The length of the minute hand of the wall clock is 10 cm. How far will the endpoint of this pointer travel in 2 hours?

please help me​


Answer 1

The length of the minute hand of a wall clock is not relevant to finding the distance traveled by the end of the pointer in a given amount of time. The only important factors are the length of the hour hand and the amount of time that has passed.

If the length of the hour hand is X cm, then the distance traveled by the end of the pointer in 2 hours can be calculated as follows:

Distance traveled = (X * π * 2) cm

Here, π is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14. The factor of 2 in the formula represents the number of hours that have passed. Therefore, to find the distance traveled in 2 hours, you would need to know the length of the hour hand and substitute it for X in the formula above.

Related Questions

1. What do you mean by energy conservation?​


Answer: Energy conservation is the decision and practice of using less energy. Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation.

Explanation: I'm not very sure but hope this is right

a Q. No. la sap
What is derived is one second time?



The second (abbreviation, s or sec) is the Standard International ( SI ) unit of time. One second is the time that elapses during 9,192,631,770 (9.192631770 x 10 9 ) cycles of the radiation produced by the transition between two levels of the cesium 133 atom. ... One second is equal to 1/86,400 of a mean solar day.


what happens to the current in a circuit if a 1.5 volt battery is removed and is placed by a 9 volt battery?



The current would increase.


The current would increase. 10. The relationship between resistance and current in a circuit is that the greater the resistance the less the current and the greater the current the less the resistance is.

if a 1.5-volt battery is removed and placed by a 9-volt battery in a circuit, From Ohm's law we can say that the current flow inside the circuit will increase because the voltage increases (resistance remains constant).

What is Ohm's law?

Ohm's Law is a fundamental law of physics that describes the relationship between the three basic electrical quantities: voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit.

It states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance between them. Mathematically, Ohm's Law is expressed as:

V = I x R


V = the voltage or potential difference between two points in the circuit,       measured in volts (V).

I = the current flowing through the circuit, measured in amperes (A).

R = the resistance of the conductor, measured in ohms (Ω).

In other words, the voltage (V) across a circuit component is equal to the product of the current (I) flowing through the component and its resistance (R). This law is applicable to both DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) circuits, as long as the resistance is constant.

Ohm's Law can be used to calculate any one of the three variables if the other two are known. For example, if the voltage and resistance in a circuit are known, the current flowing through the circuit can be calculated using the formula:

I = V / R

Here in the question,

The current in a circuit is determined by the resistance of the circuit and the voltage applied to it, according to Ohm's Law. If a 9-volt battery replaces a 1.5-volt battery, the voltage applied to the circuit will increase, which may cause an increase in the current flowing through the circuit if the resistance remains the same.

However, the increase in voltage may also cause an increase in the heat generated by the circuit, which could potentially damage the components or cause a safety hazard. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the components in the circuit can handle the higher voltage before replacing the battery.

It's also important to note that the current may also depend on the internal resistance of the batteries. A 9-volt battery typically has a lower internal resistance than a 1.5-volt battery, which means it can supply more current to the circuit. So, even if the resistance of the circuit remains the same, the current may still increase due to the higher voltage and lower internal resistance of the 9-volt battery.

Hence, The current flowing through the circuit increased when we removed a 1.5-volt battery and replaced it with a 9-volt battery.

To learn more about Ohm's Law click:


Review and Reinforce
The Nervous System
Understanding Main Ideas
Answer the following questions on a separate theet of paper.
1. What are three main functions of the nervous system? Give an
cuample of each
2. What are the three kinds of neurons? How do they work together to
produce a response to an environmental stimulus?
3. Explain how your brain and sentory organs get information from the
outside world.
4. What are the two main parts of the peripheral nervous system? What
are the two main parts of the central nervous system?
Building Vocabulary
Match each term in the left column with its definition in the right column by writing the
letter of the correct definition on the line beside the term.
central nervous system
a cels that carry information through your nervous
b. the message that a neuron carries
ca bundle of nerve fibers
6. relex
S.nerve impulse
9.peripheral nervous system
d. a system of nerves that branches out and connects it
to the rest of the body
e. a system that controls the functions of the body with
the brain serving as the control center
f the place where a neuron transfers an impulse to
another structure
g an automatic response that occurs rapidly without
conscious control


I do apologize for answering on this but I need points for a test hope you find the answer :/

If the same force is applied to an object with a large mass it will have a blank acceleration



If the same force is applied to an object with a large mass it will have a smaller (lesser) acceleration


force and mass are inversely proportional. force and acceleration are directly proportional. which means greater mass have smaller acceleration and smaller mass has greater acceleration. this is due to newtons second law of motion.

In the case when the same force is applied that contains high mass so it contains less acceleration.

Relationship of force and mass:

There should be an inverse relationship between the force and mass. However, there is the direct relationship between the force and acceleration. That means in the case when there is the high force so there should be less acceleration and less mass contains high acceleration by applying the second law of motion of newton.

Learn more about mass here:

A waiter walks a distance of 5m holding a tray of food that weighs 10N. How much work has the waiter done on the tray?



0 joule of workdone


[tex] w = f \times d \times \cot( \beta ) [/tex]

force and the displacement are perpendicular to each other so cos(90⁰) =0

Force(10N)xDistance(5m)=50j(work done)

A toy radio-controlled car races around a circular track in a time of 2 MINUTES, with a speed of 5.25 m/s. What is the radius of the
circular track? (will give brainliest)



The radius will be "100.31 m". A further solving is given below.


The given values are:


T = 2 minutes


 = 120 seconds


V = 5.25 m/s

As we know

⇒  [tex]T=\frac{2 \pi R}{V}[/tex]


⇒  [tex]R=\frac{TV}{2 \pi}[/tex]

On substituting the given values, we get

⇒      [tex]=\frac{120\times 5.25}{2\times 3.14}[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=\frac{630}{6.28}[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=100.31 \ m[/tex]

A simple pendulum with a length of 2 m oscillates on the Earth's surface. What is the period of oscillations?



Period, T = 27.84 seconds


Given the following data;

Length of pendulum = 2m

We know that acceleration due to gravity on earth is equal to 9.8 m/s²

To find the period of oscillation of the simple pendulum;

Mathematically, it is given by the formula;

[tex] Period, T = 2 \pi \sqrt {lg} [/tex]

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] Period, T = 2 * 3.142 * \sqrt {2*9.8} [/tex]

[tex] Period, T = 6.284 * \sqrt {19.6} [/tex]

[tex] Period, T = 6.284 * 4.43 [/tex]

Period, T = 27.84 seconds

A rock at the edge of a cliff has 10 Joules of potential energy. A goat comes along and kicks the rock off the edge. At the moment right before the rock hits the ground about how much kinetic energy does it have? (remember, a Joule is the SI unit for measuring energy).



27 J


Give 1 real life example of a scenario that takes advantage of the inverse relationship between force and time when impulse is constant. Describe how it is an example of impulse and how force and time are involved.



On real life example of a scenario that takes advantage of the inverse relationship between force and time when impulse is constant is when making a serve with a lawn tennis racket

How It is an example of impulse is that when a serve is made by moving the bat slowly, the lawn tennis player uses less force and the ball is in contact with the string for longer a period

When however, the lawn tennis player moves the racket faster, with the strings of the racket highly tensioned  he uses more force and the ball also spends less time on the racket to produce the same momentum


The impulse of a force, ΔP is given by the following formula;

ΔP = F × Δt

Where ΔP is constant, we have;

F ∝ 1/Δt

Therefore, for the same impulse, when the force is increased, the time of contact is decreases and vice versa.

Which class lever is called force multiplier and why?​





Which class lever is called force multiplier and why?​


Lever of second type (or class II)


Lever of second type (or class II) is used as a force multiplier. In second class lever, the effort arm is always longer than the load arm and so its mechanical advantage is always greater than 1. So this lever acts as a force multiplier i.e., by applying a less effort, large load is lifted.

Name the part of the respiratory system which is shared with the digestive system. What is the common name of that part?


The oropharynx is a passageway that is shared between the respiratory and digestive systems.

The 4kg head of a sledge hammer is moving at 6m/s when it strikes a chisel, driving it into a log. The duration of the impact (or the time for the sledge hammer to stop after contact) is 0.0020s. Find the time average of the impact force



The average impact force is 12000 newtons.


By Impact Theorem we know that impact done by the sledge hammer on the chisel is equal to the change in the linear momentum of the former. The mathematical model that represents the situation is now described:

[tex]\bar F \cdot \Delta t = m \cdot (v_{2}-v_{1})[/tex] (1)


[tex]\bar F[/tex] - Average impact force, in newtons.

[tex]\Delta t[/tex] - Duration of the impact, in seconds.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the sledge hammer, in kilograms.

[tex]v_{1}[/tex], [tex]v_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final velocity, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]\Delta t = 0.0020\,s[/tex], [tex]m = 4\,kg[/tex], [tex]v_{1} = -6\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex] and [tex]v_{2} = 0\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], then we estimate the average impact force is:

[tex]\bar F = \frac{m\cdot (v_{2}-v_{1})}{\Delta t}[/tex]

[tex]\bar F = 12000\,N[/tex]

The average impact force is 12000 newtons.

1. The movement of water between the oceans, atmosphere, land, and living things is the ______________________.
2. The changing of water from liquid to vapor is called ______________________.
3. During ______________________, water vapor cools and returns to a liquid state.
4. Water that falls from the atmosphere to the land and oceans is called ______________________.
5. Precipitation that falls on land and then flows into streams, rivers, and lakes is called ______________________.
6. Precipitation that seeps into the ground and is stored among rocks is called ______________________.
7. Water vapor is released by plants and returned to the environment in a process called ______________________.
8. Name three reasons water is needed for life on Earth.


3 reasons water needed for earth: keep oceans going, liquid, and help earth with poloution

someone please helppp :|||






its c


i have asked my teacher

Highlight two factors which shows that heat from the sun does reach the earth's surface by convection.



when the suns radiation fall on the earth and its objects they receive heat energy and hence get heated. Thus the suns heat reaches the earth by. the process of radiation

Absence of medium is the factor which shows that heat from the sun does reach the earth's surface by convection.

The heat of the sun reaches the earth only through radiation because radiation does not require any medium for the transfer of energy but convection and conduction required a medium to transfer heat energy.

We know that there is no medium present in vacuum so convection and conduction are impossible in a vacuum that's why the sun's heat does not reach the earth by conduction or convection.

Learn more about convection here:

Learn more:

How do officers in this line of work need to use problem solving and critical thinking to do their jobs?



by using problem solving skills they could solve who,what,where did the crime oriented. and using critical thinking is good for you to get the job done!


I'm in forensic science :)

A 100-watt lightbulb uses 1 kilowatt-hour of electrical
energy when it is on for ten hours. How much energy does
a 25-watt lightbulb use when it is on for ten hours?



Energy = 0.25 kilowatt-hour


Given the following data;

Power = 25 Watts

Time = 10 hours

Power can be defined as the energy required to do work per unit time.

Mathematically, it is given by the formula;

[tex] Power = \frac {Energy}{time} [/tex]

To find the energy consumed;

Energy = power * time

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Energy = 25 * 10

Energy = 250 Watt-hour

To convert to kilowatt-hour, we would divide by 1000;

Energy = 250/1000

Energy = 0.25 kilowatt-hour

Please help me look at the image below


I can’t see anything

a 64 l gas tank is filled completely is 15 degree celsius how much gasoline overflows into can get up to 35 degree celsius while the car is parked in direct sunlight​



Volume of gasoline overflow(v)= 40/9 L (I.e. 4.44 L)


Use v1/T1=v2/T2


Note; Take temperature in absolute scale or kelvin scale

The overflow volume of the gas is required.

The overflow volume is 4.44 L.

[tex]V_1[/tex] = Initial volume = 64 L

[tex]T_1[/tex] = Initial temperature = [tex]15+273.15=288.15\ \text{K}[/tex]

[tex]V_2[/tex] = Final volume

[tex]T_2[/tex] = Final temperature = [tex]35+273.15=308.15\ \text{K}[/tex]

From the gas laws we have the relation

[tex]\dfrac{V_2}{V_1}=\dfrac{T_2}{T_1}\\\Rightarrow V_2=\dfrac{T_2}{T_1}V_1\\\Rightarrow V_2=\dfrac{308.15}{288.15}\times 64\\\Rightarrow V_2=68.44\ \text{L}[/tex]

Overflow volume

[tex]\Delta V=V_2-V_1=68.44-64\\\Rightarrow \Delta V=4.44\ \text{L}[/tex]

Learn more:

What specific type of tide has the smallest difference between high and low tide?


Answer: Neap tides

Explanation: Neap tides are tides that have the smallest tidal range, and they occur when the Earth the Moon, and the Sun form a 90o angle. They occur exactly halfway between the spring tides when the Moon is at first or last quarter.



the answer is false ur welcome









Human perception of the frequency of sound waves is called:



The study of the human perception of sound is called psychoacoustics.


The wavelength of a water wave is 6 cm when the frequency is 10 hertz .

1. What is the distance between successive crests of the wave ?
2. What is the speed of propagation ?
3 What is the period of the wave ?

Please show workings.​


The distance between successive crests (or successive troughs) is defined as the wavelength. The time elapsed between the crossings of two successive crests through a given point is the period of the wave.The Velocity of propagation (Vp) of a cable is the speed at which an electrical signal can propagate through the cable in comparison to the speed of light. For example, in a vacuum, the velocity of propagation would be 100% or 1 (depending on how it is represented).The wave period is the time it takes to complete one cycle. The standard unit of a wave period is in seconds, and it is inversely proportional to the frequency of a wave, which is the number of cycles of waves that occur in one second.

Which statement about the function of the cell membrane of all organisms is not correct? The cell membrane forms a barrier that keeps all substances that might harm the cell from entering the cell. The cell membrane is capable of transforming oxygen and glucose into energy for the cell The cell membrane controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell.



The cell membrane is capable of transforming oxygen and glucose into energy for the cell


The cell membrane encapsulates all the organelles of the cell. It provides protection for the organelles of the cell.

It transports nutrients into the cell and toxic materials out of the cell. It also prevents the entry of harmful materials into the cell.

The cell membrane does not perform the function of  transforming oxygen and glucose into energy for the cell.

A series circuit has a combination of two resistors, one 7.25 ohm's and the other 4.50 ohm's.
They are connected to a 9-volt battery. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?



11.75 ohms


since its series connection

R equivalent = R1 + R2 = 7.25 + 4.5

Explain in term of forces, why duck is floating on the water



The duck floats on water because his/her density is less than the density of water


What is the direction of the electric field if an electron initially at rest begins to move in the north direction as a result of the field?





I guessed and got it right

A Stegosaurus hits' a wall with a force of
60 N and has a mass of 32kg. What
was the acceleration of the dino?


Answer: a= -1.9 m/s²

Explanation: F = ma and a = F / m = 60 N / 32 kg = 1.875 m/s²

Because of law of action and reaction, wall applies same force to dino

In opposite direction and Dino is decelerating. Thus sign Is negative.

What is defined by force per unit area?
O temperature
O gravity
O force
O pressure


Pressure ........//.......
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