How can we achieve coherence in writing a paragraph?


Answer 1

To achieve coherence paragraphs and sentences want to be honestly related to every different to logically and linguistically shape a whole.

The ways in which one can improve coherence in writings are as follows: Start every paragraph with a clean and concise sentence. Focus most effective on one fundamental factor in every paragraph. Develop your fundamental concept with right explanation, evidence, example, or experience. Use a number of linking phrases and phrases. Paragraph coherence is performed whilst sentences are ordered in a logical way and whilst clean transitions hyperlink sentences.

To learn more about paragraph check the link below:


Related Questions

What is an example of a blank verse narrative?


A blank verse narrative is a type of poetry that is written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter refers to a rhythm of five pairs of syllables, with the first syllable in each pair being unstressed and the second syllable being stressed. This creates a rhythmic pattern of "da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM."

An example of a blank verse narrative is "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot. The poem is written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter and tells the story of a society in the aftermath of World War I. Here is an excerpt from the poem:

"I had not thought death had undone so many.

Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,

And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.

Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,

To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours

With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine."

Another example of a blank verse narrative is "Paradise Lost" by John Milton. This epic poem is written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter and tells the story of the fall of man and the loss of paradise. Here is an excerpt from the poem:

"Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit

Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste

Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

With loss of Eden, till one greater Man

Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,

Sing, heavenly muse, that on the secret top

Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire

That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed."

To learn more about iambic pentameter, check out

What do dependent clauses start with?


A sentence fragment that has a subject and a verb but cannot be interpreted as a solo phrase is called a dependent clause. Dependent clauses are usually introduced with subordinating conjunctions, which include words like although, because, and since.

           A dependent clause is one that lacks a complete idea and so cannot stand alone as a complete sentence (or subordinate clause). Like another sentence, a dependent clause has a subject and verb. Dependent clauses may take the form of a noun, an adverb, or an adjective. A complex sentence usually contains a dependent phrase that serves as an adjective or an adverb (i.e., a sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause).

To learn more about Dependent clause:


What are the 3 main purposes for an author's writing?


An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

What does the flag change to at the end of Animal Farm?


The flag was changed to a simple field with a hoof and a horn at the end of the Animal farm. The green represents the fields of England, while the hoof and horn signify the Republic of the Animals, according to the text.

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The central theme of Animal Farm is ordinary people's ability to maintain faith in a revolution that has been completely betrayed. Orwell attempts to demonstrate how those in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the democratic ideal of the revolution.

The Animal Farm flag is a green field with a hoof and a horn. The green represents the English pastures, while the hooves and horns represent the Republic of the Animals, according to the inscription. As a result, the Animal Farm flag represents its inhabitants.

To learn more about Animal Farm, click here:


Does Napoleon care about the animals?


Although Napoleon exhorts the other animals to fight and die for the sake of the farm, he is a coward, and a lazy one at that, in contrast to Snowball.

How is Napoleon cruel to the other animals?He murders innocent animals in front of all the other animals after compelling them to confess to crimes against his own colleagues, such as taking nine puppies and "educating" them to become killer guard dogs.Napoleon is a far harsher and stricter master than the reader is led to believe Jones ever was, but his greatest crime is his complete transformation into Jones. Napoleon is trading with humans, sleeping in Jones' bed, eating off of Jones' plate, drinking beer, donning a derby hat, walking on two legs, and raising a toast with Mr. Pilkington by the book's conclusion.Napoleon gains control of the farm by appropriating Snowball's ideas, discrediting him in front of the other animals, and establishing his dominance via force. He raises puppies, teaching them to obey him alone.

To learn more about Napoleon refer :


after the museum for African American history was proposed, what was the first step toward its creation?



The first step toward the creation of the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) was the proposal of the idea itself. The concept for a museum dedicated to African American history and culture was first proposed by black Civil War veterans in 1915, but it wasn't until the 1960s that the idea began to gain significant momentum.

In 1963, African American Representative John Conyers of Michigan introduced a bill in Congress calling for the creation of a national museum dedicated to African American history and culture. The bill was supported by a number of prominent civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., who testified in favor of the proposal before Congress.

Despite the support of many influential figures, the bill faced significant opposition and was not passed. It wasn't until the 1990s that the proposal for a national museum dedicated to African American history and culture was finally able to gain traction. In 2003, Congress passed legislation establishing the NMAAHC and providing funding for its construction.

The process of creating the NMAAHC was long and challenging, but ultimately it was the initial proposal of the idea that set the wheels in motion for the museum's eventual establishment. Without the proposal for a national museum dedicated to African American history and culture, the NMAAHC may never have come into being.

What point of view does Douglass announce in this paragraph?


Frederick Douglass hinted at his past as a slave in paragraph three. His listeners learn the entire significance of the information for his speech in this paragraph.

What notable deeds did Frederick Douglass commit?

One, he taught himself to read and write; two, he assisted other slaves in learning to read and write; three, he engaged in combat with a "slave breaker"; four, he escaped from slavery in disguise; five, he derived his name from a well-known poem; and six, he traveled to Britain to avoid being re-enslaved.

When Frederick Douglass fled slavery, how old was he?

He managed to escape slavery at the age of 20 after several failed efforts, and on September 4, 1838, he reached New York City.

To know more about the Frederick Douglass visit :-


What is the great architectural achievement of Great Zimbabwe?


Stone walls are the most remarkable and long-lasting remnants of Great Zimbabwe. Granite blocks were taken from the exposed rock of the nearby hills and used to build these walls.

What notable examples can you give of the Kingdom's architecture in Great Zimbabwe?

The huge, mortar-free walls of Great Zimbabwe are its most illustrious feature. Stone structures are interconnected by pathways, and certain areas of the site incorporate actual rock formations into the architecture, as is shown in at least one building in the Hill Complex.

The Hill Complex, the Valley Complex, and the Great Enclosure are the three different architectural types that make up Zimbabwean architecture. Colonial and traditional architectural both had an impact on the history and culture of the nation. The Hill Ruin (on a rocky hilltop), the Great Enclosure, and the Valley Ruins are the three main groups of stone buildings in Great Zimbabwe (map below). The Hill Ruin is thought to have been built around 1250, and it includes a cave that is still revered by the Shona people.

To know more about Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe visit:


Name both a traditional and a non-traditional team sport that you would be interested in playing. How could you personally benefit from being part of a sports team


One traditional team sport that I would be interested in playing is basketball. I enjoy the fast-paced nature of the game and the opportunity to work with teammates to score points and defend against the opposing team.

A non-traditional team sport that I would be interested in playing is ultimate frisbee. I like the combination of physical activity and strategy that is involved in the game, and the fact that it can be played on a variety of surfaces and in different weather conditions.

What is the  team sport about?

Me, Being part of a sports team can provide many personal benefits. Participating in team sports can improve physical fitness, coordination, and agility, and can also provide an opportunity to socialize and make new friends.

Being part of a team can also promote a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and responsibility, and can teach valuable life skills such as time management, conflict resolution, and communication.

Additionally, being part of a sports team can be a fun and enjoyable way to spend leisure time and can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in one's efforts and achievements.

Learn more about sport  from


What were the main beliefs of the Federalists?


They favored weaker state governments, a strong centralized government, the indirect election of government officials, longer term limits for officeholders, and representative, rather than direct, democracy.

What are the major themes of Shakespeare's sonnets?


Major themes that are in the sonnets of Shakespeare includes ageing, love, betrayal, jealousy, beauty, and mortality.

The sonnet is a fourteen-line poetry that uses one of several rhyme schemes, is written in iambic pentameter, and follows a rigidly defined theme pattern. The word "sonetto" is an Italian word that translates to "a tiny sound or song." Shakespeare wrote sonnets about many different subjects.

Shakespeare's sonnets are nearly generally discussed or referred to in terms of the 154 sonnets that were first published collectively in a quarto in 1609. Three quatrains (four-line stanzas) plus a rhyming couplet make up the standard Shakespearean sonnet's 14 lines (two-line stanza). The poem is written in iambic pentameter, which means that each line contains 10 syllables and that the second syllable of each pair receives the most emphasis.

To learn more about Shakespeare's sonnets:


What are the 3 types of infinitive verbs in Spanish?


Verbs in Spanish ultimately happen around one of three different ways: - ar, - er, or - ir, therefore you can easily identify the infinitive variety of a verb by one of these three endings.

Comment does the word "variety" sound? 

this same property or state of possessing several sorts or forms: Available in the marketplace is the presence of many or a group of many items, especially those belonging to a single class: interesting collection. 3.: a characteristic that sets it apart from everyone else of its broad kind

What distinguishes Variety?

Variety is the leading source of latest happenings and is well-known and appreciated throughout the entertainment business. Historically 1905, the most powerful figures in the sector have looked to Diverse array for timely, trustworthy, and frank news and analysis that is essential to their careers.

To know more about variety visit:


(1) Most Americans know that “Uncle Sam” is a nickname for the United States; however, few Americans know how the name originated. (2) Some historians believe the name comes from a nineteenth-century businessman from New York. (3) His real name was Samuel Wilson. (4) His neighbors called him Uncle Sam. (5) During the War of 1812, he won a government contract. (6) He was to supply beef to U.S. soldiers. (7) The beef was packed in barrels labeled “U.S.” to show that they belonged to the U.S. government. (8) Soldiers from New York saw the barrels. (9) They jokingly said “U.S.” stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. (10) The joke spread. (11) Soon, soldiers began using the nickname Uncle Sam to refer to the United States. (12) Civilians also began using the nickname Uncle Sam to refer to the United States. (13) In 1961, Congress recognized Samuel Wilson. (14) It passed a resolution honoring him as the original Uncle Sam.

Which is the most effective way to combine sentences (11) and (12)?
A. Soon, soldiers and civilians referred to the United States and used the nickname Uncle Sam.
B. Soon, soldiers and civilians began using the nickname Uncle Sam to refer to the United States.
C. Soon, soldiers began using the nickname Uncle Sam to refer to the United States and civilians also.


The most effective way to combine sentences (11) and (12)is this:

B. Soon, soldiers and civilians began using the nickname Uncle Sam to refer to the United States.

What is a good way of combining sentences?

A good way of combining sentences is often by making joint statements to convey the same ideas of the two distinct sentences. The main idea being conveyed by the first sentence is that soldiers began referring to the United States by the nickname, Uncle Sam.

The second statement also had the notion that civilians began referring to the United States by the same term. Sinc there is a common factor in the ideas being conveyed, we can combine the two statements to mean that both the soldiers and the civilians began referring to the United States by the nickname and this is what option B does.

Learn more about Uncle Sam here:


What does Napoleon propose to do to deal with the shortages on the farm chapter 6?


Napoleon propose to do to deal with the shortages on the farm-Napoleon sentences Snowball to death and gives the assassin a bunch of apples in exchange.

Then, after a brief pause, he launches into an animated speech in which he convinces the animals to rebuild the windmill despite the laborious task involved.Napoleon filled the empty, overflowing containers with sand and gave them instructions on how to disseminate the message; Whymper did this.Expanding neighborhood food creation requires a container of arrangements, like expanding innovative work in horticulture, embracing accuracy farming with better pesticides and manure the board (and robot innovation), and taking on environment brilliant horticulture with better return crops that utilize less water.

To learn more about Napoleon here:


Please help me! Will mark brainliest


Answer:The first one”to show personal experiences.

Explanation: they specified what ethnic their parents was and she was the result of such.

What is the most important factor in addiction?


Peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, early drug exposure, stress, and parental supervision are just a few examples of factors that can significantly impact someone's chance of using drugs and becoming addicted.

Development. Critical developmental phases in a person's life combine with genetic and environmental variables to influence the likelihood of addiction.

For instance, a person's genes, the way their brains work, trauma they have experienced in the past, cultural influences, or societal challenges like poverty and other obstacles to accessing the social determinants of health are some of the risk factors for addiction.

It is unknown what specifically causes drug use disorder. Genes, pharmacological effects, peer pressure, emotional anguish, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and environmental stress are all potential contributing variables.

Learn more about to addiction visit here;


What 7 letter word has the most vowels?



My favorite word that I've known since I was a kid is 'sequoia,' the type of tree that can grow for thousands of years.


It rains heavily in monsoon. The word rains is a/an: A. Intransitive verb B. Irregular verb C. Auxiliary verb D. Transitive verb


The correct option is  D. Transitive verb , It rains heavily in monsoon. The word rains is a/an  Transitive verb.

Verbs that take an object are said to be transitive since they introduce the subject of the action in the sentence. She offers a gift in the example because the verb gives is transitive and a gift is the action's direct object (a gift is what is being given). Even though transitive verbs are a typical feature of most languages, people frequently inquire about them. We cover all you need to know about transitive verbs in this guide, including how to use them. We also provide a ton of examples. All verbs can be divided into two categories: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. A direct object, or a noun that receives the action of the verb, is used with transitive verbs.

To know more about languages refer :


Why do you think the children dislike the their Aunty story?


The children disliked their aunt's story because it was not interesting or thrilling. In fact it started like all the other stories and seemed very common.

What is meant by stories?

A short tale is a work of prose fiction that is meant to be read in one sitting and concentrates on a single event or a chain of connected events with the goal of creating a certain feeling or emotion.The short story is one of the oldest genres of literature and has been present in numerous ancient cultures all over the world as legends, mythic tales, folktales, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and anecdotes.Early in the 19th century, the modern short narrative began to take shape.The short tale is a distinct literary form in and of itself. Plot, resonance, and other dynamic elements are used in short stories just like they are in novels, though usually to a lower extent.

To learn more about stories refer to


What z-score is 3 standard deviations?


A Z-score between -3 and 3 indicates that 99% of the values in big data sets are within three standard deviations of the mean or mean value.

Z-scores provide analysts with a way to contrast data with a standard.

KEY LESSONS:A data point's line of location is defined by the standard deviation.The Z-score quantifies the discrepancy between a given value and the standard deviation.The Z-score, also known as the standard score, indicates how many standard deviations a specific data point deviates from the mean.In essence, standard deviation represents the degree of variability present in a given data collection.Technical indicators called Bollinger Bands are used by analysts and traders to gauge market volatility using standard deviation.What is the standard deviation's meaning?

For normal distributions, the standard deviation serves as a useful indicator of spread.

Data has a symmetrical distribution with no skew in normal distributions. As one moves away from the center, values start to taper off and the majority of values are concentrated in this area. Your data's average deviation from the distribution's center is indicated by the standard deviation.

Several scientific variables, such as height, test scores, or work satisfaction levels, have normal distributions. When you have the standard deviations of various samples, you may use statistical tests to compare their distributions and draw conclusions about the larger populations they originated from.

Learn more about distributions from here:


how does juan help corso


Juan help Corso with the herbs and the medicines as his liver was damaged.

What is  I, Juan de Pareja?

The book Juan de Pareja, written by American author Elizabeth Borton de Treviso, earned the Newbery Medal for outstanding achievement in American folklore. The book is founded on Diego Velázquez's actual photograph .

Juan discovers Corso, the emperor's preferred hunting dog, is unwell while on the expedition. He uses herbs and medications to cure the puppy's liver condition, and the canine quickly becomes better. Juan receives a bundle of ducats from His Majesty, who is absolutely delighted, and Don Diego lets him keep them.

Learn more about I, Juan de Pareja, here:


What is the case of reflexive pronouns?


Reflexive pronouns denote actions taken by entities for or on behalf of themselves. Depending on how they are employed in a sentence, pronouns can take on many forms.

Which form or case is employed in a statement depends on its purpose or use. The nominative, objective, and possessive cases of personal pronouns are the three types. When a pronoun is used to refer to the same noun as both the subject and the object of a verb, it is known as a reflexive pronoun. The use of a noun or pronoun in a phrase is referred to as its case. It is in the subjective case when it is a verb's subject (also called the nominative case). It is in the objective case when it is the subject of a verb or a preposition. It is in the possessive case when it has something.

To learn more about possessive case click here


What is the best summary of paragraphs 18 through 23?
any doctors agree that young people should keep their blood pressure lower than 140. A study showed that people who walk in the forest are healthier than those who walk in the city.
Research shows that there are health benefits associated with forest bathing. Walking in a forest can help reduce blood pressure and stress hormones. People who have significant stress in their lives may especially benefit from forest bathing.
Philip Barr, a doctor at Duke University, notes that research conducted in Japan shows that forest bathing can improve one's health. One study that focused on ways forest bathing is beneficial looked at walking in the forest compared to walking in a city.
Research suggests that forest bathing can lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and help people relax more. Medical researchers in Japan have conducted these studies.


Elizabeth is shocked to learn that Wickham will not be at the event. Mr. Denny informs Elizabeth and Lydia that Wickham stays away from Netherfield because of Darcy's presence.

What is Summary?

Elizabeth becomes more unhappy throughout two awkward dances with Mr. Collins, and her dissatisfaction peaks when she ends up dancing with Darcy.

The topic of Wickham, which Darcy obviously wants to steer clear of, makes their talk unpleasant.

Elizabeth runs into Miss Bingley at the conclusion of the dance, who cautions her not to trust Wickham. But Elizabeth decides to disregard the advice since she believes that Bingley's sister is merely being nasty. After then, Jane informs her sister that she has spoken with Bingley about Wickham.

Therefore, Elizabeth is shocked to learn that Wickham will not be at the event. Mr. Denny informs Elizabeth and Lydia that Wickham stays away from Netherfield because of Darcy's presence.

To learn more about summary, refer to the link:


What is the purpose of giving homework to students?


Students learn problem-solving skills via their homework. The opportunity to review content from class is provided by homework. Parents can check on their children's learning through their homework.

Beyond simply the actual task, homework also teaches kids how to manage their burden and improves their time management abilities. When students take responsibility for their homework deadlines, it encourages independent thought and the development of problem-solving abilities.

Research has proven that homework helps students perform better academically, on tests, and are more likely to go to college. Some kids enjoy doing their homework, but the majority of them don't. For pupils, homework is essential since it promotes learning. It improves the students' capacity for critical thought and problem-solving. Additionally, it supports the students' ongoing review of the lessons they learn in class.

To learn more about homework Visit :


Which detail best support the idea that the farm is a symbol for Russia under the rule of the?


The  detail that supports the idea are “these scenes of terror and slaughter” and “come to a time when no one dared speak his mind”. Thus, option 2nd and 5th are correct.

What is Animal farm about?

George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm" is an animal tale that makes fun of the Russian communist regime. Following Major's death, the pigs gained control of the farm, believing themselves to be the most intellectual of the animals.

The fight for control among these pigs was between Napoleon and Snowball, just as it was between Trotsky and Stalin in Russia.

"These sights of fear and killing" and "came to a period when no one dared express his views" are details that reinforce the assumption that the farm is a metaphor for Russia under Communist Party leadership. As a result, options 2nd and 5th are correct.

Learn more about Animal Farm here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was....

Select two options. “As Clover looked down the hillside” “these scenes of terror and slaughter” “if she herself had had any picture of the future” “had protected the lost brood of ducklings” “come to a time when no one dared speak his mind”

What are 3 achievements of the New Deal?


The New Deal was a series of economic programs and reforms enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1936. It was designed to address the effects of the Great Depression, restore prosperity, and reform the economic system.

The New Deal was a sweeping package of legislation that sought to alleviate the suffering of the Great Depression and bring about economic recovery.

The New Deal had many achievements, but three of the most important and lasting ones were the establishment of Social Security, the establishment of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the creation of the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

The Social Security Act of 1935 was one of the most important achievements of the New Deal. The law established a system of government-run retirement and disability benefits for the elderly, and it provided financial support for the unemployed and their families. The act also established unemployment insurance, which provided benefits for up to two years for people who lost their jobs due to the economic downturn.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was another important achievement of the New Deal. The SEC was established to regulate the stock market and protect investors from fraud and manipulative practices. The SEC is still in operation today, and it continues to serve as an important regulator of the financial market.

Learn more about Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at :


What can you say about the poem Laura?


Petrarch initially encounters Laura at the Easter Liturgy at St. Clare's Church in Avignon and falls in love with her right away.

He is enthralled by her allure and will be plagued by it for the rest of his life. Even though his heart is filled to the brim with love, he is powerless to express it. Over the period of nearly 20 years, the Italian poet Petrarch produced a number of love poems about Laura, the most of which were compiled in his Canzoniere, or Rime. According to conventional readings, Laura was a married woman and mother from the modern-day French city of Avignon named Laura de Noves. Other Laura’s have also been suggested, and some critics claim that there never was a true Laura because Petrarch gives no indications of who she was. Petrarch supposedly first encountered Laura on April 6, 1327, at St. Church of Claire in Avignon.

Learn more about Petrarch here:


In 30 words or fewer, which romantic ideal seems most closely connected to poetry?.



Romantic poetry is the poetry of the Romantic era which is the most closed connected to poetry. It emerged in Europe in late 18th century as all the events and revolutions were happening there. It was a result of the enlightenment process happening in Europe. The style of poetry was based around epics, odes, satires and songs etc. The main theme of these poetry were to define the relation between human and their emotions and the natural world. Romantic poets tried to romanticize everything they see around them. Poem of these era have similar kind of story line focusing on how nature makes them feel happy or maybe lonely. Poets often tries to relate his or her life with the nature.

equal treatment under the law innocent until proven guilty burden of proof rests with accuser unreasonable laws could be set aside_______.


The answer to this question is True, The Burden of Proof. The burden of proof is a legal term for determining which side has to prove his or her case is correct. Innocent until proven guilty means that the prosecution is the side that has to bear the burden of proof.

The prosecution must put forward affirmative evidence that shows the court that the defendant is guilty in order to have the defendant convicted. The lack of evidence absolving the defendant of guilt is not enough.

A presumption of innocence states that every defendant in a criminal trial is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. As a result, if a person is to be convicted, the prosecutor must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual committed the crime.

Learn more about to guilty burden  visit here;




Note that the experience that Truth is basing their argument in this excerpt is that which is related to "Knowledge found in a book" (Option A).

What is an argument?

In literature, an argument is a concise explanation, frequently written in prose, of a poem or piece of a poem or other work. It is frequently added at the start of each chapter, book, or canto. They were used throughout the Renaissance as a technique to guide a reader through a huge text.

In academic writing, an argument is generally a core notion, also known as a "claim" or "thesis statement," that is supported by evidence.

An argument has two goals: to alter people's minds or to persuade them to adopt new ideas. encourage individuals to take a certain activity or adopt a new behavior.

Learn more about Argument:

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