LOTS OF POINTS!!!!! What did the Nazi-Soviet pact accomplish for the 2 parties involved?


Answer 1


The correct answer to this open question is the following.


Signed in August 1939, the German-Soviet Pact paved the way for a joint invasion and occupation of Poland in September of that year. By signing the treaty, Hitler was able to avert a massive two-front war. Stalin was given permission to extend Soviet control over the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), as well as parts of Romania and Finland, in the following years. The pact was a mutually beneficial compromise between the two ideological enemies. It allowed Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to carve out spheres of influence in Eastern Europe while agreeing not to strike each other for the next ten years. Hitler, on the other hand, invaded the Soviet Union less than two years later. The pact prepared the way for World War II.

Answer 2

The Nazi-Soviet Pact allowed Hitler to invade Poland without Soviet intervention and gave Stalin time to prepare for a potential German invasion while expanding the Soviet Union's influence in Eastern Europe.

What was the  Nazi-Soviet pact?

The Nazi-Soviet Pact, also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was a non-aggression treaty signed between Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, and the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin, on August 23, 1939.

The pact was surprising given the ideological differences between the two countries and the aggressive territorial ambitions of Nazi Germany.

The pact included a secret protocol that divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence between the two countries, with the Soviet Union gaining control over the Baltic states, Finland, and parts of Romania, while Germany gained control over western Poland.

The pact allowed Hitler to invade Poland without fear of Soviet intervention, and it gave Stalin time to prepare for a potential German invasion while expanding the Soviet Union's influence in Eastern Europe.

The pact was broken by Hitler in 1941 when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, leading to the largest and deadliest theater of World War II.

Learn more about Nazi-Soviet pact here:



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What were to effects of moving the capital to Constantinople?


Greece and Rome were significantly impacted by Constantine's choice of capital. Led to the first long-lasting unity of Greece while dislodging the Roman Empire's political core and shifting it eastward.

How Constantinople got its new name?

Although Constantinople's name was not legally changed when the Ottomans conquered it in the 15th century, the takeover nonetheless signaled a fundamental shift in geopolitics as Constantinople's center of gravity shifted eastward and away from Europe. The term "Istanpolin," which in Turkish means "to the city," started to be used elsewhere in the empire. Istanpolin gradually gained popularity, but Constantinople was still the name used in official documents. Istanpolin eventually graduated to become Istanbul as the ages passed and the vernacular evolved gradually.

What were the major impacts of the fall of Constantinople?

The seizure of the Byzantine Empire's capital by the Ottoman Turks is associated with the fall of Constantinople. The conflict lasted from April 6 until May 29, 1453. The Silk Road and one of the important routes to the East were shut off as a result of Constantinople's fall. It signaled the start of the Age of Discovery and the close of the Middle Ages.

To know more about Ottoman Empire visit:                                                    brainly.com/question/28917478


list the top three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. After each weakness, also include and explanation of WHY that was a weaknesses and how it could be fixed


The Congress was unable to enforce laws or levy taxes under the Articles of Confederation, which made it impossible for the new country to pay back its obligations from the Revolutionary War.

The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

1. Each state only gets one vote.

2. Congress lacks the authority to impose taxes or penalties.

3. Congress lacks the authority to control commerce.

4. no executive authority.

5. There is no federal court system.

6. All states have to agree before an amendment could be made.

7. A 9/3 majority is necessary.

To learn more about Confederation please click on below link



How did barbed wire change ww1?



it slowed down an opposing trenches attack

What are the two positive effects of the Scientific Revolution?


Two positive effects of the Scientific Revolution  are New discoveries were made, old beliefs began to be proven wrong.

Everyone's perspective on science was changed by the scientific revolution. People were beginning to question the church's astronomy and way of doing things. The scientist was skeptical of the claims made by scientists 300 years ago. They had a different perspective on the world. They also carried out experiments in a different way. This revolution was brought to life by a number of scientists. The revolution's leaders include Copernicus, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton. There are many more than that, and that only includes three of them.

There were few significant advancements in science prior to the scientific revolution. A lot of it was based on false assumptions regarding everything. There was no scientific approach to problem solving. The majority of scientific findings concerned baffling arrays of mixed variables. Because it was in the Bible, the Torah, and every other holy book, it was the only reason people believed those assumptions. Due to the fact that it was against the law and could result in arrest, no one challenged the belief. Space models were also incorrect prior to the revolution. The solar system is assumed to be geocentric, according to scientists. This indicates that the earth is the center of everything. Geo is Latin for "world" or "earth." At the center of the meaning, "central" The researcher utilized calculation and a perplexing trap of eighty circles to make sense of the relative multitude of circles of the sun, moon, and planets.

To know more about Scientific Revolution visit



How did the Great Migration affect Chicago?



The great migration's effect on cultural lifestyles in Chicago is most obvious in the southern influence on the Chicago Renaissance of the 1930s and Nineteen Forties, in addition to blues tune, cuisine, churches, and the several families and community associations that link Chicago with its southern hinterland—especially Mississippi.


What founding value(s) was fought for during The 1913 March for National Women’s Suffrage?
-pursuit of happiness/opportunity
And why?



The 1913 March for National Women's Suffrage, also known as the Women's Suffrage Parade, was held in Washington D.C. on March 3, 1913 to advocate for women's right to vote. The marchers fought for the value of equality, as they believed that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men, including the right to vote. This value is derived from the principles of liberty and justice, which are fundamental to the American democracy. The pursuit of happiness and opportunity are also closely related to the fight for equality, as women's ability to participate fully in society and have their voices heard is essential to achieving their own personal happiness and opportunities.

How did land improvement change in the neolithic age?


Land improvement changed dramatically in the Neolithic age. People began to practice more sophisticated techniques of crop cultivation, such as tilling and sowing, in order to increase the amount of available food.

This led to the development of more sophisticated agricultural practices such as crop rotation, fallowing, and the use of manure and other fertilizers to increase crop yields.

Additionally, the introduction of domesticated animals provided a new source of fertilizer and labor for plowing, planting, and harvesting. Improved tools and techniques were developed to clear more land and create more productive fields, and new irrigation systems were created to increase water access to these fields.

All of these advances allowed for greater yields and allowed people to settle in more permanent villages and cities, leading to the development of the first civilizations.

Read more about irrigation here


whoever helps get 13 pts ty sm



Former president Truman's argument is that Congress, not the president, should run the executive branch. D. "Congress, not the president, should run the executive branch."


In his speech, Truman emphasized the importance of maintaining the separation of powers between the branches of government, and he argued that Congress should not try to "run the agencies of government for the president." Instead, Congress should exercise its own powers, including its law-making powers, and allow the president to exercise the powers granted to him or her by the Constitution. This would help to ensure "orderly government" and prevent the legislative and executive branches from encroaching on each other's powers.

Make a paragraph about, Write the importance of Battle
of Badr in Islam and what lesson we get from the battle
of Badr?




The Battle of Badr was an important event in the early history of Islam. It took place in the year 624 and was fought between the forces of the early Muslim community, led by the Prophet Muhammad, and a larger Meccan army. The Muslims were outnumbered and outgunned, but they ultimately emerged victorious in the battle.

The Battle of Badr has great significance in Islam as it is seen as a turning point in the spread of the religion. It was the first major military victory for the Muslims, and it demonstrated the power of faith and unity in the face of overwhelming odds. The victory at Badr was seen as a divine intervention, and it helped to establish the early Muslim community as a force to be reckoned with.

One of the key lessons of the Battle of Badr is the importance of faith and trust in God. The Muslims had a deep belief in their cause and a strong reliance on God, and this helped to give them the strength and courage to fight and emerge victorious. The Battle of Badr also teaches us the importance of unity and working together as a team. The Muslims were able to achieve victory because they fought together and supported each other, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

The significance of the Battle of Badr in Islam, as well as the lesson it teaches us not to doubt our faith and commitment to Allah. It proves that God's power is boundless, and that in the absence of Allah's support, armament and a large army are rendered ineffective.

What is Islam?

Islam refers to God's surrender. Muslims are also known as Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic, worshiping one all-powerful God, known as Allah in Arabic. Muslims strive to live lives in perfect surrender to Allah. Islam as the also as the country. Islam is the more rule imposed to the women.

The Battle of Badr is significant in Islam because it is regarded as a watershed moment in the expansion of the religion. It was the Muslims' first significant military triumph, demonstrating the power of religion and solidarity in the face of adversity. The victory at Badr was regarded as a supernatural intervention, and it contributed to the early Muslim community's reputation as a power to reckon with. The Battle of Badr was a pivotal event in Islam's early history.

Learn more about on Islam, here:



the meaning of culture​


Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It encompasses the language, religion, traditions, and way of life that are passed down from generation to generation within a group. Culture influences the way that people think, act, and interact with one another, as well as their relationships with the natural and built environment. Culture shapes the way that people perceive and understand the world around them, and it can also change over time as a result of social, economic, and political influences. Culture is a broad and multifaceted concept that encompasses many different aspects of human life and experience, and it plays a significant role in shaping the identity of individuals and communities.

Why do I have cavities but no pain?


It would indicate that the cavity is shallow and has not penetrated below the enamel layer if you have a cavity that is not painful.

Under the enamel, a cavity should not protrude. Although it is softer than enamel, the hard layer beneath your enamel is known as dentin. One of the main reasons for dental pain and tooth loss is dental caries, also referred to as tooth decay. Every nation, every culture, and every age group are affected by this disease. It can be caused by a number of things, such as having crooked teeth, having upper and lower teeth that don't fit together properly, eating a lot of sweets, having genetic predispositions, and having other severe disorders. But poor hygiene is the main culprit.

To learn more about cavity please click on below link



How did the American economy change after the Civil War?



In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant. Old industries expanded and many new ones, including petroleum refining, steel manufacturing, and electrical power, emerged.


What impact did the Ottoman Empire have on Eastern Europe?


The fact that it possessed control over so many trade routes gave it a monopoly-like grip over trade across Europe and Asia.

What is Ottoman Empire?

In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Ottoman Empire, which was founded in Anatolia by Turkish tribes, became one of the most formidable nations on earth.

Over 600 years later, the Ottoman Empire only ended in 1922, when it was succeeded either by Turkish Republic as well as a number of Middle Eastern and Southeast European successor states.

At its height, the empire included the majority of southeastern Europe up to the gates of Vienna, as well as modern-day Hungary, this same Balkan region, Europe, and portions of Ukraine.

It also included parts of the Middle East that are now occupied by Syria, Syria, Israel, and Egypt, as well as large portions of North Africa as far south of the city as Algeria.

To know more about Ottoman Empire:



What is the 6th right in the First Amendment?


The sixth right in the First Amendment is "the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The Right to Petition: A Necessary Part of the First Amendment

The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances is an important part of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This right gives citizens the ability to come together and formally request that the government take action on an issue they feel strongly about.

This could range from a change in a law, or the issuance of a statement on a certain issue. This right is important in that it allows citizens to have a voice in their government, and to be able to express their opinions on issues that affect them. This right provides citizens with the ability to seek justice and to hold the government accountable for their actions.

Learn more about Constitution: https://brainly.com/question/16385413


How did Buddhism affect Chinese government?


The Chinese authorities tried to defame Buddhism because it was considered as a danger to their political party.

Buddha emphasized democratic values including public involvement and freedom of speech, as well as consideration, consultation, voting, and respect for popular will, in his teachings and instructions. Transparency through in-person interactions and public discussion.

New concepts and beliefs were introduced when Buddhism was brought to China, fostering the growth of Chinese philosophy, language, ethics, literature, religions, arts, popular belief, etc. Buddhism, however, uses and transforms local culture and philosophy because it is not a cultural religion.

Buddhism has an impact on communities because economists think that community-supported agriculture fosters trust, helps create communities with strong morals, and makes everyone feel more connected to the rest of the world.

To learn more about Buddhism:



What was the Indian Act?



The Indian Act Comes to Power, 1876

The Indian Act attempted to generalize a vast and varied population of people and assimilate them into non-Indigenous society. It forbade First Nations peoples and communities from expressing their identities through governance and culture.


Answer:The Indian Act attempted to generalize a vast and varied population of people and assimilate them into non-Indigenous society

Explanation:Hope this helps!!

How long until a peasant was considered a free man?



on August 4, 1789

what is aksum cimilazetion​



Did u mean Aksum civilization

A major empire of the ancient world, the kingdom of Aksum arose in Ethiopia during the first century C.E. This wealthy African civilization thrived for centuries, controlling a large territorial state and access to vast trade routes linking the Roman Empire to the Middle East and India.

A major empire of the ancient world that arose in Ethiopia during the first century C.E.

What symbol represents Napoleon in Animal Farm?


The symbol that represents is that in Animal Farm, Napoleon is said to represent Stalin the animal.

Who was Napoleon?

George Orwell's depiction of Napoleon as "a big quite fierce-looking Berkshire Boar" suggests that he is quite dangerous. He was aware that he was "the only Berks" on the land, and this made him feel unique and special. Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union's dictator, is represented by Napoleon.

Leon Trotsky is replaced by Snowball, since both of the men were exiled for posing a danger to the current quo. Given that both Napoleon and Joseph Stalin were motivated by fear, they are comparable. A euphemism again for Russian media that propagandized in favor of Stalin is "squealer."

To know more about Napoleon:



What are the techniques used for satire?


Exaggeration, Incongruity, Reversal, Parody, Irony, Anachronism, and Malapropism are the seven satire tactics.

What are the 7 techniques for satire?Making something or someone appear better or worse than it actually is by exaggerating or understating particular traits,When you introduce something unexpected into an otherwise typical scenario or story, you are using the frequently ludicrous satirical technique of incongruity.A form of satire called reversal reverses the places of two objects or people.Satirical parody is the imitation of a real person or a genuine piece of art.Irony is satire that contrasts what someone actually says or does with what they actually mean when they use their language.Satire in which characters or items are placed in earlier or later eras is known as anachronism.The most common type of mispronunciation is a writer's purposeful misuse or mispronunciation of a word.

For more information on satire kindly visit to



Select all the correct answers. What were two outcomes of the treaty of versailles?.


The treaty forced Germany to surrender colonies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific; cede territory to other nations like France and Poland; reduce the size of its military; pay war reparations to the Allied countries; and accept guilt for the war.

The firt Anglo- Dutch war tarted in 1852, when the Dutch fleet violated the
Navigation Act, which protected Englih ea trade route. True or Fale?


False. The First Anglo-Dutch War started in 1652, when the Dutch attempted to restrict English trade in the East Indies.

What is Anglo-Dutch War?

The Anglo-Dutch War (1652-1654) was a conflict between the English Commonwealth and the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The war was fought mainly in the Netherlands and the English Channel, with England attempting to extend its naval power and control of the seas. The war was initiated by England, who sought to gain control over Dutch trade routes and the Dutch East India Company. In response, the Dutch formed a strong alliance with France, which helped them to counter the English navy. The war resulted in a peace treaty that granted England control of the Dutch East India Company and some trade routes, while the Dutch were allowed to retain their independence and control of other trade routes. Although the war did not give England full control of Dutch trade, it did help to expand their maritime power and influence. The war also highlighted the importance of alliance-building and naval power in international relations.

To learn more about Anglo-Dutch War

why did federal works agency ended


The federal works agency ended due to the fact that it was abolished by the constitution.

What was the federal works agency?

Between 1939 and 1949, the Federal Works Agency, a separate department of the U.S. federal government, was in charge of enforcing a number of laws and regulations pertaining to public construction, building maintenance, and public works relief.

From 1939 until 1949, the federal government of the United States' Federal Works Agency (FWA) independently oversaw a number of public construction, building maintenance, and public works relief functions and regulations. According to restructuring plans permitted by the Reorganization Act, it was one of three catch-all federal agencies, along with the Federal Security Agency and the Federal Loan Agency.

Read more on the Federal work agency here:https://brainly.com/question/9354369


Who is responsible for determining the federal budget?


By virtue of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Senate Committee on Budget was created (Congress.gov).

It collaborates with the House Budget Committee to create the yearly budget plan for Congress and oversee implementation of the federal budget. A budget plan for the forthcoming fiscal year and at least the next four fiscal years is agreed upon by the House and Senate in the annual budget resolution.

Because the budget resolution is in the form of a concurrent resolution, it is not delivered to the president for his signature and does not become law, but it does set the stage for further congressional action on the appropriations bills.

Learn more about the federal budget here:



Where did the religion of Christianity originate from?



Image result for Constantine stood out because he became a Christian and unabashedly made Jesus the patron of his army. By 313, just two contenders remained, Constantine and Licinius. The two jointly issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity a legal religion and officially ended the persecution

Who was Constantine? Constantine made Christianity the main religion of Rome, and created Constantinople, which became the most powerful city in the world. Emperor Constantine (ca A.D. 280– 337) reigned over a major transition in the Roman Empire—and much more


What do the last two lines of Sonnet 29 mean?


The last two lines of Sonnet 29 mean the speaker thinks of his loved ones and how lucky he is to be himself.

William Shakespeare was known for his spectacular sonnets, and love is the theme of these 14-line poems of his. Similarly, Sonnet 29 : When in Disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes is a sonnet about the overwhelming nature of love. The first few lines are about self-pity and contemplating one's misfortunes, what one does not have, whether wealth or ability. In "Sonnet 29", the speaker is dissatisfied with his living conditions, but finds solace and is grateful for his loved ones. A couplet has two constructive lines, usually in the same bar, connected by rhyme. The sonnet ends with a couplet, which usually reveals the poem's central idea or conclusion. The rhyming scheme that follows throughout the sonnet is ABAB CDCD EBEB FF. This couplet is a rhyming CC, meaning that his last two lines rhyme with each other and the means of these lines is consists the memory of the addressee's "sweet love" makes him feel so rich that he doesn't want to trade places with the most powerful or wealthy man (king) in the world.

To learn more about Sonnet 29 refer:



Is the conflict in Animal Farm internal or external?


Both within and outside of Animal Farm, there are conflicts. These problems include conflicts between characters or between opposing components inside a character. The action throughout the whole book is driven by conflicts that the protagonists must try to overcome. Conflicts between people and animals are a few examples of external conflicts.

Animal Farm's main conflict results from the animals' desire for freedom and equality being corrupted by the pigs' political power consolidation.

Two ambitious young pigs emerged to become the leaders of the Manor Farm, which they eventually dubbed Animal Farm after he died. Here we have the exterior battle between Napoleon and Snowball, the two leaders. Both of them have distinctive personalities and management philosophies.

To learn more about Animal Farm



Answer pls brainliest


R: Restate the question.
A: Answer the question.
C: Cite evidence.
E: Explain & elaborate your thinking.
S: Sum it all up (this is optional. Some teachers just use RACE)

Answer: Colonialism's impacts include environmental degradation, the spread of disease, economic instability, ethnic rivalries, and human rights violations—issues that can long outlast one group's colonial rules

Which territories did the united states gain control of as a result of the spanish-american war? select three options. Cubaguamhawaiipanamaphilippines.



Guam Hawaii Phillipines


Who did Parliament offer leadership to as a result of the Glorious Revolution?


The person that Parliament offered leadership to after the Glorious Revolution was King James's daughter, Mary.

What was the Glorious Revolution ?

Between 1688 and 1689, England saw the Glorious Revolution, also known as "The Revolution of 1688" and "The Bloodless Revolution." James II, a Catholic, was deposed, and his Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch spouse, William of Orange, took his place.

Parliament finally agreed to a combined monarchy, with William as king and Mary, James's daughter, as queen, after intense persuasion from William. More constraints from Parliament were accepted by the two new monarchs than by any of their predecessors, leading to an unparalleled change in the balance of power across the British realm.

Find out more on the Glorious Revolution at https://brainly.com/question/14417135


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