Do snails have both reproductive organs?


Answer 1

Yes, snails have both the reproductive organs. Mostly, snails are hermaphrodites, with both male and female sexual organs in the same body.

Do snails have both the reproductive organs?

Garden snails generally hibernate during winters and they have both the female and male reproductive cells as they are hermaphrodite. They don't need to mate with another snail in order to reproduce as self fertilization is possible.

Most of the terrestrial gastropods are hermaphrodites, but some snails do not have this attribute, like some freshwater snails like the Apple Snails and periwinkles. These two types of snails have separate male and female individuals.

To know more about snails, refer


Related Questions

How do you calculate bacterial growth rate?


The generation time, which also refers to the period of time during which the population of bacteria doubles, is used to express the exponential growth rate of a bacterial culture.

The growth rate formula is as follows.

For the period being studied, the difference between the starting and ending values is divided by the starting value to calculate growth rates.

The CFU formula is what?

CFU/ml = (colonies x dilution factor) / volume of culture plate. Let's say the 106 dilution plate produced 130 colonies when counted. So, the following formula can be used to determine how many bacteria were present in 1 ml of the original sample: Bacteria per milliliter is (130 x 106) = 1.3 108, or 130,000,000

To know more about bacterial growth visit :-


Why are coral reefs important and why are they dying?


Coral reefs are important as they protect coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs for local communities, and offer opportunities for recreation. They are a source of food and new medicines.

Coral reefs are dying because :

1)Climate Change

Climate change has many negative impacts on coral reef health, caused by a range of factors including:

a )Rising sea levels-This can lead to increased sedimentation and the smothering of coral reefs.

b) Increased sea surface temperatures- Higher temperatures place coral under stress, which leads to bleaching events and coral reef death.

c) Changes to ocean currents - This can affect the amount of food available to coral, as well as the dispersal of coral larvae.

2) Destructive Fishing Practices -Many different fishing methods have the potential to destroy coral reefs, including:

a)Blast fishing- Explosives detonated in the sea kill fish in the surrounding area, making them easier for fishermen to collect. This method also demolishes coral reefs and other species not being targeted by the fishermen.

b) Fishing gear- Bottom trawling and beach seine nets can destroy great stretches of deep-sea coral reefs as they roll over the seabed. Rejected fishing gear can also become attached to coral reefs and cause damage.

Read more about coral reefs:


Select the Key innovations in animal evolution


Symmetry, Segmentation, Body Cavity, Tissues, Various Patterns or Embryonic Development are the key innovations in animal evolution.

A novel phenotypic trait that enables future radiation and the success of a taxonomic group is referred to as a "key innovation" in evolutionary biology. This term is also used to refer to an adaptive breakthrough or key adaption. Usually, they bring new skills that enable the species to quickly diversify and encroach into previously unoccupied niches. The phenomenon explains why some taxa are significantly more varied and include a large number of species compared to their related taxa. Alden H. Miller coined the phrase in 1949, defining it as "key adjustments in the morphological and physiological mechanism which are essential to the origin of new major groups". However, a more inclusive definition from the present day states that "a key innovation is an evolutionary change in individual traits that is causally linked to the origin of new major groups."

To learn more about animal evolution, refer:


What happens if endoplasmic reticulum is destroyed in the cell?


New plasma membrane proteins, lysosomal enzymes, Golgi apparatus proteins, and proteins for external secretion cannot be synthesized by the cell without the RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum). Because the RER is where these types of proteins are produced

RER has several important functions that are related to protein synthesis since ribosomes are linked to it. Protein folding also takes place in the RER's empty areas. Now, if RER is destroyed, eukaryotic cells' ability to synthesize proteins would diminish significantly. These cells won't be able to live for very long without proteins. RER is responsible for "packing of proteins" into transport vesicles, which are then sent to the Golgi apparatus for additional alterations. Proteins cannot reach their mature structure and functional state without this effective system. Incorrectly folded proteins will cause apoptosis.

Know more about endoplasmic reticulum here


FILL IN THE BLANK. if dr. johnson was a researcher with the tuskegee syphilis study, more than likely he ________.


If Dr. Johnson was a researcher with the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, more than likely he did not tell the participants that they were infected with syphilis.

Syphilis is an infectious sexually transmitted illness (STI) caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. When this bacteria enters damaged skin or mucus membranes, mainly in the genitals, it causes infection. Syphilis is most commonly spread through sexual contact, however it can also be transferred through other means.

Without treatment, you will have syphilis for at least 20 years, even if you show no signs or symptoms. People with latent syphilis may have symptoms such as skin rash, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, or feeling weak and exhausted on occasion. A presumptive diagnosis of syphilis involves the use of two laboratory serologic tests: a nontreponemal test (VDRL or rapid plasma reagin [RPR] test) and a treponemal test.

To learn more about Syphilis, here


Can you regain eyesight after glaucoma?


While glaucoma treatment cannot restore vision that has already been lost, it can preserve remaining vision. Many types of glaucoma are typically treated with daily eye drops or a laser procedure.

Is there a way to preserve vision in the early stages?

There is evidence that visual function can be restored in the early stages of glaucoma. However, there is currently only one known method of detecting such early loss. This is a type of in-office testing known as Pattern Electroretinography (PERG). Unfortunately, because PERG is both expensive and time consuming, very few eye doctors have the necessary equipment.

What exactly is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a common eye condition caused by damage to the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. It is usually caused by fluid accumulation in the front of the eye, which raises intraocular pressure. Glaucoma can cause vision loss if it is not detected and treated early.

To know more about Glaucoma visit:-


Based on the distribution of these molecules, what would most likely happen after a period of time ?
A. The concentration of O2 will increase inside the cell
B. The concentration of CO2 will remain the same inside the cell
C. The concentration of O2 will remain the same outside the cell
D. The concentration of CO2 will decrease outside the cell


Answer: The concentration of O2 will increase inside the cell.


I think it’s option one hope that helps

Are genetically modified foods good for society?


Yes, genetically modified foods are good for society.

The DNA of genetically engineered (GE) foods has been altered using genes from those other plants or animals. Scientists take a desired trait gene from one plant or animal and insert it into the cell of another plant or animal.

Plants, animals, bacteria, and other extremely small organisms can all be genetically engineered. Scientists can use genetic engineering to transfer desired genes through one animal or a plant to another. Genes could also be transferred from one animal to another. GMOs are another term for genetically modified organisms.

The process of developing GE foods differs from selective breeding. This entails selecting animals or plants with desirable characteristics and breeding them.

To know more about the Genetically engineered foods, here


What is wrong with the following piece of mRNA? TACCAGGATCACTTTGCCA Multiple Choice It contains A. O It does not include an equal number of As and Ts. It does not include an equal number of Gs and Cs. It contains T and not U. What is wrong with the following piece of mRNA? TACCAGGATCACTTTGCCA Multiple Choice It contains A. It does not include an equal number of As and Ts. It does not include an equal number of Gs and Cs.


The mRNA is the transcript of a region of the DNA, not the whole DNA, therefore it is smaller than the DNA. It also does not contain exons.

What is the advantage of mRNA?

The main advantage of mRNA it does not include an equal number of As and Ts. It does not include an equal number of Gs and Cs. It contains T and not U.  TACCAGGATCACTTTGCCA Multiple Choice It contains. It does not include an equal number of As and Ts. It does not include an equal number of Gs and Cs.

In eukaryotic cells, the process of gene transcription uses a fragment of DNA as template in order to synthesize a complementary single-stranded RNA molecule known as primary messenger.

Therefore, The mRNA is the transcript of a region of the DNA, not the whole DNA, therefore it is smaller than the DNA. It also does not contain exons.

Learn more about mRNA on:


Convergence results in _____ sensitivity and _____ acuity.


As a signal from several receptors converges on one neurons, it causes the diminished acuity. However, because several receptors might activate the second-order neurone, this process also raises the body's sensitivity to stimuli.

Excited neurons have the capacity to suppress the activity of nearby neurons through a process known as lateral inhibition. This stops the lateral propagation of neuronal activity. As a result, there is more difference in excitement between adjacent neurones, improving sensory acuity. Although lateral inhibition is an essential part of sensory processing, it plays a particularly crucial role in visual processing because it improves contrast and the impression of edges. When processing delicate touch, lateral inhibition is especially crucial because the exaggerated variations in neural activity enable a person to better pinpoint the area being touched.

Learn more about neurons here


How were Claire's symptoms related to metabolism?


One of Claire's symptoms is poor vision, which made her concerned and caused tears to start streaming from her eyes. Metabolism and homeostasis are linked.

It demonstrates that she has recently been dissatisfied with her job because it was challenging for her to see well due to vision problems. An organism's ability to maintain its life depends on a number of chemical processes called metabolism (/mtblzm; from the Greek: o metabol, "change"). The conversion of food energy into cellular energy, the disintegration of food into its component proteins, lipids, and certain carbohydrates, and the elimination of metabolic wastes are the three main goals of metabolism. These enzyme-catalyzed activities enable organisms to develop and reproduce, retain their structural integrity, and respond to their surroundings.

Learn more about metabolism:


What structure is found in viruses and cells?


The genetic code for the production of all proteins is encoded in each virus's nucleic acid, much like in cells.

What skeletal system do cells and viruses share?

RNA or DNA can both be found in the genetic makeup of viruses. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) serves as the genetic building block for all living things, including people, animals, plants, and microorganisms. In contrast, viruses have genomes, or genetic material, that can be made of either DNA or RNA (but not both).

What's the most common virus structure?

The structure of viruses varies. DNA or RNA are contained within a ca psid, a protective protein coat, to form viral particles. From one viral type to another, the capsid's form may change.

To know more about cells visit :-


How do you transcribe DNA to mRNA?


To transcribe DNA to mRNA, pre-mRNA is reused to form a mature mRNA patch that can be paraphrased to make the protein patch decrypted by the original gene.

Protein is set up throughout the body — in muscle, bone, skin, hair, and nearly every other body part or kerchief. It makes up the enzymes that power multitudinous chemical responses and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood.

DNA is the information patch. It stores instructions for making other large motes, called proteins. These instructions are stored within the cells, and than distributed among  chromosomes. These chromosomes are made up of thousands of shorter corridor of DNA, called genes.

To learn more about DNA here


Explain why restriction enzymes are used in the process of genetic engineering.



Restriction enzymes are used in the process of genetic engineering because they can cut DNA at specific locations, allowing scientists to precisely modify the genetic material of an organism.

Restriction enzymes are enzymes that are found in bacteria and other microorganisms. They are used by these organisms to protect themselves from foreign DNA, such as that found in viruses. Restriction enzymes recognize specific sequences of nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA) and cut the DNA at those locations.

In genetic engineering, restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA of an organism at specific locations. This allows scientists to insert new genetic material into the DNA, modifying the genetic makeup of the organism. For example, restriction enzymes can be used to insert a gene that confers resistance to a particular disease into the DNA of a plant or animal.

Overall, restriction enzymes are used in genetic engineering because they allow scientists to precisely modify the genetic material of an organism, allowing them to create genetically modified organisms with desired traits.

pls award brainliest!


What are the main issues of concerns to human health in consuming GM foods?


The main issues of concerns to human health in consuming GM foods are allergenicity, gene transfer, and outcrossing.

Potential risks include pests that become resistant, crops to become weedy, and GM foods trying to pose safety concerns both for humans and animals. As a result, scientific risk management and assessment have been created to ensure human, animal, and environmental safety.

Some GM crops may harm non-target organisms in addition to soil and water ecosystems. For instance, the spread of herbicide-laced GM herbicide-tolerant soy and corn has destroyed a significant portion of monarch butterfly's ecosystems in North America.

Five ethical issues have been raised regarding GM crops: potential damage to people's health, potential ecological harm, negative impact on conventional farming practices, too much corporate hegemony, and the technology's un-naturalness.

To learn more about GM foods and their safety, here


What is the term for two identical chromosomes?


The term for two identical chromosomes are Sister Chromatids.

Hope this helps :)

in this case study, the main focus has been on the organism vibrio cholerae and the toxin it produces. many organisms are capable of producing toxins that allow for pathogenesis, while others are able to infect the host directly and cause disease. in this activity, you will place the organism in a bin based on its ability to cause an infection, an intoxication, or both.


I hope this helped you and Merry Christmas!!

What is somatic and germline mutation?


Answer:  Germline mutations are changes to your DNA that you inherit from the egg and sperm cells during conception. Somatic mutations are changes to your DNA that happen after conception to cells other than the egg and sperm.

Explanation: Hope this helps!!

Can you stop glaucoma?


Although there is currently no known treatment for glaucoma, vision loss can be prevented if it is identified early enough.

Reason for glaucoma

Damage to the optic nerve, which results in loss of visual field, is the cause of the chronic, progressive eye disease known as glaucoma. Eye pressure is among the major risk factors. Fluid can accumulate in the eye due to an issue with the drainage system, which can result in excessive pressure that harms the optic nerve.

Can eye treatment for glaucoma be performed?

Surgery can help protect your vision and keep it from declining, but it cannot treat glaucoma or turn back vision loss. There are several glaucoma surgery techniques that can reduce eye pressure, including: For glaucoma implants, trabeculectomy (tra-BECK-yoo-LECK-toh-mee) surgery is performed.

To know more about trabeculectomy visit:-


What is an example of a somatic mutation?


Sporadic cancer is an example of a somatic mutation. The most common type of cancer is caused by somatic mutations in somatic cells, that results in uncontrolled cell growth. Approximately 80% of cancer cases are sporadic.

A somatic mutation is one that arises after the emergence of a zygote in somatic cells or non-germ cells. These mutations are not acquired since they do not take place in the living organism's sex cells. Instead, they are encoded in the 22 pairs of somatic or autosomal chromosomes' genes.

Somatic mutations occur at a rate of approximately 2-6 mutations per million bases, and approximately three somatic mutations for every healthy human individual.

Cancer tumors are a distinct class of somatic mutations. Cancer is characterized by the breakdown of normal cell regulatory mechanisms, uncontrolled cell division, and the mobility of proliferating cells to certain other parts of the body. New cell division and differentiation are highly regulated processes. When this regulatory mechanism fails, a cell starts to develop the capability to undergo uncontrolled repetitive division, forming a clone of cells. There is no compliance.

For more information on Somatic mutations, visit :


How many total hydrogen bonds would there be between base pairs of A piece of DNA if the sequence of one side was ATCG ATCG?


Answer:2, 2, 3, 3 and 2

Explanation:If base order in one chain of DNA is "ATCGA" then the number of H bonds will be 2, 2, 3, 3 and 2 respectively for the given nucleotides to base pair. Thus, the total number of hydrogen bonds will be 12.

The expression 100(5)2t represents the amount of bacteria present, in grams, t days after the initial population of bacteria is measured. If the expression can be rewritten as 100(r)t, what is the value of r? responses.


The value of r is 10 in the expression 100(r)t.

The given expression is,

100(5)2t t represents the amount of bacteria present, in grams.

t days after the initial population of bacteria is measured.

If the expression can be rewritten as 100(r)t.

That means,

the original expression is,


= 100 (10) t

Comparing, simplified expression with rewritten expression.

So we get r = 10.

Therefore, the value of r is 10.

I hope this helped you and have a Merry Christmas!

Is the elephant shrew more closely related to the elephant or the shrew?

How do we know?

Why are elephant shrews and shrews so similar?


The response to all the above questions on if the elephant shrew more closely related to the elephant or the shrew are given below.

In reality, elephant shrews are not shrews. Recent research indicates that they are more closely connected to an African mammal clade that includes elephants, sea cows, and aardvarks. The Macroscelididae, which consists of four genera and 19 extant species, is the only family that includes elephant shrews (also known as sengis).

Are shrews and moles closely related to elephant shrews?

Elephant shrews, also known as sengis, are not closely related to shrews, despite what their name might imply, nor are they rodents. Instead, they are distantly linked to elephants and belong to the Macroscelidea family, which is separate from that of shrews.

Note that Elephant shrews are tiny, hairy creatures with large ears that resemble gerbils or gigantic mice. They are not actually shrews, despite their name, and they are not rodents, despite their look. Moles and tenrecs are the closest relatives of elephant shrews.

Therefore, one can say that despite having a long snout and similar exterior features to mice, shrews are not rodents like mice. In actuality, it is far more closely related to hedgehogs and moles; the only thing shrews have in common with rodents is that they are both members of the Boreoeutheria magnorder.

Learn more about elephant from

Can you feel high eye pressure?


A very high eye pressure (likely 35 or higher) can result in pain in and around the eye as well as nausea or vomiting. A mildly high eye pressure does not result in any noticeable symptoms or pain.

Does glaucoma always result in elevated eye pressure?

Although some people with normal eye pressure do develop glaucoma, not everyone with high eye pressure does. The amount of pressure your optic nerve can withstand differs for each person, and it determines whether you will develop glaucoma. Eye pressure over 21 is considered abnormal for the majority of people.

Can stress raise eye pressure?

The findings showed that intraocular pressure and heart rate were elevated in people with high anxiety-states and/or high trait anxiety.

To know more about Glaucoma visit:-


Instructions: Read the articles to answer the following questions/
1. Where does the energy in an ecosystem come from? How do organisms use this energy?
What happens to the energy after it is used by an organism?


Energy is moved between life forms in food networks from makers to shoppers. The energy is utilized by organic entities to do complex errands.

The process of photosynthesis in plants transforms the vast majority of the energy that is present in food webs into chemical energy, which comes from the sun.

How does energy reach living things and where does it originate for all living things?

The Sun is the significant wellspring of energy for creatures and the biological systems of which they are a section. Producing organisms, such as plants and algae, combine carbon dioxide and water to form organic matter, which uses sunlight's energy to generate food energy. Almost all food webs begin their energy flow through this process.

To learn more about Energy here


What are the 8 living organisms?


I'm guessing you're asking for the 8 characteristics one must have to be considered a living organism, so here's your answer.

Something must have all 8 of these traits to be considered a living thing. These characteristics are:



cellular organization

growth and development

response to stimuli

adaptation through evolution



If this answer helped you, please feel free to give thanks and rate! <3

A single mRNA molecule can be read by more than one ribosome simultaneously. True or False


True. An mRNA molecule transports a piece of the DNA code to those other parts of the cell for synthesis.

A single mRNA molecule can be translated by many ribosomes at once, but each ribosome must start at the first codon and proceed along the mRNA strand one codon at a time until it reaches the stop codon. When transcription occurs, mRNA is produced. RNA polymerase decodes a single strand of DNA during transcription, which results in the synthesis of mRNA. Both of the two distinct subunits found in ribosomes are necessary for translation. In eukaryotes, the large subunit "60S" catalyzes the synthesis of peptide bonds while the tiny subunit "40S" decodes the genetic message.

Learn more about mRNA


(HELP ME) Look at the distance vs. age graph. Describe the relationship between age and distance. Does the relationship support the continental drift theory? Provide at least one piece of support for your answer by referencing your graph.


During one or more geologic periods, continents moved horizontally at a huge scale in relation to one another and to the ocean basins.

Supporting data for the continental drift theory

A Comparison of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit)

The coastlines of South America and Africa are in striking and unusual alignment with one another.

Bullard developed a map in 1964 to discover the proper fit of the Atlantic margin using a computer programme, and it turned out to be unremarkable.

Rocks across oceans that are the same age

The development of rocks found on many continents across the ocean have been linked using radiometric dating techniques.

The ancient rock belts on the Brazilian coast correspond to those in Western Africa.

To know more about Continents



what changed in metabolic pattern would result from a mutain in the muscle carnitine acyltransferase 1 in which the mutant protein has lost its affinity for malony


Malonyl-CoA would no longer hinder fatty acid entry into the mitochondrion and beta-oxidation, potentially leading to a futile cycle of cytosolic fatty acid synthesis and mitochondrial fatty acid breakdown.

When there is no food intake, the liver produces ketones by breaking down fatty acids. This safeguards the brain, which cannot oxidize fatty acids during the nocturnal fast or longer periods of starvation. Malonyl-CoA, the substrate of fatty acid synthesis, was discovered to be an inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation in 1977. Subsequent experiments confirmed this discovery and advanced our comprehension of molecular metabolism.

During the overnight fast and, more relevantly, during prolonged fasting or starvation, the decrease in malonyl-CoA concentration saves lives. It can, however, be fatal in uncontrolled type 1 diabetes, where significantly increased concentrations of long-chain fatty acids shift the chemical state from modest ketosis to full-blown ketoacidosis if not treated.

Individuals with genetic deficiencies in the enzymes that regulate carnitine levels and fat oxidation face a more significant problem than transient lowering of malonyl-CoA.

For more information on Malonyl-CoA, visit :


Duplicated helium refers to the structure of DNA.


Ensures that amino acids are delivered to the ribosome where they may be assembled into polypeptides or proteins. One amino acid is encoded by each set of three nucleotides in DNA.

By severing the hydrogen bonds holding together the nitrogenous base pairs, an enzyme known as helicase unwinds the DNA. Code is often degenerate more than one codon per amino acid since there are only 20 amino acids and 64 possibilities of four nucleotides taken three at a time. The translation adaptor molecule is tRNA. DNA helicases unwind DNA at locations known as origins during DNA replication, where synthesis will begin. The replication fork, so named because the two strands seem forked as they are unzipped apart, is a structure that is created while DNA helicase proceeds to unwind the DNA.

Learn more about DNA


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