how does juan help corso


Answer 1

Juan help Corso with the herbs and the medicines as his liver was damaged.

What is  I, Juan de Pareja?

The book Juan de Pareja, written by American author Elizabeth Borton de Treviso, earned the Newbery Medal for outstanding achievement in American folklore. The book is founded on Diego Velázquez's actual photograph .

Juan discovers Corso, the emperor's preferred hunting dog, is unwell while on the expedition. He uses herbs and medications to cure the puppy's liver condition, and the canine quickly becomes better. Juan receives a bundle of ducats from His Majesty, who is absolutely delighted, and Don Diego lets him keep them.

Learn more about I, Juan de Pareja, here:


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What is a parallel sentence example?



Parallel: My dog not only likes to play fetch, but he also likes to chase cars. My dog likes not only to play fetch, but also to chase cars. When you connect two clauses or phrases with a word of comparison, such as than or as, use parallel structure

Which is the most frequent reason for revocation or suspension of a nurse's license?


Some of the most common reasons of revocation or suspension of a nurse's license include DUI persuasions, improper patient care practices, and gross negligence, similar as administering specifics without a valid order and violating patient confidentiality.

A summary suspense is one of several possible correctional conduct for nursers that violate the Nursing Practice Act( NPA). Violations can include positive felonious background checks, fraud, sexual misconduct, boundary violations, abuse, and other practice- related or medicine- related violations.

Multiple Particulars could affect in a suspense of a nursing license, including effects like committing a crime, treating a case in a careless manner, or crimes in patient care.

suspense orders can be made for over to 12 months, and must be reviewed before they expire. The nurse, midwife, or nursing associate, may also ask for a review if there's new substantiation applicable to the order.

For more information on Nursing license visit :


How do you use example?


When you are trying to explain something.

How can I be attractive to my landlord?


Imao nice question                                            


How can you prevent bankruptcy?


Prevent bankruptcy: 1. Create a budget and stick to it. 2. Pay down debt. 3. Cut back on unnecessary spending. etc.

What is bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a legal process wherein an individual or business entity can have some or all of their debts discharged by a court of law. It is a powerful tool used to help individuals and businesses become financially stable and can be used to help protect assets from creditors. Through bankruptcy, individuals and businesses can either have their debt discharged through a reorganization of their finances or liquidated and divided among their creditors. Bankruptcy is a complex process and can take up to several months or longer to complete depending on the type of bankruptcy filed. The main benefit of filing for bankruptcy is that it can help individuals and businesses get out of debt and move forward with their financial goals.

1. Create a budget and stick to it.
2. Pay down debt.
3. Cut back on unnecessary spending.
4. Increase your income.
5. Get help from a credit counseling agency.
6. Avoid taking on new debt.
7. Prioritize payments.
8. Tap into resources.
9. Consider alternatives to bankruptcy.
10. Take steps to protect your assets.

To learn more about bankruptcy

What are the 5 influences of the English language?


Latin, French, Dutch, and Afrikaans are just a few of the many cultures and languages that have had an impact on the English language of today.

English is a West Germanic language that belongs to the Indo-European language family and is related to Frisian, German, and Dutch (also known as Flemish in Belgium). The majority language in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and other island countries in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean is English, which has its roots in England. Most other nations choose English as their first foreign language, and it is because of this that English has earned the title of international lingua franca. Two billion people, or nearly a third of the world's population, are thought to speak English at this time. The majority of the languages spoken in Europe and western Asia, from Iceland to India, are linked to English because it is a member of the Indo-European language family. Proto-Indo-European, the mother tongue of the majority of current European languages (such as German, French, Russian, and Greek), was synthetic or inflected, whereas modern English is analytic (i.e., relatively uninflected).

To learn more about English please click on the given link:


What is a ABAB CDCD poem called?


A poem that follows the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD is called an ABAB rhyme scheme.

An ABAB rhyme scheme is a type of rhyme scheme in which the first and third lines of a stanza, as well as the second and fourth lines, rhyme with each other. This creates a repeating pattern of rhymes that follows the sequence ABAB.

For example, the rhyme scheme of the following poem follows the ABAB pattern:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

This poem consists of two stanzas, each with four lines. In each stanza, the first and third lines rhyme with each other (red and sweet), and the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other (blue and you). This creates an ABAB rhyme scheme.

ABAB rhyme schemes are common in many different types of poetry, including sonnets, ballads, and other forms. They can be used to create structure and rhyme in a poem and can help to make the poem more memorable and enjoyable to read.

Learn more about the poem at


Select the correct answer.
Look at the image of dried herbs and think about the setting of the play. The dried herbs are used as a prop onstage.
Which choice provides the best explanation for why the playwright includes bunches of herbs as a prop in the play?
A. to emphasize the illness affecting Lubin
B. to symbolize the occasion of a wedding
C. to symbolize the countryside setting emphasize Mary's role as a healer



to emphasize marys role as a healer is the answer yw sweetheart brainliest please


What should and should not be included in a conclusion?


The final paragraph of a text, or the conclusion, is when the author wraps up their ideas. The author's claim and the purpose for which the material was written are summarized in the conclusion.

It should repeat your thesis, list the important points you made in favor of it throughout the paper, and provide your assessment of the main idea. An example, which includes the concluding sentence or paragraph and a summary of the main elements of the thesis, is the last part of your essay.

Avoid these things while writing your conclusion

AVOID summarizing, as well as verbatim repeating of your thesis or introduction.AVOID bringing up insignificant issues.AVOID presenting fresh information.AVOID underselling yourself.The words "in summary" and "in conclusion" should be avoided.

To know more about things to be included in a conclusion, click on the link below:


What is the author's purpose in this passage?


The four main purposes of writing are to describe, amuse, explain or inform, and convince.

The author's intention refers to the motivation behind a piece of writing. Understanding a reading passage's goal will help you understand why it was written. The four main purposes of writing are to describe, amuse, explain or inform, and convince.

When a writer offers facts in a piece intended to inform, the reader's understanding is increased. Textbooks, encyclopedias, biographies, how-to guides, and almost all other forms of nonfiction writing fall under the category of informational writing.

A text that is compelling will present a viewpoint and back it up with evidence.

To learn more about purpose of writing paragraph link is here


What does the windmill symbolize in Animal Farm Brainly?


In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the windmill symbolizes a number of different things.

First, it represents the animals' hope for a better future. They see the windmill as a way to improve their lives and make their work easier. It is a symbol of their hard work and determination, as they put a lot of effort into building it.

Second, the windmill represents the animals' desire for independence and their struggle to break free from human control. It is a symbol of their rebellion against the farmer Mr. Jones and their efforts to create a society in which they are free and equal.

Finally, the windmill represents the challenges and setbacks that the animals face as they try to create a better life for themselves. The process of building the windmill is difficult and slow, and it becomes a source of conflict and tension within the animal community. The windmill is ultimately destroyed, which represents the failures and setbacks that the animals face as they try to achieve their goals.

Overall, the windmill in "Animal Farm" is a symbol of the animals' struggle for independence, their hard work and determination, and the challenges and setbacks that they face as they try to create a better life for themselves.

Find out more about Animal Farm


What are four important strategies for making and responding to counterclaims?


Signal. Determine the assertion you are disputing. State. Declare your counterclaim and provide support. cite supporting data or justify your position. Summarize. Describe how important your argument is.

What constitutes a strong argument essay, according to the four key components?

Information is employed, but it is arranged according to the five main parts of an argument: the claim, the justification, the supporting evidence, and the counterclaim.

Counterclaim: Be prepared for a claim that refutes the primary arguments of your defense. Contrarian arguments shouldn't be avoided. Instead, get to know the alternative viewpoint. You appear objective if you address counterarguments (and, therefore, you earn the respect of your readers).

Claim, reason, support, and warrant are the four main parts of an argument. Claims are assertions about what is true, right, or appropriate, or regarding actions or beliefs that should be held. Claims might be contested.

To know more about counterclaims visit:


What is the solution in A Modest Proposal?


The solution in A Modest Proposal  is that parents should sell their one-year-old infants to wealthy landowners as food. In this way, parents can profit from selling their kids and avoid having to support them as they get older.

In the first lines of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," Swift's sardonic character sets up the reader for his absurd solution to the Irish poverty problem. Swift's sardonic humorous remedy, which would make money and reduce Ireland's surplus population, is to eat the infants.

Swift's "Modest Proposal" serves two purposes: first, to reveal people's attitudes regarding poverty in Ireland (especially those in positions of authority); and second, to express the author's personal viewpoint on the subject. By fusing realism with irony, absurdity, and parody, Swift achieves this.

To know more about Modest Proposal click here,


What are the 5 Spanish reflexive pronouns?


Me, Te, Se, Nos, Os These are the Main 5 Spanish reflexive pronouns.

Which of the following are the five reflexive object pronouns?

Grammar clarification. Words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves are examples of reflexive pronouns. They are referring to a person or object. When the subject and object of a verb are the same, we frequently employ reflexive pronouns.

Personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and intensive pronouns are the seven categories of pronouns that English and English as a second language authors must identify. Remember that reflexive pronouns can appear immediately before the verb or at the conclusion of an infinitive or gerund. Correctly employing Spanish reflexive pronouns is an excellent indicator that you are progressing to the intermediate level.

To learn more about  5 Spanish reflexive pronouns to refer:


How biology can be studied from a microscopic approach to a global approach Quora?


Biology can be studied from the smallest cell and its organelles to the largest community's ecosystems

From a microscopic perspective, involving examining particular cells, molecules, and subcellular structures, to a macro perspective, which entails examining entire species and ecosystems, biology can be studied. Biologists can examine the structure and operation of cells and their organelles, like the cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes, at the microscopic level. They can also research the chemical processes that take place inside cells, including DNA replication, gene expression, and metabolism.

The diversity of life on Earth, as well as the interactions between various species and their surroundings, can all be studied by biologists on a global scale. Aside from the effects of human activity on the environment, they can also research biodiversity preservation and protection strategies. Additionally, they can research how various species interact with one another in ecosystems and how they change and adapt over time.

Read more about biology on:





Answer A


These types of quotes have breaks in between, and differs from the rest of the writing, creating a new perspective.

What is rusting Class 7 short answer?


Rusting is the slow oxidation of iron in the presence of oxygen and moisture that results in the creation of hydrated iron oxide. Rust is a brown coating that formed when iron and oxygen in the air combine, when moisture is present.

Rust is a result of the reaction of iron with both air and water. Rust is a powder that forms from the oxygen in the air. Rusting is the process of rust creation. Rust is a reddish-orange flaky material.

The metal surface is where rusting is most prone to happen since it is an oxidation process.

The word "rusting" refers to the corrosion of elemental iron and its alloys, including steel. Numerous other metals also experience corrosion, although the resultant oxides are not typically referred to as "rust."

Learn more about to Rusting  visit here;


How do you translate a triangle with coordinates?


Determine the positions of each triangle vertex's coordinates. Add the horizontal translation value to each vertex's x-coordinate and the vertical translation value to each point's y-coordinate to translate each. Plot the three translated points and then create the triangle by drawing a straight line between each pair of points.

A polygon having three sides and three vertices is called a triangle. It is one of the basic geometric shapes. The triangle ABC's vertices are A, B, and C. In Euclidean geometry, any three noncollinear points simultaneously create an eigen triangle and an eigenplane.

In other words, every triangle exists in and is contained by a single plane. All triangles are contained in a single plane if all geometry is Euclidean, however this is not the case in higher-dimensional Euclidean space.

To know more about Triangle here-


What is the positive and negative effect?


The term "positive effect" describes a person's inclination to feel good emotions and engage with others and life's problems positively. On the other hand, "negative affect" refers to a more negative perception of the world, unpleasant feelings, and more unfavourable interactions with others and the environment

The expression of good emotions like joy, pride, elation, and cheer is known as positive Effects ,Negative emotions and expressions, also known as negative effects, include sadness, disdain, lethargy, fear, and discomfort.Our opinions, beliefs, actions, performance, aptitudes, and even our brain activity might change as a result of positive effects and negative effects. Our daily activities and satisfaction are significantly influenced by effectivity.

To learn more about positive and negative effects:


The author writes, "Spoken language, compared with the visual nuances of signing, might as well be caveman guttural grunts. " How does the video "Can You Read My Lips?" illustrate this claim? Cite specific details from the video to support your answer. €‹


Lipreading is an inherently shaky form of communication, yet I rely on it for the majority of my social interactions. We can read lips from the practice and using their brain.

Lipreading is an inherently shaky form of communication, yet I rely on it for the majority of my social interactions. It basically involves trying to understand with one sense what was meant for another. I try to learn something about sound when I study people's lips because the eyes were not made to hear.

Said remarks take place in my blind area, a gap in my perception. I can, however, bring them into sufficient focus to infer what they are if I watch in a specific manner. The brain, being as cunning as it is, uses my knowledge base to fill in the gaps.

It's hard to say about how to learn lipreading and how can we read. But I think practice can make it work. We can read lips from the practice and using their brain.

To learn more about Lipreading link is here


Read this excerpt from chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter.

Standing on that miserable eminence, she saw again her native village, in Old England, and her paternal home; a decayed house of gray stone, with a poverty-stricken aspect, but retaining a half-obliterated shield of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility.

What is the effect of the underlined words in this excerpt?
They impart a frustrated mood.
They impart a sympathetic mood.
They portray a former setting with humility and dignity.
They portray a former setting with judgment and distaste


The effect of the underlined words in this excerpt imparts a sympathetic mood.

What's the theme of The Scarlet Letter?

Shame and social stigma are the main themes of The Scarlet Letter, as demonstrated by Dimmesdale's internal shame and fear of discovery as well as Prynne's public humiliation.

In conclusion, Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter second chapter's tone, vocabulary, and imagery create an atmosphere and environment that is filled with dread, tragedy, and growing sorrow. The use of strong imagery and language helps the tone for the rest of the book and this chapter.


To learn more about The Scarlet Letter from the given link


What is another word for storage area?


Storage area or space is also referred to as a warehouse. Typically, warehouses feature docks where trucks may load and unload cargo. Occasionally, warehouses are built so that cargo can be loaded and unloaded directly from planes, trains, or ships.

For transporting items, which are often loaded into pallet racks and placed on ISO standard pallets, they frequently include cranes and forklifts. Agricultural, manufacturing, and production-related raw materials, packing supplies, replacement parts, component parts, and completed goods are all examples of stored goods. Functionally, a warehouse is a structure used to store large quantities of produce or other commodities (wares) for commercial usage.

The physical form of storage facilities has changed over time depending on a variety of factors, including materials, technologies, locations, and cultures. In this way, the warehouse predates the requirement for huge community or government-based food storage. The requirement for a warehouse denotes the presence of product quantities too large to be kept in a household storehouse. However, as evidenced by laws governing the imposition of charges, some medieval traders throughout Europe frequently kept goods in their spacious household storerooms, frequently on the ground floor or cellars.

To learn more about storage Visit :


What effect do the rhyming verses have on the rhythm of the poem?


Poetry elevates words through sound and figures of speech to portray meaning in a beautiful, stylish, and emotional way. Prose can be said naturally, but poetry demands thought and intention. Poetry's pulse is rhythm, and its echo is rhyme. These crucial components contribute to the emotional and musical experience that is poetry.

About Rhythm and Rhyme:

English poetry's rhythm is derived from the contrast between stressed and unstressed syllables. A foot is the name for the unit of poetry rhythm, which consists of one or more unaccented syllables and one accented syllable. For instance, the standard English word with two syllables, a-LONE, only has one accent. An iamb, a certain unstressed-stressed combination, is the most typical foot in English. The metre refers to the way several poetic rhythms are mixed.

However, The recurrence of a word's final sound or sounds is known as a rhyme. Say and sake, for instance, rhyme with may and make, respectively. These final rhymes frequently create recurring patterns in traditional poem. A couplet, which is a pair of parallel rhymed lines, is the simplest pattern.

To learn more about rhythm and rhyme visit:


Can PACs contribute directly to candidates?


No, PACs are not allowed to give money to candidates directly. A collection of people who band together to raise and spend money to support or oppose candidates is known as a political action committee (PAC).

In the US, a political action committee (PAC) is a type of 527 organization that collects membership dues for campaigns and uses the money to either promote or oppose candidates for office, proposals, or laws. the recognized name PAC was established in an effort to control political financing in the US. Some democracies have different terms for the units of campaign spending or spending on political rivalry (see political finance).

A group at the federal level in the United States becomes a PAC when it registers with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and spends or receives more than $1,000 to influence a federal election, in accordance with the Federal Election Campaign Act as amended by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. (also known as the McCain–Feingold Act).

To learn more about PACs here:


What is Chapter 23 about in gathering blue?


Gathering Blue is a young adult-dystopian novel written by Lois Lowry and was published on September 25, 2000.A companion book to The Giver (1993), it is set in the same future time period and universe, treats some of the same themes.

The color ''blue'' in the story symbolizes the color of the sky, which represents ''peace, love, and compassion.'' When Kira is assigned to weave the Singer's robe, she is taught that each color represents different emotions and values of the villagers. She discovers that among the colors.

Only the color blue is missing, but no one knows where to find it. This implies that the values of love and compassion are something the villagers do not have. She soon finds out that in order to bring back peace and prosper to their village, she must ''gather the blue'' and reveal the secrets behind the mysterious deaths of the other villagers.

To know more about Gathering blue visit:


was not in the good book of the teachers another meaning



This phrase could mean that someone was not favored by the teachers or was not respected or liked by them.



Disliked or displeased by the teacher.


Hypothetically speaking if a teacher had a book full of kids who were good, and you weren't in it, you're most likely not liked by that teacher, or have done something out of order directed or correlated with that teacher. Just like Santa's naughty and good list.

Hope this helps! :D

What are the different print sources?


Print sources include publications like books, newspapers, magazines, journals, and other hard-copy documents like government files. Generally speaking, any physical materials like audio or video recordings are considered print sources.

Why are printed sources crucial?

The author's name, affiliation with the organization(s), and the date the work was published are all clearly stated in print sources. It might be challenging to ascertain authorship and affiliations online.

A print source is exactly what its name implies: content that may be created in a hard copy after being printed. Books, periodicals, scholarly journals, and newspapers are some examples of print sources.


To learn more about Print sources from the given link


Is primitive a negative word?


No why would it be have you read the definition

Scene 3, Shakespeare uses a violent storm to foreshadow


Shakespeare utilizes a storm to hint to the coming instability in Rome.

Why did Shakespeare use this spectacular storm in his play?Shakespeare depicts the start of anarchy in Rome with a strong storm and other odd natural occurrences.Shakespeare frequently uses storms to evoke a sense of gloom and doom, but in this instance he goes farther.The chaos that exists in the state and in the thoughts of men is exactly what the tumult in the skies represents.According to Casca, the storm signifies that everyone needs to act since their time is approaching.The inclement weather may give one the impression that something dreadful is about to happen.We are unsure of whether they will kill Caesar if Brutus is on Caesar's side.

To learn more about Shakespeare use this spectacular storm refer to:


some people eat lentils and black-eyed peas around new year’s day because they look like


Due to their resemblance to coins and alleged luck, some people believe lentils and black-eyed peas to be good luck during the new year.

As with many traditions, eating black-eyed peas for the New Year has evolved over time. However, the majority of these variations still revolve around the idea of luck and prosperity, which dates back to the Civil War, when people considered it a blessing to have black-eyed peas to eat and get them through the winter.

The assumption that peas and salted pork were animal foods inappropriate for human consumption is claimed to have caused people to ignore them. Black-eyed peas have developed into a symbol of good luck because Southerners believed themselves fortunate to have been left with some provisions to help them survive the winter. According to Anna Maria Siega-Riz, head of the University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences, lentils and black-eyed peas are regarded as lucky foods because of their resemblance to coins. On their own, lentils are delicious and nutrient-rich.

Learn more about lentils visit:


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