Read the excerpt from an article about the Equality Act of 2021.

"In most states, L.G.B.T.Q. people can be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love,” said Representative David Cicilline, an openly gay Democrat from Rhode Island and the lead sponsor. "It is past time for that to change.”

The Equality Act bill passed the House of Representatives on February 25, 2021. In its path to becoming a law, what needs to happen next for the bill?

A.It must be passed through the Senate.
B.It must be voted on during an election.
C.It must be signed into law by the president.
D.It must be approved by the person who wrote the bill.


Answer 1


A.It must be passed through the Senate.


After a bill is passed by the House of Representatives, it must then be considered by the Senate. If the Senate also passes the bill, it will then be sent to the President of the United States for consideration. The President can then either sign the bill into law or veto it. If the President vetoes the bill, Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Related Questions

Why were newspapers so important in the Spanish-American War?


Because Yellow Journalism has made and given America a reason to go to war with Spain as they spread false information about Spain and Cuba, causing Americans to go to war

Why did the sinking of the Lusitania make the United States angry?


Answer: It killed 128 Americans


What were the two main reason that cause the United States to enter World War I?



Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.


Does Buddhism allow war?


Answer: No.


Buddhism is one of the HETRODOX religions born in present day India in 6th century BC. Buddhism in its earliest forms was a PROTEST to the existing BRAHMANICAL supremacy in India. If we talk about the basic DOCTRINES of Buddhism there were 5 WOVES taken by a person to become a Buddhist MONK. These were:

1) Abstaining from VIOLENCE.

2) Abstaining from STEALING.

3) Maintaining CELIBACY.

4) Abstaining from LYING.

5) Abstaining from INTOXICATION.

However, the there was a split and emergence of different SECTS in the religion. Instances of violations of the code of conduct of the religion has also been witnessed by the world. But still the true essence of the religion is pursuance of AHIMSA (non-violence).

Explain what and how the battles of Verdun, Somme, and Brusilov are closely related to one another, what would have happened if there was a different outcome? Why was Verdun the center point of the Western Front?



1. The Battle of Verdun in 1916 was the longest single battle of World War One. The casualties from Verdun and the impact the battle had on the French Army was a primary reason for the British starting the Battle of the Somme in July 1916 in an effort to take German pressure off of the French at Verdun.

2. Ultimately, the French resistance at Verdun proved a turning point, halting the German advance. The heavy German losses at Verdun combined with even greater casualties suffered on the Somme also created a manpower crisis within the German army that would become increasingly difficult to resolve as the war progressed. A different outcome would have provided the opposite.

3. The fortress of Verdun with its surrounding fortifications along the Meuse River was selected because it threatened the main German communication lines, it represented a salient in the French defenses, and the loss of such a storied citadel would be an enormous blow to French morale.


What was the Plessy v. Ferguson response?


The Plessy v. Ferguson ruling legalised segregation, and Southern governments proceeded to enact laws like those in Mississippi that mandated segregation and threatened jail time for anyone who disobeyed the law.

A Louisiana state law that permitted "equal but distinct accommodations for the white and coloured races" was maintained by the Supreme Court's decision in this case. Three amendments to the Constitution and other measures enacted by Congress during the Reconstruction era guaranteed political rights for Black Americans.

A significant 1896 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court known as Plessy v. Ferguson established racial segregation as constitutional under the "separate but equal" principle. The incident that gave rise to the case occurred in 1892 when Homer Plessy, an African American train passenger, refused to sit in a car designated for Black people.

To know more about  Plessy vs. Ferguson:


which of the following was not one of the foundations of gandhi's philosophy? which of the following was not one of the foundations of gandhi's philosophy? a. heavy industrialization. b. an attempt to improve the position of the lowest social classes (untouchables). c. non-violent resistance. d. economic self-sufficiency.


Gandhi's philosophy did not have extensive industry as one of its pillars.

What are the Gandhian philosophy's three pillars?

The three pillars of honesty, affection, and non-violence—which I have dubbed the Tri-Component Model of Gandhian leadership—must be in harmony for Gandhian leadership to be effective. Gandhi's philosophy places more focus on practical idealism than idealistic idealism. Gandhi's ideology has two sharp edges. Its goal is to change society and each individual at the same time in accordance with the values of honesty and nonviolence. Truth, Non-violence, Vegetarianism, Brahmhacharya, Simplicity, and Faith were Mahatma Gandhi's six guiding principles in life as he battled tooth and nail for India's liberation without resorting to bloodshed.

To know more about Gandhi's philosophy visit:


How did States respond to the Supreme Court ruling in Furman v. Georgia?


In this instance, petitioners Furman, Jackson, and Branch were all found guilty of murder in their respective states of Georgia, Texas, and Georgia, respectively. As the death penalty is unconstitutional when used arbitrarily or discriminatorily, the Court decided that it would.

Justices Brennan and Marshall argued against the death sentence in concurring opinions.

The U.S. Supreme Court held in Furman v. Georgia in 1972 that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was frequently meted out disproportionately to African-Americans and the poor.

Under the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, the death sentence is unlawful when it is applied arbitrarily and capriciously and resulting in discriminatory outcomes.

Learn more about Furman visit:


100 points
Explainer: What is NATO, and what is its role in the Russia-Ukraine crisis? Newsela article

Questions: Russia and Ukraine describe how their history with one another is tied to what’s currently going on today.

Question 2: what role does NATO play in the war between Ukraine and Russia?

Cite one thing from the article to support your inference.



Russia and Ukraine have a long and complex history with one another. In the past, Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, which was led by Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent country. However, Russia still maintains a strong political and economic influence over Ukraine. The current conflict between the two countries began in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea, a territory in eastern Ukraine with a predominantly Russian-speaking population. Since then, Russia has been providing military support to separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, leading to ongoing fighting between Ukrainian forces and the rebels.NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance of 29 countries from North America and Europe that was formed in 1949. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, NATO's role is to support Ukraine and deter further aggression from Russia. According to the Newsela article, "NATO has increased its military presence in the region and is providing Ukraine with military assistance, such as training for its armed forces." This suggests that NATO is actively involved in the conflict and is working to support Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Why is it important to address a counterclaim in an argumentative essay?


It is important to address counterclaim in an argumentative essay as it allows the author to provide a rebuttal.

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents both sides of a argument or issue. The aim of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader that your side of the argument is the correct one.

To do this, you will need to present both sides of the argument in an objective and unbiased way, and then offer your own opinion on the matter. In order to write a good argumentative essay, you will need to do your research and make sure that your facts are backed up by reliable sources.

To know more about essay, click here.


which country suffered the greatest number of military casualties in world war ii?



According to estimates, the Soviet Union lost the most people during World War II.

What happens when Old Major dies?


After the death of the old major, the animals begin to organize under the leadership of the pigs, especially two young boars named Napoleon and Snowball.

After the death of the old Major, the animals in animal farm spend their days secretly planning an uprising, although they are not sure when it will happen. Because of their intelligence, the pigs are tasked with educating the animals about Animalism, the name they give to the philosophy explained by the Major in Chapter 1. Pigs are said to be the ''smartest'' of farm animals, a fact that Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer use to control other animals in different ways. The three continue to meet regularly and form a school of thought they call "Animalism" based on the old major's last speech. Pigs use their intelligence to put themselves in a position of authority, and with this new power, other animals embrace Animalism by shaming those who don't as ignorant. The concept of Animalism sparks a chatter of rebellion, and the pigs gather regularly to spread the ideals of Animalism to the other animals. Snowball explains to Mollie that ''freedom'' is more important than luxuries like sugar and ribbons.

To learn more about Animal farm :Old major , visit:


During the Agricultural Revolution, the introduction of new agricultural tools and
led to a major increase in farm production in England. The increase in food production led to


Farm production in England significantly increased during the Agricultural Revolution as a result of the use of new agricultural implements and selective livestock breeding.

Define Agricultural revolution.

Between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries, there was an unparalleled rise in agricultural production in Britain known as the British Agricultural Revolution, or Second Agricultural Revolution.

The population grew rapidly as a result of the increase in food production. However, many farm laborers lost their jobs as a result of the increased production efficiency. The ancient agricultural system underwent a slow transformation known as the "Agricultural Revolution," which started in Britain in the 18th century. One of the changes involved redistributing land ownership to create more compact farms and increasing financial support for technological advancements.

To know more about Agricultural Revolution, visit:


Match the agricultural innovation of the Middle Ages to its impact on the people of medieval Europe.



1. The horse collar - allowed for more efficient use of horses in agriculture

2. The three-field system - increased the amount of land available for cultivation

3. The heavy plow - allowed for the cultivation of heavier, more fertile soils

4. The watermill - made it possible to grind grain into flour using water power instead of human labor

5. The horse collar allowed for more efficient use of horses in agriculture, which made it possible for farmers to cultivate larger areas of land and produce more crops. This led to increased food production and a more efficient agricultural system, which in turn helped to support the growth of medieval European society.

6. The three-field system increased the amount of land available for cultivation by dividing land into three fields and rotating crops between them. This allowed for more efficient use of land and led to increased food production, which helped to support the growing population of medieval Europe.

7. The heavy plow allowed for the cultivation of heavier, more fertile soils, which in turn led to increased food production and a more efficient agricultural system. This helped to support the growth of medieval European society.

8. The watermill made it possible to grind grain into flour using water power instead of human labor, which freed up people to engage in other activities and helped to support the growth of medieval European society.

What did President Wilson want to achieve with a treaty to end the war?


President Woodrow Wilson sought to bring an end to World War I by negotiating a settlement that would deal with the root causes of the conflict and avert future conflicts.

In order to achieve this, Wilson proposed a collection of ideas known as the Fourteen Points, which he thought would serve as the cornerstone of a fair and enduring peace.

These demands included those for free commerce, reduced weaponry, the right of nationalities to self-determination, and the creation of an international body to resolve international conflicts.

Wilson also pushed for the formation of the League of Nations, an international body tasked with fostering collaboration among nations and mediating conflicts in a peaceful manner. Wilson's attempts to bring about a fair and durable peace ultimately failed because many of the root reasons for the war were not addressed in the Treaty of Versailles, which declared the war to be over and put a stop to it.

To learn more about President Woodrow Wilson


If you were charged with and convicted for a federal crime such as transporting drugs across state lines, but knew you were innocent, what would be steps available to you to clear your name? select all that apply.


The following steps would be available to clear your name from a federal crime.

1. File an appeal: After being convicted of a federal crime, a person can file an appeal with the court that issued the conviction. This means that the person must present a legal argument as to why the verdict should be overturned. The court will then review the legal argument and decide whether to overturn the conviction.

2. File a motion to vacate: A motion to vacate is a legal request to set aside a conviction or sentence. This type of motion is usually filed in an attempt to prove that the conviction was wrongfully issued or that the sentence was too harsh.

3. Seek a pardon: A pardon is official forgiveness of a criminal offense. It is granted by the president or governor of a state and has the same effect as overturning a conviction.

4. File a writ of habeas corpus: A writ of habeas corpus is a legal document that a person can use to challenge their imprisonment or detention in court. This document can be used to challenge a conviction if the person believes they were falsely accused or if the conviction was issued in violation of the person's rights.

In conclusion, if a person is wrongfully convicted of a federal crime, they can take steps to clear their name such as filing

For more questions like Federal crime click the link below:


What are the major themes of Equiano's narrative?


Equiano's story follows the three-part structure of spiritual and physical enslavement, conversion and escape from slavery, and subsequent rebirth in a life of spiritual and physical freedom.

What is the theme of Equiano's narrative?As Equiano tells the story of his life and travels between Africa, England, and the British Empire, he tells a story about the development of his self and the forging of his individual identity, which is crucial to the story's larger political purpose.Equiano says slavery is an insult to all people and suggests that Africans may be distantly related to Christian Europeans through their Jewish ancestry: "Let the polished and pompous European recall that his forefathers were once, like the Africans, uncivilised, and even savage."Equiano's slave narrative is regarded as a notable accomplishment in the tradition of slave narratives because the autobiographical style was not a well-established genre in the eighteenth century. His story is presented in a picaresque style and is full of specific, vivid details.

To learn more about Equiano refer :


What is the message of Sea Fever by John Masefield?


A speaker pleads vehemently that he must go back to a sailor's life in the English poet John Masefield's poem "Sea Fever" in order to be happy. He is drawn to the freedom of the open sea and a life filled with exploration and adventure.

What is the meaning of fever in the poem Sea Fever?

a feeling of excitement

What does the poem's title "Sea Fever" mean? Ans: The word "fever" refers to the feeling of excitement, and the poet in this poem is experiencing the same impulse to visit the sea. For this reason, the poem is called Sea Fever.

Why is the title Sea Fever significant?

Message in the title: The poem's title "Sea Fever," which alludes to the way that for some people,

To know more about John Masefield's visit:


Why did President Wilson try to keep the US out of ww1?



His neutral stance and lack of involvement in foreign matters have been attributed to his religious upbringing and academic background. A devout Christian, Wilson did not believe God was calling him to enter World War I, so he attempted to keep the United States out of the conflict.


How did the Northwest Ordinance impact Native Americans?


Native Americans were impacted by the Northwest Ordinance since it brought individuals living in this area under the control of the fledgling United States rather than the English. In the Northwest Indian War that followed the Northwest Ordinance, some Native Americans in this region sided with the Americans while others fought alongside them.

The area where many Native Americans lived was under danger as Americans encroached on the territory covered by the Northwest Ordinance. Although the Americans had previously defeated the Native Americans, they dispatched a more determined army to finish them off and take most of their country.

To learn more about Northwest Ordinance refer here


what became the western border of the united states after the treaty of paris 1783 was signed?


Negotiations to end the war included debates about how far west the western border of the United States would be. According to the Treaty of Paris, the final agreement was that the Mississippi River would be the western border of the United States.

Is Natal Day a national holiday?


Although Natal Day is not a legal holiday in Nova Scotia, many workers get paid time off. Post offices are closed, and depending on regional custom, some retailers can be open for shorter hours.

A day when you are not required to work.. a day in which all work is suspended in remembrance of a particular event. will be closed on July Fourth. a statutory holiday. Planned activities during the holiday weekend. A vacation is a short amount of time spent doing things you enjoy. A vacation is a significant period of time off from work or school spent engaging in leisure pursuits and other enjoyable activities. a day when almost everyone in a nation is exempt from going to work or school: New Year's Day is a public holiday in many countries. Compare. a legal day off.

Learn more about holiday from


Although Natal Day is not a legal holiday in Nova Scotia, many workers get paid time off. Post offices are closed, and depending on regional custom, some retailers can be open for shorter hours.

A day when you are not required to work.. a day in which all work is suspended in remembrance of a particular event. will be closed on July Fourth. a statutory holiday. Planned activities during the holiday weekend. A vacation is a short amount of time spent doing things you enjoy. A vacation is a significant period of time off from work or school spent engaging in leisure pursuits and other enjoyable activities. a day when almost everyone in a nation is exempt from going to work or school: New Year's Day is a public holiday in many countries. Compare. a legal day off.

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How did France's contributions help the Americans in the War of Independence?


Answer: Between 1778 and 1782 the French provided supplies, arms and ammunition, uniforms, and, most importantly, troops and naval support to the beleaguered Continental Army.

The French navy transported reinforcements, fought off a British fleet, and protected Washington's forces in Virginia.



France played a significant role in the American War of Independence, also known as the American Revolutionary War, by providing military, financial, and diplomatic support to the colonies.

The French government, under King Louis XVI, initially hesitated to get involved in the conflict, as they were already engaged in a costly war with Britain. However, they eventually saw the opportunity to weaken their rival by supporting the American colonies in their fight for independence.

In 1778, France officially entered the war on the side of the Americans, and their support was crucial in helping the colonies win their independence. The French Navy played a key role in the conflict by battling the British at sea and blockading British ports, which hindered the flow of supplies and reinforcements to the British army. The French also provided military aid in the form of troops and weaponry, and helped to finance the American cause through loans and subsidies.

In addition to military support, the French also provided diplomatic assistance to the Americans. The French foreign minister, the Comte de Vergennes, helped to negotiate the Treaty of Alliance with the Americans, which officially recognized the United States as an independent nation and provided for mutual defense. The French also helped to broker the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war and established the boundaries of the United States.

Overall, France's contributions were critical in helping the Americans win their independence and establish themselves as a new nation.

Which fictional character was invited on the 1986 challenger mission but declined?


The fictional character that was invited on the 1986 Challenger mission but declined was Lieutenant Colonel Tuvok, from the Star Trek: Voyager TV series.

Tuvok was an alien species of Vulcan, a race known for its logical thinking and adherence to rules. He was invited to be part of the historic mission to space, but due to his loyalty to Starfleet and the Prime Directive, he declined the invitation.

He believed it was important for Starfleet to maintain its neutrality and avoid any involvement in a situation that could potentially cause a conflict between two Earth nations. He also did not want to compromise his mission to explore the Delta Quadrant and protect the Voyager crew.

Ultimately, his decision to decline the invitation was a logical one and was made in the best interests of his mission and the organization he served.

For more questions like Challenger mission click the link below:


What was the main message of the Declaration of Independence?


The main message of the Declaration of Independence: "That these Brought together Settlements are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States." It articulates an all-out break with Britain and its Head honcho and cases the powers of a free country.

The Declaration of Independence, the underlying rule of the US, was supported by the Central area Congress on July 4, 1776, and proclaimed the unit of 13 North American English territories from Uncommon Britain.

The key inspiration driving America's Declaration of Independence was to clear up for new nations why the regions had chosen to confine themselves from Uncommon Britain. The Dynamic Struggle had recently begun, and a couple of huge battles had proactively happened.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence:


Americans who supported Manifest Destiny primarily believed that the United States should
acquire colonies in other parts of the world.
develop the nation’s existing territory.
spread across the continent to the Pacific Ocean.
share territory peacefully with American Indians.


Americans who supported Manifest Destiny primarily believed that the United States should acquire colonies in other parts of the world. The appropriate response is option A.

What is Manifest Destiny ?

The expression "Manifest Destiny," first used in 1845, refers to the belief that God has predestined the United States to spread democracy and capitalism over all of North America.

The idea that it was our destiny to colonize the continent, conquer it, and thrive was known as Manifest Destiny, and it described the essential expansion of the country westward.

Hence, the appropriate response is option A.

To learn more about Manifest Destiny




Who led the parliamentary forces to victory and would come to control the government during the Commonwealth period?


Oliver Cromwell was the person who led the parliamentary forces to victory and came to control the government during the Commonwealth period.

A parliamentary force is a group that, while not officially or legally belonging to a country's armed forces, mimics a skilled army in terms of organization, techniques, equipment, lifestyle, and (often) purpose.

Paramilitary organizations are called upon to carry out certain tasks when a country's armed forces or police are unable or unable to do so. Other groups may be labeled as paramilitaries based only on their organizational structure, even when they do not possess weapons or a combat role.

To know more about forces, click here.


Please help I will give brainliest


Immigration, the global economy, disease, and human rights are the topics of foreign policy. As a result, alternatives (A), (C), (D), and (E) are excellent options.

What is foreign policy?

The goals and actions a state undertakes in respect to its dealings with other states, unions, and other political bodies, whether bilaterally or through multilateral forums, constitute its foreign policy or exterior policy (as opposed to internal or domestic policy).

A government's foreign policy may be motivated by a number of goals. Foreign policy may be pursued for a variety of purposes, such as to promote economic growth, ensure national security, or aid struggling nations. Each state's single, comprehensive foreign strategy is based on a single set of interconnected foreign policy goals.

Learn more about foreign policies, from:


who was the second woman to become the president of the indian national congress in 1925 and the first indian woman to do so?



quien fue la primera presidenta de el congreso nacional en 1925


Sarojini Naidu was elected as the President of the Indian National Congress Party in 1925, the first ever woman to assume that position.

which battle was fought 15 days after the peace treaty was signed to end the war?


Just two weeks after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, U.S. General Andrew Jackson achieves the greatest American victory of the War of 1812 at the Battle of New Orleans.

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