Create a new Microsoft Access database named DryCleaning.
Note that Microsoft Access does not support the use of SQL scripts to create databases. In a Microsoft Word document, type the SQL script that you would use to create the database.

Add a table named Customers. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

CustomerNumber (AutoNumber, Primary Key, required)

FirstName (Text(25), required)

LastName (Text(25), required)

Phone (Text(12), required)

Email (Text(100))

Add a table named Invoice. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

InvoiceNumber (Number-Long Integer, required, Primary Key)

CustomerNumber (Foreign Key, Number-Long Integer, Required)

DateIn (Date/time, required)

DateOut (Date/time)

TotalAmount (Currency)

Add a table named Invoice_Item. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields:

ItemNumber (AutoNumber, Primary Key, required)

InvoiceNumber (Foreign Key,Number-LongInteger, required)

Item (Text(50), required)

Quantity (Number-Long integer, required)

UnitPrice (Currency, required)

Write INSERT statements to add the data provided below to the tables

Create a new Microsoft Access database named DryCl
In one Word document

paste the SQL statement to meet the following criteria. Put a title above each as stated and save each query with the title name. You will add needed documentation from Part II to this document.

List the phone and last name of all the customers. Titled this01CustomerPhone-LastName

List the phone and last name of all the customers with the first name "Nikki." Titled this 02NikkiPhoneLastName

List the phone, first name, and last name of all the customers having phone numbers with "2" and "3" as the second and third numbers, respectively. Titled this 03PhoneWith?23.

Determine the maximum and minimum total amount. Save As04AverageTotalAmount.

Show the first and last names of all the customers who have had an order with total amount greater than $100.00. Use a subquery and present the results first sorted by last names in the ascending order and then by first names in the descending order. Titled this05CustomersTotalAmountGreaterThan100.

From the Customers table, concatenate each customer's last name and first name by using the comma-space-delimited technique; name the virtual column as "Full Name." Titled this06CustomerLastFirstNamesConcantenated.

Use a subquery to show the first and last name of all the customers who have had an order with an item named "Dress Shirt". Present the results first sorted by last name in the ascending order (Titled this07FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedLastName) and then by first name in the descending order. Titled this08FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedFirstNameDescending.

Use a join with a subquery to show the first name, last name, and total amount of all the customers who have had an order with an item named "Dress Shirt". Present the results first sorted by last name in the ascending order (Titled this09FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedLastNameWithTotal) and then by first name in the descending order. Titled this10FirstLastNamesDressShirtSortedFirstNameDescending

Calculate the average total amount. Titled this 11AverageTotalAmount.


Answer 1

SU ITS3102 W5 A2 LastName FirstInitial.doc is the file name for your document. The Dry Cleaning database you create should be named U ITS3102 W5 A2 LastName _FirstInitial DryCleaning.accdb. Total:250.

How can you build your first Microsoft Access database?

Build a database. Wide Open. Choose File > New if Access is already open. Select a template or click on Blank database. Pick a location, give the database a name, and then click Create. When the database opens, choose Enable content if necessary from the yellow message box.

What features does Microsoft Access have?

Apps like Mom & Pop Inventory Tracker can be integrated with a normal Access database. A web-based database can be created and published using the new features of Microsoft Access. In addition to this, improvements for developers as well as an image gallery and browser control have been included.

To know more about database visit :-


Related Questions

Which of the following can be used to define which programs are allowed or disallowed in the system?

a.Software restriction policies
c.A network zone
d.Local policies


The programs that are permitted or prohibited on the system can be specified using AppLocker.

What kind of permissions are regarded as the most fundamental level of data security?

The most fundamental data security measure in Windows 7 is the NTFS permissions. Users who are logged in are prevented from accessing files and directories they do not have read or write permission to by NTFS permissions. When you have physical access to the computer, getting around NTFS permissions is quite simple.

What security process logs particular operating system events in the security log?

The security procedure known as auditing logs particular operating system events in the Security log as they occur.

To know more about AppLocker visit :-


Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.
You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.
You can return the answer in any order.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [2,7,11,15], target = 9
Output: [0,1]
Output: Because nums[0] + nums[1] == 9, we return [0, 1].
***** write in python



def twoSum(nums, target):

   for i in range(len(nums)):

       for j in range(i+1, len(nums)):

           if nums[i] + nums[j] == target:

               return [i, j]

print(twoSum([2, 7, 11, 15], 9))  # should return [0, 1]

rachel has taken over as a systems administrator of creative network, which has a network of 300 computers in two different domains. rachel has been instructed by the ceo to ensure all employees have access to a certain set of folders on the server. the individual workstations may have the personal data of employees in a particular folder. she was informed that there have been previous instances where employees misused the machines. what policy should rachel be setting in individual user machines and servers? a. rachel should set the least functionality for the server to the users and administrative control on individual desktops. b. rachel should set administrative functionality for the server to the users and least functionality on the individual desktops. c. rachel should set the least functionality for both servers and user desktops. d. rachel should set no access for the server and set administrative rights on desktops.


The policy that Rachel should set in individual user machines and servers is that Rachel should set the least functionality for both servers and user desktops.

Rachel should set the least functionality for both servers and user desktops in order to protect the network and its users. Setting the least functionality means setting the lowest level of access and permissions that are necessary for users to perform their tasks. This helps to prevent users from accidentally or intentionally accessing or modifying sensitive data or system settings.

Option a. Rachel should set the least functionality for the server to the users and administrative control on individual desktops is incorrect because it would give users too much control over the server.

Option b. Rachel should set administrative functionality for the server to the users and the least functionality on the individual desktops is incorrect because it would give users too much control over the server and the workstations.

Option d. Rachel should set no access for the server and setting administrative rights on desktops is incorrect because it would deny users access to the server, which would likely be necessary for them to perform their tasks. It would also give users too much control over the workstations.

Learn more about Intro to Cyber-security here:


To compile a program by which a 4-digit natural number is entered from the interval [1000.. 9999]. 2 new 2-digit numbers are formed from this number. The first number is formed from the 1st and 4th digits of the entered number. The second number is formed from the 2nd - 3rd digit of the entered number. Display whether the 1st new number is displayed on the screen e is less than <, equal to = or greater than the 2nd number. Example: 3332 Output: less (32<33) Example: 1144 Output: equals (14=14) Example: 9875 Output: greater (95>87)



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   // Prompt the user to enter a 4-digit natural number

   cout << "Enter a 4-digit natural number: ";

   // Read the number from the standard input stream

   int number;

   cin >> number;

   // Check if the number is in the specified range

   if (number < 1000 || number > 9999)


       // If the number is not in the specified range, print an error message and exit

       cout << "Error: the entered number is not a 4-digit natural number." << endl;

       return 1;


   // Compute the first new number by concatenating the 1st and 4th digits of the entered number

   int firstNumber = (number / 1000) + (number % 10) * 10;

   // Compute the second new number by concatenating the 2nd and 3rd digits of the entered number

   int secondNumber = ((number / 100) % 10) + ((number / 10) % 10) * 10;

   // Compare the first

Yehonathan posts an article about web development each day using wordpress. he is _____.


You can host and create websites with the help of the content management system (CMS) WordPress. You may alter any website to meet your company, blog, portfolio, or online store thanks to WordPress's template system and plugin architecture.

Better than WordPress, is Squarespace?

Squarespace tops the list of these two platforms for usability, receiving a score of 4 out of 5 during our user testing. WordPress involves code, whereas you can quickly change your design. Due to the ease of adding features to your pages by dragging them there, Squarespace is now lot more user-friendly for beginners.

What distinguishes WordPress and Wix from one another?

Wix offers web hosting and is a website builder, whereas WordPress is an open-source CMS with more customization options. This is the fundamental distinction between the two.

To know more about wordpress visit;


Describe the major components of a data warehouse.



source system


source system

assume that a bst data structure already exists as a class (e.g. binarysearchtree or avltree, or redblacktree) and that class implements the necessary iterators. write pseudocode for an implementation of the set class with associated iterators using a binary search tree.


The pseudocode will be:

//set class

class Set {

 constructor() {

   this.bst = new BinarySearchTree(); // create a new binary search tree


 // add an element to the set

 add(element) {

   this.bst.insert(element); // insert element into the binary search tree


 // remove an element from the set

 remove(element) {

   this.bst.remove(element); // remove element from the binary search tree


 // check if an element is in the set

 contains(element) {

   return; // search for element in the binary search tree


 // iterator for elements in the set

 iterator() {

   return this.bst.iterator(); // return the binary search tree's iterator object



what is pseudocode?

An algorithm is a set of directions for doing a task, and pseudocode is a form of organized English used to convey the steps of the an algorithm. It is a basic description of a programme that is presented in an understandable format. Pseudocode is used to express methods succinctly and does not require any particular programming language syntax. Prior to writing the code in a more specialised language, it is frequently used to build out applications. Pseudocode is a helpful tool for creating algorithms since it enables the user to quickly see the algorithm's structure and make modifications as needed. Due to the ease with which the pseudocode may be transformed into a programming language, it can also be used as a resource for coding.

To learn more about pseudocode


Question 7 scenario 2, continued next, your interviewer wants to know more about your understanding of tools that work in both spreadsheets and sql. She explains that the data her team receives from customer surveys sometimes has many duplicate entries. She says: spreadsheets have a great tool for that called remove duplicates. Does this mean the team has to remove the duplicate data in a spreadsheet before transferring data to our database? 1 point yes no.


Yes, when using the Remove Duplicates feature, your team will need to remove duplicate data from the table before transferring it to the database.

What is a spreadsheet database?

A spreadsheet is a computer program that arranges data in a series of rows and columns. In this electronic document, data is stored in separate cells. We can compare spreadsheet with e-books. Information are collected from external table in database, instead of data stored in individual cells.

How do you use a spreadsheet as a database?

Step 1: Set up a data spreadsheet framework. Open Excel spreadsheet, and put your cursor in A1 cell, then type database title.

Step 2: Add or import data.

Step 3: Convert the data into a table.

Step 4: Format the table.

Step 5: Save your database spreadsheet.

Is Excel spreadsheet a database?

Excel is not considered as database but it is spreadsheet software. However, many applicant users try to use it to act like a database, but there are certain restrictions in this regard to be considerable. Starting with the most obvious, Excel is limited to 1 million rows of data, whereas databases have no such limit.

To learn more about spreadsheet vs. database visit:


in the 1960s and 1970s, the existing telephone network was used for computer-to-computer communication beyond the local area. why was the telephone network not well suited for supporting computer traffic? be specific.


A group of computers that share resources on or provided by network nodes is referred to as a computer network.

What is  computer network ? In order to communicate with one another, the computers use standard communication protocols through digital networks. These linkages are made up of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency means that may be organized in a number of  computer network. Among the nodes of a computer network are laptops, servers, networking equipment, and other specialized or general-purpose hosts. In addition to having hostnames, they are recognized by network addresses. Hostnames act as distinctive designations for the nodes and are hardly ever modified after first assignment. For communication protocols like the Internet Protocol to locate and identify the nodes, network addresses are used.Computer networks can be categorized using a variety of factors, such as the signal-transmission medium, bandwidth, communications protocols used to manage network traffic, network size, topology, traffic-control mechanism, and organizational goals.Internet connectivity, digital video and audio, the shared use of application and storage servers, printers, fax machines, and email and instant messaging software are just a few of the many applications and services supported by computer networks.

To Learn more About computer network refer to:


which policy provides guidance to network components in regard to conceptual design, utilization and support, phase-out, and disposal?


The system life cycle is used to guide network component conceptual design, use and support, phase-out, and disposal.

What is the System life cycle?

A conceptual model for project management known as the systems development life cycle (SDLC) details the phases of an information system development project, from the early phase of a feasibility study to the ongoing maintenance of the finished application.

Both technical and non-technical systems can use SDLC.

Network components are guided by the system life cycle in terms of conceptual design, use and support, phase-out, and disposal.

A system can be made up of only software, only hardware, or a combination of both, hence the systems development life cycle idea is applicable to a variety of hardware and software combinations.

Requirement analysis, design, development and testing, implementation, documentation, and assessment are the typical six phases of this cycle.

Therefore, the system life cycle is used to guide network component conceptual design, use and support, phase-out, and disposal.

Know more about the System life cycle here:


1. describe an algorithm that takes as input a list of n distinct integers and finds the location of the largest even integer in the list or returns 0 if there are no even integers in the list.


We call the algorithm "largesteven2" and the input is a list of n integers.

What is integers?An integer is the number zero, a positive natural number or a negative integer with a minus sign. The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding positive numbers. In the language of mathematics, the set of integers is often denoted by the boldface Z or blackboard bold \mathbb {Z}.An integer (pronounced IN-tuh-jer) is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are: -5, 1, 5, 8 etc..

To learn more about fractional numbers refer to:


due to a coding problem at the phone company, jane m's name keeps getting added to the no call list when she should not be there. write a method that will check to see if jane m is in the map. if she is, remove her from the map. otherwise, do nothing.


In programming, a method is a self-contained block of code that performs a specific task. It is typically defined as part of a class

What is method in programming ?Methods are often used to implement reusable pieces of code that can be called multiple times from different parts of a program, which helps to make the code more modular and easier to maintain. In most programming languages, methods can accept parameters and return values, which allows them to be customized and to provide information to the caller.This method accepts a Map object that contains the phone numbers and names of the people on the no call list. If the Map contains an entry for "Jane M", the method will remove that entry from the Map. If "Jane M" is not in the Map, the method will do nothing.

public void removeJaneM(Map<String, String> phoneList) {

   if (phoneList.containsKey("Jane M")) {

       phoneList.remove("Jane M");



To learn more about method refer :


Is desktop better than computer?


Only desktop PCs have the highest level of performance. And you should expect to pay substantially more for the same performance if you want a laptop with specifications comparable to those of a desktop.

What Is it better to have a laptop or desktop?Computing equipment are still often categorized according to their intended use: Users who are constantly on the run should use laptops. They provide hours of battery life in addition to the performance and responsiveness needed to enable immersive experiences that keep you working wherever you are. For heavy users, desktops are best.The capabilities and capability of desktop computers are greater. The cost and difficulty of upgrading desktop PCs are lower. The overall cost of desktop computers is typically lower and they are a better bargain. The mouse and keyboard on desktop computers are far more user-friendly.The answer is that desktop computers typically use full-size parts that are frequently more powerful than equivalent components made for laptops. In terms of CPUs and total computer speed, it stands out in particular.

To Learn more About desktop PCs refer to:


A relational database table is in ____ normal form if every non-key field is functionally dependent on the primary key.


Transitory reliances. occur when one non-key field's value depends on another non-key field's value in order to function.

Every foreign key value also exists as a main key value, which is a consistent relational database state known as referential integrity. The requirements of the 1NF are met by all relational tables. A table in 1NF that has a single-attribute primary key is automatically in 2NF since a partial dependency can only exist if the primary key is made up of several attributes. It is a standardization level in DBMS. When a relation has an atomic value, it is referred to as being in 1 normal form (or 1NF) in DBMS.

Learn more about database here-


i. Suresh participated in a 100m race and won a prize. This motivated him to go for practice every morning. What type
of Motivation is this?
a) None of these
b) Internal
c) Intermediate
d) External


Internal motivation

Which of the following commands will send 4 ICMP echo requests to a remote host named server1 to determine the round trip time it takes a packet to travel?

a. ping -4 server1
b. ping server1 ping
c 4 server1 ping
d. n 4 server1


With the ping -4 server1 command, you may find out how long it takes a packet to go around the world by sending 4 ICMP echo requests to server1, a distant site.

Data is divided into tiny units known as packets as it leaves your computer. In essence, these packets are tiny envelopes that transport data via the Internet.

The events that take place while one of these packets travels from one side of the Internet to the other will be explained in this article series. We'll examine every component and procedure a packet goes through as it traverses the Internet.

We'll look at some background data on each individual aspect of network communication first. After that, we'll examine each function's specific gadgets in more detail. Then, as we examine everything that occurs for communication to occur between two computers with various linked devices, we will tie everything together.

Learn more about Packet here:


Explain direction flow on network and security devices?


Direction flow on network and security devices generally determines in which direction the signal flow is going.

A flow is a collection of packets that transmit information among two hosts. In order to reverse the flow direction as needed, flow direction algorithms are employed to determine which side of the communication is most likely to be the destination device. The algorithms reveal the characteristics of the traffic that led it to be reversed and how it initially manifested itself on the system. The network Manager collects network information based on parameters made up by network administrators. For example, the network's routers and switches are identified by the exploration and self, which then queries them for data such as connection.

learn more about flow on network and security devices here:


Question 2
The following spinner is used in a game. The region labeled "blue" represents of the spinner. The regions labeled "orange" and "purple" are equal in size.
Which of the following code segments can be used to simulate the behavior of the spinner?
Select two answers.
DISPLAY "blue"





the code has DISPLAY which means show and then blue so, it will show blue

Blue. The code has DISPLAY which means show and then blue so, it will show blue.

What is the behavior of spinner?

A chic wheel spinner with many features and customizability. Simply enter your inputs, turn the wheel, and receive your random outcome.

Picker Wheel is a simple random picker that just requires three primary actions. Put inputs in, let the wheel spin, and get the outcome. It contains a lot of features that make making decisions enjoyable.

Your inputs are simply entered, and the spinning wheel produces a random response. The sophisticated algorithm that powers the wheel spinner will provide you with the most equitable result.

Therefore, Blue. The code has DISPLAY which means show and then blue so, it will show blue.

To learn more about Spinny wheel, refer to the link:


What role does the mass media play in the US political system ?


The mass media monitors government actions as watchdogs and gives people, a platform for political expression.

What is the role of mass media in the US political system ?The government places no limits on the ability of the media to disseminate information and viewpoints. The media serves as a watchdog on government and political actors' acts, as well as serving as a forum for candidates, legislators, and members of the public to debate current political problems and events. The news media is where people learn about politics, current affairs, government policy, political candidates, and political parties.In order to publish news in the public interest, journalists look for accuracy, the confirmation of their sources, eyewitnesses to events, and reliable organizations. The motivation of for-profit media is to write/cover news that audiences demand  mostly like dramatic or conflicting issues. Minority voices struggle to get their opinions out there since a single firm controls so many influential and well-known media outlets.

To learn more about Mass media, refer:


The Monte Carlo method uses ___________ for computer simulations


Answer: repeated random sampling


which of these lines will not result in a syntax error?
A. if 10 > 3
B. if 10 > 3:
C. of 10 > 3:
D. if 10 >< 3:
please answer


The lines that will not result in a syntax error is option A. if 10 > 3.

What does C language syntax mistake mean?

Syntax errors are mistakes that happen when you don't follow the guidelines for writing C/C++ syntax. A fix must be made before the code may be compiled, according to this compiler issue. These are all compile-time faults since the compiler can identify them all.

Therefore, The typical syntactic mistakes are:

incorrect use of the comma. Punctuation that is misplaced or used improperly can drastically alter the meaning of words and how a sentence sounds when spoken aloud.utilizing language fragments rather than full phrases.Modifiers for squinting.

Learn more about syntax error from

Does the FCC regulate the Internet?


No, The FCC does not regulate online content. However, The FCC does place some restrictions and duties on broadcasters.

What is FCC?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a separate branch of the U.S. government that regulates all domestic and international communications. In order to safeguard the interests of both consumers and businesses, the FCC maintains standards and uniformity across media platforms and communication channels.

Cellular and wireless access are distributed, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of media companies are governed, intellectual property rights are safeguarded, and distribution and content standards are regulated for all media companies doing business in the United States.

The Federal Communications Commission, an independent body that reports to the American government, is mentioned above. The Communications Act, a piece of legislation that governs both domestic and international wire and radio communications, included it when it was first established in 1934.

Learn more about FCC


In your own words, summarize what you think that coding guideline (from question 1) is instructing the coder to do when assigning codes for those types of services.


It is secure and can be utilized without risk. Safe: It cannot be breached. Reliable: It consistently performs as it should. Testing is possible at the code level. It can be kept up with even as your codebase expands.

What connection exists between coding standards and code assignment?

"Unless otherwise directed by the classification, code assignment is based on the provider's documentation of the connection between the condition and the care or operation. Regardless of the chapter, the code is in, the recommendation applies to any care difficulties.

What moral and legal rules should you abide by when programming?

Use coding techniques that are accurate, thorough, and consistent to produce reliable data. In compliance with the relevant requirements and data set definitions, collect and report all the data needed for internal and external reporting.

To know more about coding here:


A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.

In this program, ask the user to input some text and print out whether or not that text is a palindrome.

I need to make the Boolean method isPalindrome which determines if a String is a palindrome, which means it is the same forwards and backwards. It should return a boolean of whether or not it was a palindrome.

I need to make the method reverse which reverses a String and returns a new reversed String to be checked by isPalindrome.


The following command is used to ask the user to input some text and print out whether or not that text is a palindrome import java. util.*; // Importing required packages.

public class Palindromes{

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Type in your text:");

Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // Creating Scanner instance for taking input from user.

String str =; // Taking string from user and store it in str variable.

if (isPalindrome(str)){ // Checking if a str is palindrome or not.

System.out.println("Your word is a palindrome!");


else{ // If it is not a palindrome

System.out.println("Not a palindrome :(");



// isPalindrome function for checking if a given string is palindrome or not.

public static boolean isPalindrome(String text){

String reverse_text = reverse(text); // Calling reverse function with text as a parameter.

if (text.equals(reverse_text)){ // Checking if a text and reverse_text are equal or not

return true; // Returning true



return false; // Returning false



public static String reverse ( String text){

String rev = ""; // Declaring rev variable.

for (int i = text.length() -1;i>=0;i--){ // Iterate through each character in text in reverse order.

rev += text.substring(i,i+1); // adding each character to rev.


return rev; // Returning the rev.



To learn more about palindrome


what would thorndike say his cats learn about in their puzzle box experiment? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a in the presence of a pedal in a puzzle box, press it b in the presence of a pedal in a puzzle box, press it, and get fish c press against anything in the puzzle box d get stuck in puzzle box and get fish


They might become trapped by the puzzle box, but there would be no reward.

What is experiment?

An experiment is a procedure or test done in order to discover new knowledge or verify existing knowledge. It is typically a series of steps taken to observe the effects of different variables on the outcome of an activity. Experiments are often used in science, mathematics, and engineering to systematically test hypotheses and learn more about a particular phenomenon. They can also be used to test the effectiveness of different strategies or products. Experiments are conducted in a controlled environment, meaning that the conditions of the test are consistent and repeatable. This helps scientists draw reliable conclusions about the cause and effect of their variables.
In Thorndike's puzzle boxes experiment, the cats discovered that pressing a pedal would resulted in a reward when it was present (in this case, a fish). The cats also discovered that becoming stuck by pressing against something inside the puzzle could prevent them from receiving a reward.

To learn more about experiment

What are some examples of removable media?


Some examples of removable media are USB flash drives, memory cards, and external hard drives. These types of media can be easily removed or inserted into a computer or other device, allowing users to transfer data or files from one device to another.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones for students?


The portability, versatility, ability to be used as a communication tool, useful applications for students, and ability to relieve stress are all advantages of using a mobile phone for students.

What is a mobile phone?

An individual can place and receive calls on a mobile phone, which is a wireless handheld device. Early mobile phones could only make and receive calls, but modern smartphones are much more versatile, supporting web browsers, games, cameras, video players, and navigational systems.

Additionally, due to all of the additional voice and data services they provide, modern mobile phones are more frequently referred to as "smartphones" than they were in the past when they were primarily known as "cell phones" or "cellular phones."

The first mobile phones, as was previously mentioned, could only be used to make and receive calls and were so large that carrying them in a pocket was impossible. To transmit signals from a cabled PSTN endpoint, these phones used rudimentary RFID and wireless systems.

Learn more about mobile phones


What are the examples of desktop computer?


Workstations, personal computers, and networking equipment all fall under the category of desktop computing devices.

What is desktop computing devices?Desktop computers, mobile computers, and mobile handheld devices can all connect to the network. Regarding computational power, memory capacity, storage space, size, display area, and energy consumption, these devices have a wide range of requirements and constraints.Workstations, personal computers, and networking equipment all fall under the category of desktop computing devices. When linked to a fixed network, a workstation or desktop computer has few resource limits. Large processor power, memory capacity, disk drive size, and display space are all possible features of these systems. The main limitation for this kind of computer is the distant network connection, which is normally a modem when the system is utilized from a fixed remote location.The low cost and upkeep of a network computing (NC) device are its defining features. Because of this, the computer is lacking a CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive, and hard disk. A standard desktop system's processing capacity is constrained, and memory sizes range from 16 MB to 128 MB in order to keep costs down. A network connection between the system and the server is required. For local use, the NC downloads the operating system and programs. These systems are priced between $500 and $1500. As of right now, NCs are produced by Intel/Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and Sun [37].

To Learn more About desktop computing devices refer to:


india and china have the largest number of internet users overall, so there is a big opportunity.



India and China are indeed two of the countries with the largest number of internet users in the world. According to data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as of 2021, India had about 560 million internet users, making it the second-largest market for internet users after China, which had about 904 million internet users.

The large number of internet users in these countries presents a significant opportunity for businesses, as it means that there is a large potential market for products and services that are offered online. Companies that are able to effectively reach and engage with these users can potentially see significant growth in their businesses.

However, it's important to note that just because a country has a large number of internet users doesn't automatically mean that it is a good market for a particular product or service. Companies need to carefully consider the specific needs and preferences of the target market in each country and adapt their offerings accordingly.


rafael needs to run a query that will show the name and city of all his clients. which of the following phrases will determine which fields are returned in the query? a. from name, city b. select name, city c. values name, city d. where name, city


The phrase that will determine which fields are returned in the query is select name, city. The correct option is b.

What is a query in a database?

A query might ask your database for data results, a specific action to be taken with the data, or both.

A query can add, alter, or remove data from a database, conduct computations, integrate data from other databases, and answer simple questions.

When organising vast amounts of complicated and varied data, non-relational databases are frequently used. Select name, city is the expression that will determine which fields are returned by the query.

Thus, the correct option is b.

For more details regarding query, visit:


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