mr. brooks' basketball team has an away game today. the team bus is ready to leave and two of his players are making up a test with mrs. harper. mr. brooks asks mrs. harper to drive the boys to the game on the other side of town when they both finish. the boys finish their test and mrs. harper drives the boys to the game. whose behavior is a violation of the law?


Answer 1

As Mrs. Harper drives the boys to the game, hence her behavior is a violation of the law.

All the players that play any game such as basketball have to travel in the approved vehicle only. Any misfortune that occurs if any of the team members travels in an unapproved vehicle will be severely punished by law.

In the scenario mentioned in the question, although it was Mr. Brooks who had instructed Mrs. Haper to drive the two boys from the team however Mrs. Harper should not have driven them in her vehicle. Hence, in the above case, it is Mrs. Haprper who has caused a violation of the law.

To learn more about law, click here:


Related Questions

Who does the Second Amendment protect?


The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

What is the Second Amendment's actual justification?

Many historians concur that preventing the need for the United States to establish a professional standing army was the main motivation behind passing the Second Amendment. It appears that when it was passed, the intention was not to establish a right to private citizens to possess guns for self-defense.

Without the Second Amendment, what would happen?

Without the Second Amendment, states and the federal government would have complete discretion over how to control the production, distribution, and use of firearms. Even more extreme measures by the government include outright banning the possession and use of weapons. In fact, there is some disagreement over the Second Amendment's meaning.

To know more about Second Amendment visit:


Which useful function was served by the political machines of the late 1800s quizlet?


They helped immigrants integrate into society on a social and political level.

A political machine is a party organization that attracts members through material incentives (such money or political employment) and is distinguished by a high degree of leadership control over member activities in the politics of representative democracies.

The boss's or group's capacity to mobilize voters on election day in support of their candidates determines the machine's strength.

Even while these characteristics are shared by the majority of political parties and organizations, political machines—which depend on hierarchy and incentives for political power, frequently enforced by a strong party whip structure—need them to function.

In the framework of a representative democracy, machines may have a political boss and frequently rely on patronage, the spoils system, "behind-the-scenes" control, and long-standing political relationships.

Learn more about political machines to visit this link


Sixty-five-year-old isabel is taking courses at ccri with the intention of completing a degree. Some members of her family think she is not likely to succeed because she is much too old to learn new information. These family members are demonstrating:.



Older adults are just as capable of learning and achieving as younger people, and age should not be a barrier to education or success.......................


The family members who think that 65-year-old Isabel is not likely to succeed in her courses because she is "too old to learn new information" are demonstrating ageism. Ageism is the discrimination or prejudice against individuals based on their age, and can take many forms, including stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

In this case, the family members are expressing a negative attitude towards Isabel's ability to learn and succeed based on her age. This type of attitude is often based on stereotypes and assumptions about older adults, such as the belief that they are not capable of learning new things or that they are not as intelligent or capable as younger people. These attitudes are not only harmful and unfair, but they are also unsupported by evidence. Older adults are just as capable of learning and achieving as younger people, and age should not be a barrier to education or success.

It's important to recognize and challenge ageism whenever it occurs, and to support and encourage individuals of all ages to pursue their goals and dreams.

This family's thinking illustrates stereotyping.

In social psychology, a stereotype is a generalised attitude about a certain group of people. People might make this presumption for each individual in a particular group. Expectations can take many different shapes; they might be related to a group's character, hobbies, looks, or abilities. Even when they are overgeneralized, untrustworthy, and resistant to new information, stereotypes can occasionally be accurate.

These generalisations about particular groups of people may be true when applied to specific individuals, but they may also be false, which is one of the root causes of bias. An explicit stereotype is one that a person is aware of holding and using to judge other people. Stereotypes are characteristics that people perceive to be typical of a group.

Learn more about stereotyping, here:


The senior executive service provides an opportunity for: _________


The Senior Executive Service provides an opportunity for career civil servants and also sometimes individuals from outside of the government in order to pursue managerial positions in the bureaucracy.

The members of the Senior Executive Service serve in key positions just below the top Presidential appointees, and are also in the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce.

However, these leaders tend to operate and also oversee nearly every Government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies. Thus, they also tend to pursue managerial positions in the bureaucracy.

Hence, the Senior Executive Service consists of executive positions.

To learn more about the Senior Executive Service here:


What were utopian movements?


Disenchanted with the world, utopian searchers constructed trial societies in an effort to achieve their ideal society. Between 1820 and 1860, they looked for different lifestyles in their desire for a utopia or a perfect society. These were utopian movements.

More than 100,000 people established utopian communities in the early 19th century in an effort to build the ideal society. The Republic of Plato is where the notion of an ideal society coupled with communalism first appeared. They adhered to the values of equality of labour and reward, common property, simplicity, and celibacy. During the 1800s, remote areas were peppered with religious and utopian settlements.

Learn more on society


which of the following statements is true about attachment? group of answer choices securely attached infants have no greater social skills after they reach adolescence than insecurely attached infants. insecure/avoidant infants are less likely as adolescents to act out sexually. attachment relationships are more critical to adult intimate relationships than other types of relationships. parents with a history of insecure attachment are more likely to view their infants negatively.


The true statements about attachment is that parents with a history of insecure attachment are more likely to view their infants negatively. The Option D is correct.

What does attachment mean?

It is observed in attachment theory, in developmental psychology, which explained that that humans are born with a need to form a close emotional bond with a caregiver and that such a bond will develop during the first six months of a child’s life if the caregiver is appropriately responsive.

The attachment theory, as developed by the British psychologist John Bowlby, focused on experience, expression, and regulation of emotions at both species (normative) and individual (person-specific) levels of analysis.

In conclusion, the attachment is what allows children the 'secure base' necessary to explore, learn and relate and the wellbeing, motivation, and opportunity to do so. It is also very important for safety, stress regulation, adaptability and resilience.

Read more about attachment


In what ways did Anabaptist sects differ from other Protestants sects?


Infant baptism was disapproved of by the Anabaptists. Some wished to hasten the Day of Judgment through violence. While many advocated for religious tolerance and the separation of church and state, others desired to destroy private property.

The majority of Anabaptist sects were pacifists who opposed using force to uphold social order or wage war. They also refused to take oaths, especially those to civic authority. They were constantly hounded for their baptismal doctrines and the alleged threat they posed to the political system. Another division in the Christian Church resulted from the Protestant Reformation of 1517, which was a significant dispute with the authority and methods of the Catholic Church. It provided access to several Protestant denominations.

To learn more about Anabaptists, click at:


Is there a law against prayer in school?


Yes. Contrary to popular belief, "prayer in schools" has never been prohibited by the Supreme Court. As long as their prayers are non-disruptive and do not violate the rights of others, students are free to pray alone or in groups.

What has the Supreme Court ruled regarding the practice of prayer in public schools?

Vitale, or the school prayer: The United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that prayer in public schools, even if it was voluntary, was against the Constitution. The court specifically concluded that such prayer was in violation of the First Amendment's prohibition against the establishment of religion by the state.

When did prayer in schools become illegal?

In a 1962 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said that school-sponsored prayer in public schools was against the First Amendment. However, as long as they do so privately and do not attempt to persuade others to do the same, students are permitted to gather for prayer on school grounds.

To know more about prayer in schools visit :-


What is an interest group AP Gov quizlet?


Interest groups facilitate citizen participation in governance by mobilizing individuals to take collective action through voting, fundraising, and educating the public and elected officials about their causes.

An interest group is what AP Gov?

Groups of interest, a group of individuals who work together to advance common policy goals by participating in the policy-making process on various occasions. Theories of plurality. a theory of politics and government that places a strong emphasis on the fact that groups compete with one another to enact their own favored policies.

What is an interest group for the public AP Gov?

Public-interest group a group that acts to advance the general welfare of the community rather than the specific interests of a certain group. In order to influence the decisions and deeds of public authorities, organized interests use lobbying.

Learn more about Interest groups:


malcolm is choosing not to have children because he fears that in the future, the global population will far outstrip the available land and food sources, resulting in a catastrophic situation for humanity. he can't imagine bringing a child into the world under these circumstances. as a theoretical perspective, his ideas agree with which concept?


Social ecologists examine the wider picture of our "system," allowing for a more effective method of addressing society's overall problems. They do this by examining how people, groups, and organizations interact with and depend on one another.

What Is Social Ecology?Murray Bookchin, an environmental activist, was the first to establish the idea of social ecology. He thought there was a more effective way to do the research because he was an ecology. In his article "What is Social Ecology?" (PDF, 122 KB) He contends that environmentalists are overly preoccupied with examining the specific symptoms of a problem rather than dealing with the issue itself—the idea that people can and should govern nature.The foundation for social ecology was laid by this ideology. The social hierarchies, in Bookchin's opinion, are detrimental to society as a whole. Human-made hierarchical structures are to blame for many of the problems and dysfunctions in human civilization, whether they are environmental or social.Bookchin thought life and society should be viewed as an ecosystem, where all the moving elements are equally necessary to a healthy, stable, and sustainable environment. This is in contrast to a hierarchy.It is thought that upholding these values and applying them to every aspect of society will result in a society that is more equitable and cooperative and where hierarchies do not determine who wins and loses. A vital component of a successful social worker's mentality is understanding the significance of each "piece" to the system as a whole.

To Learn more About Social ecologists refer to:


What are the values of traditional education?



Traditional schools focus on teaching cultural values such as independence and respect for authority


consider a study in which two different groups of rats are being exposed to exactly the same amount of painful shock. one group is able to stop the shock by pressing a bar, while the other group can do nothing to stop the shock. what would you expect to happen in regard to the rats' stress response? group of answer choices


In regard to the rats' stress response, you would expect to happen that A: "the rats that have control will have a lower stress response".

The stress response is an emergency reaction system that keeps safe humans and animals in emergencies. The stress response includes physical and thoughtful responses to their perception of various situations being encountered.

As per the given scenario where two groups of rats are given an electric shock. One group of rates somehow manages to stop the shock by pressing a bar and the other group cannot do anything to stop the shock. It is concluded that the group of rats having control will have the lowest stress response.


Complete question is as follows:

Consider a study in which two different groups of rats are being exposed to exactly the same amount of painful shock. one group is able to stop the shock by pressing a bar, while the other group can do nothing to stop the shock. what would you expect to happen in regard to the rats' stress response? group of answer choices

A: The rats that have control will have a lower stress response

B: The rats that have control will have a stronger stress response

C: There will be no difference in stress response because the shock is equally painful for both groups

D: The painful electric shock will prevent the rats from being able to learn to press the bar.


You can learn more about stress response at


Dreaming usually takes place during _____ sleep and is typically accompanied by _____.
Group of answer choices
deep; minimal brain activity
REM; voluntary muscle movements, talking, and sleepwalking
stage 4; unconscious wish fulfillment
REM; physiological arousal, brain activity, and rapid movement of the eyes
NREM; voluntary muscle movements, including thrashing and sleepwalking


Dreaming usu-ally takes place during REM sleep and is typically accom-panied by physiological arousal , brain activity, and rapid move-ment of the eyes.

What do you mean by REM sleep?

Du-ring sleep, the brain mo-ves through four differ-ent stages. One of the-se stages is rapid eye move-ment ( REM ) sleep. During this pha-se, the eyes move rapid-ly in various directions. People typic-ally enter REM sleep with-in the first 90 minutes of falling asle-ep, and it cycles around every 90 min-utes.

Most dreams occur dur-ing REM sleep. This is a st-age that may play a role in learning, mem-ory, and mood.

To know more about REM sleep click below:


after one man traveled to the us from liberia with the ebola virus in 2014, many americans debated whether full travel bans should be instituted to and from countries with confirmed cases of ebola. this is not only an example of how globalization can potentially create a public health disaster, but also highlights which social aspect of intensified globalization?


The highlights of the social aspect of intensified globalization are said to be Xenophobic attitudes and racial prejudice.

What is the Xenophobic or Xenophobia?

Xenophobia is a severe, acute aversion to and dread of behaviors, cultures, and individuals that are regarded as strange, unconventional, or foreign. Phobos, which means terror in Greek, and Xenos, which can indicate stranger, foreigner, or outsider, make up the phrase itself.

Despite sounding ancient, the word only entered the English language in the mid-1800s, according to Italie. Xénos and phóbos, two Greek words that together indicate "stranger or guest" and "fear or panic," respectively, are the two words that make up the term.

The fear or hate of everything that is viewed as alien or weird is known as xenophobia. A perceived conflict between being an ingroup and an outgroup is expressed through it.

Learn more about Xenophobic or Xenophobia here:


What is the main reason for the social contract?


The idea that in order for society to exist, people must come to an agreement among themselves that determines their moral and/or political obligations.

What is the main purpose of the social contract?

A social contract theory seeks to establish that its adherents have good reason to support and abide by the fundamental social norms, laws, institutions, and/or ideals of a given community.

For the system in issue to be sustained and the people who are a part of it to be protected, the social contract's goal is to serve the greater or common good. Because of this, moral behavior is often governed by the social contract.

The idea that people's moral and/or political obligations depend on an agreement or contract among them to create the society in which they live is known as the social contract hypothesis, which is almost as old as philosophy itself.

To learn more about social contract refer to:


What is meant by utopian socialism?


Socialism founded on the assumption that propertied groups may attain social ownership of the means of production via voluntary and peaceful surrender of their assets.

Utopian socialism is a word that is frequently used to define the earliest current of modern socialism and socialist thinking, as typified by the works of Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Étienne Cabet, and Robert Owen. Utopian socialism is sometimes defined as the giving of visions and designs for imagined or futuristic perfect communities, with positive values driving society in this direction. Later socialists and opponents of utopian socialism saw it as lacking in the material circumstances of existing society. These ideal-society ideals competed with revolutionary and social democratic movements.

To know more utopian socialism:


What does judicial review allow for the Supreme Court?


The power of judicial review allows the Supreme Court to rule whether or not laws made by the legislative or executive branch are constitutional or unconstitutional.

A statute, agreement, or administrative rule may be subject to judicial review to determine whether it breaches a provision of the existing law spelled down in the state constitution. In the United States, the history, design, and provisions of the Constitution have all been used to infer the legitimacy of judicial review.

In the Marbury v. Madison decision by the Supreme Court, the authority of judicial review was established. The Supreme Court has the authority to overturn legislation that are incompatible with the US Constitution thanks to judicial review. Due to the fact that they cannot be prosecuted under a legislation that is deemed to be unconstitutional, this authority assures that people' rights are preserved. The Supreme Court's primary duty is to to uphold the Constitution.

Learn more about judicial review at


without the 4th amendment how could the police be prevneted into breaking into someones house in the middle of the night


According to the Fourth Amendment, all searches and seizures must be lawful. It is forbidden to employ undue force. The most important factor in determining whether a search or seizure is constitutional is reasonableness. The reasonableness standard must also be met for searches and seizures carried out under warrant.

The Bill of Rights includes the Fourth Amendment (sometimes known as Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution. It outlaws arbitrary searches and seizures. Additionally, it establishes requirements for the issuance of warrants, including that they be issued by a judge or magistrate, supported by proof of probable cause and an oath or affirmation, and that they specifically state the location that will be searched as well as the people or things that will be seized.

Three key topics are covered by Fourth Amendment case law: what defines "searches" and "seizures" by the government, what justifies such searches and seizures, and how to handle Fourth Amendment rights breaches.

Learn more about 4th amendment to visit this link


What is the best explanation of utopian society?


A utopia is a civilization that has reached the pinnacle of perfection, particularly in terms of its legal system, political system, and social structure.

Any plan or strategy for creating such a society might be categorised as utopian.

Utopia, a flawless nation where life is seemingly perfect for its citizens. Therefore, the terms "utopian" and "utopianism" are employed to describe visionary reform that is frequently unrealistically idealistic. In Book II of Utopia, More described a pagan and communist city-state where all institutions and rules were decided upon rationally. The order and dignity of such a society were meant to stand out in stark contrast to the irrational polity of Christian Europe, which More then, writing in England's Book I, portrayed as being split by self-interest and thirst for power and wealth.

Learn more about utopianism here:


Which description characterizes Hector as an epic hero?



Hector is a brave leader and mighty warrior. These qualities make him an iconic epic hero in line with Achilles, Odysseus, Great Ajax, and Patroclus.


the negative symptom of schizophrenia called anhedonia is defined as select one: a. lack of speech content and/or slowed speech response. b. lack of emotional response, blank facial expression c. the inability to experience please or loss of pleasure d. inability to initiate and persist in activities.


Based on psychological research analysis, and the available option, the negative symptom of schizophrenia called anhedonia is defined as. the inability to experience pleasure or loss of pleasure.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a medical and psychological term that is used to describe the disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly.

Generally, the exact cause of schizophrenia isn't known, but a mixture of genetics, environment, and altered brain chemistry and structure may play a role.

Symptoms of schizophreniaDelusions. Hallucinations. Disorganized thinking (speech). Extremely disorganized or abnormal motor behavior. Negative symptoms.

Schizophrenia is generally considered a form of disorder that is characterized by a disconnection from reality.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option C. the inability to experience pleasure or loss of pleasure.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here:


When working with an Agile team managers will often give up long term plans for predictability?


Because Agile teams operate off of Long Term Plans, the Agile team will be more predictable.

Agile teams should always start with a surplus of desired additions or modifications. Setting up those accumulations, distributing specialized responsibility, and successfully attempting to connect those things to business destinations are all necessary for doing so in a predictable manner.

A group of employees, employees-to-be, or independent contractors in charge of managing an Agile project make up an Agile team. Agile teams usually work side by side and are free from other projects' responsibilities during the project's schedule.

You have no actual means of knowing if what you're doing is effective, assuming that your creation is capricious. This nimble consistency also enables you to create excellent SLAs with the company you work for, other groups, and your clients.

To learn more about Agile team, please refer:


What group in the united states is most likely to be stereotyped as involved with organized crime?.



An ethnic stereotype that depicts African Americans, and African American males in particular, as dangerous criminals is the criminal stereotype of African Americans in the United States.  This myth is connected to the reality that African Americans make up a disproportionately high percentage of people who are detained and found guilty of committing crimes. In American popular culture, the stereotype of African American men as criminals has frequently appeared. highlighting the detrimental effects of systematic racism. 

La Cosa Nostra (the Italian-American Mafia), which has historically been the largest organized crime group in the United States, has recently been overtaken in power by other transnational criminal groups.

The criminal stereotype of African Americans in the United States is an ethnic stereotype that paints African Americans, and African American males in particular, as dangerous criminals. This misconception is related to the fact that a disproportionately high number of imprisoned and convicted criminals are African Americans. The notion of African American men as criminals has repeatedly emerged in American popular culture. shedding light on the negative consequences of systematic racism.

Organized crime patterns or models can be broken down into three main categories: organizations with a hierarchical or organizational structure; groups based on local cultural or ethnic ties; and groups dependent on relationships of the kind found in economic commerce.

Learn more about stereotyped Visit:


What is political gerrymandering quizlet?


The process of designing legislative district boundaries in order to support an incumbent, party, or group. kidnapping. drawing new congressional districts so that two incumbents from the same party are placed in the same district, making them compete in a primary.

How Does Gerrymandering Work?A government or political party may gerrymander districts using one of two strategies.Cracking is a term for the first. Cracking involves redrawing the boundaries to distribute the votes of the opposition over a number of districts. Their vote is effectively diluted as a result, making it less influential.Another strategy is packing. When your opponent's supporters are packed, you redrew the district so that they are concentrated in just a few places. A district map that has been packed will have boundaries that are coiled up like a snake. In this manner, the dominant parties can continue to rule a region. Then, to further illustrate the idea, look at extreme examples that have occurred within the United States.

To learn more about dominant parties refer to:


the arab spring having swept across the arab world since 2011 has resulted in different outcomes in terms of regime transition and the role played by religious authorities and/or islamist organizations post-revolution. why did some countries managed to achieve transition to a democratic regime more peacefully than others?


Autocratic dictatorship was the outcome of the Arab Spring.

What makes a regime democratic?

A democracy is a form of government in which the people elect representatives to make and implement laws. Who is referred to as "the people" and how power is distributed among or assigned by the people have evolved over time and at varying rates in various nations.

Democracy has seen significant change throughout time. Direct democracy, in which societies decide through public assembly, is seen throughout history. The most common type of democracy today is representative democracy, in which the people choose the representatives who will rule on their behalf, as in a parliamentary and presidential democracy.

To know more about Democratic, visit:


What does the idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggest?Taking several different drugs at the same time produces unpredictable effects.Each person will have the same physiological response to a drug, but there can be different psychological responses.Taking several different drugs at once increases their effectiveness. The effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user’s personal makeup and experience.


The idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggests that: the effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user's personal makeup and experience.

According to the theory of multifactorial causation in drug effects, a drug's effects are influenced by the dosage as well as the individual characteristics and prior experience of the user. When you require one or more medicines to function, you develop drug dependence. In the past, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) distinguished between abuse and dependence. Abuse was seen as the moderate or initial stage of unrestrained drug use that resulted in dependence. People believed that reliance to be a more serious issue than abuse.

Learn more on  multifactorial causation


Due to which reasons was the world able to escape the malthusian dilemma?


The reason for Malthusian dilemma was Agricultural productivity increases happened faster than predicted.

This occurrence, also known as a Malthusian catastrophe, Malthusian trap, population trap, Malthusian check, Malthusian crisis, Malthusian spectre, or Malthusian crunch, takes place when agricultural production cannot keep up with population growth, leading to famine or war, poverty, and depopulation.He suggested two different population checks. The initial ones were known as affirmative checks. Any inadvertent or natural phenomenon that decreased populations fell under this category. For instance, Malthus believed that conflict, sickness, and famine were beneficial population controls.

To know more about Malthusian here


Is it legal for schools to not let students pray?


Yes, the Supreme Court has never forbade "prayer in schools." Students are allowed to pray either individually or collectively as long as they do it quietly and without violating anybody's rights.

Is legal school prayer permitted?

Government-mandated school prayer was deemed unlawful by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in the instances of Engel v. Vitale (1962) and Abington School District v. Schempp (1963). However, it is not against the law to pray alone.

What decision has the Supreme Court made about in-class prayer?

The Supreme Court declared in Vitale that pupils cannot be forced to say a state-written prayer in public schools.

To learn more about students pray visit :-


frank is a tennis player. when he wins, frank attributes victory to his good attitude and skills as a player. but when he loses, he blames it on the fact that he was using old tennis balls or a poor racket. in the fact of success and failure, frank is showing a(n):


The fact of success and failure, frank is showing growth mindset.

What is growth mindset?

Growth mindset is a concept developed by psychologist Carol Dweck that refers to an individual's belief that their abilities and intelligence can be developed over time. It is based on the idea that individuals can increase their abilities, knowledge, and skills through effort and perseverance. People with a growth mindset believe that with hard work and dedication, they can improve and become better at whatever they set their minds to. They possess a “can do” attitude and are more likely to take risks and challenges. They understand that failure is part of the learning process and don’t let it stop them from trying again. With a growth mindset, people are more likely to be successful in the long-term.

To learn more about growth mindset

victor has been given the assignment to deliver a 5-7 minute speech on the topic of "the right to vote" to his ninth grade us government class. help victor decide on a specific purpose by giving him 1 or 2 suggestions for a narrow persuasive speech topic, and 1 or 2 suggestions for a narrow informative speech topic.




1. The importance of youth participation in elections

2. The impact of voter suppression on marginalized communities


1. The history of voting rights in the United States

2. The process of registering to vote and the various options available (e.g. absentee voting, early voting, etc.)

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