¿Porque se dice que la independencia de las trece colonias influyó en el despertar independentista de los países latinoamericanos?


Answer 1

La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no incluiste opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Se dice que la independencia de las trece colonias influyó en el despertar independentista de los países latinoamericanos por que la Independencia de los Estados Unidos fue el primer movimiento independentista en el continente Americano.

Las 13 colonias norteamericanas estaban hartas de la monarquía inglesa que los gobernaba, El rey de Inglaterra abusaba de su poder sobre las colonias y les cobraba excesivos impuestos como el impuesto a la navegación, el impuesto a las publicaciones impresas, los impuestos Townshend, y otros más.

Por esa razón, valerosos norteamericanos como Benjamín Franklin, George Washington y Thomas Jefferson decidieron declararle la guerra a Inglaterra y promulgaron su Declaración de Independencia el día 4 de julio de 1776.

Finalmente, las colonias ganaron la guerra y establecieron su primera constitución llamada "Artículos de la Confederación." Posteriormente, en 1787, decidieron organizar una convención para crear su Constitución actual.

Este movimiento independentista inspiró otros movimientos similares como México, que fue el primer país Latinoamericano en derrotar al ejército español para conseguir su independencia en 1821. De ahí le siguieron otros movimientos de independencia como le del Colombia, Venezuela y Perú.

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Answer: The stock market crash in 1929 reduced aggregate demand substantially. Consumer purchases of durable goods and business investments fell sharply after the crash. The falling demands for goods and the subsequent less spending led to recession and a prolonged economic depression.

The fall in consumerism caused the economy to decline exponentially. From the steady state the economy was in in the 1920s, the fall in consumerism caused the economy to decline into an economic depression. This led to the multiplier affect, which was where the cost of  something as simple as bread was dramatically increased.



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It makes it much easier to tell terrorists from average citizens.

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Most terrorists do not have any kind of agenda and strike random people.


"Terrorism is the deliberate killing of innocent people, at random, to spread fear through a whole population and force the hand of its political leaders".

- Michael Walzler

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the large city parks


Answer: The large city parks

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Can someone correct me to think it’s b



B is correct.


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best rule and regulation


as I thinks DC center of political view

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hope this helps


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I believe the new country that was created as a home for all Jewish people is called The State of Israel.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I remember learning in school.

Hope this helps! <3

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Which Southeast Asian nation suffered
through a genocide at the hands of
Pol Pot in the 1970s that killed over
one million people?
A. Vietnam
Help Resources
B. Laos
C. Thailand
D. Cambodia
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someone help pls!!!

how did the Jewish people keep alive their link to their ancestral homelande.


Answer:religious identity


Hey I'm Chloe Can you Help, Thanks :D
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Susan B & Sojourner Truth


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By being kind and nice

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Without the monsoon rains, farmers would not be able to produce as much food
O in Hinduism, the monsoon rains represents the tears of the gods
Many people believe the rain washes away the sins of mankind
Ancient Buddhist beliefs originating in India



Without the monsoon rains, farmers would not be able to produce as much food


The monsoon rains are celebrated by people in the Indian subcontinent because it is solely responsible for about 90% of the rainfall in India.

Therefore, if the monsoon rains are late in coming, it could cause famine among the Indian people or at best, create a food crisis as farmers would not be able to produce as much food.

please help and if u put a link i stg


Answer:dred Scott v. Sanford


the answer is H i think

Make A claim about:

Why was Ancient Greece such an successful empire.



Ancient Greece was such a successful empire due to the advancements it made. The amazing structures and civilizations that were formed by Greece expanded their territory and empire. They also believed in the Gods, and would worship their respective patrons, which was thought to bring good fortune. They would only be succeeded by the Romans, who would've accomplished world domination.

2. What was the Little Rock Crisis:?



The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Orval Faubus, the Governor of Arkansas.


How did Heck feel about his leaders AFTER the trial?



he felt betrayed


according to my source that i read it states "I had an overwhelming sense of betrayal in Nuremberg and I recognized that the man I had adored was, in fact, the biggest monster in human histoory"

Which best describes Mikhail Gorbachev’s plans for the USSR?

He wanted to build a stronger relationship with China and North Korea.

He wanted to expand the military and build more nuclear weapons.

He wanted to institute a police state to keep dissenters under control.

He wanted to restructure the government to make it more efficient and humane.



D) He wanted to restructure the government to make it more efficient and humane


i took the test

He wanted to restructure the government to make it more efficient and humane: best describes Mikhail Gorbachev’s plans for the USSR. Thus, option D is the correct option.

How Gorbachev's reforms were gradualist?

The command economy's macroeconomic features, including as price restrictions, the ruble's inconvertibility, the exclusion of private property ownership, and the government's monopoly over the majority of means of production, were preserved under Gorbachev's gradualist reforms. Cooperatives and industry were the main areas of reform, with the growth of foreign investment and commerce receiving only a minor role.

Factory managers were required to secure their own money while still meeting the expectations of the state for commodities. Although it might be argued that Perestroika reforms did not go far enough to really streamline the Soviet economy, they did go far enough to introduce new bottlenecks. In contrast, China's economic reform was a bottom-up effort that concentrated on light industry and agriculture (in particular, allowing peasants to sell products grown on their private holdings at market prices).

Learn more about Mikhail Gorbachev here:




Construct a model government to solve a current political issue.

Remember that political science is the study of who gets what, when, and how. The world is filled with current news stories regarding how one political system or another handles conflict.

For this assignment, select some current news stories that have to do with politics, government decisions, or local problems that may require debate or a vote. You should also use outside reading material or online resources to find older events in history that are similar to the current news stories you found. Your task will be to write an essay and include a diagram of a government model.

Your essay will compare the current news story to a similar event in history and how the government dealt with that issue. You will then create a government model and write about how you would address the current issue in your own way. When creating your government model make sure to identify what the input and outputs are.

In your essay, you will also provide a diagram representing your form of government according to Aristotle's: rule of one, rule of a few, or rule of many.

To help you in your research and planning, think about a key issue that is in the news today. How is it being handled? Has anything similar to this happened in the past? Was that handled in the same way? Was it managed differently? Have other countries been faced with this problem? Do all governments approach this conflict in the same manner? These questions can help guide you during your research and writing process.



There are two main reasons why the leaders of America’s elite newsrooms are so devoted to the journalistic practice commonly referred to as “objectivity,” which precludes reporters from “taking sides” in their political coverage —  even when one side is an obvious lie, or an affront  to core journalistic values like pluralism and democracy.

The official reason is that they sincerely believe that press neutrality leads to a more informed electorate. They argue that voters will trust their news sources more if those sources are “unbiased,” and that accurate information is more likely to be accepted as the truth if readers come to their own conclusions rather than being told what to think. A news organization perceived as objective, they say, has an increased power to persuade.

The unofficial reason, which New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen pithily calls “refuge seeking,” is that the “objective” approach protects editors and reporters from criticism – specifically, from accusations of bias. It also allows them to feel superior to partisans and activists, because they remain “above the fray.”

The colonists in Virginia were more concerned with finding _________ than food.





The colonists in Virgenia were more concerned with finding gold than food.

Why did they think there was gold in Virgenia?

Investors in the Virgenia Company believed that if they also established a new community, they would easily locate gold after hearing tales of the success the Spanish had in South America. King James I, who gave the charter, inspired the naming of the colony Jamestown.

The Virgenia Company, which established the colony at Jamestown in 1607, was primarily interested in discovering precious metals and establishing profitable trade routes with the Native Americans.

As a result, the early colonists spent much of their time and resources searching for gold, silver, and other valuable commodities, rather than focusing on agriculture and food production. This led to severe food shortages and a high mortality rate in the early years of the colony.

Learn more about The colonists in Virgenia here:



Please help!!!!

No trolls or links please <3


I just had to leave this here, sorry I couldn't answer the question.

Why and what kind of human sacrifices did the Aztecs do



The most common form of human sacrifice was Extraction


History books

The rationale for Aztec human sacrifice was, first and foremost, a matter of survival. ... The keep the sun moving across the sky and preserve their very lives, the Aztecs had to feed Huitzilopochtli with human hearts and blood.

“The Communists are in China to stay. And China’s destiny is not [Chinese nationalist leader Jiang Jieshi’s] but theirs. In this unhappy dilemma, the United States should attempt to prevent the disaster of a civil war through adjustment of the new alignment of power in China by peaceful process. The desirable means to this end is to encourage the reform and revitalization of the Kuomintang [Nationalist Party of China] so that it may survive as a significant force in a coalition government [with the Chinese Communist Party]. If this fails, we must limit our involvement with the Kuomintang and must commence some cooperation with the Communists, the force destined to control China, in an effort to influence them further into an independent position friendly to the United States. We are working against time because, if the USSR enters the war against Japan and invades China before either of these alternatives succeeds, the Communists will be captured by the USSR and become Soviet satellites.”

John Paton Davies, United States diplomat in China, “Observations on the Struggle for Power in China,” 1943



The purpose of the excerpt is best explained as promoting which of the following?

d. Negotiating a peaceful settlement in China to limit Soviet influence after the Second World War


The Chinese communists will likely gain a majority in China and that the best course is to try to negotiate a peace that allows for some role in the government by the nationalists. The primary concern was to limit the influence of the Soviet Union in the postwar era by ensuring that allies of the United States remained in the governing coalition.

By negotiating a peaceful settlement in China,  it can limit Soviet influence after the Second World War.

What were the Observations on the Struggle for Power in China, 1943?

The Chinese communist gained the majority of china Jiang Jieshi and his nationalists forces were corrupt hence the nationalist forces became weak, the best idea was to negotiate peace and allow some role to the nationalist.  

The primary motive was to limit the influence of USSR and allies from entering into the war as it would lead to defeat of China and would become Soviet satellites. The purpose of the excerpt is to negotiate a peaceful settlement in China to limit Soviet influence after the Second World War.

Therefore, by negotiating a peaceful settlement in China,  it can limit Soviet influence after the Second World War.


Learn more about Observations on the Struggle for Power in China, 1943 here:


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