(1) Hiring Jane for a position in your restaurant is an awesome
decision for you.

(2) With her superior organizational skills,
ability to relate to others, and general sense of responsibility,
Jane is an ideal candidate for this position.

(3) As her previous
employer, I have often seen her take personal responsibility for
solving problems - even those caused by others.

(4)Furthermore, customers frequently praised her for making a
great effort to ensure that they had a positive experience.

(5)Hiring Jane will prove to be a decision nobody will regret.
Which option best revises this paragraph to maintain a formal tone

A. Replace sentence 1 with: Hiring Jane for a position in your
restaurant is a wise decision that will prove beneficial to

B. Replace sentence 4 with: Furthermore, she was frequently
praised by customers for making a great effort to ensure
that a positive experience was had.

C. Replace sentence 2 with: With her superior organizational
skills, ability to relate to others, and general sense of
responsibility, she'll be totally great.

D. Replace sentence 3 with: As her previous employer, I have
often seen her take personal answerability for deciphering
quagmires - even those resulting from the actions of
negligent colleagues


Answer 1
The answer is B, that’s the best answer I see out of all of them

Related Questions

What is the purpose of an in-text parenthetical citation?


Parenthetical citations are references to primary sources that are found inside the body of your essay. This saves you the hassle of having to create footnotes or endnotes and enables the reader to know right away where your data comes from.

When you quote or paraphrase from another source, you must give that source credit in parenthesis. It includes details like the author's name, the date of publication, and, if applicable, the page number(s). Many citation formats, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago, call for the use of parenthetical citations. Parenthetical citations are advantageous because they acknowledge the original author's or speaker's viewpoint or body of work inside the text. The voice of the referenced author, the publication date, and the information's source can all be understood by the reader as a result.

To know more about  purpose of an in-text parenthetical citation, click on the link below:



How does the author use language in the excerpt from Enrique's Journey to support the author's purpose in the excerpt from?


The passage from Enrique's Journey describes what transpired to one victim, and "Children of the Drug Wars" uses language that evokes strong feelings in order to move readers to action.

From a third-person viewpoint, the author describes Enrique's voyage. Most of this is from Enrique's perspective, but occasionally the author also uses other characters to narrate the story.

The reader can follow along with the action in the story thanks to this approach.

The author of this biography wants to illustrate how challenging it can be to travel in some environments. Enrique is shown in this scene traveling on a train that will take him away from Chiapas and toward his mother.

To introduce the protagonist and characterize his personality, to demonstrate how challenging it is to travel in particular climes, and to clarify when and where the novel takes place, the author uses how dangerous it is to leave Honduras. Is.

To know more about Enrique's journey:



CCL and RLA for the lesson adventures of toto grade 9


For the lesson the adventures of Toto, the story is about the adventure of a naughty red monkey named, Toto.

What should we know about the "Adventures of Toto"?

Toto is a red little monkey that was bought with 5 rupees by the narrator's grandfather. He bought Toto from a Tonga driver because he wanted to add him to the collection of animals he had in his Zoo at home. Toto's naughty eyes, white teeth, and red hair made Toto pretty. The monkey is seen as smart and funny because of how he would imitate the narrator, and how assessed his surrounding. Toto is also destructive.  The monkey was so mischievous that the narrator's grandfather had to take it to Saharanpur.

Learn more about the word Toto here;



What is Sancho's purpose for writing quizlet?


Sancho's purpose for writing is, "to convince Sterne to write about slavery."

The primary goal of Sancho's writing is to inspire Sterne to produce other works that are critical of slavery. And this is based on the letters written by the late Ignatius Sancho, an African-American man who sought to inform people about how they were treated and the suffering they endured during slavery.

According to the passage provided in response to this query, Sancho's writing aims to persuade Sterne to produce further works that are critical of slavery. Based on an excerpt from Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, a book written by an African who wants to educate the public about the suffering and exploitation of slaves, this article.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Based on the passage, what is Sancho’s purpose for writing?

to critique one of Sterne’s books

to convince Sterne to write about slavery

to thank Sterne for speaking against slavery

to talk Sterne into giving money to charity

To learn more about Sancho's Writing here:



Why is the windmill so important in the novel Animal Farm?


The windmill is important in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" for several reasons.

First, the windmill represents the animals' hope for a better future. They see the windmill as a way to improve their lives and make their work easier. It is a symbol of their hard work and determination, as they put a lot of effort into building it.

Second, the windmill represents the animals' desire for independence and their struggle to break free from human control. It is a symbol of their rebellion against the farmer Mr. Jones and their efforts to create a society in which they are free and equal.

Third, the windmill represents the challenges and setbacks that the animals face as they try to create a better life for themselves. The process of building the windmill is difficult and slow, and it becomes a source of conflict and tension within the animal community. The windmill is ultimately destroyed, which represents the failures and setbacks that the animals face as they try to achieve their goals.

Overall, the windmill is an important symbol in "Animal Farm" that represents the animals' hope for a better future, their desire for independence, and the challenges and setbacks they face as they try to create a better life for themselves.

Find out more about Novel Animal Farm



What are 5 examples of connotation?


Connotation, or the associated meanings of a word, can often be far more powerful than its literal definition. In literature, it can be used to emphasize a certain emotion or meaning, or even to add a bit of subtle humor.

Here are five examples of connotation that can be used in various contexts.

1. The phrase “bitter cold” is often used to describe a particularly harsh winter. By adding “bitter” to “cold,” the speaker is implying that the cold is not just cold, but unpleasant and harsh.

2. The phrase “a blessing in disguise” is used to describe a situation that is bad on the surface, but which ultimately leads to a positive outcome. The connotation here is that the person is being blessed in a way that they cannot see on the surface.

3. The phrase “a ticking time bomb” is often used to describe a situation that is dangerous and unpredictable. By adding “ticking” to “time bomb” the speaker is implying that the situation is not just dangerous, but has the potential to cause immense destruction.

4. The phrase “a white knight” is often used to describe a person who comes to the rescue in a difficult situation. The connotation here is that the person is heroic and noble, like a knight in shining armor.

5. The phrase “a cash cow” is used to describe a business that is very profitable and reliable. Here, the connotation is that the business is like a cow, providing a steady stream of money.

Learn more about connotation at :https://brainly.com/question/16701112


moses and the hebrews’ most significant contribution to democratic-republican governance. True or False


It's true that, Moses and the Hebrews made the biggest contribution to democratic-republican rule.

The idea of one God acting as both the universe's creator and supreme ruler was initially accepted by the Hebrews. These people were known as the Hebrews as "Yahweh." The Hebrew Bible, known as the "Old Testament," is a chronicle of the history, moral standards, and religious convictions of the Hebrew people. They did not bring affluent empires or ground-breaking inventions to humanity in the early days.

Instead, it was the ground-breaking notion of monotheism—the conviction that there was only one deity. This one deity in Hebrew was known as Yahweh. The most significant Jewish prophet is Moses. He is historically credited for composing the Torah and guiding the Israelites through the Red Sea and out of Egypt. He is born in the book of Exodus, when the Egyptian pharaoh had decreed that every male Hebrew must be drowned.

Learn more about Moses Visit: brainly.com/question/11656093


Why does the speaker say we do not need the wall Mending Wall?


At its heart, “Mending Wall” is a poem about borders—the work it takes to maintain them and the way they shape human interactions.

The speaker and the speaker's neighbor spend much of the poem rebuilding a wall that divides their properties.

They do not require the wall, according to the speaker, because their fields are divided into two separate categories. While the speaker owns an apple orchard, the neighbor's land is covered in pine trees.

The speaker believes that neither his apple trees nor his pine trees' cones will ever cross and devour each other.

The poem introduces you to the fundamental essence of things right away. As a result, the narrator asserts that there is something in nature that opposes walls.

He claims that while man has built numerous barriers, they are all demolished and ruined, either by the elements or by hunters who are looking for rabbits to feed their canines.

Learn more about to  Mending Wall” visit here;



What is an example of irony in Gilgamesh?


One example of irony in the story of Gilgamesh is the fact that Gilgamesh, who is described as being two-thirds god and one-third human, is searching for immortality, even though he is already partly immortal. This is ironic because he is seeking something that he already possesses to a certain extent.

Another example of irony in the story is the fact that Gilgamesh, who is known for his strength and prowess as a warrior, is ultimately unable to achieve immortality and must confront his own mortality. This is ironic because it shows that even someone as powerful and mighty as Gilgamesh is ultimately subject to the same fate as all mortals.

Finally, the fact that Gilgamesh's friend and companion, Enkidu, who was once wild and untamed, becomes civilized and ultimately dies, is also an example of irony. This is because the process of civilization, which is meant to bring order and enlightenment, ultimately leads to Enkidu's death.

Find out more about immortality



How is Bode able to solve his problem?


What was the cause and effect?

Who is Squealer in Animal Farm based on?


Squealer, who serves as a communications officer and represents Stalin's propaganda apparatus, serves as a mediator between the pigs and the other farm animals.

Animal Farm by George Orwell, which was published in 1945, examines and critiques totalitarianism and centralized authority. The book, which has been called a fairytale that examines the politics of Orwell's era, cautions readers against giving a few people or very small organizations unlimited authority. Orwell placed his book on a farm where the animals drive out the farmer, Mr. Jones, and establish an egalitarian society as a way of analyzing the effects of the Russian Revolution and the emergence of Stalinism.

A pig named Squealer serves as Napoleon's spokesperson and propagandist. Squealer is the primary communicator when Napoleon, the head pig, needs the animals to exhibit a particular behavior or accept a certain doctrine. According to Orwell, when Squealer is truly on message, his tail twitches or moves erratically, which is a symptom of Squealer's language manipulation and manufacture of lies. "You don't want Mr. Jones to come back," Squealer frequently says in reference to the prior farmer that the animals loathed.

To know more about Squealer click here,



How do you find the Z alpha of a normal distribution?


 Z denotes the critical value at which the right-tailed area under a standard normal distribution is, i.e. P(Z>Z)= According to this rule, Z2 = Z0.025 = 1.96 and Z1 = Z0.975 = 1.96 if =0.05. On the other hand, some online sources define Z as the inverse function of the common normal CDF.

Detailed explanation:

We have the following information on this situation:

In order to create a confidence interval with 99% accuracy, we need to know the significance level and the value of. The t distribution should be used in this situation since we are aware of the population deviation, and the z distribution provides the optimal quantile under the assumption that the population is normally distributed.

And if we locate the critical value using Excel or the normal standard distribution, we obtain:

Additionally, we can employ the Excel code below:


Learn more about standard distribution here



What does iambic pentameter signify?


Traditional English poetry and verse play often use the metric form of iambic pentameter. Rhythm is measured in units called "feet," which are discrete groupings of syllables. The phrase refers to the rhythm, or meter, established by the words in that line.

The most typical metre used in English poetry is iambic pentameter. On the basis of French and Italian models, Chaucer introduced it to English for the first time in the 14th century. It is utilised in a number of significant English poetry forms, including the heroic couplet, blank verse, and several of the more conventionally rhymed stanza types. Shakespeare's sonnets and plays are well known for their use of iambic pentameter.

To learn more about Iambic pentameter refer here:



Which best explains the symbolism of the urban setting in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

A. Life is fast paced and energetic, and over before long.

B. Nature is the best environment in which to grow.

C. The world is a crowded, noisy place with no room for


D. Modern life is lonely, gloomy, and unnatural.


The option that explains the urban setting is "Modern life is lonely, gloomy, and unnatural," option D, as we see the speaker describing city life in the poem.

What is setting?

Setting indicates the when and the where of a story, that is, the time and the place where it happens. Although  "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a poem, it too has an urban setting. The author uses symbolism to portray that urban setting as lonely, unnatural and gloomy.

The purpose is to reflect on the outside the way Prufrock feels on the inside. He is a lonely man, shy and timid. He wants to have company, especially of a woman, but he does not have the courage to approach them. As he lives life and walks around town, Prufrock feels even lonelier seeing how each person is closed up in their own homes.

With that in mind, option D is the right choice for this question.

Learn more about setting here:



What 3 questions does Marcellus raise?


3 questions does Marcellus raise- a) Firstly, why does it just arrive at midnight? B) Why do we produce weapons? c) Why do shipbuilders work nonstop?

What do Marcellus and Horatio need to accomplish to satisfy Hamlet?

Horatio and Marcellus call for help, and Hamlet responds. He doesn't say anything in particular, but he does make them swear not to tell anyone what they have seen or heard. Hamlet confides to Horatio that he will pose as insane so that he might see his mother and uncle.

Why are there so many weapons being produced and imported, why are the shipbuilders working every day of the week, even on Sundays? These are some of the questions Marcellus raises.

Marcellus tells Barnardo that he has invited Horatio to see the Ghost for himself because he thinks he can "verify our eyes and speak to it," and that's why. Horatio listens intently as Barnardo prepares to tell the tale of the Ghost's earlier appearance despite his doubts.

To know more about Marcellus visit:



What is the most important message of The Odyssey?


The most important message of The Odyssey were loyalty, vengeance and hospitality. These were important cultural standards held by the Ancient Greeks oftentimes backed by divine law.

The Moral lesson that we  learn from The Odyssey is bravery, heroism, proudful and honor feeling for the Greeks and their culture. It was a symbol of Greek culture because he was intelligent, strong and brave. He didn't just use those traits for himself that helped everyone around him.

The purpose of an Odyssey define many different opinions like it is pure entertainment Others side it is a reflection of Greek religious belief. some people see him as a representative of capacity of man to overcome great obstacles even those presented by the gods.

Learn more about The Odyssey click on the link here:



How is Modernist poetry different from traditional poetry?


Modern or contemporary poetry, in contrast to traditional poetry, is far more fluid and does not adhere to a set form.

What exactly are Traditional Poetry Features and Poems?

Modern or contemporary poetry, in contrast to traditional poetry, is far more fluid and does not adhere to a set form. It is usually written in free poetry, which has no rhyme or meter requirements. Contemporary poetry frequently employs more approachable language that is recognizable to current audiences.

The purity of phrasing in a classical poetry is the first thing that stands noticed. The language may be high, florid, or sensual, but the meaning—the underlying truth conveyed by the poet via his art—is never lost. A modernist poetry, on the other hand, is famous at first for its obscurity.

To learn more about Modernist poetry and traditional poetry to refer:



What are some solutions that can prevent addiction?


Early drug usage, as previously said, increases a person's risk of developing an addiction. Drugs alter the brain, which can result in addiction and other severe issues. prevent addiction

Therefore, lowering these risks may be significantly aided by avoiding drug and alcohol use in adolescence.

Drug usage is significantly more risky when moments of transition are present. A divorce or job loss may make an adult more likely to take drugs. Risky situations for teenagers include relocation, divorce in the family, or switching schools.

35 Children who go on to middle school encounter novel and difficult social, familial, and scholastic circumstances. Children frequently experience things like cigarettes and alcohol for the first time around this time.

Learn more about to prevent addiction visit here;



What is the difference between Athens and Sparta?


Answer: athens was an open society and sparta was a closed one.

Explanation: Athens was a republic vs. sparta was ruled by a few people.there were many differences between the two parties. In 431 BCE a war broke out between the two parties.


Government, economy, and society


The main difference between Athens and Sparta is their government, economy, and society. Athenian society, which was based on trade, valued art and culture and was ruled under a form of democracy. Spartan society, on the other hand, was a militant society whose economy was based on farming and conquering

If you lived during the nineteenth century, would you immigrate to a new country by yourself to pursue an opportunity, or would you pass up the opportunity and remain with your family? Explain your answer.

Read the writing prompt. Which is an appropriate thesis statement for a response to this prompt?
A I believe that spending time with one's family is an important part of life because a family serves as a built-in love and support system in both good times and bad times.I believe that spending time with one's family is an important part of life because a family serves as a built-in love and support system in both good times and bad times.
B While most immigrants viewed Ellis Island as the "Island of Hope," for the small percentage whom doctors and other officials refused entry, it became known as the "Island of Tears."While most immigrants viewed Ellis Island as the "Island of Hope," for the small percentage whom doctors and other officials refused entry, it became known as the "Island of Tears."
C Among the many hardships faced by immigrants in the nineteenth century were long journeys aboard crowded ships, unsanitary conditions, and painful medical examinations.Among the many hardships faced by immigrants in the nineteenth century were long journeys aboard crowded ships, unsanitary conditions, and painful medical examinations.
D I have always believed in taking advantage of any opportunity that comes my way and though it would be difficult, I would say goodbye to my family and immigrate to a new country.


The appropriate thesis statement for a response to this prompt is option A

Spending quality time with one's family is a crucial component of life, in my opinion, because a family provides a built-in love and source of support in both good and bad times.

Why Spending Time With Family Is More Important Than You Think?

Spending time with loved ones can never be a lifestyle choice but a necessity. You must spend some time with your children and your spouse in order to strengthen your bonds. According to research, the greater the frequency of times spent, the greater the marital adjustment and happiness. Work-life balance, family roles, and other factors can all be stressful. Spending time with family, on the other hand, acts as a stress reliever.

How important is marital adjustment in the family?

Marriage and familial function adjustment has a positive impact on family resilience. The greater the adjustment of marriage and family functions, the greater the resilience of newlywed families.

Learn more about quality time from



Why does Shakespeare use iambic pentameter in Midsummer Night's Dream?


Shakespeare use iambic pentameter in Midsummer Night's Dream because the rhythm they use in their lines contributes to the way we see them.

Iambic pentameter is a kind of metric line employed in ancient English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words therein line; rhythm is measured in tiny teams of syllables known as "foot".

William Shakespeare was an English author, writer and actor. he's wide considered the best author within the English language and therefore the world's pre-eminent writer. he's usually referred to as England's national writer and therefore the "Bard of Avon".

To learn more about iambic pentameter here



What are the three meanings of the word Bayan in Philippine history?


Bayan can refer to a community, a town, or a country. A bayani is a hero and bayanihan means literally "being heroes" for the community.

The Filipino word bayan can refer to a neighborhood, town, or country. Community and town are locations where Filipinos associate themselves. Filipinos associate themselves with people in their community and nation. Filipinos relate to bayan as the town center in many provinces.

The term bayanihan is deduced from the words bayan (community) and bayani (people) (hero). Bayanihan occurs when Filipinos band together to perform selfless acts of kindness for people and communities in need. Giving assistance without being asked, even to unknown people, is a defining feature of Filipino culture.

For more information on Bayan, visit :



What is one major accomplishment of the Department of Defense?


According to Michael D. Griffin, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, among the many outstanding achievements of DoD engineers include the creation of the Global Positioning System and the mass manufacture of penicillin.

The Department of Defense is in charge of providing the armed forces required to prevent conflict and safeguard national security.

With over 1.3 million men and women on active duty, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force make up the bulk of these forces.

In an amendment to the original 1947 statute, the National Military Establishment was renamed the "Department of Defense" on August 10, 1949, and it incorporated the three cabinet-level military departments.

Learn more about to Department of Defense visit here;



What type of word is luxurious?





How do you find the leading term and degree?


The word with the highest degree—i.e., the term with the largest power of the variable—is the leading term. The leading coefficients is the leading term's degree.

How can you determine a polynomial's leading term?

The part with the greatest rank of x is the leading term in a polynomial. A polynomial's leading coefficient is the factor of the following term. In the aforementioned example, the leading coefficient is 3.

What degree is the highest?

A polynomial's leading term is simply the word with the greatest degree, and as we can see, this is 3x5. The highest degree term's multiplier is the leading coefficient.

To know more about polynomial visit:



Is Gilgamesh in love with Enkidu?


For instance, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are said to have a sexual relationship and love one other as husband and wife.

They embrace and kiss regularly, and in several instances as they are travelling to the Cedar Forest, they huddle up against the weather. The vocabulary and depictions of Gilgamesh and Enkidu's connection throughout the epic imply that their love goes beyond platonic, but there is insufficient evidence to conclusively state that it is sexual. For instance, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are said to have a sexual relationship and love one other as husband and wife. They embrace and kiss regularly, and in several instances as they are travelling to the Cedar Forest, they huddle up against the weather. The connection is also defined by what Gilgamesh does not do. Gilgamesh never mentions sleeping with a woman after Enkidu shuts the wedding chamber door, and he even comes up with an excuse to refuse Ishtar.

Know more about Gilgamesh here:



What are the biggest decision that you make in your entire life?


i had to choose between my parents or my mental health and chose to leave my parents for a better mental health

Regina decides to use moist heat cooking techniques to cook a nutrient-rich meal consisting of brown rice, some fish, and a thick cut of meat. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences that explain the technique Regina should use to cook each item.


Tougher meat pieces like beef chuck, shank, or brisket, as well as highly fibrous vegetables like collard greens or pea pods and legumes like beans and lentils, benefit from the wet heat.

What is Cooking With Wet Heat?You can make all of your favorite dishes by cooking them using "wet heat." Learn more about utilizing wet heat to prepare nutritious meals by reading on.Wet heat is a healthful way to cook food : A procedure known as "wet heat" cooking involves submerging food into hot liquid or exposing it to steam to cook it. Softening stiff food fibers is a strong suit of wet cooking techniques. Strongly fibrous vegetables like collard greens or pea pods, as well as legumes like beans and lentils, benefit from the wet heat. Tougher kinds of meat, like a beef chuck, shank, or brisket, also taste better when cooked this way. The use of little or no additional fat makes wet heat a low-fat cooking technique. Wet heat is an effective cooking method for meats, fish, white-meat fowl, and vegetables.

To Learn more About wet heat refer To:




What is card stacking argument?


A one-sided argument is an informal fallacy that happens when just the reasons supporting a proposition are provided, but all arguments against it are left out. It is  referred  as card stacking,

Card stacking is a form of propaganda in which one side of an issue or argument is portrayed favorably in the media while the other side is minimized. The goal of propaganda is to persuade an audience, usually on political issues.

When the content supplied for one side of a concept or an argument is shown in a positive way, and any negative information is either ignored or greatly understated, this is known as card stacking propaganda or selective omission. Card stacking works well because the information supplied is typically accurate. In most countries that allow free speech and the press, card stacking is likewise entirely legal, with little to no government interference in the means of organization and communication.

To know more about  card stacking click here,



What does speaking in blank verse show?



Shakespeare's use of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter, is an important element of his plays. In rhymed verse, the words fall at the end of lines.


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