-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 30pts-

GIVING BRAINLIEST PLEASE HELP!!-if You Answer Correctly Ill Give You Brainliest Which Will Give You 30pts-


Answer 1


The US believed in democratic elections and a orgainized system of different people, each in power of their own specific area, your payment and class in society depend on your job and if you want more money you would have to work hard for it. The soviets belived that only 1 huge dictator will control everything but everyone will be treated the same. Like if your a janitor, your pay would be the same as a banker for example.

Related Questions

How did the Harlem Renaissance transform African American society ?


Most crucially, the Harlem Renaissance instilled in African Americans across the country a new sense of self-determination and pride,

a new social consciousness, and a new dedication to political engagement, all of which would lay the groundwork for the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement.

For African American artists, authors, and musicians, the Harlem Renaissance was a golden period.

It allowed these artists pride in and influence over how the Black experience was portrayed in American society, and it helped to pave the way for the civil rights movement.

The Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement both emphasized Black people's rich culture and beauty. They gave artists the freedom to be themselves and express their unique reality.

Learn more about to Harlem Renaissance visit here;


What does Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?


The play's essential events are also utilized to depict real-life occurrences. During the Russian uprisings, for example, animalism represented communism. The revolt between the animals and the farmer symbolized the February Revolution of 1918.

Animal Farm is a metaphor for the Russian Revolution. Manor Farm serves as the venue for the animals' uprising against Farmer Jones, much as the Russian people revolted against their lord, Czar Nicholas II. Czar Nicholas II of Russia presided over a vast kingdom in the early 1900s.

Animal Farm, also known as the Manor Farm at the beginning and conclusion of the novel, represents Russia and the Soviet Union under Communist Party control. However, in general ,

Learn more about to Revolution visit here;


what was the cuneiform​



Cuneiform is a logo-syllabic script that was used to write several languages of the Ancient Middle East. The script was in active use from the early Bronze Age until the beginning of the Common Era. It is named for the characteristic wedge-shaped impressions which form its signs.


What are the 3 main responsibilities of Congress?


Making legislation is one of Congress's many powers. proclaim war. raise, provide, and oversee the wise use of public funds.

What is a Congress in government?

The legislature branch of the government, known as Congress, is responsible for enacting laws on behalf of the American people. It shares authority with the president-led executive branch and the Supreme Court of the United State States, the branch's highest court.

What does the Congress do?

Congressmen as in American Congress hold hearings, draft legislation, and vote on behalf of the constituents in their area. All bills must be passed by Congress before being delivered to the President receiving his approval as a law.

To know more about Congress visit:


Place the following events in chronological order. Haitian Revolution


Simply put, the Africans and their descendants who had been enslaved by the French overthrew the French regime in Haiti during the Haitian Revolution, a series of conflicts that occurred between 1791 and 1804, and established an independent nation founded and governed by former slaves.

What led to the Haitian Revolution in the first place?

Saint Domingue's society was racially divided as a result of slavery and the plantation system. The Haitian Revolution broke out as a result of class tensions on the island being exacerbated by news of the American and French revolutions.

What was the Haitian Revolution and what significance did it have?

An organized slave rebellion broke out in August 1791, kicking off a twelve-year struggle for human rights. The Haitian Revolution was the only slave revolt that was successful in history, and it led to Haiti becoming the first black independent state in the New World.

To learn more about Haitian Revolution here


How did Enlightenment philosophers apply their ideas about natural rights to government?


The goals of Enlightenment thinkers were more focused on improving peoples' daily lives than on religion or the afterlife. These thinkers valued life, liberty, and property as "natural rights," as well as reason, science, and religious tolerance.

How are natural rights applied?

Some philosophers distinguish between two sorts of rights: natural rights and legal rights.

Natural rights are unalienable, fundamental, and universal rights that are not subject to the laws or conventions of any one culture or nation. Natural rights cannot be overridden by human rules, but people might lose their enjoyment by, for instance, acting in ways that infringe the rights of others. Natural law is the set of rights recognized by nature.

Legal rights are those that an individual is given under a certain legal framework (they can be modified, repealed, and restrained by human laws). Legal rights and the concept of positive law are related.

To know more about Thinkers, visit:


How did the humans exploit the animals in Animal Farm?


In the animal farm, the men exploited the animals, the harness room at the far end of the stables was broken open; Fragments, nose-rings, dog-chains, the cruel knives with which Mr. Jones had used to cast pigs and sheep, were all thrown down the well”

The pigs violate the law and deceive other animals, such as when they trade with people. Pigs act in their own best interests, taking the apples and milk for themselves, for example. All "issues of agricultural policy" are decided by pigs.

His main strategies involve the use of terror, animal exploitation, and breaking the law. When it comes to advancing his own interests, Napoleon effectively exploits his mind. Napoleon instills terror in order to prevent the animal from contesting his claims.

To learn more about Animal Farm


Read the excerpt from an article about the Equality Act of 2021.

"In most states, L.G.B.T.Q. people can be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love,” said Representative David Cicilline, an openly gay Democrat from Rhode Island and the lead sponsor. "It is past time for that to change.”

The Equality Act bill passed the House of Representatives on February 25, 2021. In its path to becoming a law, what needs to happen next for the bill?

A.It must be passed through the Senate.
B.It must be voted on during an election.
C.It must be signed into law by the president.
D.It must be approved by the person who wrote the bill.



A.It must be passed through the Senate.


After a bill is passed by the House of Representatives, it must then be considered by the Senate. If the Senate also passes the bill, it will then be sent to the President of the United States for consideration. The President can then either sign the bill into law or veto it. If the President vetoes the bill, Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Missouri was admitted as a "free" state.



False because it was admitted as a slave state first
False it didnt become a free state because congress adopted the legislation and admitted Missouri as a slave state

Does the Declaration of Independence protect our rights?


Yes, the Declaration of Independence safeguards the freedoms we hold these insights to be obvious, that all men are made equivalent, that they are blessed by their Maker with specific unalienable Privileges, that among these are Life, Freedom, and the quest for Bliss.- - That to get these freedoms, Legislatures are initiated among Men, getting they're simply controlled from the assent of the administered.

Each individual has the option of life, freedom, and security of his individual. Right to life, freedom, and individual security. Article II. All people are equivalent under the watchful eye of the law and have the freedoms and obligations laid out in this Statement, without differentiation as to race, sex, language, ideology, or some other variable.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence:


Explain at least two ways the U.S. government mobilized for war and how its actions affected the lives of its citizens.

Respond in at least two sentences.

You may choose to start your response with:

One way the U.S. government prepared to enter World War I was...
It affected Americans by ...
289 words left

one way the u.s. government prepared to enter world wr

Hint two used
Think about the new agencies that the U.S. government created to support the war.

Think about how the daily lies and rights enjoyed by people changed.

Press to the next page for an optional activity to explore more about World War I.

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U.S. government mobilized for war by taking control of industries and by asking industries to fulfill their war requirements. The economy was shifted from people-biased to war biased.

To help facilitate this, rationing was instituted, and the government created programs to stabilize fair prices and protect consumers and producers alike.

One way the U.S. government prepared to enter world war first was a fight between bad governance between central powers and allied powers but as the war came to end it became harder for America to get out of the crisis that has flooded the U.S. market with debts, which increased unemployment and food prices.

henry ford's new car model helped to provide employment to people in manufacturing the car on large scale, and the U.S. government stopped exporting weapons and other related products to countries.

know more about "world war I" here :

Unit 7 ectionalim and civil wa portfolio. People in congre were involved in making


Sectionalism, not slavery, which only impacted a relatively tiny percentage of southerners, was the primary cause of the American Civil War since it was essential to establishing Southern social life and influencing its political inclinations.

It levied the first Federal income tax and approved measures boosting the Union Army and Navy. Later, Congress abolished slavery in the District of Columbia and established the Freedmen's Bureau to provide aid to emancipated people.

Congress rejected secession. The majority of the representatives and senators from the seceding states resigned from Congress, and those who joined the uprising were expelled. The following states South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas declared their secession during the previous Congress.

Complete question:

People in congress were involved in making sectionalism and civil war portfolio?

To learn more about American Civil War


what types of people helped isolated civilizations trade with one another in ancient times


Nomadic people helped isolated civilizations trade with one another in ancient times.


As a result of the treaty of paris 1783, what happened to the size of the united states?



The British Crown finally acknowledged American independence and granted the United States most of its land east of the Mississippi River in the Treaty of Paris, more than doubling the size of the new country and opening the door for westward development.

Write a Travelogue about a Visit to
East Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, or West Africa
in the 1800s



As I set out on my journey to Africa, I could hardly contain my excitement. I had heard so much about this vast and mysterious continent, and I was eager to explore its exotic landscapes and learn about its diverse cultures.

After many long weeks of travel, I finally arrived in East Africa. I was struck by the beauty of the landscapes, with their rolling hills, lush forests, and expansive savannas. I quickly made my way to the coast, where I spent several days exploring the bustling port cities of Mombasa and Zanzibar.

From there, I journeyed south into the heart of Central Africa. I was amazed by the diversity of the region, with its dense rainforests, towering mountains, and wide rivers. I spent some time with the local tribes, learning about their customs and traditions, and marveling at their skill as hunters and warriors.

Next, I headed west into Southern Africa, where I was greeted by the majestic sight of the vast Kalahari Desert. I spent some time with the San people, who taught me how to survive in this harsh environment, and I was amazed by their knowledge of the land and its many secrets.

Finally, I made my way north to West Africa, where I was welcomed by the vibrant and bustling cities of Lagos and Accra. Here, I experienced the rich culture and history of the region, and was captivated by the art, music, and dance of the local people.

Overall, my journey to Africa was an incredible and enriching experience. I was constantly amazed by the beauty and diversity of this vast and fascinating continent, and I will never forget the many wonderful people I met along the way.


What are two of the reasons the US entered WWI Besides the sinking of the Lusitania?


Answer - Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.

Here’s the assignment if anyone wants to try and help me out with it.

Research both a capitalist leaning country and a communist or socialist country (the country can currently exist or be one from history e.g. Soviet Union for Communism). Compare the quality of peoples' lives in each.

Must be a full page, double spaced.

- Can they choose their leaders?

- What kind of economic freedom do they have? (can they start their own business etc)

- What kind of services does the government offer?

- What do you think is a better system and why?


According to the principles of each model, it can be inferred that the capitalist system provides better quality of life to its citizens.

What are communism and capitalism?

These two are currents of social thought and economic models that propose ways in which the government, the state and the economy of a country should be. In general, they are rival positions that have different characteristics. Some examples of countries that have implemented these systems are: The Soviet Union (communism) and the United States (capitalism).

Can they choose their leaders?

According to the principles of these systems of thought, in communism citizens did not have the opportunity to choose their leaders or rulers. On the other hand, under capitalism, democracy has allowed citizens to choose leaders and rulers by voting.

What economic freedoms do citizens have?

Communism is characterized by having many economic restrictions for citizens because the State controls all institutions. Additionally, there can be no private property so citizens can only work in companies controlled by the state without founding their own companies. On the contrary, capitalism gives citizens the freedom to associate and found their own companies. Additionally, the State does not control the economy, but only serves as a regulator of some matters.

What services does the state offer?

In these government systems, the states provide a wide range of services such as health, education, housing, work, among others. However, in both, access to these services is different depending on the conditions of the citizens.

Which is better?

The best system is capitalism because it gives freedom to citizens for different rights. Additionally, citizens are politically active and can participate in different spaces to monitor the government.

Learn more about capitalism in:


What are the top 3 destination countries of migrants?


United states, Germany, Saudi Arabia are the top countries where immigration has been observed.

Which countries do migrants want to move to?

Potential immigrants have long looked to immigrate to the US. But after Chancellor Angela Merkel said there would be "no limit" to the no. of refugees country would admit.

Germany's standing considerably increased. The Gallup study was conducted during the height of the migrant crisis in Europe.

At least three out of ten persons say they would prefer to relocate permanently to another nation if they could in 31 different countries throughout the world.

The non-EU nations of Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa saw the greatest increases in migratory desire.

In contrast, the urge to move remained stable in Asia, the US, and Canada.

To know more about undocumented immigration, visit:-


Who thought the republic of texas should remain independent?
a. sam houston
b. john tyler
c. mirabeau lamar
d. stephen austin



Lamar. Mirabeau B. Lamar succeeded Sam Houston as the second president of the Republic of Texas. He strongly believed that Texas should remain independent of the United States and extend its territory.

The only staple foods common to many, though not all Native American nations were


The three sisters (corn, beans, and squash) were the major staples of Native American agriculture, and were always grown together.

Native cooking of the Americas incorporates all foods and food practices of the Native people groups of the Americas. Contemporary Local people groups hold a changed culture of conventional food varieties, alongside the expansion of some post-contact food sources that have become standard and, surprisingly, notable of present-day Native American get-togethers (for instance, frybread). Food sources like cornbread, turkey, cranberry, blueberry, hominy and mush have been embraced into the cooking of the more extensive US populace from Local American societies.

The main Native American yields have commonly included Indian corn (or maize, from the Taíno name for the plant), beans, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, wild rice, yams, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, avocados, papayas, potatoes and chocolate.

Know more on the staple foods of all Native American Nations -


which event is most closely associated with the end of the great depression? group of answer choices passage of the social security act reelection of president franklin d. roosevelt in 1940 announcement of the marshall plan beginning of world war ii


Black Tuesday was the name given to the 1929 stock market meltdown. What event eventually put an end to the Great Depression by putting millions of Americans back to work

The start of World War II, with the assault on Pearl Harbor compelling the United States to enter the conflict.

The depression was eventually healed by mobilizing the economy for World War II.

Marshall, after whom it was called, devised it as a four-year plan to rebuild badly damaged towns, industries, and infrastructure, as well as to reduce trade barriers between European neighbors—as well as to stimulate commerce between those nations and the United States.

It became known as the Marshall Plan, after Secretary of State George Marshall, who suggested in 1947 that the United States offer economic aid to rebuild postwar Europe's economic infrastructure.

Learn more about to Great Depression visit here;


What is the value of the Ten Commandments for today?


Even if you don't think the Ten Commandments are important to your life, they are. The Ten Commandments, which are the rules sent down from God, serve as the foundation for the majority of human laws.

God has given us ten commandments, which are laws. We may better understand how to serve God and how to live with one another if we pay attention to the instructions God offers us in the Ten Commandments. Being receptive to the Holy Spirit's grace and what God can do in and through us via that grace also aids us. The Septuagint rendered the ten words as Decalogue, which is derived from the Greek word dekalogos, which refers to the Greek translation deka logous. Aside from the Ten Commandments, this phrase is also occasionally employed in English. Nine passages were utilized in the Tyndale and Coverdale English translations of the Bible.

Learn more about Ten Commandments here:


How did local feudalism lead to the development of nation-states in Europe? ​



Hi let me put it this way


Local feudalism played a significant role in the development of nation-states in Europe. During the feudal period, local rulers exercised control over a specific geographic area and the people living within it. These rulers often had their own armies, laws, and systems of taxation, and they were largely independent from any larger centralized authority. As a result, there were many different feudal states within Europe, each with its own unique political and social systems.

Over time, these feudal states began to evolve and grow, eventually leading to the development of nation-states. One of the primary drivers of this transformation was the increased trade and commerce that occurred during the Middle Ages. As trade routes expanded and markets grew, feudal states began to see the benefits of centralizing their power and establishing a more unified system of government. This process was often accompanied by the consolidation of power in the hands of a single ruler or dynasty, who sought to exert greater control over their territories and the people living within them.

The development of nation-states in Europe also had a significant impact on the period. With the rise of centralized power, the feudal system began to break down, and the feudal lords and nobles who had previously held a great deal of power began to lose influence. This paved the way for the growth of more centralized, democratic forms of government and for the emergence of nation-states as we know them today. In this way, the evolution of local feudalism played a key role in shaping the political and social landscape of Europe during the Middle Ages and beyond.

When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side?


When an acorn and a chestnut land side by side, in my opinion, neither one stays dormant to make room for the other; rather, both obey their own laws, burst forth, grow, and prosper.

The acorn and chestnut tale has a purpose, but what is it?

In order to illustrate his point that neither the person nor the state has any "greater rule" over the other, Thoreau employs the metaphor of the acorn and the chestnut that "fall side by side." Instead, they must live together.

According to the saying, when an acorn and a chestnut fall next to one another, both make every effort to develop and become who they are, but one always succeeds in suffocating the other. This kills itself because he can't learn to be his own man and have his own individuality, just like how men constantly alter their behavior to fit in with others.

To know more about acorn and chestnut visit:


Where is the Dependant clause?


Dependent clauses can come either before or after an independent clause in a sentence.

What part of the sentence is the dependent clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a predicate but cannot function as a standalone sentence. A dependent clause can be one of three types of words: a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

I rode my bike, which Mary had given to me for my birthday. "I went out on the bike," the main clause of the sentence, is a complete idea that can stand alone as a complete sentence. The words that follow ("that Mary gave me for my birthday") are a subordinate clause to the main clause.

Learn more about Dependant clause to visit this link


What was President Wilson's response to the outbreak of ww1?



Woodrow Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, was the 28th President of the United States (1913-1921). After a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of World War I, Wilson led America into war in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”


how does immigration and farming/ranching relate to U.S. westward expansion?


The way that immigration and farming/ranching relate to U.S. westward expansion is that it tells us of the reason why the whites had to move west, they wanted more lands that would cover their economic activities and they also wanted to be able to have more resources.

What is meant by westward expansion?

Towards the 1810s, a considerable push was made in the direction of North America's west coast. The notion in manifest destiny, government enacted Indian Removal Acts, and economic promise all contributed to its escalation. Pioneers used a system of paths that led west to reach Oregon and California.

The Louisiana Purchase was the beginning of the 19th-century movement of settlers into the American West, which was spurred by the Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail, and the notion of "manifest destiny."

The concept of "Manifest Destiny," first used by journalist John O'Sullivan in 1845, served as the impetus for America's westward expansion during the 19th century; this period is frequently referred to as the "Age of Manifest Destiny."

Read more on westward expansion here:


What were the aims of nationalism in the 19th century?



Basically just the right to self-determination, freedom and equality

The goal of nationalism in the 19th century was to advance the interests of a specific nation or group of people.

The 19th century saw the rise of nationalism, a complicated and varied movement that profoundly altered the political and social climate in many nations.

It sought to advance the interests of a specific country or group of people as a response to the time's shifting political and economic circumstances.

To advocate for the concept of self-determination and the nation's right to self-government. To uphold and be proud of a country's customs, culture, language, and history.

As a result, the significance of the aims of nationalism in the 19th century are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on nationalism, here:


Who immigrated to Chicago?


The city served as a hub for European immigration attracting Germans, Irish, and Scandinavians, Jews, Czechs, Poles, and Italians between the 1890s and 1914.

What do we know about Chicago’s immigration?

Between 1880 and 1960, a period of 80 years, Chicago had the second-largest foreign-born population, after only New York City.

Italians, Slavs, and Jews from Russia arrived in great numbers between 1880 and 1920, after migration from Germany and Ireland in the middle of the 19th century.

Since the 1965 immigration changes, an increasing number of Asians and Latin Americans have moved to the city and its suburbs.

The immigrant community in the Chicago area is still one of the biggest and most diversified in the nation.

Three-quarters of the population expansion in the 1990s in metropolitan Chicago was attributed to immigration, which has played a significant demographic role in the area.

113,000 new immigrants arrived in Cook County between 2000 and 2002, but the county's native-born population decreased by a net amount.

To know more about Jane Addams, visit:-


Why Taj Mahal has no lights at night?


It's a marble structure that may be viewed in all its splendor during a clear night. Illuminating it with artificial illumination, which draws insects, is a terrible idea.

What sort of structure would that be?

Load-bearing structures include things like houses, skeletons, anthills, beaver dams, and salt domes. Buildings and other semi structures as the result of construction provide the basis of a human society.

What functions do structures perform?

In order to move from representations that are closely tied to physical activity to abstract, socioeconomic notions of planned conduct, function-structures are used. Tracing offers a foundation of decomposed "behavior-in-context," or a collection of fundamental building blocks that leads directly to components that may be predicted to show high performance.

To know more about structures visit:


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