A local manufacturing firm produces four different metal products, each of which must be machined, polished, and assembled. The specific time requirements for each product are as follows:
Machining hours Polishing hours Assembling hours Unit profit $
Product 1 3 1 2 6
Product 2 2 1 1 4
Product 3 2 2 2 6
Product 4 4 3 1 8

Every week, the firm has available to it a total of 480 hours of machining time, 400 hours of polishing time, and 400 hours of assembling time.

The firm has a contract with a distributor to provide 50 units of Product 1, and 100 units of any combination of Products 2 and 3 every week.

Through other customers, the firm can sell any number of units of Products 1, 2, and 3. However, no more than 25 units of Product 4 can be sold in a week.

How many units of each product should the firm produce each week, so that it can meet its contractual obligations, and maximize its total profit?


Answer 1

The monetary gain realized when the revenue from a commercial activity exceeds the costs, costs, and taxes incurred to maintain the activity in question is referred to as profit. Hence Maximize profit is $1,250 .  

What is profit ?

Any profits are returned to the company's owners, who can decide whether to keep them for their personal use, distribute them to shareholders as dividends, or reinvest them in the business.

Profit is the amount that remains after all expenses have been paid for a business. Making money is the primary goal of any business, whether it be a little lemonade stand or a publicly traded multinational organization. As a result, a company's success is determined by its profitability overall.

Step 1


xi = number of units to me produced of product i where i = {i = 1,2,3,4}

Objective is to maximize profit = Max 6x1+4x2+6x3+8x4


Subject to,

3x1+2x2+2x3+4x4 <= 480 (Machining hours)

x1+x2+2x3+3x4 <= 400 (Polishing hours)

2x1+x2+2x3+x4 <= 400 ( Assembly hours)

x1 >= 50 (Min demand of product 1)

x2+x3 >= 100 (Min demand of product 2 and 3)

x4 <= 25 (Max sell-product 4)

xi >= 0 (non-negativity constraint)


Solving in solver we get,

a. Production of Product 1 = 50 units per week

b. Production of Product 2 = 0 units per week

c. Production of Product 3 = 145 units per week

d. Production of Product 4 = 10 units per week

e. Total Profit = $1250 per week

Learn more about Profit here



Related Questions

critically evaluate how two conflict management skills and one communication skill can help you in sustaining positive relationships with other people​



Conflict often arises because we don’t always correctly read the behavior or words of another person. To do so takes some skill in communication. Some people have grown up in homes where those communication skills were modeled, discussed and refined over time. As a result, they now intuitively have a good idea of how to effectively navigate conflict and work toward resolve. Others though were less fortunate and now have to figure out how to work through conflict by trial and error.

The good news is that conflict resolution skills can be learned. But, you need to know which skills are most effective and then deliberately practice them on the relationships that are most important to you. Here are three powerful conflict resolution skills to get you started.

1. Empathy

Empathy is a feelings-oriented response which conveys sensitivity and understanding. Strong negative feelings can become a barrier to communication; this response can diminish those feelings. Empathy is accurately tuning in to what the other person is feeling at the time. It implies listening beyond the words and reflecting the feelings.

A helpful formula: You feel (emotion) because of (circumstance, situation).

Empathy examples:

You’re feeling discouraged because this behavior you see in me keeps repeating.

You’re offended and angry at my attempts to “fix” you.

You’re excited about your new opportunities for promotion at work.

You seem pleased that others recognize your gifts.

2. Probing

Probing seeks to ask questions in order to gain more information about what is going on. Open questions focus on the others’ general situation, thoughts, reactions, and feelings. They tend to promote communication. Closed questions focus on specific facts or aspects of the others situation, generally evoking “yes” or “no” answers.

Probing examples:

Do you think I am being stubborn about this decision? (closed)

You tell me I am stubborn. How does my tendency to be stubborn affect you? (open)

Do you want to talk or not? (closed)

I sense that you may not want to talk. Can you tell me what you’re feeling right now? (open)

Open questions are recommended for exploring a broad topic. Closed questions can be interspersed to get to specific facts or can be used to cut off long, irrelevant explanations. In either case, listening to the answer and responding with sensitivity is vital to the questioning process. Caution is needed with asking “why” questions. Example: “Why are you always so negative?” This will often put the other person on the defense and may also express disapproval or criticism.

3. Self–disclosure

Self-disclosure shows your attempts to give others insight into who you are. It is sharing something about yourself that relates directly to the conversation: your personal beliefs, attitudes, values, or an event from your past. Self–disclosure can reduce anxiety by reassuring the other person that he or she is not alone in their feelings or fears.

Self-disclosure examples:

When I went through a period of depression, I also had a hard time doing even the simplest things.

Like you, I never felt as if anyone accepted me for the way I was.

When I was a child, others frequently made fun of my weight; I know what it is like to stand out in a crowd.

Self-disclosure is useful in connecting with anyone who struggles with similar problems or life concerns. Caution: overuse of this response is not helpful because it focuses attention on yourself instead of the other person. It can be viewed as an attention-getting device. Use sparingly for the best effect.

Choose the right word that completes the sentence.
Early Dutch settlements were *blank* to exchange European goods for fur.
A. Trading Outposts
B. Farming Communities
C. Permanent Settlements



The first two answers are A the third is B.


I just got them right.

Use the drop-down menus to identify the watersheds.

Label A:

Label B:

Label C:

Label D:



A- James

B- Potomac-shenendoah

C- rappahannock

D- York


1)Which generation do you think is the poem addressing to?

2)What line/s caught your attention? Why?

3)What can you do to help your generation to avoid the situation that the poem has presented?

In 5 or more in each



1 is the current generation which is Z or maybe the millenials. But maybe more on Z. But it could actually be adressing all generations

2 Environmental destruction is the norm and Families stayed together


reason being that

1First they use some sort of free verse poem cause wow does this not have anything a traditional poem should have. Second, it talks about climate change which only the millenials and Z had issues adressed about it. But there is also "work is more important than family" which adresses the problem of the generation before millenials making the millenials who they are.

2Environmental destruction has been the norm even before the millenials were born and even when it has come to light it is still that, so this poem has a ton of ignorance in it. This era has honestly made more people at home and stayed together literally, if this is being figurative as in the love for family, many eras had families that have not stayed together while this one is honestly not too different just that everyone is more isolated(get the pun).

3The situation is already here so we cannot avoid but face against it or help the nexr. From work being more important than family(boomers) to being apathetic(Z). Situational awareness could help but not much. The only thing we can do is by educating everyone in schools about this. And having our voices be heard as well as finding any method to curb some of the capitalist corruption of our generation. In short, it is inevitable as our past generations, millenials or boomers, never helped us avoid this situation but instead either made it worse or just let it happen.

The poet is addressing to the current generation i.e. gen z or the millennials, the last line caught my attention and the problem in inevitable, it can be reduced a bit by educated about it in school.


What is the poetic idea behind “Lost Generation”?

The poet is addressing to the current generation, i.e. gen z or the millennials, but it could be possible he is addressing to all the generation.

The last line  caught my attention as the poet starts the poem with a pessimistic view but if we read the poem backwards the message of the poem become more powerful it destroys the cynical manner. By last line he ends the poem in a positive note that this all effect can be changed if we reverse all the things and the mind set.

The situation can not be avoided as we all are facing it. As work has replaced the importance of family. Situational awareness could help a bit. The only measure taken to reverse the current situation is by educating the younger generation in school the about the work-life balance and by curbing some capitalist corruption of our generation.

Therefore, the poet is referring to the current generation, the last line caught my attention and problem in inevitable, it can be reduced a bit by educated about it in school.

Learn more about  poetic idea behind “Lost Generation”:


how did the Mexican identity change from the arrival of the Spanish ( please help it due in like 5 minutes!!!!)



I would mention smth about how different culture was brought in. And that mixed together with traditions. Also language is big too! uhhh and the spanish treated mexicans horribly and enslaved them basically. Talk about that and how it may have strengthened the Mexican community as a whole?  


New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia are the five most populous cities in the United States. In each case, several tall buildings can be found in their city centers. The tallest buildings in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston are all more than 1,000 feet tall. Therefore, Philadelphia must also have buildings that are more than 1,000 feet tall.

Which of the following entities, if any, function as secondary analogues in above Passage?

a. Los Angeles
b. Houston
c. Chicago
d. Philadelphia
e. Buildings more than 1,000 feet tall
f. Tall buildings in the city center



D. Philadelphia


Philadelphia is the secondary analogue. A secondary analogue is used in comparison to primary analogues. Each of the five populous cities are found to have their tallest buildings to exceed a thousand feet. Since Philadelphia is also populous, the secondary analogue has it that it would also have buildings that are greater than a 1000 feet

This gives the federal government the right to tax your income.
a. the Preamble of the Constitution
C. Sixteenth Amendment
b. a presidential order
d. Article IV
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Article IV is the answer i think

Help me please im new to brainly



Increased literacy positive

Property take over negative

better healthcare positive

equal treatment of the poor positive

Control of the radio, tv, etc. negative

anti Castro people being killed negative

Communism negative

Food shortages negative

Rich Cubans leaving negative

US trade embargo negative

Nationalism negative


Good luck

Explain what is meant by a shift in the demand curve.



A shift in the demand curve is when a determinant of demand other than price changes. Therefore that tells you all determinants of demand other than price must stay the same.



it dtermines if the price and the demand change


if you need more of that product the it will go to the right the demand curve

Carcass most nearly means
A dead body.
C tape player.
D interior.

Please,Somebody can help me?




Explanation: carcass is like a dead body

Which of the following people would most likely file an amicus curiae brief with
a court?

A. a person not directly involved in a case
B. a prosecutor
C. a defense attorney


The answer is a person not directly involved in the case

1. Josef Stalin was the a dictator of

A Ruzsia
B Turkey
C Dominican Republic
D Russia


Joseph Stalin (1878- 1953) was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953.

Name the type of behavior




1. ethical



4 personal

5 ethcial

6 ethical

7 social

8 ethical

9 social

10 ethical

Which is the western-most state?


The western most-state is Alaska

list 3 ethics of Social work​



Ethical Principles. The following broad ethical principles are based on social work's core values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These principles set forth ideals to which all social workers should aspire.

brainliest? plz!

describe a good and safe relationship​



good realationship:  

stays by your side when you need them

doesnt go behind your back and do things you dont want them to do

excepts you for you

goes through life and death situations if ever happens which i hope not

you can always trust them with anything

you are comfortable to share thing that you wouldnt regularly share with anyone.


sorry i took long also hope this helps :)

a good and safe relationship is someone who you can trust, someone that will always be there for you when you need it and someone you can always count on




I think the answer is a it seems the most reasonable

it is claimed that, while dealing with environmental problems, “no politician will sacrifice short-term economic welfare”. What does this mean? If this is true for politicians, what can be the implications of this attitude for our environment ?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

It is claimed that, while dealing with environmental problems, “no politician will sacrifice short-term economic welfare”. What does this mean?

This means that today's politicians will always favor money over the protection of the environment. These politicians are short-sighted and do not consider the short and long-time effects of the destruction of the environment. Money is what they value the most.

If this is true for politicians, what can be the implications of this attitude for our environment?

The consequences can be seen in this very moment. We just have to watch the news. Climate change, global warming, large fires over California, extreme cold weather during the weather. What about the power crisis in Texas due to the frozen weather last winter?

These and many other evident consequences have more expensive costs for politicians and governments. But they cannot foresee the consequences because they are so immersed in satisfying the political and economic agendas of large private corporations that produce money.

Whos better XXXTentacion Juice WRLD or DaBaby


DaBaby all the way for sure!

How does the amount of the moon that is lit by the sun change as it moves from a new moon to a full moon?

A: The lit side of the moon get smaller.

B: The lit side of the moon gets larger

C: 50% of the moon is always lit up by the sun.



the answer is c


half of the moon is  always lit up it depends on the rotation on where the moon is at on its axis for the amount of the light we can see

As the moon transitions from a new moon to a full moon, the amount of the moon that is lit by the sun changes. The sun always illuminates 50% of the moon. Thus option (C) is correct.

What is the amount?

The size or quantity of non-count nouns is indicated by the word "amount." You can count the volume of air in a bottle or the volume of water in a beaker, for instance. The amount can be a noun or a verb, as was said above. Use of the noun: Add a little water to the dish. The dogs require various amounts of food, noun use. It is three bucks and change, to be exact.

The moon transitions from a new moon to a full moon, and the amount of the moon that is lit by the sun changes. The sun always illuminates 50% half of the moon is  always lit up it depends on the rotation of where the moon is at on its axis for the amount of light we can see

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the amount here:



ypothesis: Part II Now you will focus on a second hypothesis. This hypothesis can be very similar to the first, but this time you want to focus only on the second variable in question, speed. What could be a hypothesis that would illustrate the relationship between speed and kinetic energy? Use the format of "if…then…because…” when writing your hypothesis.



Sample Response: If the speed of an object increases, then its kinetic energy will increase proportionally because speed and kinetic energy have a linear relationship when graphed.

Which of the following statements is not true?

a. A classical concerto combines the virtuosity and interpretive abilities of a soloist with the wide range of tone color and dynamics of the orchestra.
b. Cadenzas in a classical concerto were indicated in the score by a fermata, and the soloist was expected to improvise, there being no music in the score at that point.
c. A typical sequence of movements in a classical concerto is fast, slow, dance-related, fast.
d. The first movement of a classical concerto is in sonata form, but has two expositions, one for the orchestra and one for the soloist.



c. A typical sequence of movements in a classical concerto is fast, slow, dance-related, fast.


A concert is a musical composition written for an instrument that will usually be accompanied by an orchestra, although there are concerts that are accompanied by a piano. Many people confuse the concert with any type of musical performance and although there are many types of concerts, there are musical performances that do not fall into that category. Among the categories of the concert, there is the category called classic concert whose main characteristic is the sequence of movements fast, slow, dance-related, fast.

what roles can the students play for the development of universal fraternity​





getting the same hobby as one another.

Select those who were eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ.

1. the emperor
2. Paul
3. Barnabas
4. Mary
5. the Apostles
6. James
7. five hundred
8. Timothy


5, 6, 7, 4, I believe it’s those

Who is the "Father of Our Country"?



George Washington


I hope this helps.


George Washington.


1st U.S. President

what is the central idea of THE LURE OF SHAKESPEARE


It’s likely that many playwrights from Shakespeare’s time had a better grasp on the English language, but their work was never properly preserved.

the different between probation and parole


An offender on probation remains under court supervision and must adhere to strict rules throughout the probation term or risk going behind bars after all. Parole is a conditional release from prison and his overseen by the state's correctional system

Is this sentence
simple or compound?
The page in my
book ripped, so
my mom taped
it for me
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence


It is a simple sentence
simple sorry if i’m wrong!!

In 1954, the Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The decision stated that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal” and began the process of national integration of public schools. In response, southern legislators in Congress signed a statement of opposition to the court’s decision.

Read the declaration of resistance to Brown v. Board of Education, which has been called the Southern Manifesto. Then write a brief essay of one to two pages examining the following question:

Why did the authors of the Southern Manifesto claim that Chief Justice Earl Warren’s decision was a threat to the US constitutional order? Consider what type of arguments they make. Can you link their argument to any other situations in US history?



I already reworded my essay so you could copy and paste unless many others have done that as well otherwise I would suggest using something like quillbot


On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren issued the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, ruling that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. As a result, legislation would no longer force children of color in the United States to attend traditionally under-resourced Black-only schools. The decision was a watershed moment in the American civil rights movement. It would take much more than a degree from the nation's highest court to change hearts and two centuries of ingrained bigotry. Brown was first met with apathy, as well as fierce opposition in most southern states.

Monroe Elementary, her all-Black school, was fortunate and uncommon in that it had well-kept buildings, well-trained staff, and adequate supplies. The other four complaints in the Brown case, on the other hand, pointed to more pervasive problems. The Clarendon, South Carolina, school buildings were described as deteriorating wooden shacks throughout the trial. Due to overcrowding, children were forced to learn on an old school bus and in shacks. The high school in Prince Edward County, Virginia, lacks a cafeteria, gym, nurse's office, and teachers' restrooms.

For the first time since the Reconstruction Era, the Supreme Court's ruling focused national attention to African-American enslavement. So, what's the outcome? The development of a new civil rights movement that would employ boycotts, sit-ins, freedom rides, and voter registration campaigns to fight segregation and achieve legal equality for Black families. The Brown decision prompted Southern blacks to fight Jim Crow laws that were restrictive and punitive, but it also rallied Southern whites in support of segregation, resulting in the famous 1957 standoff at a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. Violence against civil-rights activists had escalated by the mid-1960s, alarming many in the North and abroad but also aiding in the passage of major civil-rights and voting-rights legislation. Finally, in 1964, two provisions of the Civil Rights Act gave the federal government the power to compel school integration for the first time: the Justice Department could sue schools that refused to integrate, and the federal government could withhold funds from segregated schools. Over a third of Black children in the South were enrolled in integrated schools within five years of the act's adoption, and by 1973, that figure had climbed to over 90%.



On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren gave the majority decision in Brown v. Board of Education, holding that racial segregation in public schools violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Rights Clause. As a result, legislation would no longer mandate those American children of color attend historically underfunded Black-only schools. The choice marked a turning point in the civil rights struggle in the United States. It would take a lot more than a degree from the nation's highest court to change minds and two centuries of engrained intolerance. In the majority of the southern states, Brown was encountered with political apathy as well as fierce criticism.

The Supreme Court's decision brought African-American slavery into the national spotlight for the first time since the Reconstruction Era. What is the result, then? the creation of a new civil rights movement to combat segregation and win legal equal

Newsela article Butterflies use jet propulsion for quick getaways



what do you want answer for

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