Learn more about " vaginal walls " to visit here;


Which of the following typically occur during REM sleep?

A. bod wetting
B.synaptic growth
C. night termos
D. beta Waves


Synaptic growth is something that what they typically occur during the REM sleep cycle

REM sleep usually occurs like 90 minutes after they falling asleep. Her first REM period usually lasts 10 minutes. Each of the later REM phases is longer, with the final REM phase sometimes lasting up to 1 hour.For healthy adults, spending 20-25% of her time in REM is a good goal. About 90 minutes of every 7-8 hours of sleep is spent in REM sleep. Scientists agree that sleep is essential to good health, and while stages 1-4 and REM sleep are all important, deep sleep is essential to feeling rested and staying healthy. is the most important. The most important sleep stage is stage 3, or NREM, delta (slow wave) sleep, which accounts for 25% of the total sleep cycle and is known as the "deepest" stage of sleep. Stage 3 is when sleep is at its most restful, helping the body to heal itself and the mind to rest.

To know more about sleep cycle visit:


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