A 65-year-old woman reports being housebound despite feeling physically healthy. Several years ago, she fell while shopping although she sustained no injuries, the situation was so upsetting that she become extremely nervous when she had to leave her house unaccompanied, for fear that she would have a panic attack. Because she has no children and few friends whom she can ask to accompany her, she is very distressed that she has few opportunities to venture outside her home. What is the most likely diagnosis


Answer 1


Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder. A person with agoraphobia is afraid to leave environments they know or consider to be safe. In severe cases, a person with agoraphobia considers their home to be the only safe environment. They may avoid leaving their home for days, months or even years


mental illness

Related Questions

Color constancy refers to the fact that
A) light waves reflected by an object remain constant despite changes in lighting.
B) objects are perceived to be the same color even if the light they reflect changes.
C) the perceived color of an object has a constant relation to its brightness.
D) the frequency of light waves is directly proportional to the light's wavelength.
E) colors remain the same hue even when the tint changes under our difference threshold.


Color constancy refers to the fact that objects are perceived to be the same color even if the light they reflect changes. hence option (b) is the answer.

What causes color constancy?

The capacity to detect colors consistently under a variety of lighting conditions is referred to as color constancy. A red apple, for instance, will continue to appear red whether it's sunny or gloomy, inside or outside of a grocery store.

For color constancy, there are two potential mechanisms. Unconsciously drawn conclusions are the first mechanism. According to the second theory, this phenomenon is brought about by sensory adaptation. According to research, alterations in retinal cells and vision-related areas of the cortex are linked to variations in color constancy.

To learn more about color constancy, visit:



What did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists believe?


While the Anti-Federalists opposed the development of a strong national government, the Federalists campaigned for a strong union and the ratification of the Constitution.

Who exactly were the federalists?

The supporters of the proposed Constitution were referred to as "federalists." The suggested strategy that they supported was in many ways the opposite of "federalism," which denotes a strong central government.

During the conflict in 1788 over ratification of the Constitution by nine or more state conventions, Federalist supporters fought for a strong union and the adoption of the Constitution, while The Articles of Confederation, the antecedent of the Constitution, were protected by anti-Federalist opponents who battled against the establishment of a more powerful national government.

To know more about Constitution, visit:



3. how realistic do you think the assumptions made about mobile populations are (refer to the introduction)? what might happen in a real mobile population that would affect these assumptions, and thus your results?


A large number of techniques exist for sampling and estimating populations of mobile organisms.

What assumptions do you make when using the mark-recapture technique?

The underlying premise of mark-recapture techniques is that the percentage of marked individuals recaptured in the second sample corresponds to the percentage of marked people in the population as a whole.

The Lincoln-Peterson Index of Population Size is the name given to this approach in algebra. Since they move around, congregate, and conceal themselves from ecologists, mobile animals are typically easier to define as individuals but more difficult to count. With migratory animals, quadrats are not an effective strategy since it is difficult to determine what area the entire population occupies due to mobility into and out of the study site.

If you wanted to determine the boundaries of a population of largemouth bass in a farm pond, you could easily draw a line around a population map.

To learn more about  mobile organisms refer to:



What is one main theme in much of Frost's poetry Mcq?


Frost's poetry frequently references nature, and most of his poems depict a conversation or contact between a human speaker and a natural object or occurrence.

What are Robert Frost's main themes?

A close assessment of his work would show that Frost was a person who had handled both the difficult and peaceful times of life with dignity .The fundamental elements of a man's existence that he looked into are his interactions with himself, his fellow humans, his environment, and his God.

What is the poet's overarching theme?

The theme of a poem is the idea that a poet is trying to express through their writing. The key idea is different from the topic because it explains.

To know more about Frost's poetry visit:-



(T/F) in this asian country, you can find people dressed as santa, not in red, but blue or green.


In this asian country, you can find people dressed as santa, not in red, but blue or green. Correct option True.

St Nicholas, who was the real historical figure who Santa Claus is based on, was originally seen as wearing red, since that was the colour of the religious robes he would have worn for his role as the Bishop of Myra in Turkey in the 3rd Century.

What color did Santa's outfit originally have?

Nast's art changed the color of Santa's attire from tan to red, but he also depicted him wearing a green suit. Haddon Sundblom, whose illustrations of Santa have appeared in Coca-Cola Company advertisements since 1931, is sometimes wrongly credited with this modification.

Learn more about Santa's outfit to visit this link



What is the main idea of design by Robert Frost?


The main thesis of Robert Frost's poem "Design" is that God has no control over nature or people.

What aims to communicate with the poem Design?

The central claim of Robert Frost's poem "Design" is that neither nature nor humanity are under the power of God.

Robert Frost's poem "Design," which first appeared in a 1922 anthology of American poetry, discusses the idea that the complexity of the world requires the existence of a supernatural creator.

What does the poem Design by Robert Frost mean?

The fourteen-line sonnet "Design" explores the hypothesis that an evil mind created the cosmos and nature. The poem largely plays with theological controversy despite being based on an ordinary observation of a spider on a flower holding a dead moth aloft.

To know more about poem :



What is judicial review Kid definition?


Judicial Review refers to the Supreme Court's (or High Courts') authority to review the constitutionality of any law and declare it invalid and inapplicable if it finds that the law's provisions conflict with those of the Constitution.

Judicial review is a type of court proceeding in which a judge examines the legality of a public body's decision or action. In other words, judicial reviews challenge the process by which a decision was made rather than the rights and wrongs of the conclusion reached.

The Supreme Court's most well-known power, judicial review, or the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act to be in violation of the Constitution, is not found in the text of the Constitution itself. This doctrine was established by the Court in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803).

To learn more about Supreme Court's click here:



Which country is known as agricultural country?


Which Countries Produce the Most Food? China, India, the United States, and Brazil are the world's top agricultural producers, in that order.

Answer: The U.S. is a good one. You could also say India. Hope this helps!


What did Napoleon blame Snowball for?


Napoleon trains a litter of puppies to be loyal to him: when they are fully grown, he uses the dogs to chase Snowball, his main rival, off the farm. Napoleon justifies his takeover by telling the other animals that Snowball was a traitor secretly working for the human farmers.

When should you start saving for retirement?


The importance of compound interest The reason it's critical to begin saving as soon as feasible is that having a larger time horizon allows compound interest to work harder.

The horizon is the visible arc that separates on surface of the a celestial body out of its sky when seen from the viewpoint of an investigator on or near - top of the appropriate body. This curve splits all view directions based upon whether it contacts the surface of the relevant body or not. The true horizon is a hypothetical line that can only be observed with any level of precision whenever it lies along a reasonably flat surface, such as that of the Earth's seas. This line is hidden by geography in many places, and on Earth it could also be covered by living organisms such as plants and/or human structures such as buildings. The visible horizon is formed by the junction of such barriers with the sky.

Learn more about barriers here



Aaron T. Beck would most likely.


Aaron T. Beck would most likely. focus on a client's catastrophic thinking patterns.

According to Aaron T. Beck's cognitive theory of depression, people who are prone to depression develop inaccurate/unhelpful core beliefs about themselves, others, and the world as a result of their learning histories.

Aaron Temkin Beck (born July 18, 1921) is a retired American psychiatrist and emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. He is widely regarded as the "Father of Cognitive Therapy," and his groundbreaking theories are widely used to treat clinical depression.

Beck discovered that his depressed patients frequently had random negative thoughts about themselves, the world, and others. Patients who ruminated on these thoughts began to accept them as true.

Learn more about Aaron T. Beck to visit this link



What are 10 interesting facts about Latin America?


Latin America was created in the 1500s after the "discovery" of the New World by Europeans.

Which Latin American fact do you find most intriguing?

With about 80% of its population residing in cities, Latin America is the most urbanized continent in the world. Latin America is where the mambo, salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba, and tango dances originated. Compared to its size, it has the smallest coastline of any continent. The United Mexican States is how Mexico is formally known. South America consists of 12 nations. Brazil is the largest nation in South America. South American summers are warm and muggy. South America is traversed by the Amazon River. Brazil, the largest coffee grower in the world, is located here.  Spain, France, and Portugal were among the nations who colonized the area. Although Spain colonized the majority of Latin America, Portugal and France also had a significant impact on the continent.

To know more about Latin America visit:



when wanda recalls exactly the time of day, the location, and who was around when first learning about a high-profile school shooting, which type of memory is activated?


When Wanda recalls exactly the time of day, the location, and who was around when first learning about a high-profile school shooting, type of memory is activated Flashbulb memory.

Memory refers back to the mental method of retrieving, storing, storing and later retrieving information. There are 3 important approaches associated with memory.

This is the long-term retention of information intended to influence future behavior.

Flashbulb reminders are vivid, long-lasting reminders of amazing or shocking events that happened in the past.

The term "flashbulb memory" refers to the wonder, random lighting, detail, and brevity of photography. However, flash memory is somewhat random and far from perfect. People trust their memories very much, but it has been shown that they can forget the details of their memories.

To learn more about flashbulb memory, here:



What is the simplest definition of inflation?



The simplest definition of inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level increases, the purchasing power of money decreases, meaning that it takes more money to buy the same goods or services.


Inflation is usually measured as an annual percentage increase in the general price level, and it is typically expressed as the inflation rate. For example, if the inflation rate is 3%, it means that the general price level has increased by 3% over the past year.

Inflation can be caused by a variety of factors, including an increase in the demand for goods and services, an increase in the cost of production, or a decrease in the supply of money. Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States, often use monetary policy to try to control inflation and maintain price stability.

learn more about inflation:


Why is India an agricultural country Class 8?


India is a significant agricultural nation. Its population is comprised primarily of farmers, at two thirds. The majority of the food we consume is produced through the primary industry of agriculture. It also produces raw materials for various industries in addition to food grains.

Why India is said to as an agricultural nation Why?

In India, the main source of employment is in the agricultural industry and its related industries. Its rural households still rely primarily on agriculture for survival in 70 percent of cases, with small and marginal farmers making up 82 percent of the farming population.

Why is Class 4 India an agricultural nation?

There is a lot of extremely fertile land in India. In addition, India is a populous nation and requires extensive production of food grains. Indian monsoon weather is quite favorable for farming. India's primary economic activity is hence agriculture.

To Know more about primary industry



Primates are able to acquire language about as fast as speaking children can.


Primates are able to acquire language about as fast as speaking children can.

The correct statement is True

We learn certain languages as a result of the interaction between our biology and experience. Fluency in speaking and/or signing is best learned throughout childhood. This is a crucial factor for parents of deaf children to take into account since they might develop oral communication skills if given a cochlear implant during this crucial time.Although chimpanzees have sound vocabularies, they do not rearrange the component sounds to produce new meanings. However, the majority of kids develop complex and skilled language use within the first three years of life without any specific training aside than exposure to language.

To know more about primates here



What was a major reason for creating the Tennessee Valley Authority quizlet?


The Tennessee Valley Authority was established by this act of May 18, 1933, to supervise the construction of dams in the Tennessee Valley basin that would regulate flooding, enhance navigation, and provide cheap energy.

What do we mean by Tennessee Valley Authority?

President Roosevelt created the "New Deal" in an effort to help America get out of the Great Depression.

Raising the level of living in the poor Tennessee Valley is the goal of the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was founded to help.

This act of May 18, 1933, created the Tennessee Valley Authority to oversee the construction of dams in the Tennessee Valley basin that would control flooding, improve navigation, and offer inexpensive energy.

Its main goal was to help the Tennessee Valley, an area that had experienced relative poverty and infrastructural neglect during the Great Depression, by providing navigation, flood control, energy generation, fertilizer manufacturing, regional planning, and economic growth.

Therefore, the Tennessee Valley Authority was established by this act of May 18, 1933, to supervise the construction of dams in the Tennessee Valley basin that would regulate flooding, enhance navigation, and provide cheap energy.

Know more about Tennessee Valley Authority here:



Tamika suffers from schizophrenia, has been purposelessly pacing back and forth and rubbing her hands together in a special pattern for several hours. Tamika is exhibiting.


Tamika suffers from schizophrenia, has been purposelessly pacing back and forth and rubbing her hands together in a special pattern for several hours. Tamika is exhibiting catatonic behavior.

Catatonic schizophrenia has a severe impact on how you walk. You may be completely quiet and silent. Or you might become hyperactive for no apparent cause. This disorder is now known as schizophrenia with catatonic characteristics or schizophrenia with catatonia.

Catatonia is a condition that causes a person to lose consciousness of their surroundings. People with this syndrome may respond very little or not at all to their environment, or they may behave in strange, surprising, or dangerous ways to themselves or others.

Disorganized or aberrant motions or motor activities are a positive sign of schizophrenia. Catatonic behavior, which entails diminished response to the environment, is an example of this.

For more information on Catatonic schizophrenia, visit :



What was Adam Smith theory called?


Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. Smith's first book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, was published in 1759. It establishes the psychological framework on which The Wealth of Nations was eventually to be created while also serving as didactic, exhortative, and analytical at various points.

What did Adam Smith say in The Theory of Moral Sentiments?

The Theory of Moral Sentiments was a significant advance in science. It demonstrates how our inherent social character as beings of community shapes both our moral beliefs and behavior. It makes the case that social psychology is a superior moral decision-making tool to rationality, sympathy and self-interest. As individuals, we naturally want to take care of ourselves. That is only common sense.

However, Smith argues that because we are social beings, we also possess a built-in ability to feel empathy for other people. We feel for others, but less powerfully, when we witness them in suffering or joy. Similar to how we do, other people try to empathize with us.

Learn more about Adam Smith, here:



What is meant by patronage politics?


Patronage politics provide resources and advantages to followers in exchange for their allegiance and political support under the system of patronage politics.

In this system, elected officials may use their influence to give employment, contracts, or other advantages to their followers in order to develop and keep a political base.

Patronage politics exist at all levels of governance, from local to national, and in a variety of forms. It can take many different forms, including the nomination of political allies to public jobs, the awarding of government contracts to preferred businesses, or the use of public funds to further preferred political causes or parties.

Patronage politics, according to their detractors, can result in corruption and the misuse of power because politicians may put the needs of their followers above the interests of the general public. Politicians may be held less accountable to the broader public than to their followers, which can also result in a lack of responsibility.

To learn more about patronage politics



Between _____ months of age, most infants can lift their midsections and crawl on "all fours." Group of answer choices 8 and 10 10 and 12 12 and 14 14 and 16


Between the range of 8 and 10 months old enough, most newborn children can lift their waists and slither on "each of the fours." There are additional mental changes in that babies start to take drives and point out themselves. At this age, they foster a serious interest in the item world.

As your child figures out how to move unhesitatingly from a sitting situation to every one of the fours, they'll before long acknowledge they can shake this way and that and push off with their knees to creep.

your child will figure out how to hang over onto every one of the fours. Before long, they'll push off with their knees slithering. As they become dexterous, set out pads, pads, and boxes for them to slither over and around.

Hence option(a) is correct.

Learn more about midsections and crawl:



What are the ideals of American democracy?


Liberty, equality, and self-governing are the three pillars of American democracy. The Founders' Fathers set these values as their objectives.

What are the 5 principles of American democracy?

Beliefs about what the government can and cannot do, as well as how the electorate participates in politics, are at the heart of American government. Learn about the five guiding concepts of federalism, limited government, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and checks and balances.

What were the 3 main systems of democracy?

Democracy based on consensus as opposed to traditional majority rule. Constitutional democracy is a form of government. Genuine deliberation, rather than just voting, is the key to making moral decisions in a deliberative democracy.

To know more about American democracy visit:                  brainly.com/question/28649638


What is the theme or underlying message of the Oklahoma bombing memorial address?


The theme or the underlying message of the Oklahoma bombing memorial address is to respond to the Oklahoma City bombing and give a helping hand to the ones who lost loved ones.

The theme or underlying message of the Oklahoma bombing memorial address is what America as a nation must carry out in order to keep this from occurring again. Individuals who went through uncontrolled emotional pain years after the event. allowed terrorists to kill thousands of citizens. The effect of the bombing was known to be far-reaching and extended beyond the borders of Oklahoma which led to various mass casualties and injuries.

To know more about the Oklahoma bombing:



What are the 5 values of Latino culture?



Traditional Latino values include familism, respect, religion, and traditional gender roles, whereas mainstream values include independence/self-reliance, competition/personal accomplishment, and so on.


Who were the Redeemers and how did they change society and politics in the South?


The Redeemers were a political group established in the American South in the 1870s. Their goal was to "redeem" the South by removing Republicans from power and restoring white supremacy. Most Redeemers were white landowning farmers who benefited from the old social order in the South.

When derivatively classifying information one must carefully?


Derivative classifiers must thoroughly examine the material they are classifying in order to ascertain what information it contains or discloses and then assess that information in comparison to authorised classification guidance (such as the Security Classification Guide (SCG), Classified Document, or DD-254). Unclassified does not imply unmarked.

Each section of a document that is derivatively categorised must be noted before the section to which it relates. One of the three categorization levels outlined in E.O. 13526 must be used to identify information (Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential). Incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or creating information that has previously been classified in a new way is referred to as "derivative classification," and the newly created material is then marked in accordance with the classification marks that apply to the original information. The protection and integrity of classified information are upheld by derivative classifiers. These people need to be knowledgeable with classification management and marking procedures as well as the subject matter of the classified information.

To learn more about Derivative click the link below:



Evidence believed to support the theory of evolution fall into which major categories?


Evidence believed to support the theory of evolution fall into the major categories of fossil record, homologous structures, biogeography, and molecular biology.

There are five types of evidence which are for evolution and so they are discussed in this section as, fossil layers, ancient organism remains, similarities among the organisms alive today, the similarities in their DNA, and embryos.

However, the theory of evolution is said to be supported by instances of certain said direct observation, the existence of homologies and fossils, molecular biology, and also certain biogeographical patterns.

Hence, evidence believed to support the theory of evolution fall into such major categories.

To learn more about the theory of evolution here:



Similarities and differences between the present day nepal and the Ancient Greece
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Modern - Day Nepal and Ancient Greece have certain similarities and differences but these are majorly based on their, Culture, Political Sphere, Government, and History.

Similarities Both countries are democratic republics. In ancient Greece, there was a parliament, and voting rights were provided to all adult men (not women), and Nepal became a Federal republic in 2008 abolishing the Monarchy rule which was more than 200 years old.

The Architecture, of both nations, is magnificent such structures are considered a wonder by archaeologists and historians, as the structures not only contain designs but are also the medium to study the history of both nations as these structures contain stories and scriptures of their time.

The Culture of Nepal and Ancient Greece is similar. From religion to language its spread was majorly through the oral tradition and the worship of Gods is also similar, as the people residing in both countries prayed to many Gods. Like Zeus, Indra Dev, Ares, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Athena, and Goddess Laxmi.

DifferencesThe philosophers and the discoveries that were provided to the world by Ancient Greece were much more in comparison to Nepal, Even the Greek Philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates are known to this world as there are no such famous philosophers or thinkers provided by Nepal to the world.

The Greek products became famous not only in the European peninsula but throughout the world due to their advanced navy and the trade routes the Greek sailors' journeys were famous throughout the Meditarrian Sea, whereas the trade from Nepal has never gained any significant place in the world.

The foundation of Greek democracy was built on the workings and on maintenance of Slavery in their country. Whereas the history of Nepal's democracy came with a revolution that overthrew its Monarchy.

To learn more about ancient Greece


What is scarcity your answer?


When a good or service is in higher demand than it is readily available, it is said to be in excess of its capacity which is referred to as scarcity.

What is a shortage and why is it a problem?

The primary economic issue is scarcity. Because there aren't enough resources to meet everyone's needs, it develops. There is always a lack. Rich people experience scarcity when their wants exceed their means, when they are forced to make choices between alternatives because they are unable to be in two places at once, and when these situations arise frequently.

How essential is scarcity?

To comprehend how products and services are valued, one must understand scarcity. Because marketers of these commodities and services can charge higher rates, things that are scarce, like gold, diamonds, or specific types of knowledge, are more valued for being scarce.

To know more about Scarcity visit:



How does Enkidu change Gilgamesh?


Gilgamesh is inspired to change by love, both sensual and platonic. Gilgamesh transforms Enkidu from a savage to a decent man thanks to their relationship, while Gilgamesh transforms from a bully and dictator into a model ruler and hero.

The third and most significant lesson Enkidu imparts to Gilgamesh is what it means to be a human. He teaches Gilgamesh the significance of love and compassion, of loss and ageing, and of mortality. Enkidu wins Gilgamesh's respect and friendship by demonstrating that he is an equal to him. Gilgamesh gradually absorbs Enkidu's personality as a result of their adventures together and their developing friendship. He gains a deeper appreciation for his subjects and his duties as monarch toward them. Their friendship unites god, humans, and animals. His relationship with Enkidu causes Gilgamesh to undergo metamorphosis. Enkidu helps him improve as a person and as a leader. Gilgamesh's relationship with Enkidu has enhanced his life.

To learn more about Gilgamesh click the link below:



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